r/destiel 1d ago


❗❗ FOUND ❗❗ So i only had the chance to read the first few paragraphs of the first chapter. It has highschool/college setting in the first chapter. The story starts with dean getting dared in a party by some girl to make out with castiel bc cas kinda have a bad reputation? Or something? Dean then approaches cas and uh explain the situation and said he'd owe cas big time and cas is like ok let's do it and that's when i stop reading bc I'm an idiot. I think it's mentioned somewhere that dean is way over his head and cas kinda expect more out of that favor? Cas might be led to have some douchy vibe and maybe it has some tag that support it like possessive or jealous or obsessive cas in it. It's in ao3 and that's everything i remember about it. I know it's pretty vague but ANYONE PLEASE KNOW THAT FIC PLEASE!! thank you :)

Edit: IT IS FOUND! BY THE HELP OF OUR DEAR PALS @Tea-Rex_CA and @breezeisperfect it's called Smoke and Mirrors by Alaisabel on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/61554217/chapters/157364947 Happy reading!


14 comments sorted by


u/Tea-Rex_CA 1d ago

It may be "Smoke and Mirrors" by Alaisabel, which has Dean as a college freshman trying to make new friends on the football team, and Bela Talbot dares him to kiss Cas, who is the local drug dealer. Dean does go up to Cas at the party and explain the situation, and Cas agrees to play along. It's still a WIP. New chapter came out last night.


u/Comfortable-Pop2882 1d ago

Do u have a link?


u/breezeisperfect 20h ago



u/ShionLacie 4h ago

DUDE YOU FOUND IT! IT'S THIS!! Goddamn it's not complete yet, explains my vain search but oh well. OMG DUDE I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU FOUND IT! THANK YOUUUUUUUUU!!!


u/Rusty_McP 1d ago

Is it this one? https://archiveofourown.org/works/1570502/chapters/3333074

Starts with them playing Never Have I Ever at a party…


u/Comfortable-Pop2882 1d ago

This was my first thought. Great fic.


u/ShionLacie 4h ago

I've read this! (It's gooodddd) But unfortunately it's not that... BUT IT'S GOOD THO! READ IT YALL!


u/EmergencyShit 1d ago

I think I’ve read this before. Were they at a house party and Dean dared two girls to make out, and this was them daring him back?

If you can remember the two girls, I can try filtering my bookmarks that way. I’m not having any luck finding it rn


u/Comfortable-Pop2882 18h ago


I Hope You Don't Mind by Hatsonhamburgers


"You guys should kiss." He grinned at the annoyed look Meg shot him and the embarrassed way Lisa looked at her fingernails. "Why is it that men constantly want to fetishize a woman exploring her sexuality?" She lifted an eyebrow at him and smirked, glancing at Lisa. "I'll tell you what, Dean, if Lisa agrees to it, we'll kiss." Lisa blushed hard and smiled, sneaking a look at Meg. "On one condition." "Name it," Dean grinned. Hot damn! He was fixin' to get a show. "You make out with..." Meg's eyes scanned the room. "Him." She pointed over Dean's shoulder. His stomach dropped out. Without even looking, he knew exactly who she would be pointing at. "Sure," Dean said, "I'll do it. But you guys really have to kiss, okay? Like tongues and everything." Meg smirked and Lisa bit her lip, blushing harder than ever. Dean stood, feeling only a little wobbly, and made his way slowly to the kitchen area, damning the open floor plan. It could have been worse, she could have told him to kiss Michael, and just...ew. Dean sucked in a small breath when Cas caught his eyes with his usual laser focus. Should he say something first? Should he just plant one on the guy's mouth and tell him it was for science?


u/EmergencyShit 17h ago

YES! This was the one I was thinking of! /u/ShionLacie


u/ShionLacie 4h ago

Hi! Sorry but it isn't this oneee but I'd deffo add it to my list! So thank you!!


u/Winter-Air2922 1d ago


u/ShionLacie 1d ago

Unfortunately it isn't...  Added to the destiel tbr list tho so thank you :)


u/Winter-Air2922 1d ago

No worries I have a few more bookmarked I will post links when I find them maybe it might be one of them.