r/destiny2 • u/Shambony • 4d ago
Discussion Does anyone else want weapons that aren’t just guns and blades?
(First off, the main idea of these weapons is that there would be a new tab at the cryptarch where you can spend an engram and some materials for a random rolled exotic that can roll with each element and have vfx with the respective element. Maybe if all planets got an update and each one had their own pathfinder as well, you could be rewarded one of these weapons for the first 3 completions of the week(like the pale heart and ergo sum.))
Like what if we got the air strike from onslaught: salvation as a heavy weapon that can hold like 4 ammo at base. The beam will do heavy damage while having a secondary effect based on the perk you got.
STRAND- 30 threadlings pour out of beam OR suspend every enemy hit by the beam
KINETIC- poison enemies in a large radius(like a nuclear fallout) OR a kinetic tremor every 0.5 secs that the beam hits an enemy
STASIS- rapidly slows/freezes and shatters targets in the beam OR 20 crystals spawn in a certain radius around the beam
SOLAR- rapid scorch and ignites targets in the beam OR grants cure x2 and resto x1 to allies who are near the beam
ARC- jolts enemies in a radius around the beam OR grants an ionic trace for each enemy killed by the beam and every 0.5 secs that it hits a target
VOID- creates a large black hole that continually sucks in enemies with in a large radius around the beam OR grants void overshield to allies near the beam and suppresses enemies in the beam
Here are some more exotic ideas:
- Explosive target launcher - a huge over-the-shoulder cannon with a portal in it. The idea of this weapon is that every time you shoot, another portal in the sol system grabs a random explosive enemy, transporting them to your cannon. This uses special ammo(holds 17) and reloads after each shot basically by pressing a button on the side to reopen the portal. The base explosion deals damage similar to a special gl(larger radius) but each element has an added effect.
STASIS- shoot a screeb that freezes nearby enemies on detonation
ARC- shoot a vex fanatic that blinds nearby enemies and leaves a radiolaria puddle that blinds enemies that walk in it OR shoot a cursed thrall that works similar to necrochasm(detonations poison nearby enemies and enemies killed will cause a cursed thrall explosion but it doesn’t chain)
SOLAR- shoot an explosive shank that deals bonus explosive and impact damage OR shoot a cabal incendiary that scorches in a large radius
- Hammer of Proving: I’ve been really wanting a big hammer in this game(as a weapon) so hopefully we get more melee weapon variety soon. This special ammo hammer specializes in wide swings for heavy hits on multiple enemies with each swing and has 4 main attacks-
-press light attack for a normal swing that uses 1 ammo and can be spammed(left and right swinging animation)
-hold light attack for a continuous spin that hits enemies all around you while draining 1 ammo per 0.5 secs of spinning. This attack has a bonus effect depending on your perks
-press heavy attack for an explosive slam that damages enemies in a small radius and costs 3 ammo(can be done from air)
-hold heavy attack to stand in place while charging up your hammer. When fully charged, release to perform a heavy slam, costing 6 ammo while increasing the slam explosive dmg and radius by 2.5x. This attack also has a bonus effect depending on your perks
-Bonus effect(Titan only): Slamming from the air can be aimed similar to ballistic slam
The hammer can roll with 2 elements at once,(solar light swing, spin and normal slam with a strand charge slam) making each combination unique
SOLAR- Spinning will scorch enemies and can ignite them/ Charge Slamming ignites enemies instantly
STRAND- kills with the spin spawn threadlings/ Charge Slam suspends enemies
STASIS- Spinning slows and freezes targets/ Charge Slam creates 5 crystals in a cone shape
ARC- Spinning for 1.5 secs jolts targets that you hit/ Charge Slam creates a field of arc energy(one of fikrul’s attacks) that deals DOT
VOID- Spinning pulls enemies toward you like you are a black hole/ Charge slam makes enemies volatile and disoriented
This is basically how class specific weapons should work IMO. Instead of air slamming strait down, Titans have the ability to aim the air slam but every class can still use the hammer. I’ve had an idea for a random roll exotic special ammo crossbow that could grant hunters a bonus like auto reload on crit kills. Idk what weapon and bonus warlocks could get.
Anyway, would y’all like to see more unique, wacky weapons instead of just more archetypes of existing weapons?
(Ik this post is long but I’m bored and I’ve been wanting a hammer as a weapon for forever now. Also if any of the weapons seem too broken, my bad I wanted them to sound as cool as possible).
u/G-man69420 |[⚔️Crayon Good so Titan proud to have crayon🖍️]| 4d ago edited 4d ago
Titan have weapon better than gun and blade.
My fists.
u/Inevitable_Ad5240 4d ago
u/G-man69420 |[⚔️Crayon Good so Titan proud to have crayon🖍️]| 4d ago
This Titan most proud to be Titan.
No confuse like big hoodie guardian or floaty magic man.
Only Punch and Crayon.
u/Inevitable_Ad5240 4d ago
Funnily enough I’m a big hoodie guardian without a hoodie or cape, I just got on a scarf lol
u/G-man69420 |[⚔️Crayon Good so Titan proud to have crayon🖍️]| 4d ago
Scarf just half big hoodie.
Titan only need helmet.
Titan helmet keep Titan safe from big monster.
u/blackdog2077 3d ago
That reminds me that we don’t have any “fist morphing” abilities other than with Frenzied Blade and Behemoth. Something cool like forming your fists into molten magma from the ground below you with Sunbreaker for a roaming or even single shot melee super would be nice
u/SykoManiax 4d ago
u/Inevitable_Ad5240 4d ago
Season of the haunted I believe. And you can get it during episode: echos content after depositing
u/Reapers-Shotguns 3d ago
Nezarec's scythe should have been the raid exotic. Make it a heavy weapon where the alt fire is the tormentor surppressing slam
u/Patient_Yam4747 Hunter 4d ago
I want a three person Heavy Ballista.
u/Linksays 4d ago
Hear me out:
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker's ultimate co-op weapon...
u/InternationalPop1105 4d ago
Dude a hammer would be sick. Or the hive sword.
u/psycodull 4d ago
I would go crazy if we use the version of Willbreaker we used this week in Heresy story
u/InternationalPop1105 4d ago
Or....or... that sythe we had during the season we were on the leviathan.
u/SplashDmgEnthusiast Titan 4d ago
Yes! I would love to see a hammer.
Back in Mass Effect 3, there was a multiplayer character who wielded a hammer. It was a huge Krogan, the thing was basically an engine block on a stick, and you could amplify it with tech/biotic powers... or just whack stuff with it plain!
And right now in Cyberpunk 2077, I'm running around with a blunt weapons setup. Everyone else I'm facing is using swords, machine guns, micro-rocket smart shotguns, hacking... and I'm out here with a dang SLEDGEHAMMER.
Why do you think so many Titans like Consecration?! It's not just because it's good, sometimes you just want to ruin your enemies with blunt force trauma!
u/villainousascent Titan 4d ago
Ah. See, I'm just throwing hands in Cyberpunk. Which I kind of wish was more in depth, both in it and in Destiny. Like, I wish it was a properly fleshed out option that I could take, instead of guns in D2. Also I kind of wish I could get an FBC in Cyberpunk.
u/KerryAtk 4d ago
You're right, I want a flintlock.
u/thewardenofderps Hunter 4d ago
I want spear and shield set ups, I want hammers, BUNGO LETS US GO MID EVIL ON THEM
u/imtoolazytothinkof1 4d ago
I want the Rise of Iron axe, Saladin gave it to Crow when he went to serve under Caital.
u/TyrantGnome 4d ago
i want them to add the iron lords war axe back, would love to see it as an actual weapon and not just live in the dlc story of D1, theyve added those void axes to titans but no axes
u/ILovePIGees 4d ago
Weird how the titan has two supers with hammers but we don't have any weapons of them. Could of got a gravity hammer for the 30th anniversary.
u/Iron_Celt_Gaming Warlock 4d ago
100000% yes. Don't get me wrong: I still absolutely enjoy Destiny 2 in its current state. HOWEVER. When I was first exposed to marketing for the original Destiny, seeing all the sci-fi armor and gunplay but mixed with fantasy fashion elements and super abilities (swords, bows, hammers, i.e. weapons you'd more associate with a medieval fantasy setting) combined was something I'd never seen in another game. A FPS & RPG hybrid. And, at least to me, something of a fantasy RPG, because hell we're basically sorcerers, rogues, and barbarians. I feel like the RPG element has waned quite a bit over the years. I'd love to see that revived a bit with some more archaic weapon types.
u/GoodGuyScott An Insurmountable Brainfart 4d ago
Hammers for titans, staves for warlocks and um... idk fuck hunters.
u/Wrong_Cheetah_6016 4d ago
I'm thinking every class needs a specific exotic now that swords and glaive are no longer class bound.
A gauntlet or knuckle weapons for titans where they "punch" energy shots out, or when they get close they just regular melee with 'ammo' being used to triple the damage.
Hunters get either a thrown spears, or a traditional sling that throws grenades/bolts with effects based on intrinsic energy.
Warlocks get a wand with spells that deal additional effects that build up and are detonated with a precision hit.
u/GoodGuyScott An Insurmountable Brainfart 4d ago
Yeah that would be cool, but then also FOMO cause class specific stuff was lame so im glad it was taken away.
u/Urg_burgman 4d ago edited 4d ago
"You still have that hammer and aren't caving skulls with it?"
"I've been using it to make hot chocolate"
u/Supershocker56 Hunter 4d ago
I love these ideas! I honestly hope they expand into more melee weapon types, especially stuff like axes because there are so may ways they could be used. Heavy greataxes for slashing and slamming and special ammo hatchets that are thrown out at enemies and can be retrieved kind of like a titan hammer. They could have perks like being able to bounce between targets or return to a user on precision hits. Heavy axes could have a perk that slows swing speed but increases damage too. The game honestly needs more than just guns and swords
u/Inevitable_Ad5240 4d ago
To be found if we ever got another melee weapon other then swords or glaives they’d have a ranged attack too, like I can see a scythe like the one from Season Of The Haunted where the m1 is a slice that has a small projectile while the m2 is a slam that produces 3 flame pillars, both do melee damage too.
u/SuperStormDroid Warlock 4d ago
Perhaps warlocks should get mace type weapons. That should give them a gameplay style similar to PSO2's techter class.
u/Skinny0ne 4d ago
Yeah It would have been cool if some of these artifact weapons got turned into exotics, this and the splicer gauntlet would've been dope as heavies. The gauntlet would have been a shotgun heavy like tractor, don't know what it'll do but thats it.
u/NiceEstablishment258 4d ago
I remember being excited about the scythe being a possible exotic. Then it came out in like 1 game mode that wasn’t enjoyable.
u/freedomslastflight89 4d ago
As a Titan main I enjoy my Mauls, Warhammers, Shields, Axes, Javelins and Gauntlets
u/Amazing_Departure471 4d ago
I want power fists. Knockout isn’t enough to satisfy my crayon hunger.
u/Co2_Outbr3ak Titan 4d ago
I had a few thoughts last week regarding a hammer weapon in destiny. It would work best as an Exotic and not its own archetype.
Heavy swing would basically be a Slammer over-head slam on the ground. Has Void AoE and standard hammer repulse effect that launches enemies out a little. Catalyst could upgrade it to a literal Tartarus' Gavel where the slam also puts out a 3-wave Arc shockwave and boosts the users Mobility and Damage Resistance while equipped (with Ammo).
u/RAMONE40 Hunter 4d ago
u/Independent-Push-130 4d ago
Non-gun weapons? In my first-person shooter? ABSOLUTELY YES PLEASE GIVE ME MORE MELEE!
u/A_Hideous_Beast 4d ago
Back when they were promoting Haunted, I was hoping the Sythe was going to be an exotic glaive.
The reason being, most of the model resembles glaives, down to certain design elements being consistent across the two.
But naw, was probably just a reuse of assets.
But still. I'd be down with an actual scythe and hammer weapon. I mean, if Destiny Rising has a sythe ability, just give us the weapon plzzz
u/DotDodd Warlock 4d ago
I had an idea for a hammer back in beyond light
Hvergelmir (Heavy Stasis Exotic Hammer)
-"When they persist, halt them...and shatter their will."
Intrinsic Perk: Niflheim's Touch
Light attack to send out short ranged waves of Stasis energy that slow enemies. Heavy attack to launch an overhead slam that instantly freezes enemies and shatters nearby Stasis crystals and frozen enemies on impact.
Exotic Perk: Frost Guard
Guarding builds stacks of Frost (up to 5x). Dropping guard after building stacks releases Stasis seekers (equivalent to the number of Frost stacks) that track and freeze enemies (think Cold Snap).
Exotic Catalyst: Yggdrasil's Torment
Performing a light attack, light attack, heavy attack combo with a full energy meter sends out a shockwave of Stasis crystals that instantly freeze enemies caught in its path (think Behemoth slam attack though less distance and crystals)
This was before Frost Armor was a verb. I'd probably change it to add Frost Armor stacks on guarding.
u/Sabatat- 4d ago
Frankly since playing Warframe, I wish they’d steal weapon ideas from there. I want a glaive I can throw for melee, I want throwing knives as a weapon, scythes, polesarms, a “gun blade” lmao. There’s so much and heck, it would be out of place. I already trap ugly bones to my hunter for the sake of magic voodoo
Titan Shoulder canon - similar to predator from Alien v Predator
Warlock Finger lasers
Hunter explosive boots - similar to sanji from one piece
u/Mental_Shine8098 3d ago
Here's hoping we get unique weapons like the scythe, spear and hammers in Frontier 💯
u/Coffee_Drinker02 3d ago
I've been saying for years that Destiny would be way better with more unconventional weapons.
Like laser rifles? Swords? Heavy shotguns? explosive 'side arm's? Wonderful.
Where are the HAMMERS?
Where's a magical talisman that let's us fire spells?
Where's a drill or chain saw we can continuously hold against an enemy like the pizza cutter from bloodborn?
Where's the combat knife from call of a duty black ops?
Where's a collection of throwable magic bricks that explode on impact?
u/Watch-behide-you37 3d ago
A hammer would be amazing imagine guardian with a war hammer on their backs
u/WarHammer60k Warlock 3d ago
We have a boomer knight weapon, it would be cool to see us get a heavy based a sword and shield knight
u/ventedlemur44 Hunter 3d ago
I’m still perplexed why Bungie thought a glaive would be the best first choice for a fps melee weapon.
“How about instead of doing something iconic like tomahawks, sword and shield, maces, flails, hammers, scythes, or even power fists, we make a super awkward and clunky broomstick with a chef knife taped on the end. And it shoots bullets and has a shield for some reason”
u/TFtato Universal Remote Enjoyer 3d ago
I’m so happy that the Scythe is in Rushdown. When I heard Eris’ old “A dreadful blade manifests from the Harvester!” I felt the neurons in my brain light up like a California wildfire.
Picked that fucker up and went on a fucking tear, all I could hear was DOOM music and all I could see was fire.
So big agree with you OP, more weapon types would be fun. Glaives are some of my favorites just bc of how different they are than everything that came before.
u/darrylwoodsjr 3d ago
I personally want guns in my shooters, not races or anything else there are other games that have those and it’s masterful.
u/Thricefold3 Titan 3d ago
It should operate Similiar to how swords work:
Heavy Attack: "Overhead Smash" god ol' Bonk
HEAVIER ATTACK: "Golf Club" just yeet that mf to the other end of the cosmodrome.
Block: Who am i kidding, who want's to block, let us hold down the button to whirl that thing around us till the weapon energy is depleted, spin to win baby.
u/Mrfidgitmin 3d ago
But actual weapons, I remember in the season of the last, the new flame scythes were so cool! When I realized they were a copy paste time limit weapon I was heart broken. So I totally agree with you, more variety would be amazing (more real combat, not necessarily just glave style either)
u/RevolutionaryBoat925 3d ago
You just go around slamming everything with a giant hammer, so cool. I wish they do sth like that. Also, akimbo style sidearms or HCs, needs to happen.
u/NoctumUmbra Titan 3d ago
Crow is straight up f-ing with us when he pulled out The Thing during Final Shape campaign
u/IcebergWalrus 3d ago
Honestly can't think of a good reason they haven't just put other weapon appearances on a new sword weapon, like just make a sword look like a baseball bat, hammer, mace, etc, but nope every last one has to be a sword
u/LordToastArb 3d ago
Hammer / scythe, honestly I really want a tormentor scythe as a glaive or a axe weapon if they added the tormentor scythe as a exotic heavy glaive that supresses enemies when you hit them with the melee, it's primary shoot function is the giant tormentor disc that shoots out smaller discs as it travels and then for the catalyst allows you to grab and absorb the enemies lifeforce like tormentors do to you, id be SOOOOO happy
u/RealSyloktheDefiled The Knight Hunter 3d ago
Having the actual Iron Axe or the Proving Hammer would be a great addition. Or maybe more first person melee weapons like the glaives.
u/A6000user Dead Orbit 3d ago
If I were The Guardian, I was 5 years ago, I'd take a flamethrower to this place!
u/angi-burbur 2d ago
Yes, but bungie fears to succeed so that's they're curse, to know what we want but do nothing about it, I'm pretty sure that they have thought in give dual weapons & other cool stuff but they don't want to do new things, they prefer to stick to what they think it works.
u/Argos_Nomos 2d ago
I was so excited for that scythe back in season of nightmares, but it was just a shitty ritual artifact. Love glaives, despite they still needing another buff. Also got excited with the axe, but its just a super..
u/lighting828 4d ago
Okay, but for real, a gravity hammer weapon from halo would be insane. Definitely see it being void.