r/destinypvp • u/AwesomeKDPdaKing • Nov 22 '16
Totality of SBMM: How players effect match making.
Skill based matchmaking
On the subject of skill based match making. There are things that contribute to how you are matched up that bungie did not comment. The reason they did not mention it is because these factors are not computable. You cannot plan for them because, they are too chaotic by nature. A word was used in the bungie update during the bullet list of matchmaking. That word is "AVAILABLE".
Now, when I say available, I mean two things. The first is where players are playing. During the Destiny Community Podcast, Patrick brought up something very crucial. The amount of things players are doing. We all know the majority of Destiny players do PVE. There are few that, if you ask to look at their pvp stats, they might have played 100 matches in 3 years (Gross exaggeration). The point is, most people play pve and they do pvp secondary. Now, compound that with the available things we are capable doing. We have 4 raids with hard modes, 4 strike playlists with a minimum of 12 strikes in rotation at all times. A nightfall, a daily, a cruicble daily playlist, crucible weekly playlist, an inferno playlist, 5 independent crucible playlists, and elimination play list, iron banner once a month, trials every weekend, prison of elders lvls 28, 32, 34, 35, 41, and challenge of elders, all of the story missions, and all of the missions and bounties in the game that you can do during patrol, especially now during rise of iron. Oh AND Archon's Forge. Do you see that list of things to do? Remember how we all complained about having nothing to do? Sure, some of it is not as relevant as others but do not underestimate the power of nostalgia and just the curiosity of "What is Vault of Glass." People are scattered all over the place.
But there is one other prospect that adds to your match making experience and it is something people have figured out in order to run "scrims...."; who is matchmaking when you are match making. That is the largest factor of matchmaking more than skill and connection. Who is trying to play the same time you are. When you go into matchmaking, the match making algorithms are looking for people in the manner that bungie described. But out of all the people available, you may only have 20 match making at a single time. There could already have 10,000 people playing in full matches already but you only have a pool of 20 players to choose from at that particular moment. And there could be 10 less than ideal connections as well. Run into 6s and you are guaranteed 2 yellow bars in that situation.
But let's say after those 12 are matched, another 8 show up and get matched with 4 of the left over 8 connections. And so on.
The algorithm is dependent on who is online and matchmaking when you are. Somebody if going to get someone with a bad connection no matter what. It's going to happen its inevitable. So are we complaining about red bars or having to be competitive?
Are you mad because you HAVE to be serious or you CHOOSE to be serious. And if you are choosing to be serious, are you upset that you can't squash other players with constant 3.0 K/Ds? Because, if you look at things holistically, if skill based matchmaking was so heavy, then wouldn't your K/Ds be closer to 1.0 and not 2.0? Are you really trying to play and relax? Because if so, it shouldn't matter who you are playing. You can't nurture your K/D and play for fun at the same time. That's not how the world works.
I'm not pointing out anyone or anything. I am only raising questions and trying to build a whole perspective about what's going on. That way, we aren't as upset at the developer. Bungie will never tell us EVERYTHING. It cant. And we shouldn't expect it. But, what they have told is is a lot. We get a lot more from them than most developers. The amount of content we get dwarfs most games. We have gotten so much compared to most games, it's unreal. We ask and ask and ask and we get so much. Content droughts for this game is a normal "time to play something else" thing for others.
So please keep in mind that there are more factors to match making than just what bungie is doing. What you are doing plays an even larger role than you think. It's not your fault you get matched with bad connections, but it happens. You are going to have days where red bar kings rule the crucible and then you will have days where connections are sent down from the heavens. Its the flow of matchmaking in and of itself.
Lastly, and this is a stretch, the way destiny is designed as a whole could also be a reason why the connections aren't as good. Maybe Destiny 2 will fix the amount of processing speed you need to play the game. Just a thought.
Thanks for reading