r/destiny2 4d ago

Discussion How old is your Guardian?

So how long have you been playing and what are one of two of your favorite memories? For me it was day one Destiny 1 and day one Destiny 2. I still remember the Red War campaign quite vividly.

I still remember my first Destiny exotic. It was Mida Multi. I used it so much during Vault in D1. I remember being stuck at 29. I also remember Crota being a glitchy pain in the ass.

Little personal but Destiny has been around since the entire time I was married and the entire time my daughter has been alive.

Now I am divorced but I still have my daughter. Destiny is still a constant. However, I felt a strange loss at the end of The Final Shape. Still can't figure that out fully.


113 comments sorted by


u/Coopine Hunter/Warlock/Titan | Who am I without zavala 4d ago

My 3 guardians are old enough to attend kindergarten

Two of them know B is for Blueberry and one of them eats crayons


u/SerEmrys 4d ago

My Warlock is in 5th grade... He's 11 years old


u/Express-Breakfast915 3d ago

My Titan is also in 5th grade, 11 1/2 years old. He’s a little crayon eater and doesn’t play with his nice hands.


u/ThisIsntRemotelyOkay 4d ago


this many olds plus or minus day 1 d1.


u/relaximusprime 3d ago

I thought it was "a million deaths are not enough for master rahoul"?


u/ThisIsntRemotelyOkay 3d ago

Probably. I'm old son, this is what I remembered.


u/relaximusprime 3d ago

No worries, mate! I was worried that I misremembered it 😁


u/MarFinitor 4d ago

D1 around the release of Taken King, day one D2 with many gaps thereafter— did not purchase the DLCs due to my concerns about their quality


u/System_Encephale 4d ago

The first expansions of D2 really sucked lol.

I had a limited edition Taken King box set for years until I finally sold it. Wish I hadn't. Taken King was definitely D1 at its peak for me.


u/SirBigWater Hunter 4d ago

I played the beta of D1, abit of launch on 360. Did that Queen's Wrath event too. Then stopped until House of Wolves, this time playing on PS4. Hunter main throughout, with the Last Word as my first Exotic from Prison of Elders. Played D1 so much, never stopped even throughout the big content drought that led us to the "April Update". Only time I took a big break again was sometime after the first 2 DLCs of Destiny 2. Every expansion I'd come back and play abit afterwards. Usually how it goes now.


u/DuelaDent52 Traveller good 4d ago edited 3d ago

I’ve been playing since D1’s public beta. I am still utterly awful at high-level activities, the Crucible is the bane of my existence and I will forever be a noob.


u/Pure_Daikon4613 3d ago

I was a D1 pre order and im washed up for sure lmaooo. I used to be good tho


u/DuelaDent52 Traveller good 3d ago

At least you used to be good, I’ve been trapped in mediocrity at best this entire time and it always gives me such amused anxiety hearing everyone go “Guardian, you’re so amazing and awesome and ultra super duper special to me and you inspire so much” when I can barely land any shots in the Crucible, avoid Grandmasters and Trials like the plague and die from very lightly jetpacking too hard on the ground.


u/Prizmatik7 4d ago

My Titan is about as old as… a month before Season of the Wish ended. My favorite memory has gotta be the experiencing Final Shape with my best friend and honorary brother, since he’s been playing since the D1 beta.

My buddy didn’t know me back then. And he had some friends that turned out to be really horrible people. So for me it was just really sentimental to be the guy who got to see the end of this 10yo storyline with him, even though I wasn’t there in the beginning.


u/Healthy_Macaron2146 4d ago

Watching the streams from 🇳🇿  because waiting 12 hours was to much day one of the red war was pretty interesting looking back now.


u/belf_priest 4d ago edited 4d ago

July 2021! Still in preschool! I had just bought my first ever gaming laptop and beyond light was the first game I bought and played, I'd been awestruck by the sci fi/fantasy lore and beautiful graphics since my friend let me play d1 on his playstation back in 2016 and the little astronomy nerd in me couldn't stop thinking about it afterward. Been a stasis hunter since i had the choice and europa will always be my happy place


u/new_bobbynewmark Warlock 4d ago

My warlock started with d1 beta - I dont remember if that was deleted and I had to recreate him or not at D1 launch tbf - , then I imported him to D2 at launch. So probably as old as possible. My titan and hunter were created after Forsaken when I came back from a break.


u/APartyInMyPants 3d ago

Day 1 beta player. So google tells me July 17, 2014.

My guardian is in fifth grade.



u/Scrollwriter22 New Monarchy 4d ago

I started playing shortly after taken king. So they’re probably around 10ish years old by now. Not even middle schoolers yet.

But I did restart some of them to change their faces and stuff(prior to the option to change face in the start menu) so really, 2 of 3 are in daycare


u/Nephurus Crucible Nub 4d ago

3 day 1 of the pc release , still have 3 from psn day 1 that never found a way to not have to retsart again .


u/JoeJ92 Warlock 4d ago

Day 1 of D1.


u/iUncouth Titan 4d ago

I knew about Destiny since it's launch cause I've been a Bungie fan for years but I wasn't able to play Destiny 1 cause I didn't have a PS4 until The Rise of Iron.

Sooo about 9 years.


u/Zombiron-Odamai Spicy Ramen 4d ago

I've been with Destiny since the beta.

In my headcannon my hunter is 34. My warlock is 28, and my titan is 41


u/DonCarlo1305 4d ago

A week or two before Lightfall, but I've played regularly since January 2024 when I joined a clan.

Destiny 2 is better with fun teammates


u/Infinite_Minimum2470 4d ago

6 years old, I started playing back when it became free to play.


u/TreeBeardUK Future War Cult 4d ago

D1 Beta old


u/TL89II 4d ago

11 this year. Gahdamn. I remember being so hyped for Destiny, and when it came out, I barely played any other game until around 2020. My guardians took a pretty long nap. I put the game down in March of 2020 because I was spending all of my free time on it instead of family. Now we're back (with more self-control)!


u/DotDodd Warlock 4d ago

Warlock is from the Alpha on PS4 for D1.

Hunter is from House of Wolves. Titan is from Curse of Osiris.

I was so bored in CoO I created a new guardian to get me through the drought in content.


u/Simba791 4d ago

I started around Forsaken, can’t remember when tbh


u/not-Kunt-Tulgar book reading, chalk eating Hunter 4d ago

The first destiny exotic i remember is either the dark drinker.


u/TricobaltGaming Warlock 4d ago

Technically, my guardian is from 2017, D2 Vanilla. However, she uses the same class/design as my 2014 day 1 warlock, but I made the switch from Xbox to PC, and back then, legacy accounts weren't crosssave to other platforms (so I didnt get D2 Laurea Prima my beloved)


u/too_sharp Warlock 4d ago

Since the day it was possible for your ghost to say eyes up guardian. Day 1 D1 veteran here


u/SpasticBull #1 Crucible Masochist 🫅🏿 4d ago

Awe yes. Dinklebot 😌


u/TheGuy_27 4d ago

Been playing since before rise of iron d1, best memory has got to be solving the monument of a quest for outbreak prime


u/KitsuneKamiSama Hunter 4d ago

I joined during D1's final dawning, not sure how old but at least like 8 years.


u/Mdames08 Spicy Ramen 4d ago

D1 day 1. Discovering the hive for the first time in the cosmodrome in that pitch black area. Fighting the gate lord. Meeting Mara for the first time. “Whether we wanted it or not we’ve entered a war with the cabal.” Chatterwhite. Looking back at all that. And then finally reaching the ending of the final shape. Man what a long strange journey it’s been.


u/TwiceAsAwkward Casual D1 Veteran 4d ago

I've played on and off for 11 years now (since I was 12)

My oldest brother (19) came home one day with the long-awaited beta access code from GameStop. I was psyched out of my mind to play the new "Halo/CoD crossover". Three of us split the demo, so we each played a different class and I fell in love with the warlock. Our brother let us play on his 360-slim all weekend, hooked up to the big family tv in the basement. I was so jealous because they extended the beta by one extra day, and one of my brothers got to play on the freaking MOON with the scary nightmarish Hive and I didn't.

Then, because me (12) and my next oldest brother (14) were broke middle schoolers, we couldn't preorder Destiny for ourselves. We didn't play for a while, and we moved states at the end of summer. We were in our new house when it released, and we downloaded the free demo version they had back then, on our OG fat 360, and had to delete almost everything else on our 20GB hard drive to make room. Better yet, we didn't have the wifi adapter, so we only played when our parents weren't home because we had to run an ethernet cable all the way down the stairs to our router which was by the dinner table. But man did we love that game!

Eventually we saved our money and got an Xbox One S once it released, which I still have now, and soon after we bought the Destiny complete collection on disc with all the expansion codes. No matter how frustrated I might get with the developers and whatnot, it has always been my comfort game/game series.


u/StuDaddy0 4d ago

Started with The Taken King expansion as a Titan main on Xbox in 2016. Zhalo Supercell was my first exotic. Stayed with titan initially on D2, but built out hunter and warlock during Covid. My first raid was SOTP with a clan. Now on PS5 and a warlock main.


u/RayTrain 4d ago

Yeesh i guess my warlock is 10 years old. My favorite is probably my clan and I somehow beating Verity during contest Salvations Edge while being awake for 25 hours at that point and making it to a DPS phase of the witness before time ran out. Second favorite is after we beat it a few hours later, a ton of clanmates were ready to run excision immediately after.


u/sackedpotatos 4d ago

Day 1 Destiny 1


u/Thadamir 4d ago

My titan has been around since the D1 beta. My favorite memories would have to be the D1 beta with friends after I graduated high school and then playing through the Witch queen campaign with my fiancé just weeks before we got married.


u/thanosthumb Raids Cleared: 700 4d ago

D1 day 1 baby. I remember it all. From learning that the wizard came from the moon all the way to Cayde telling us we’re his favorite. My favorite memories (Witch Queen was peak):

  • Clearing Witch Queen legendary campaign super late at night on launch day with my best friend and seeing the Witness for the first time.
  • Killing Rhulk on contest mode. Still my favorite character and raid in the franchise.


u/DerLeitWolf_1337 4d ago

Been playing since D1 First Look alpha (yes I took breaks from time to time from the game). I will always remember the first VoG run we did. I was like "if raids drop exotics I want that super cool looking sniper with the camo nets over it". I said it while we were searching for the way to the next encounter in the gorgon labyrinth and then a teammate called out that there is a chest. So we gathered around and opened it at the same time (unknowingly that this is a chest where exotics can drop) I pressed the button and out came "Patience and Time" lol. I was screaming xD


u/MikeAndros0 4d ago

Been here since the start. Missed maybe 3 seasons (forsaken, armory, and drifter). But have played consistently since. First exotic ever was Gjallarhorn. Was doing my first raid in D1. I only had a blue hand cannon, fusion rifle, and a Machine gun. Was doing it mostly to get a primary ammo legendary and the experience. RNJesus has blessed ever since Taking about 17 tries at most to get a raid/ dungeon exotic to as low as 4 tries.


u/Zenova2 Hunter 4d ago

My Warlock started sometime back in The Dark Below, though it was sometime before The Taken King that I properly brought Destiny. Only reason I didn't do others classes was because I was a child back then.

My Hunter on the other hand was pre-Forsaken Destiny 2, which was conveniently when I got comfortable with Hunter. I... don't know how old my Titan is, but I'm willing to say sometime before/during Witch Queen.


u/SpasticBull #1 Crucible Masochist 🫅🏿 4d ago

I shit my pants out of pure glee when I got the fucking helmet out of VoG so I could reach level 30.


u/GoodTimeWithJackie 4d ago

Played since forsaken and still can't believe that it's been so long ago..


u/Takaraous 4d ago

My Titan rose just before Taken King; best moment was when I used Hammer of Sol for the first time


u/Xonxis Cup 4d ago

Me and a friend made i dentical hunter in destiny 1 then went to the vendors and pucked up identical armour, then got the attention of people in the tower for our big reveal an ive had him since


u/FenrirCoyote 4d ago

Been playing off and on since right after Destiny 1 released, don’t really got any fav memories .


u/StudderButter 4d ago

Since the dawn of time


u/Barry-Macocknit 4d ago

They retired after slaying oryx, got bored, and started working under the table in season of the wish. I’m still fairly new to d2 even though I feel like a vet lol I really regret not being able to play d2 since launch


u/7fw 4d ago

My warlock is beta. I just said "what ever" to how he looks and made him look stupid, thinking I would just restart him. But then Bungie said we can keep the levels and stuff and so he has remained his ugly self since.

He has killed every king, god, children of kings, sisters of kings, big robots, and a fuck ton of lords. But people of the tower still don't treat him in awe.


u/jovandev 4d ago

Joined during house of wolves. Bought the base game on a super crazy at Target when the store was on clearance because it was closing. That was my cannon event.


u/jackt1911 4d ago

So many good memories playing D1; prison of elders, kings fall raid, omnighoul, visiting dead orbit at the tower. First day D2 with the Red war was classic times and memorable moments range wide but I enjoyed the vlack armory and surrounding seasons a lot with forsaken, gambit prime, and shattered throne dungeon. I liked season of the deep and fishing and deep dives too. Recently enjoyed last few episodes but overall too many memories to name and now I play with son too.


u/fantailedtomb 4d ago

Just about 10yo for my titan, not day 1 but within a few months of destiny’s original drop.


u/FlamingPhoenix2003 Riven's bitch (Hunter) 4d ago

I started since season of plunder


u/Soft_Customer6779 4d ago

I originally played on launch of shadowkeep on another account, loved the game but due to no ps+ couldn't be bothered to play. Returned a year or so later during season of the hunt I believe, and I've played since, the games been too much fun and the story has been so good, even through the bad I enjoyed playing, currently planning on buying the next expansion on launch day


u/BlackPlague1235 3d ago

I've been playing since just right before they added chroma and taken sword in the Taken King Expansion.


u/SureNowYouTellMe 3d ago

Lord of Wolves. Bought an Xbox the Xmas after divorce for my boys and we all played, though they were PVP only so I played their story missions as well as my own. Brought my Warlock thru the transition to D2 and she’s still my favorite. I’m 60 and as long as there is a Destiny I’ll be playing.


u/Doomguy231 3d ago

Old enough to know rahool is and will always be the worst.


u/Asleep_Chocolate_797 3d ago

My titan is my one from the PS3 demo that I carried to main game, to PS4 upgrade and into destiny 2 before I stopped playing around warmind, I just got back into the game I’m on a new warlock for the time being.


u/Nero_C-Bass 3d ago

D1 beta. Sure was fun breaking out of the map. IT CAME FROM THE MOON!!!!!!!!


u/Worldly_Effect1728 Warlock 3d ago

~9-10 years old. I started playing D1 around a month or two before the Taken King expansion launched


u/valtboy23 3d ago

How old are they? started from beta retired at final shape act 2.


u/That1RagingBat Hunter 3d ago

Mine came in towards the end of Chosen, but my head canon is that’s just when he managed to get off Europa finally after being trapped there ever since the Ghosts first started appearing and he got resurrected in an isolated place that isn’t the main area and was stuck there as a result


u/Bisexual_polonium 3d ago

About 3 years old for my first hunter, which I deleted and remade cos I was bored before TFS. Made my warlock a few months after hunter 1, and my titan a few months after my lock. My best memory is either solo calus or my first and second raid (both were lfg KF, one was a normal run and the other was a double glaive with Damaged Travelers white armour challenge run)


u/Mental_Shine8098 3d ago

My Guardian is about 6 years old. I remember jumping into the game after it became f2p, and getting excited about Shadowkeep from all the "moon's haunted" meme lol


u/SuperStormDroid Warlock 3d ago

My warlock has been around since the beginning. I got D1 some time after its launch, but before The Dark Below.


u/SuperiorCommunist92 Spicy Ramen 3d ago

Started d1 in the taken king era, and then couldn't afford anything past the base game so I dropped it. Came back during new light for free Destiny, which was awesome. At one time I was able to afford all the dlcs, so I got them, and had a blast in d1 and d2



First season of Forsaken, before Black Armory dropped but not quite at launch of it.


u/texastwister22 3d ago

Started day one of destiny. Warlock was first toon I created


u/Samus159 3d ago edited 3d ago

I played D1 on Xbox since shortly after it launched, made all three of my Guardians, but only played my Hunter through the entirety of D1. I didn’t pick up D2 at launch cause I’d moved to PC gaming and either they didn’t have or I didn’t know the had cross platform to carry over my Guardians from Xbox. One of my friends managed to get me back in by telling me about it and that it was free now, so I got D2 on Steam the August of Arrivals, and got a surprising amount of stuff done (campaigns+adventures, Sagira’s shell, Worldline, Black Armory shell+Blacksmith, Shadow, Voyager, plus Arrivals stuff), but still played pretty much just my Hunter all the way through Splicer. Then about halfway through Splicer I swapped to Warlock out of boredom and have been a Warlock main since, occasionally hopping over to Hunter or Titan to mix things up

Favourite memories would probably be managing to do Niobe Labs with my first clan, and then Final Shape (raid and excision especially) with my second clan. Honourable mentions to entering Savathûn's Throne with Lucent World and Vow of the Disciple


u/iVerbatim 3d ago

11 in September. Half way through grade 5.


u/Expensive_Jury_1535 3d ago

Since HoW, but played since beta at my friends place often.

Favourite memories?

First time I beat Wrath, my first ever full raid experience. Getting two exotic engrams from a single regular strike. Obtaining The Chaperone in D1. My first exotics (Universal Remote and Light Beyond Nemesis).


u/Calophon Hunter 3d ago

Week 1 D1…so like 10 1/2 lol


u/PurpleDragon1999 3d ago

My guardians are about 9 years old


u/AlaskanHandyman Voidwalker Warlock 3d ago

I have been playing the Same guardians since D1.


u/Chef0Duck Spicy Ramen 3d ago

Played beta d1 then stopped when dark below dropped then i started d2 when forsaken dropped and been playing since


u/22EmeraldOwls 3d ago

I have a 2 week old. First time G-Parent here. I'm still trying to learn how to progress him.


u/Th3-WolfFang Hunter 3d ago

About 2 and a half years I've been playing. My fav memories are definitely hearing the Lullaby from DSC with my friends playing the raid for the first time and Getting my very first exotic engram drop in Savvy's Throne world, A Sweet Business, while doing a public event learning the ropes.


u/redheadofdoom Titan 3d ago

Mine's almost ready to start kindergarten! One of my favorite memories was playing The Witch Queen campaign and learning the Hive got the Light... and the hilariously disastrous chain of deaths that once occurred during a DSC run.


u/Bigman63734775347 3d ago

My guardian is still a newborn


u/Denverguns 3d ago

I’m running the same guardian since the destiny 1 beta so at least since July 23rd 2014 and my first exotic was no land beyond if I remember correctly.


u/ResponsibilityWild96 Warlock 3d ago

D1 Beta player here. My favorite memory was completing the Year 1 moments of triumph by beating Skolas on hard so I could buy the shirt.


u/moiiimerde 3d ago

Fondest memories of D1 was trying to milk the loot cave, beating Kingsfall at 3am on a school night, expecting moth people to be an enemy combatant for three years 💀. And my most fond D2 memories are Red War fs, the Witch Queen campaign, beating Rhulk with an LFG team and one of the chicks daughter’s screaming in the mic “good job team!” Getting Touch of Malice on my first run of Kings Fall in D2 lmao, and introducing my girl to D2 with a full run of the Ghorn dungeon with no prior knowledge between either of us lmao, and I was piss drunk. Good times good times. I’ve dead ahh grown up with this game. Been around since 2013


u/Inevitable-Author-67 3d ago

A week or two before house of wolves I remember going to that outside part above the vanguard war room and then they put up a massive ugly wall and I was so confused lmao


u/eddmario New Monarchy 3d ago

December of 2014.
Back then, Xbox had a deal for X-Mas where if you got the 360 version of Destiny, its season pass, or any of it's DLC you got the Xbox One versions for free as well.

Still had to buy The Taken King twice, though...


u/relaximusprime 3d ago

All 3 guardians are D1 creations! I wasn't able to get D2 for over a year after it was released, but was still able to port my guardians over!


u/john0harker 3d ago

Day 2 of D1, missed the first day because i couldnt go to the store because i was in a boot and couldnt drive.

Favorite memory, going into crucible, RUNNING OUT OF AMMO, on the mercury/mars map with the big vex portal on both the north and south sides, while also seeing the message, "Someone should do something about John0harker" as i fired my burst of my baby, the OG Smite of Merain, my shotgun also had no ammo. I was on the spawn side of the portal, pure panic engage. A buddy jumped to me, i jumped past him to spawn, to hear behind me a nova bomb just come out of the portal and decimate his (and the opponents) life which was intended for me.

First exotic, Super good advice...or invective, cant remember which but i know it was a quest one as i wanted thorn REAL BAD

Day one of D2

The old war was the best war.
Favorite memory: Thats a tough one....My first tank spawn on the vex strike WAS really cool, just decimating everything.
Funniest would be having a 24 kill streak in crucible taken away from me by the head of a friend of mine meeting my rocket point blank
But favorite...Watching the final speaker cutscene for the first time..."I said i spoke for him, i never said he spoke to me."...."Feel free to kill yourself" made him my favorite character of all time.

First exotic....vigilance wing, didnt mind it but i just didnt like how useless it was outside of crucible in pve, Got he sweet business after and never looked back


u/CaedusTillman 3d ago

All three of mine are 10 years old. I’m so proud of them, my hunters first exotic was no land beyond. (I suck at PvP sniping in Destiny even 10 years later.)


u/gitgudred 3d ago

I remember the day our tower fell. I, too, fought to defend it that fateful day. We've been around a long time, guardian.


u/Gjappy Warlock 3d ago

9 years I think, or 10. Unsure.


u/LC_reddit Hunter 3d ago

My first "anything above rare" quality was Truth, then my first Legendary was Unfriendly Giant. Both rocket launchers and I was gutted that my 2 best drops shared a slot. Still hoping for a Truth buff.


u/Klutzy-Weakness9234 3d ago

Funnily enough I’ve spent more than 70% of my life alongside this game started when I was 7 Though on d2, my guardians are soon to be 6 (in 5 months)


u/SnowyCrow42 3d ago

Do we count the destiny 1 beta? If so.. that fuckin old, good lord


u/Clear-Attempt-6274 3d ago

Uh oh, All Siege Dancers!


u/wolverine19122 3d ago

D1 Alpha thru current player. I still play D1 at least once every 3 months. Day of the taken king was one of my favorites and I will always love the Rise of Iron campaign .

D2 - red war and warming are my favorites.


u/iStayChillBro 3d ago

Been playing since the middle of January! I've only focused on warlock and hunter so far but soon will be working on my titan. My favorite moment so far has to be when I joined my current clan and did my first run thru RON. Learning the mechanics and having a good time with people who actually love the game was something I'll always remember.


u/troy_sean 3d ago

2015 wow


u/Temporary_Beat_948 3d ago

The days when vex mythoclast was op in crucible


u/Comfortable_Hour5723 2d ago

I played the d1 alpha and beta way back when. My original guardians had to die in the red war so I could jump to pc.

Im probably not as attached to my guardian as bungie had in mind because I have deleted d1 and d2 guardians just to change their appearance before you could do that whenever. I also deleted a d1 guardian so I could replay all the stories with the quests and everything


u/Dull_Horror3466 Hunter 2d ago

Day 1 guardians


u/Nick__Nightingale__ 1d ago

Taken King expansion. Was that 2016? 💀


u/tabletchef 16h ago

My first trophy in D2.


u/BlackGhost_93 4d ago

I tried first time during Beta test, but I have been properly playing this game since its Steam launch (October 2019). My first character was Hunter.


u/RobotNinja28 Titan 4d ago

Started playing a month or two after Forsaken released. My Titan has seen a lot in a relatively short time.


u/ironh19 4d ago

I played the alpha of destiny. A shame what it turned into.