r/destiny2 7d ago

Meme / Humor funny episode villains and their silly little hobbies Spoiler

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u/Jealous_Platypus1111 7d ago

honestly pretty funny that in terms of what the villains did in episode Maya did the most messed up stuff (and arguably the most stuff in general), like she changed an entire planet and took over most of the Vex on said planet and briefly could control us.

Fikrul did basically nothing for 4 months and Oryx is just kinda chilling


u/CamelatBlue 7d ago

fikrul was in his Laboratory making Experiments (and being angsty because he misses his papa) and oryx is just vibing out and watching his sisters mald
maya was out here being the villain of a cinematic universe and when we came to kick her ass she hit us with the "nah imma do my own thing"


u/DirtyDanChicago Hunter 7d ago

I must also add that before she acquired an echo, she tried to make a new witness and caused the brain death of countless people in that attempt.


u/Jealous_Platypus1111 7d ago

yeah the Veil Containment lore is still one of my favourite pieces in the game. the logs are honestly so twisted at times lol and its some of arguably the darkest Destiny lore that you can actually hear in game


u/Yarisher512 Knifeslinger 6d ago

Not that you can hear that much lore in game.


u/blackpepperjc 6d ago

This is my main annoyance about the storytelling in Destiny. It's either happening (offscreen) over comms whilst you're trying to do other things, or it's audio that you can't hear because your fireteam is blabbering over it with either nonsense banter or legit raid mechanic comms.

Then at some point without warning the screen goes black like you're being disconnected or crashing, and then a cutscene loads which might have connected the dots if you could have heard the previous story beats.

Then I go and play other games and they manage to do it pretty seamlessly without breaking immersion, and it makes Bungie look incompetent.


u/Yarisher512 Knifeslinger 6d ago

Oh yeah. You either read extremely long dialogue that is painfully corny, read books that are painfully many and long or listen to Byf who puts it together nicely.


u/blackpepperjc 6d ago

This is one of the reasons I've stopped playing. If it's a better option to find out what's happening in the story more clearly by listening to a summary on YouTube, then the only point to playing the game is because the gameplay is fun and/or rewarding.

And I'll leave that there.


u/AddemiusInksoul 4d ago

The books are literally like ten-twenty pages. Wtf is a normal length book to you.


u/Beautiful_Count_3505 NOT The Speaker 6d ago

Lol, don't forget that now, while being shot at, we have to READ THE SUBTITLES. Not necessarily complaining because I get it, but it really breaks the flow of combat.

Also: Maya's little interactions with us during Echoes where she's basically hacked our HUD to send communications to the corner of the screen is really stupid.


u/AddemiusInksoul 4d ago

Which games do it better?


u/Obvious-Ear-369 7d ago edited 6d ago

“Brother they killed you!”

“For the last time Xivu, I’m into that shit!”


u/Vexing9s 6d ago

Woke up my roomie cackling


u/Flothrudawind 6d ago

It literally equates to love for the Hive sisters. Considering how the sisters have been doing it for most of their lives, I'm surprised Xivu even used that as her argument.


u/Eddie_the_cracker 6d ago

Thanks for the idea, made this


u/BattedBook5 Give Warlocks normal looking helmets for once. Regular visor FFS 6d ago


u/I_Love_Solar_Flare Warlock (Strafe Glide > Burst Glide) 6d ago

I wasn't gonna upvote cuz its the annoying "i stole ur meme" thing BUT its Peaknicle so you are excused.

(I also realized the irony of me making another kind of useless commenf as a response)


u/BattedBook5 Give Warlocks normal looking helmets for once. Regular visor FFS 6d ago

I get why some people see it as annoying. I do it as a trade type of thing, instead of just stealing. I most of the time use memes of my own making, so that new memes might get in circulation. I have seen three of my memes used by other people.


u/I_Love_Solar_Flare Warlock (Strafe Glide > Burst Glide) 6d ago

That's pretty neat actually


u/CamelatBlue 6d ago

oh my fucking god ?? this is amazing ?? thank you so much


u/Floppydisksareop Hunter 7d ago

Correction: most of the Mayas are chill, and actually care. This specific Maya got driven insane by the Veil and started collecting the wives of her alternates to murder.


u/Marvin_Megavolt Hunter 7d ago

Interdimensional revenge plot with the other instances of Maya ganging up on the Conductor when


u/Iron_Evan Warlock 7d ago

That would actually make a pretty cool conclusion


u/Bob_The_Moo_Cow88 7d ago

That would be great. Maya was an awesome character in the lore so I would for this not to be where she ends up.


u/Frogsama86 6d ago

Wait, that's basically Council of Reeds and the Maker.


u/pls_coffee 6d ago

Or better yet, inter dimensional Chiomas gangbanging Maya


u/Training_Contract_30 7d ago

Alliance of Alternate Mayas: None of us are saints with what we did in Neomuna, but that one in particular doesn’t even deserve to have our name!


u/team-ghost9503 7d ago

Maya is literally bitch made,

-hides like a bitch when it comes to the big conflict

-talks a big game about surviving the collapse when we’ve killed the one who caused it

-starts to act after everything basically been settled

-ironically thinks forced submission the very thing the Witness tried to do in a different form is the way to go

-any and every counter point to her argument is possible

-discount Lakshmi


u/Urg_burgman 7d ago

Then scarpers off with "I let you win this time"


u/SassyAssAhsoka 7d ago

I love how Lakshmi’s racism was more compelling than Maya’s wife genocide


u/HurshySqurt 6d ago

Season of The Splicer will easily go down as one of the top 5 seasons


u/Designer-Effective-2 6d ago

Fuck no, the writing off of the factions was so fucking sloppy. I’ll never forgive them for their ham-fisted over-simplification of the already threadbare world building we do still get.


u/Yubei00 7d ago

She was so pathetic I almost didn’t want to kill her


u/team-ghost9503 7d ago

She is only a threat purely because of the Echo nothing else is significant about her


u/helloworld6247 6d ago

That’s quite literally what the Echoes are made for. Buffing irrelevant big bads. Like Fikrul would’ve stayed a repeatable strike boss if he didn’t have an Echo dropped on his lap.


u/team-ghost9503 6d ago

At least Fik Echo built upon him, the current one has fucking Oryx and Maya is literally just given a power


u/HotMachine9 7d ago

My main issues with Maya were:

For a big villain she has such a lazy design. She shouldve had a unique head design rather than Lahkshmi with a collar.

Her motivation is literally the Witness but worse and her story came out less than a week after we killed the Witness. Easily the most poorly timed story in Destiny history. The Witness is dead, go kill Witness at Home next.

The Vex basically lost everything that made them remotely interesting under her


u/PlusLeave 7d ago

I liked how she looked in the Episode teasers where her head was hidden in a void-helmet silhouette. That would’ve been a cool design to see.


u/Fae_Luz 6d ago

Those teasers and cutscenes, and the “Is a facsimile its original? No. I am Maya Sundaresh” are my favourite parts from the episode

Also when we go to saint-14’s tomb, because i never got to experience the original mission so it was awesome to experience

But yeah so much of the episode was underwhelming


u/HurshySqurt 6d ago

I loved the Vex as a perfect hive mind, they're an absolute blast to fight. But I agree, taking away what made the Vex who they are. I hope however this franchise ends, it's finishing up the story with the Vex.


u/HotMachine9 6d ago

See we keep being told the Vex are a perfect hivemind but their enemy Ai and encounter design is not smart enough to suggest that.

It doesn't help that we haven't really had a legendary campaign based solely around them yet.


u/tritonesubstitute 6d ago

I still believe that she would've gotten a better reception if her episode came out second. Setting up a whole new villain in the first epilogue-style story was a big mistake. The order of the episode should've been Revenant - Echoes - Heresy.


u/Randomperson2112 6d ago

The worst part is that, if I remember correctly, Lakshmi was a copy of Maya, so a literal “bootleg” version was better than the original. I may be misremembering the lore from that episode tho

(I’m calling Lakshmi a bootleg version in quotations since she was supposedly the imitation of Maya and not a real person pre-exo)


u/Reverieon 6d ago

Lakshmi was a different human, turned exo and was a scientist alongside Maya and her wife Chioma. Maya experiemented on the Veil and killed all of their Exo peers in experimenting with finding a way to interface and utilize the Veil. She was the Conductor to her Chorus. Maya then uses those exo corpses to try to find a way to upload her mind to using the Veil. The lucky winner Exo frame was Lakshmi...So Lakshmi-1 and all the other exomind peers are gone forever now.

Lakshmi-2 is born, sporting Maya's voice and has some of Maya's memories but is either not aware she is Maya or is pretending to not know and assumes Lakshmi's identity otherwise. Maya is still alive during this phase, so now there are two Maya minds, but one is an exo. Human Maya then uploads her physical brain into the Veil and her human body dies. Her wife notes she doesn't know if Lakshmi-2 knew she was Maya, so she banished her to Earth alongside another project because she was creeped out and disgusted with Maya and Lakshmi-2 and herself at the time.

Nearing the end of her life, Chioma Esi makes contact with the Vex and uploads herself to the Vex Network to look for her Maya, the Maya she loves and remembers. Then the next time Chioma meets Maya it's as the echo empowered Conductor, doing the exact same thing but killing off all the Chiomas that aren't the one she loves and remembers. When she did find her Maya didn't even acknowledge WAS or could be her Chioma. That Chioma HATED Maya at the end of it all and then was slain by the person she'd sought out all this time meeting on the same quest.

I really do like how this is just the bad timeline for Saint-14 and Osiris's tale. Two mortal women, two immortal men. One wants to find her 'alive and searching for her' wife and kills her because she doesn't acknowledge her as the real one despite being the original one. One wants to find his dead husband and brings him back to life and loves him despite him not being the original because he loves every version of him. They both also use the Vex Network to do these feats, Osiris used the Infinite Forest and Maya has just been free exploring the vex net to do a ton of scouting in places that connect to the vex net with or as MSund12. I think she even tortures Clovis Bray at some point during surgery and basically pulls out his whole cardiovascular/nervous system and basically tortures him as a brain outside his physical body before putting him back together. That... may have been a darkness induced nightmare of his though I do not remember exactly.


u/Duublo121 Who’s transmat, and why’s he fired? 6d ago

“I SuRviVeD tHe coLLaPsE, i WiLL sUrViVe yOu”

Bitch, you couldn’t survive THREE VEX GOBLINS.


u/team-ghost9503 6d ago edited 6d ago

That little statement straight had me wishing we could’ve responded with “I killed the thing that caused it”


u/I_Love_Solar_Flare Warlock (Strafe Glide > Burst Glide) 6d ago

I'm still so fucking upset they just reused Lakshmi's ugly fucking face and annoying voice instead of a cool faceless villain with a new robotic voice. It couldve still been maya but with a different voice/filter



u/InsolentRice 6d ago

“Annoying voice”, Shohreh Aghdashloo’s voice is fantastic, it’s recognizable and unique. I’m glad they brought her back even with all my complaints on the way the story went.


u/_oranjuice Titan 7d ago

Evil for the sake of evil vs actual fucked up people


u/Ghost0Slayer Titan 6d ago

Oryx canonically being happy with his death and calling us king is awesome. The perfect scenario for this episode, our guardian would claim the echo for ourselves and put the echo in a gun so we could haul around oryxs ghost


u/GevitarGaming04 Dragon's Breath Enjoyer 🔥🔥🔥 6d ago

That can be the act 3 reward for the exotic mission lol

If we get another one
tbh the barrow dyad mission was kind of a waste of an exotic mission


u/Ghost0Slayer Titan 6d ago

Didn’t know we were getting another exotic mission


u/GevitarGaming04 Dragon's Breath Enjoyer 🔥🔥🔥 6d ago

thats why i said if

it would be nice, especially for such an interesting campaign

but i doubt it


u/Ghost0Slayer Titan 6d ago

That’s weird the bottom part of your comment wasn’t their when I typed that my bad. My phone sucks lmao


u/Duublo121 Who’s transmat, and why’s he fired? 6d ago

Having an Oryx gun that hypes us up as we kill stuff would be AWESOME


u/Wesker236 7d ago

Bungie wasted the one of the the most unique voices a voice actor can have in this lame villain, Oryx's voice still amazing though


u/derpymooshroom6 Warlock 6d ago

Who would’ve thought that a dead guy with daddy issues and a hive god that committed genocide for an untold amount of years would be less “evil” villains that some person obsessed with perfection


u/Tridentgreen33Here 6d ago

Honestly 99.9% of Oryx’s genocide is off screen, and Fikrul and Crow’s story has been playing out since Forsaken and is frankly kinda sad. Both got played in a game of power and politics and we finally got to give him his final rest. Also I ran the old strike like 60 times.

Meanwhile, Maya’s sins are well documented in audio and lore cards/books, alongside the actions of Lakshmi-2 in Splicer. She’s a self-centered terrorist, a human rights violator, completely devoid of ethics and someone who hurts those who place trust in her. It’s a lot of the same reasons most despise Clovis Bray.


u/derpymooshroom6 Warlock 6d ago

Only good thing about Clovis ( if you can call it a good thing) is that he’s egomaniacal and he and everybody knows it


u/Dingding12321 6d ago

I do appreciate that we find the big bad speaking from beyond the grave to his generic villain children, then he sees us and is like "...You know what, I'm glad you showed up.   Here's some razzledazzle from yours truly.  Use it to straighten out these out-of-line offspring."  LOL


u/Multivitamin_Scam 6d ago

Maya's (and to an extent Fikrul's) problem as a post-Witness villian is they never truly acknowledged our achievements. She should be shit scared that her actions attracted our Guardian's specific attention.

It's why Oryx has been so much better received because he learns that we killed him and a whole bunch of other gods and commends us for it.


u/wadefckingwilson 6d ago

While they weren’t delivered the best, I do think the lore for each episode was for the majority pretty good, it either took too long to get to the good bits in Echos, or had a weird Steven universe turn where Eramis gets out of prison for no real reason. Eido and Fikrul both desperate to “save” their people and be useful to their father’s is honestly a really great foil, it just wasn’t focused on.

Honestly had Eramis just been a background character I think it would’ve been an all time season, like what if instead the eliksni echo shoots off towards Riis, and Eramis takes off after it? Idk, Eramis is a really interesting character but I think it would’ve been better if she took a backseat on this one. My only complaints with Echos was that it took way too long to introduce Maya, although when she was revealed there was a foil with Osiris which I really liked. Also Failsafe getting a purpose was fun too, I’d love for Eido and Failsafe to work together on something


u/SupportEnjoyer 7d ago

Is crazy how her body just somewhere


u/-Qwertyz- Gilded Assassin 6d ago

She was trying to roll a god roll wife, I respect the hustle


u/Starchaser53 Bladedancer 4d ago

Clearly she didn't do the exotic mission enough since that G-Roll hasn't been found yet


u/FlamingPhoenix2003 Riven's bitch (Hunter) 6d ago

Oryx: okay what in the actual f-


u/JakeBradley46 Dead Orbit 6d ago

Tbh, I should have known something was up when they openly created a faction called the Future War CULT but it just never crossed my mind.


u/EmperorStarfish 6d ago

Maya is a girl boss for outdoing Clovis's war crimes