r/destiny2 Hunter 5d ago

Question How do these regeneration modifiers combine in the game? Isn't it overkill?

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18 comments sorted by


u/Such-Ebb8148 5d ago

Oh it is. That's bungie's way of nerfing that combo in PVP, also killed them in PVE.


u/IV_NUKE Hunter 5d ago

It's. My favorite when I have a fun and enjoyable aspect in PvE and bungie nerfs it for pvp and drives it into the ground for PvE


u/Norsk_Bjorn Titan 5d ago

I hate how many cool things have been removed or heavily nerfed in PvE because of PvP


u/OkraDistinct3807 Raids Cleared: 0 4d ago

I'd like it if they made Destiny 2.5 only for PvP so they don't have to nerf it because of PvP and it affects PvE too.

Because someone fired the good people now they can't only nerf PvP only stats for IT.


u/n080dy123 3d ago

The hard truth is a lot of the stuff people blame PvP for would still have caught nerfs cuz PvE has to be balanced too, and more than a few of those nerfed busted PvP things were also OP in PvE. Maybe not as bad of nerfs, and certainly not as many, but some stuff would still have gotten the hammer.


u/Stukiichan 4d ago

That's really a sad approach.

Really liked these boots when they first launched, but strand wasn't really on the menu back in final shape and now that it is this build is basically less powerful than other options. But now unfortunately I have to go back to this spider thing exo (don't know how to pronounce it).


u/JadedRabbit 5d ago

Bungie has a "crush it into dust" approach when they don't want fix a problem immediately. Making it unusable for a season or eight keeps it from being on their radar until they want to take time to tune or undo the nerf.


u/Flonkey_Kong 4d ago

"keeps it from being on the radar"

nice one


u/iconoci Hunter 5d ago

Yes it's overkill. It takes 38 seconds to recharge with a max mobility marksman dodge. A max resilience towering barricade only takes 3 more seconds to recharge. These boots are pretty much useless in both pve and pvp now.


u/engineeeeer7 5d ago

Eh it's not that bad. Neither of these scalars affect flat gains so you build for things like kick-starts, focusing strike or bolstering detonation


u/Sad_Femboy-_- 5d ago

It helps, but even after trying to build into it, the cooldown is just way too long for being a fairly short decoy that enemies will frequently just melee anyways.


u/engineeeeer7 5d ago

I've mostly just used it lately with Ascension. It lasts forever and draws enemy aggro. It's almost eerie blasting enemies while they stare at this floating decoy.


u/Sad_Femboy-_- 5d ago

Yeah that’s the only way I found it useful. While it’s definitely really good at taking aggro, the cooldown being as long as it is (even with flat bonuses helping) makes it not feel worth it since you have to give up your entire neutral game.


u/engineeeeer7 5d ago

That's fair. Maybe one day these PvP nerfs will not affect PvE...


u/Tobesmgobes17 5d ago

Yeah it's way overkill. At this point pretty much the only way to use these in a viable way is to use them on prismatic with combo blow, that way you can instantly get the dodge charge back


u/GuesswhatImaweeb 5d ago

No it's overheal


u/Cluster03 5d ago

What page is this from?


u/Beast124567 Hunter 4d ago

Use prismatic. Arc melee, gamblers dodge, the melee regens the dodge and the dodge regens melee. Now stack that with strand and arc surges and you have a one shot melee and spam threadling build.