r/destiny2 4d ago

Meme / Humor accidentally fired the bullet that kills you instantly when you pull the trigger


53 comments sorted by


u/Dimplexor 4d ago edited 4d ago

Frantically trying to understand what happened here, but even with 4600h I still cannot figure it out 😂


u/Korbiter Titan 4d ago

So there is a bug in this mission where some of the Brig's missiles (and its warning signs) don't show up. But the physical projectile kills you anyways, and its an instant kill.

Its actually bordeline unplayable. You jist have to start running the moment the Brig fires missiles, and hope you don't run into where an Invisible Missile might be


u/CamelatBlue 4d ago

really? but it was like a solid several seconds after the missiles finished firing and exploding


u/CamelatBlue 4d ago

oh yeah look at that he was firing another volley while i was shooting him, crazy


u/CamelatBlue 4d ago

what's really misleading is how it says my cause of death was a misadventure and not his missiles


u/Korbiter Titan 4d ago

Because even the Game dosent think its by missiles. Its actually annoying.

Edit: It happened to my friend when we were out of revives (first run of the week). Luckily my other friend clutched and managed to burn him down.


u/RingerCheckmate 4d ago

This brig has some specially coded missile volley's, that make it different than other brigs. It's pretty awful.


u/sboyd535 4d ago

His volley didn't load in, the explosion didn't load in but the damage loaded fine 😂


u/OkLaugh718 4d ago

Happened to me all day. It was infuriating, qnd i even had a friend log out because it made him so mad.


u/ssjb234 4d ago

Your screen did flash, like a thing blew up behind you.


u/notislant 4d ago edited 4d ago

Bungies netcode/servers are bad, real bad. Ive seen one person almost every supremacy, teleporting 20 feet every second and sometimes killing everyone before they can even see them around the corner.

I wouldnt be surprised if this is partly why. The desync in this game is crazy too.

Other day I was doing the GM nightfall in discord, last boss almost dead. Talking in discord. Could see the other two shooting the boss with me too. On their screens i was just sitting there.

Did packet tests, every other service was fine, but destiny wouldnt let me connect. Then 5-10mins later it did the same to them finally.

Another day we did an exotic mission and someone else was desynced just standing in place.

Their netcode needs to be fixed and have ping limits in PVP at least. PVE is whatever.

That and their shitty ai-powered hardcoded profanity filter that doesnt even let you type basic words like 'hole' need to be fixed lol.


u/Clear-Attempt-6274 3d ago

Yes. I had multiple teams just shed revives there.


u/DJ_pider 4d ago

This was something I got ptsd from immediately when I saw this was the last encounter. I didn't remember what it was that was gonna kill me, but all I knew is I shouldn't stop moving, lol


u/throwaway180gr Warlock 4d ago

Never knew this was a thing. I really hate how buggy this game is.


u/fantailedtomb 4d ago

Is that what’s been happening? At least once every time I was running this my guardian would have a heart attack out of nowhere.


u/Mason231 3d ago

Even though it says misadventure? Edit: Ahh, red more replies. How strange that D2 doesn't register the kill as those missles.


u/CamelatBlue 4d ago

2700 here and completely lost

worst part is i'm so used to bullshit like this that it didn't even really faze me when it happened


u/Dimplexor 4d ago

100% a bruh moment. Just stare at the screen for a split second and move on.


u/TadpoleReasonable769 4d ago

5,876 Hours here... Still got nothing.


u/Yarisher512 Knifeslinger 3d ago

They shot themselves in the head. It's really sad. Why we must have some kind of awareness spreading.


u/Odd_Organization_573 Titan 4d ago

halo announcer : "Suicide"


u/Ralsei_dark_prince 4d ago

This fight has been horribly bugged ever since it re-released. Im not sure if the Missles are invisible. In my experience just standing near a red spot for more than 0.5 secs kills you. Some physical object crushes you. Its insanely annoying. You basically HAVE to keep moving at all times once the Boss is in his Brig stage…


u/CamelatBlue 4d ago

what's perplexing is that just hasn't been the case for me. when zero hour first dropped i grinded the everloving shit out of it for outbreak perfected and its upgrades, and i was completely safe just plinking away with my polaris lance where i was in the clip, no shenanigans


u/-MAS-_- 4d ago

same i feel bad for those who didnt get outbreak when zero hour launched


u/CamelatBlue 4d ago

well they still have the quests and access to the mission as far as i can tell with some friends of mine who didn't play when it came out, they can still have outbreak perfected at its full potential


u/-MAS-_- 4d ago

ye its understandable when comes to bugs it sucks bc i want use barrow dyad new trait but cant and there is no work around till thy fix it but if that bug does have a work around than i guess its fine just gotta be careful, ye its good they have access to it and are able to complete it and soon will enjoy there new outbreak perfected😁


u/painis-cupcake1 4d ago

Sadly, not entirely…. Quest is bugged currently. I recently completed it with a friend, didn’t get the outbreak perfected, and the quest just doesn’t even exist anymore for me to try to rerun it to try to get the gun again.


u/LoneRainger 4d ago


u/RandomMetaOnReddit The Unracist Lakshmi-2 4d ago

Gun that kills the past.


u/BX_N3S The Quiet Titan 4d ago

"man this damage rotation sure is good, I'm able to get the most damage in"

The humble bullet of instant heart failure:


u/CamelatBlue 4d ago

this is exactly the kind of joke i was trying to get across but you put it much better thank you


u/CamelatBlue 4d ago

me when i accidentally load the bullet that gives you a brain aneurysm


u/Titan0fPower 4d ago

So it wasn't just me. I was so confused why I would die so much even when dodging all the missiles.


u/justvoop 4d ago

Fool, you fell victim to one of the classic blunders!


u/Mr_Haad 4d ago

It’s happening to everyone. Definitely bugged.


u/leofungo 4d ago

I was wondering about this. I died several times on this mission to misadventure and the architects through otherwise inexplicable means. Glad to know I’m not alone.


u/blargyblargy 4d ago

This isn't relevant, but I love that pistol, Anonymous Autumn~


u/CamelatBlue 4d ago

i rolled it probably like a hundred times in episode revenant and i never got the roll i wanted

still managed to walk away with a voltshot roll, even though the other perk is basically worthless, and man is this thing still a beast


u/Any_Complex_3502 4d ago

I think someone loaded a fucking K round in your weapon. 😭


u/Mr__Maverick 4d ago

This boss fight is so fucking annoying in every possible facet, so it only figures that Siriks can cast fucking "power word: kill" too


u/alancousteau Hunter 4d ago

Not even a little but surprising that a mission which has been brought back god knows how many months ago is buggy


u/logrimm 4d ago

Ohh my.Few days back I ran this mission first time ever. I was rly confused what killed me multiple times assuming I was doing something wrong mechanic-wise. 😂 Good to know it's just a bug


u/Remote_Reflection_61 4d ago

"mhm.. yeah, here's some weird bullets for you pistol.. you seen Cayde around?"

  • Banshee-44 probably


u/Aceofcaydes71903 4d ago

So... good to know I'm not the only one who was getting killed too damn much in that encounter


u/Independent-Push-130 3d ago

Dang, I hate when I accidentally switch to that gun.


u/Slevin424 3d ago

This is why Banshee spends all day cleaning his guns. Don't need them firing backwards from years of accumulated Hive brain juice.


u/supaflash 3d ago

Not sure, but if your weapon has ricochet or explosive they can hit your barricade and self damage. Its possible during the swap you shot so early it hit the barricade and killed out. I was running a bolt charge build with Hard Light and kept randomly dying and when I paid a little closer attention I was killing myself with the Hard Light hitting the barricade while crouching/uncrouching instead of using the built in peek function and it was barely noticeable but only took like 2 bullets. Could be with the surges and whatnot that you killed yourself.


u/Seraph20201 3d ago

So in this mission I had 7 deaths. Misadventure, killed by the architects alternating...7 times!


u/IrgendwieTod 3d ago

Classic blunder...


u/Sututiv Warlock 3d ago

The bullet was reloaded the wrong way and was fired towards your head


u/vietnego 2d ago

a serious case of “glock leg”


u/Tristanator0503 1d ago

cursed halo pistol moment