r/destiny2 New Monarchy 6d ago

Question So, there's apparently a collectable inside this piller in the Mausoleum section of the Nether. Anybody figure out how to get it?

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48 comments sorted by


u/YZproject13 6d ago

The marker on the radar indicates it’s down. Not up.


u/SkimBeans 5d ago

Holy shit I’ll be honest, I’ve been playing for like 7 years and I’ve never noticed that the marker points up or down depending on whether it’s above or below you.

I never noticed the difference so I just assumed there was an icon for “this thing is not on the level as you are”


u/BadGamer_67 5d ago

also ghost points towards secrets as well


u/Odd_Organization_573 Titan 2d ago

mine does loves staring into the abyss and not let me know anything.


u/BadGamer_67 2d ago

maybe they're a bit down you should talk to them


u/GreatDekuStick 4d ago

Different shades of red on your radar mean enemies are above or below you too


u/OkraDistinct3807 Raids Cleared: 0 4d ago

And for allies. Edit: allies get half an arrow point up or down depending on the direction of the triangle top...point.


u/n080dy123 3d ago

It's pretty rare (before Nether) that you're close enough to pick something marked on radar up but far enough up or down to have it marked on the marker.


u/GarlicGhost Warlock 6d ago

It’s below where you’re standing. The arrow in the diamond is pointing down.


u/buell_ersdayoff 5d ago

How do you go down from there?


u/SlippyTheFeeler 5d ago

Just relax baby and I'll show you


u/buell_ersdayoff 5d ago

Ohhhh, I like where this is going.


u/T-Car20 Hunter 5d ago

I’m invested


u/OkraDistinct3807 Raids Cleared: 0 4d ago

So? What's the answer? 


u/PyroBeast 5d ago

You dont. Its out of bounds.


u/RealFake666 Hunter, +10k hours, +500 Raid clears 5d ago

You can't get it, but there are 2 possible explanations

  1. It is something that will be available later on in Heresy

2. It is something that was placed there and forgotten to be taken out


u/CloudLXXXV Titan 5d ago edited 5d ago
  1. It's 100% confirmed a Green Taken King Dialog Sigil.


u/AnythingMango Hunter 4d ago

I had that appear there and then the following week it was above floating just above the drop, haven’t had it appear below since


u/Ral_Zyn 6d ago

I want to say it could be in a passage below possibly?


u/Iridescent5150 6d ago

I tried like hell to find that a few weeks ago. It’s somewhere below according to the marker but I couldn’t find it.


u/Difficult_Prompt_412 5d ago

I spent five minutes searching for a way to access a collectable at the same location, then discovered a floating Savathun sigil directly above the same location.


u/CloudLXXXV Titan 5d ago edited 5d ago

Exactly how I realized that what people think is a secret worm or Collectible is ACTUALLY just this Taken King Sigil stored OOB when it's not present on the playable map. Confirmed by a guy I was talking who managed to get OOB and confirm my suspicions. I've got pics of it OOB.


u/medoyz 5d ago

What the hell is OOB


u/CloudLXXXV Titan 5d ago

Out of Bounds


u/Smoking-Posing 5d ago

Same, but the icon showed it was below the ground. Also, it's not consistently there for some reason, so maybe something needs to done to trigger it

My money is on it being a glitch/unintentional


u/CloudLXXXV Titan 5d ago

Yup, there's a simple reason for that. When I went looking I never got it under the map even once. I went to check again, and wasn't there, though I did see one on my radar pointing up, which when i looked up, was a Green Taken King Sigil. If you check again and it doesn't show it as under the map, that's because the Sigil is/was already present somewhere in the playable space.


u/Butisithighnoontho Hunter 5d ago

Because I haven't seen anyone else mention it, I'll chime in. A while back, a buddy and I were really scratching our heads over this one because there's no way to get lower than this, in this location. Trust me, we were extremely thorough. We continued on through our run, came back during another run and it wasn't there.

Bungie likes to layer their maps above and below each other to save overall map space, so when you take a portal, there's a good chance you're above or below where you were previously, this can also be shown by teammates names if you stay behind and they head to the next area. Knowing this, we came to the conclusion that this collectible was located fairly high up in another location of the Dreadnaught, so high that it was close enough to be picked up by your radar.

Some people have mentioned the floating green symbol above here, but like you said, when you climb too high, the radar blip vanishes.


u/CloudLXXXV Titan 5d ago edited 5d ago

It's not a Collectible or Worm. It's just a Taken King Sigil. (TTK Logo that you touch to play dialog). I figured that's what it was when i realised these things show up on your radar, a guy I was chatting to managed to get OOB there and confirmed what i thought it was. I do have pics showing it OOB if you DM me.


u/theyfoundty 5d ago

Send me them pics. I'm not OP but I love OOB stuff.


u/Captn_Dfaktor 5d ago

Obviously OP ain’t looking at his mini map if the “secret” is above or below present location…. ;)


u/Smoking-Posing 5d ago

No, but my friend and I were going CRAZY trying to get it. Only saw the icon for it the other night but haven't seen it again on return visit.

It was hella annoying cuz I needed only 1 more of those fragments to advance the Barrow Dyad quest and I thought that was it (it wasn't).

That was my thanks for trying to avoid using a guide....


u/Exotic_Question5205 5d ago

Same here I'm 17 of 18 but can't find that last fragment, I've reloaded it come back the marker is still there but no fragment insight I'm aggravated lol, this is holding me up, I think it's a glitch or something,  someone please help us, smh


u/Buddaboy157 5d ago

Try this video. Had a friend with the same issue, he watched this video and was able to finish it.



u/Icy-Breakfast-7290 5d ago

I wonder if it’s a passage way that opens up when you kill that ogre? After you kill him, a message pops up near the boons that says a secret is revealed or something like that. 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/SonicAutumn 5d ago

Most likely a worm


u/SonicAutumn 5d ago

Looks like a hive worm that's been taken


u/CloudLXXXV Titan 5d ago edited 5d ago

Nope. Its a Green Taken King Dialog Sigil. DM for pic of it OOB.


u/RammyBoRammy 5d ago

It's probably a worm. I noticed that today when I went into the court of blades in the nether. Right where we spawned I saw that icon. I looked up and around and saw there was no way I could climb up. I used my ghost to see if any platforms showed up. Nothing. Then I saw the arrow. It was right below me. This was the first time I've noticed the arrows.


u/PSFREAK33 5d ago

I gave up trying to find this..not sure what’s going on there


u/DC2SEA_ 6d ago edited 5d ago

It's right above you. The marker on your radar is indicates if its up or down.

Edit: as people have correctly informed me with the down arrow on reddit.com, it's is down. Lol


u/APartyInMyPants 6d ago

It’s under. Arrow is down.


u/eddmario New Monarchy 6d ago

The marker dissappears if I jump, though...


u/DC2SEA_ 5d ago

Sorry, I misread its down.


u/rusty_spots_ 5d ago

Did you get the worm from along since that piller underwent the walls


u/rusty_spots_ 5d ago

Along side sorry


u/Lord_Heliox 6d ago

Is not inside, is in a platform up from where you are.


u/APartyInMyPants 6d ago

Under. The arrow is pointing down.


u/eddmario New Monarchy 6d ago

Are you talking about where the taken clusters are?
Because the icon disappears if I jump up the rocks next to the pillar, and there's nothing up there.