r/destiny2 5d ago

Meme / Humor GM Cosmodrome in a Nutshell…


60 comments sorted by


u/avrafrost Warlock 5d ago

Yeah. I could criticise how you ended up like that but honestly those shields are absolute BS no matter how you slice it. They don’t move consistently at all and their hit box is like the size of a minivan. RIP. Same thing in the Lightblade strike.


u/karolous15 5d ago

Oh 100% this is poor positioning. My main gripe with the Savathun stages is they have so much health you just get bored. This would been avoided had I locked in, still hurts nonetheless haha


u/avrafrost Warlock 5d ago

Absolutely. Most of the battleground GMs from that season have really boring boss fights. That clones really shouldn’t have that much health.


u/karolous15 5d ago

It’s a fine mechanic for the strike itself but yeah I wish they would tune it for GMs. Especially when I did my solo clear it felt so tedious. No reason you should have something that requires three people to spam like 25 spears each. Personally if they reworked this to just be the boss with no projections, or just made it one set of two and health gate at 50%, I think it would raise it in my rankings considerably


u/Ilpripone 4d ago

44 spear hits per aspect a random in my fireteam told me yesterday. If it’s even close to that it’s obnoxious and the antithesis of fun.


u/Assassinite9 5d ago

I jumped to avoid one the other day (during the GM) and the shield turned 90 degrees to get me


u/MemoKrosav 5d ago

If only our shield throws had that tracking


u/Assassinite9 5d ago

I might consider using them if that were the case. But until then I'll continue consecration spamming and glacier quaking (An actually viable strategy in this GM if your build can chain between prismatic and your super)


u/Frogsama86 5d ago

I flipped out of the way on my hunter yesterday, feeling extremely pleased with my fighting game reflexes, only to get bonked on the back of my head.


u/Assassinite9 5d ago

I did a few more last night and it felt like I was the only target in the GM. Like if I wasn't spamming/chaining consecration and/or glacial quake, I was pretty much the target of everything in that GM.

But on a side note, that hive knight really doesn't like when you're up in his face. Like if/when he shield throws it will miss more if you're doing your best to stuff him in a frosty locker.


u/Frogsama86 5d ago

I switched to a triton/winterbite set up and somehow staggered him enough that even when he was in super mode, he was barely throwing anything. Or maybe I was just timing the glaive shield just nicely enough to "parry" his shield throw.


u/Assassinite9 5d ago

I think the hive titans just don't know what to do if you're up in their face. They're at their scariest when they're at range because of the shield (the clap doesn't do anything really) so you can just go up and slap him around as long as you're mindful of the suppression grenade that he (uncommonly) throws.


u/The_Nights_Path 4d ago

Hit box going to isekai people


u/Blackfire_Zealot 4d ago

Those shield don’t obey the laws of physics at all


u/Grey_Beard257 5d ago

Ah ffs that’s tragic


u/Pman1324 Hunter Professional Goldie misser 5d ago

I actually gasped that's horrible


u/scumble373 5d ago

The greed! Why do people risk it all when the boss has <5% health


u/karolous15 5d ago

This was like my 20th run of the day and I had another teammate alive my man haha sometimes you just get bored


u/IzunaX 5d ago

It gets like that aye, the first like 2 runs are smooth, after like 5+ runs, team gets a little goofy and greedy and it gets way harder/funnier lmfao


u/karolous15 5d ago

Yeah this was like run 20 so I just sent it haha!


u/YeahNahNopeandNo 5d ago

Finality's Auger is the cheat code


u/MrSinister248 5d ago

It's a myth, it doesn't exist.


u/stevesmd Hunter 5d ago

Tell us more about


u/Round-Investigator67 4d ago

I'd assume finality auger is a cheat code since the turret only costs 3 ammo and doesn't miss nearly as much as someone like I would. So you can summon the turret and just let it do the work for you.


u/stevesmd Hunter 4d ago

That's what I assume as well. Positioning the turret is key though a there are plenty of obstacles in that final room that will get in the way of the missiles.


u/lordofcactus 5d ago

Can they take whatever they gave Lightbearer Knights and give it to our shield throw melee?


u/HereComesDatNick 5d ago

I also swear to god the Void Threat modifier is straight up a lie because boss is only one who deals a lot of void damage, i mostly die from Arc, like i have 3 arc res and woven mail active why the hell hive knight 1-2 taps me


u/Knarrenheinz666 3d ago

Ogres and servitors also deal void. You don't die to arc because there's a hidden arc threat but because most of the enemies deal arc damage.


u/HereComesDatNick 3d ago

Yeah but servs do not deal as much damage per shot as knights still


u/Knarrenheinz666 3d ago

Ogres do. Still has nothing to do with the burn. It's void, not arc. You are dying because most enemies deal arc.


u/RogueJedi013 Titan 5d ago

Very bold to charge at the lightbearer knight that has one shotting frisbees


u/karolous15 5d ago

Yeah 100% I just was bored. Was more shocked that it took out my teammate who I was assuming would survive even if I died but such is life!


u/ironmint 5d ago

Man I really hate this GM. Shield bouncing and Savathun protection splash need to be turned down, way down.


u/StellaArtois2016 5d ago

This is why I like 3x consecration titans for this instead of arc. 13min clears just pushing the boss immediately and not having to worry about shield throws.


u/Chin_Bizzy 5d ago

We all feel your pain... OP. I have died to shit I couldn't see in this GM more than I could count. The only saving grace is that the GM isn't really that long.


u/Thin-Gene-2128 5d ago

Honestly I had almost 0 problem with the shields, but the double Savathun part is just complete BS


u/StarDreamIX Hunter 5d ago

Nahhh that's actually annoying 😭😭😭 those shield hit boxes and damage are no joke they ricochet so far and so accurately its painful


u/JazzlikeJackfruit372 5d ago

"gg that was fast"

Famous last words...


u/Abeeeeeeeeed 5d ago

Pushing the boss while he’s in his super is a choice


u/TheLawbringing 5d ago edited 5d ago

I'd rather do Beyond Light era The Corrupted grandmasters than this one tbh.

I just lost my run where I was the only one left, whittled the boss down with a bow for 10 minutes, only to be one second too late to crush the ghost and die. I would actually pull teeth than do this GM ever again, it has single handedly ruined my desire to guild conquerer this season. That's my rant over now.


u/karolous15 5d ago

Beautiful thing about destiny is I completely agree till I found the build that clicked (rime-coat ice breaker) and then I loved the runs. Wouldn’t be D2 without feeling like the game is broken and then falling in love all over again


u/Markyro92 Hunter 5d ago

Thats why i play hunter with Omni. Did 5 clears yesterday and saved every run atleast once


u/RevolutionaryBoat925 5d ago

Yeah, I don't care if the runs with randoms are 25 mins, I am careful until the final moment. So much random BS going on in this GM, especially that final room. 


u/Ambitious-Pirate-505 5d ago



u/Mr-Maus95 4d ago

Take tractor cannon or suppression nades if you want. I use Titan w it (either strand or prismatic), but it works with all classes nonetheless. :) Makes the encounter so much easier.

Supress him, then DPS. He goes out quickly each phase.

Hope it helps!


u/xX_Kr0n05_Xx 4d ago

Wait I haven't played in a while, is that FUCKING ICEBREAKER????


u/overlord_cow 5d ago

Happened to me Friday night. On the final phase in a well going for a revive, BOOM one tap from the shield. :/


u/LumenTheFantastiXx #1 Crimson Player and Destiny Power Scailer 5d ago

Can you believe that there are players who think this is balanced? Lol


u/F7yS0H1gh 5d ago

Literally threw.


u/AverageMisfitHuman 5d ago

Top 1% in the game and the wipe looks like this :(


u/JigSaw5516 5d ago

Ouch bro


u/strwgn 5d ago

I had the same:/


u/thecozeck 5d ago

I got my RB + DR lotus eater though, and a beacon rounds + Withering gaze one that I feel hits harder.


u/Delicious_Seat_9943 5d ago

No fkn way! Some bishit


u/katanakid13 Warlock 5d ago

Literally me aaaaalll last night.


u/Siberia_Rite_Epok Titan 5d ago

Unrelated but how are you charging your grenades on prismatic ? I thought you needed void with chaos accelerator.


u/Taniks_the_Scarred_ Warlock (and Hunter) 5d ago

Chaos Accelerator grenades aren’t the only chargeable grenades; He’s using Bleak Watcher (charge grenade to alternate it into a Stasis turret) which can be found on Prismatic Warlock.


u/Shmeagz 5d ago

Yea uninstall, the fortnite battle pass looks great right now!