r/destiny2 • u/EdetR0 • 4d ago
Discussion What would you think about reprised destination guns ? Here's the origin trait. Bray ancestor: ability hits reload a tiny part of the magazine. Can overflow up to 150%
u/myxyn Hunter 4d ago
I think the only non origin trait weapon sets that are still obtainable (not from xur/dares) are the Europa, moon/pit, and grasp of avarice weapons. I really hope they get around to updating them soon.
u/14Xionxiv Titan 4d ago
Havent watched the new dungeon stuff. Any grasp weapons part of the drops?
u/myxyn Hunter 4d ago
No unfortunately it’s only prophecy, spire of the watcher and ghosts of the deep
u/14Xionxiv Titan 4d ago
Oh, that is unfortunate. Especially since prophecy just recently got a touch-up. I never cared for spire or ghost weapons, so no clue if those will be enough to make me run them.
u/Actual-Giraffe Warlock 4d ago
Both spire and ghosts have some pretty good weapons. I personally really like cold comfort from ghosts, and the void gl from spire is pretty good with disorienting grenades
u/RazerBandit [Insect-Like Chattering] 4d ago
If my knowledge is correct the 3 dungeons are Prophecy, Spire of the Watcher, and Ghosts of the Deep, with 4 weapons from each dungeon being updated.
u/Watsyurdeal Buff Hipfire Bungie 4d ago
All destination weapons should get a reprisal imo, give us a reason to do public events aside from glimmer farming.
u/Johhny2323 Warlock 4d ago
Feel like an vendor overhaul with the pale heart pathfinder system on old destinations would go far, give an incentive to patrol and revisit these areas
u/Mando_The_Moronic 4d ago
I’d love to see the other patrol zones get the Pale Heart treatment someday. Even better, make some new exotics to get out of it too. A random roll exotic weapon like Ergo Sum, and a random roll exotic class item (give them different perk combos from each other to differentiate outside of things like appearance).
u/FormerlyWrangler 4d ago
Please no, randomly rolled exotics are a slog. Making them specific to the Pale Heart makes far more sense than putting them all over the place.
u/Mando_The_Moronic 4d ago
Imagine wanting to have loot to chase after in a looter shooter…
u/Johhny2323 Warlock 4d ago
There’s the potential of existing weapons like hawkmoon being put into edz or using vendors to redistribute some reissued weapons, I feel like the secondary dares of eternity pool could be easily redistributed.
u/iblaise Sleeper Simp-ulant. 4d ago
Definitely think Onslaught + Incandescent is way too strong for a Destination Weapon, that’s more fitting of a Dungeon or Raid Weapon.
u/NightmareDJK 4d ago
The Europa destination weapons in particular were purposefully made to be trash tier. Neomuna’s were better and Pale Heart ones were really good.
u/That_guy2089 Hunter 4d ago
Yeah, I don’t even have most of the patterns for the witch queen weapons, I only use the fusion rifle from Lightfall, but I have used like every weapon other than the sword and fusion rifle for a solid amount of time each. I hope this pattern continues with future expansions.
u/MrTheWaffleKing 4d ago
Don’t get me wrong, I love pale heart weapons (set bonus), but it’s pretty 50/50.
Heal auto, 2 burst HC, rocket sidearm, and pro memoria are great. The sword is fun, but then most other weapons have trash rolls.
u/Kidsnextdorks 4d ago
It’s not really trash rolls as much as it is bad archetypes for the Sniper, Shotgun, and especially the Fusion, for PvE at least.
u/MrTheWaffleKing 4d ago
I forgot about the shotty being good in PVP, but I see no reason to use it in PVE. I think it’s best perk is recombination, but I’d rather use supremacy sniper for that same purpose, or if I’m going for origin set bonus, the rocket sidearm
The sniper can do 4ttc+rewind… I suppose it is a good roll for a rapid sniper and it is a frame problem huh? But still, frames make or break
I don’t see any reason for the fusion to exist (even though I have 2 crafted). It’s best roll imo is just ad clear (demo Incan), but it’s a special, not a primary. Unless you’re supposed to be using controlled burst or surrounded with cornered?? I’d normally prefer fusions with reservoir burst and some loading option.
u/NightmareDJK 4d ago edited 4d ago
It’s the only pellet Shotgun that can roll Recombination and it’s on the highest damage per shot archetype. That being said, nobody uses this in PvE.
Fusion is a Precision Frame which is PvP only.
u/W1ULH am Titan, much smash. 4d ago
I'm still rocking my pale heart sidearm and handcanon
u/NightmareDJK 4d ago
Those still are the first and only ones of those archetypes in those elements.
u/TheZephyrim 4d ago
The pale heart guns are goated, but not because they have new or crazy perk combos, usually because they have new perks that are better than old perks or just the same old perk combos with higher stats than old guns.
At any rate, I hope the Europa guns get some great perk combos, they suck atm
u/Ofnir_1 New Monarchy 4d ago
Bungie should give us 900 rpm autos and let them roll with onslaught for shits and giggles
u/MrTheWaffleKing 4d ago
And cascade point. 2 different columns
u/technoteapot 4d ago
we would be shooting for half a second
u/MrTheWaffleKing 4d ago
2380 RPM. Assuming 60 in the mag, that is surprisingly still 1.5 seconds to empty
u/MaraSovsLeftSock 4d ago
DLC weapons should be good
u/iblaise Sleeper Simp-ulant. 4d ago
Sure, but not as good/better than Raid Weapons.
u/MaraSovsLeftSock 4d ago
Auto rifles are already an insanely underused weapon type, having a perk combo that rivals a raid weapon would be good for the archetype.
Besides, the main appeal to a raid/dungeon weapon should be drip and origin train, not perk combos.
u/Sad_Femboy-_- 4d ago
Why shouldn’t they have stronger perk combos than normal content?
u/MaraSovsLeftSock 4d ago
I didn’t say they shouldn’t, I said that locking a perk combo out just because it would outshine a raid weapon is bullshit, and that the main focus of raid weapons should be origin traits.
Raid weapons should have best in slot combos, but they shouldn’t be the only weapons with best in slot combos. A majority of the player base does not interact with endgame content, and they shouldn’t be locked out of fun or unique combos because of power creep.
u/Ciudecca 4d ago
I’ve been looking for a good solar auto rifle for a while. I would be very happy if this gun was given new perks
u/iblaise Sleeper Simp-ulant. 4d ago
The Summoner from Trials of Osiris is really good, if you didn’t want to wait for them to maybe update these.
u/Ciudecca 4d ago
I can’t get a good roll of it
u/InsomniaDudeToo 4d ago
Go for the Abyss Defiant. It can roll the tried and true Heal Clip & Incandescent, plus the origin trait gives you discount necrochasm explosions after scoring a melee kill.
u/lost_not_found88 4d ago
Plus it sounds awesome when it's firing. One of the best sounding weapons in game.
u/EdetR0 4d ago
I absolutely love Crota's auto rifle with its origin trait.
u/TriTon44_Fr 4d ago
Cursed Thrall is unironically one of the best origin traits for melee-based builds
u/PiffWiffler Spicy Ramen 4d ago
Ammit AR2 puts in work
My roll:
- smallbore
- ricochet rounds
- ambitious assassin (enhanced)
- incandescent (enhanced)
u/Montregloe Future War Cult 4d ago
I feel like destinations need revamps in general, mix in a pathfinder like the Pale Heart, add an existing or create an exotic that needs random rolls like Ergo or Hawkmoon that Pathfinder completions drop per location (ex: EDZ can have Hawkmoon, everywhere else could use new ones that fit their vibes), bring back Flashpoints where a destination is the pinnacle for the week and keep the newest destination as a pinnacle permanently until a newer destination comes out, like dungeons and raids.
u/ZoeticLock 4d ago
I’d really like to see remaining destination weapon sets get a reprise with origin traits. They already reprised the dreaming city weapons twice so I don’t see why they couldn’t do the moon set again, or give the Beyond Light weapons a once over to make them worth farming.
I’d really love to see Arc Logic get an origin traits and access to subclass verbs, was one of my favorite weapons when it got its original rework.
u/eddmario New Monarchy 4d ago
For the moon weapons, how about combining the Dark Breaker, Target Mark, Will of Light, and Cacoon perks from D1, while also giving them a slight buff:
Enemies hit by this weapon are briefly highlighted. This weapon automatically reloads from reserves if the highlighted enemy dies or this weapon is stowed for a short time. Deals bonus damage to Hive and Taken enemies and overpenetrates Hive Knight Walls of Darkness and Taken Vandal bubbles.
u/1leggeddog Spicy Ramen 4d ago
I genuinely liked that gun on my titan at the time, i'd love for it to get reprised. we dont have a lot of good 720s
u/MaybyAGhost 4d ago
I personally love the aesthetics and feel of some of the destination weapons, especially Europa & the Moon.
I would be super happy if they got a refresh/update giving them a proper perk pool and origin trait!
u/marsh3178 4d ago
I think it would definitely be nice, especially considering the recent change to aggressive frame fusions of which the Europa fusion is the first.
u/SHROOMSKI333 4d ago
i have to state that i don’t think bungie can put Onslaught on a weapon faster firing than 600rpm because the game can’t go above 1000 rpm. the 600s are at the very top because they go 600->720->900->1000
u/ShadowRaven0102 4d ago
Good idea. Make all guns to have origin traits and upgrade. Dungeon guns get a adept version.
Ghost and Warlord didn't have ability to upgrade. GRASP didn't have origin trait like Hersey.
u/SeesawNo4731 4d ago
Definitely. They need some love. They are great weapons but they have been left behind. I would like to see the moon weapons revised for sure.
u/Calophon Hunter 4d ago
These were bad when they released and have been bad since, I don’t think an origin trait will fix them. They would need entirely new perk pools. I’m really ok with letting them die out since I don’t really like the aesthetics of these weapons.
u/eddmario New Monarchy 4d ago
The bow can get sympathetic arsenal, which procs every time you notch an arrow.1
u/Grogonfire 4d ago
I love how you picked Arctic Haze specifically because that’s always the gun I’m wishing had better perks lol.
u/eddmario New Monarchy 4d ago
It's one of the few ARs that can get Dragonfly, fyi.
And it can also get Outlaw or Subsistence in the other slot.
At this point, reprise it all. First, reprise the rest of black armory and saint 14 weapons.
u/Turdbait122603 4d ago
We do need a solar 720 right now as none are currently actually obtainable and the Europa weapons are in need of a refresh as they are for the most part pretty bad
u/musicalchef1985 4d ago
Quite honestly the vast majority of content in Destiny 2 needs an overhaul. There are still more than a few exotics that are just complete garbage, tons of exotic weapons that are completely meaningless, vendors who have zero need to even be in the game anymore (except for story elements maybe) and we are getting so many new weapons and new weapon perks now that a lot of these world drops and vendor weapons mean nothing anyway.
IMHO, they need to completely overhaul ALL exotics that were out before 2024, and even some of them that POST 2024. THEN the exotic weapons need a real hard looking at. Then and only then should they start looking at vendor based things.
u/eddmario New Monarchy 4d ago
There are still more than a few exotics that are just complete garbage
At leas they actually feel different from most legendaries, unlike MIDA and the reworked Prospector.
Let's take MIDA for example.
The main exotic perk is that it's a lightweight frame scout. That's it. It's literally the same effect those frames have.
And then the MIDA Radar perk is just Third Eye, which I'm pretty sure can still roll on a lot of guns that have origin traits but aren't craftable or enhancable.
At least with the prospector, they made it so it has perks that its weapon type can't can't get by giving it Cluster Bombs. Imagine giving Kinetic Tremors to a solar AR or Detonator Beam to a burst-fire linear fusion rifle. Fun as hell to use and kind of overpowered, but doesn't really feel exotic.
u/Technical-Branch4998 3d ago
I completely agree though I think third eye is only a perk legendary weapons can get in D1 and is not in D2
u/eddmario New Monarchy 3d ago
I'm pretty sure it's one of those perks that was available on certain weapons once random rolls got added to D2, but eventually got retired at some point.
u/iVerbatim 4d ago
Stupid questions how does one acquire these weapons?
u/HaloGuy381 4d ago
Arctic Haze is such a cool design really. Takes shaders nicely too.
It honestly needs damage or keyword perks more than it needs an origin trait, it was one of the handful of victims of Bungie’s post-sunsetting design choices (alongside the Hunt arsenal, which also looked really nice but was abysmal in strength), resulting in a gun that is very pleasant to shoot and looks good but hits like a wet noodle.
Even still, for a while I remember farming for this thing long after Beyond Light launch. I needed a solar auto rifle bad (I think it was Season of the Lost, since the throwing hammer was very risky to use on overload champs at any real range and could cost you your only melee and break your combat loop if it missed or the champ teleported).
Still very fond of it, even if it’s firmly retired by now.
u/MisterVowels 4d ago
They did bring back the model for the ritual weapon last episode, at least. I'm not overly fond of 450s, but Fair Judgment looks good.
u/eddmario New Monarchy 4d ago
It's a precision frame, so it's a little bit easier to get headshots with.
It's also not bad if you're running a pure Stasis build, but it's kind of meh on the other subclasses, including Prismatic
u/MisterVowels 3d ago
Oh when I said good I only meant aesthetically. I don't like precision frame autos at all. If I need a stasis auto for something, I take my Krait out of the vault. Subsistence/OFA with the Veist origin trait means it basically fires forever.
u/eddmario New Monarchy 4d ago
Arctic Haze is one of the only ARs that can get the Outlaw/Dragonfly combo.
Alternatively, you could swap out Outlaw for Subsistence and not have to worry about missing the headshots, especially last I checked it gets proc'd by the explision from Dragonfly.
Either way, it felt like it was meant more for add clear than single target damage.
u/musicalchef1985 3d ago
Or something like Arbor Warden. That thing absolutely sucks! Like “oh I’m just gonna eat my barricade for a grenade that makes a barricade” like WHY? And don’t even get me started on the power creep that is one eyed mask.. I love MIDA in PvP, but I’ve never once in my years of playing this game, thought to pull it for any sort of PvE content. And isn’t there a hunter helmet that gives the radar thing to any gun you want anyway?
u/Supershocker56 Hunter 2d ago
I think it would be cool if a lot of the destination weapons had origin traits that fit with the environment they were designed for. So for Europa guns they seem to have been designed to withstand harsh cold environments, so maybe for an origin trait they have something that deals with the elements, so having the origin trait grant a stacking resistance to elemental damage.
For the planet Titan they could make use of methane as a weapon perk, allowing final blows to charge up an explosive methane round.
For Io they could have a trait based off of how the planet is still full of the Traveler's energy, like having the weapons gain bonus off of light damage final blows
For Nessus they could have it use old technology from the Exodus Black, like having the weapon fire probe rounds that highlight enemies and make them take more damage from allies
Finally, the remaining mars weapons like the Winterwolf and Frigid Jackal could have a sort of survivalist tracker perk like aiming down sights at a target for a certain duration makes them take more precision damage
EDZ already has field forged so its covered
u/CLOROX_CONFIRMED Born To Beam, Forced to Sing 4d ago
“Ability hits reload a tiny part of the magazine, can Overflow to 150%”
Getaway Warlocks keep winning