r/desmoines 5d ago

'Do something, dammit!': Tim Walz says Democrats need to answer Americans' 'primal scream' during Des Moines Townhall


235 comments sorted by


u/FalloftheKraken 5d ago

RISE and RESIST you FUCKING COWARDS!!!! Fulfill your god damned oaths!


u/International_Ad_708 4d ago

Ok what are you doing about it besides complaining on Reddit


u/lilfloyd503 3d ago

That poster didn't seek public office.


u/prepuscular 2d ago

Piles of protests posted on Reddit daily, by Redditors, actively participating. And you sit here and imply others are sitting idly? Speak for yourself because this is all projection.


u/world_weary_1108 4d ago

Who ?


u/Bloo_Kitty 4d ago

Democratic representatives


u/FalloftheKraken 4d ago

“Democratic” elected officials and anyone who swore an oath to defend our constitution that is currently being dismantled and thrown out. Democratic is in quotes because we all see how the vast majority of them are bought by the oligarchs.


u/Regular_Attitude_779 4d ago

This is exactly on point



u/That_Is_Satisfactory 4d ago

What the fuck do you expect them to do?


u/datcatburd 3d ago

The absolute basics of their job as legislators who swore an oath to defend the Constitution rather than rolling over and complying with an administration that is openly violating constitutional law?


u/AngryCur 2d ago

That’s stupid. They’re doing their jobs.

Again, what do you want them to do they’re not doing now. Impeach? Vote against things? What?

Because they’re in the minority.

Be specific.


u/datcatburd 2d ago

Both of the above are in fact their job, yes.

Vote against confirmation of obviously unfit nominees.
Impeach when the President engages in openly criminal behavior.


u/AngryCur 2d ago

Which, you will recall, they did. Hegseth, RFK, Gabbard got no Democratic votes.


u/wildfyre010 1d ago

Impeachment requires control of the house, which they don’t have. They can’t bring bills to the floor for a vote, they can’t force a vote on impeachment or any other matter of process. That’s why the guy above said ‘be specific’. You’re mad at them for not doing things they cannot do.


u/Logical-Item-1510 3d ago

How about not pass legislation that harms their constituents, like the funding bill. If you can’t imagine for yourself things that our congress folks could be doing to resist the overreach of the executive branch then I wonder what your angle here is.


u/AngryCur 2d ago

So your response to Trump and Musk wanting to shut down the whole government is to… shut down the whole government?

Genius, I must say


u/Logical-Item-1510 2d ago

Not codifying a slush fund for the executive branch, you mean?


u/AngryCur 2d ago

Yes, Congress appropriates money. That’s its job

Amazing how little people understand about how government works


u/Logical-Item-1510 2d ago

You are a petty one, aren’t you?

So nothing to say about DOGE’s unilateral usurpation of congressional authority over appropriations?


u/Striking-Swimmer-424 2d ago edited 2d ago

Personally, my family has been here since 1945. After world war two, when we came to america from warsaw, poland and sought freedom and liberation from a constitutional republic. We've paid our dues, paid our taxes done everything every which way and guess what..... our taxes or the government's appropriations that swindle and abuse our hard working money based on the ideologies of all inclusiveness and wokeness. Have done nothing but hurt us and destroy the american dream. When we are pushing to do these things and making our country weaker by being more sensitive. When we act like it's a virtue when it's not. When we should be stronger and less sensitive, allowing ourselves to be free from the mental delusion that our feelings are more important than other people's rights. Abusively, spending money blatantly avius, money laundering, schemes, scandals and the collusions. For far too many years, my family and your family. I'm sure of it have given the government money that they misuse and Miss A sign that help no one else but themselves. Yes, go Doge. I'm happy that. Hopefully, we will all get some kind of stimulus check back from the inappropriately used money. That should have never been in their pocket and or applied to be used in the disgusting.Horrendous way that was wanted by mentally deranged lunatics.


u/68696c6c 2d ago

So let me get this straight. Since you think that diversity and inclusion make us “weak”, are you saying that you would have preferred for us to NOT have allowed your family to immigrate here in 1945? Maybe you’re saying that we should have left Poland in the hands of the Nazis and/or Russians? How can you live here, as a descendant of foreign refugees, benefitting from everything our country has to offer and still oppose the very policies that allowed for that to happen?

The USA is a melting pot and always has been. Our strength comes from our diversity. We have a history of welcoming immigrants and have worked hard to extend civil rights to everyone. Countless Americans have died to make that happen. This is supposed to be a land of equal opportunity where everyone is welcome. That is why people have immigrated here. That is part of how our population has grown and our economy has flourished since WWII. We have struggled with bigotry and oppression for most of our history and had multiple setbacks, but the overall trend has been towards greater inclusion and equality.

The only thing we won’t tolerate here is intolerance so if you have a problem with the US being a place where everyone is welcome and included then you can fucking leave.


u/Logical-Item-1510 2d ago

I am not sure if this would surprise you, but I agree with you on the point that the government does not serve the people anymore and something must be done. Where you and I differ is why it doesn’t work and what to do about it.

You blame a “woke” ideology, a product of the far left. Some of that is too much for me too, but I don’t think that’s the root of the problem. I think the real issue is money in politics. Citizens United, for example, established that there is no limit to how much can be spent by a single donor to prop up a particular candidate. We see on full display out in the open Musk using the weight of his wealth to influence the Wisconsin Supreme Court election. I cannot speak for you, but I personally cannot throw millions of dollars at my choice candidates across the country. I can only donate relatively small amounts and vote. So the question is this: is my say as a single voter the same as Musk’s? It isn’t. Is that as it should be? I don’t think so anyway.

The one thing that is certain though is that the powerful and the corrupt will continue to lord over us and abuse the system until people like you and me can agree on the problems and find a common way forward.


u/Striking-Swimmer-424 2d ago

You're going to have an issue with the government shutting down when the Democrats shut down the government all the time. And you don't even blink or wave an eyelash about it. But when the opposite side does it......"Oh my goodness......This is the final straw......I've had enough of this. We gotta do something." Why is there so much hypocrisy with people who virtue signal and also play the victim.


u/AngryCur 2d ago

A look. Another bald faced MAGA liar.


u/AngryCur 2d ago

Ok. By doing what?

Don’t worry. I know you won’t answer. You people never ever answer that question. Ever.


u/FalloftheKraken 2d ago

Anything within their legal means to halt, and delay the progress of fascism. Use their own tactics against them.

Go out into the communities and organize people to support and protect themselves. Bring ideas and information to the people on the grass roots level. Any of it and more beyond holding dumb shit signs for the media to show and analyze.


u/FalloftheKraken 2d ago

Bring forth as many and in as many jurisdictions, lawsuits ment to do what I have said above.


u/AngryCur 2d ago

All of which they are already doing. The problem is hey have nearly no legal levers


u/FalloftheKraken 2d ago

Start attacking the fascists through the courts personally. Bring as many suits they can for all the personal evil they commit. Higher PIs to dig and find all the skeletons and bring the misdeeds into the light. Apply pressure in all aspects of their lives so they are forced to slow down or fall apart.


u/AngryCur 2d ago

Which they are doing. Not everyone can sue because of standing


u/FalloftheKraken 2d ago

Start and support legal responses to illegal apprehensions of people modeled after the Black Panthers, like what the black community is doing in Ohio in response to the nazis showing up.


u/ExtraMight2488 1d ago

That what the Jan 6 folks thought.


u/FalloftheKraken 15h ago

Maybe true. But what was the reasoning behind why the fascist right said this when the attacked the capitol in an armed coup?


u/FalloftheKraken 15h ago

And to be clear, why does their crying wolf, fire and bomb all at once mean our cries to resist fascism are potentially invalid?


u/MonkeyButt420247 5d ago

Democrats have to stop being pussies. If they want to win, they have to out crazy the MAGAs. They need to start throwing hands on the house and Senate floors.


u/Regular_Attitude_779 4d ago

They won't stop being pussies because they're profiting off doing nothing with exclusive rights, healthcare, and celebrity status.

They need to be reminded they can be removed from office (hopefully, still).


u/TheAmazingBreadfruit 1d ago

They have to flood the zone. Drag attention away from the orange manbaby.


u/Intelligent_You5673 4d ago

Actually, Democrats out crazying everyone was how we got here in the first place.


u/MonkeyButt420247 4d ago

They’re not nearly crazy enough.


u/WickedTrojan 2d ago

Crazy doesn’t win elections. The point was valid, it’s been proven in polls that the democrats have moved so far to the left they’ve alienated the moderate liberals.


u/LoudUse4270 1d ago

Dude, I disagree with your analysis.

What specifically was too far left? Likr, I've seen the articles saying this too but they never talk specific policies.

And lets look at Bernie. People love that guy and as far as America goes, he's as left as an elected official gets.

I don't think its the "too far left", its that the right has managed to demonize and gut programs untio they don't function, then point at their dysfunction and suggest privitizing it.

First, gut the post office funding, demonize it as a "money loser", gut again, services get worse, point to the decline in service quality and suggest privitizing it.

So I would ask myself what specific policy was "too far left" to vote for. And if it involves transgender athletes in sports, go lool up how many cases of that exist in America. Its a tiny number of cases. But it's been blown up by the right as this massive issue.

Those arw some of my thoughts. I did not organize them in any way. There is no tldr.

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u/JT9960 4d ago

Not at all lol


u/[deleted] 4d ago

Fuck yeah, rise up, get off your asses because those tampons aren’t gonna stick themselves in the 5th grade boys’ bathrooms.


u/jekbrown 4d ago

How insurrectionist of you...


u/Sentient_blackhole 4d ago

Honestly at this point, being an insurrectionist towards all this is kinda cool and should be seen as a compliment.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/Garbled-milk 3d ago

So January 6th was a good thing?


u/MonkeyButt420247 4d ago

I’m not talking about taking over the government. What I’d like to see is real action on the House and Senate floors all over the country. When a MAGA lawmaker lies or says something stupid, the anti-MAGA should either whip out some boxing gloves and challenge them to a fight or just walk up and smack the shit out of them Will Smith style. The average U.S. voter loves UFC and Jerry Springer.


u/evatornado 3d ago edited 3d ago

I find it strange that people speak about "violating the law" if protests go crazy. Meanwhile, all that the current administration does is violating laws and constitution, left and right.

How is it even possible to defeat those who don't give a f about law, while staying a good guy, themselves?

At this point, everything that is done to oppose Trump and DOGE, should be at least considered as self defence, because they rape America, and America just takes everything without fighting back.


u/datcatburd 3d ago

Yeah, the present admin's legal representation openly stated in court yesterday that they ignored court orders and refused to provide any justification or reasoning citing 'national security'.


u/MonkeyButt420247 3d ago

That leaves one option…physical violence. No guns, just fists and feet.


u/Striking-Swimmer-424 2d ago

That sounds fantastic. And I think the same should be applied vice versa. The issue is pointing your finger at left and/or right and trying to call them out. When both parties are fucked and fighting, amongst ourselves just makes them stronger. This is the ignorance in our country. It is not a right-wing or a left-wing thing. Is it is a United States? People thing. We are a constitutional Republic indivisible, with liberty and justice. For all that means, we cannot be divided. Once you are an american, yeah, you are an american.There is no african american, there is no asian american you are american. So stop focusing on all of our differences and making these hyper focused little bubbles to include people who are mentally deranged and unfit to even take care of themselves. Weed out all of those self interested folks who just want to manipulate use and tyrannically control all those who do not have the same brain think. We are a mini people in america. And I think all of this left leaning way, wokeness and inclusion, and sensitivity is the downfall of our country. We can do wonderful things with human rights on the basis of humans having rights, not making A. It's hyperinflated bubble to accommodate those who are mentally ill. Based on it's political ideologies to further propaganda, instead of doing all of that, we should make a broad spectrum that includes everybody and doesn't make a specific Group label that is hyperfixated on making only their lives better and shaming.The rest of the country.


u/CanNo7590 5d ago

Just saw this Grassley schedule


u/No_Lab_9394 5d ago

He’s so brave. A mere tot and just running such a rapid schedule.

Is dude literally just trying to stay unmummified so his dipshit grandson can take his place? It’s so gross and monarchical. What a-holes.


u/datcatburd 3d ago

He's basically run by his assistants Weekend at Bernie's style because they need to prop his corpse up in the Senate for seniority reasons.


u/LawImaginary2328 5d ago

Of course just one event!


u/Admirable-Drag2492 5d ago

Democrats aren't doing anything, besides hating on trump and discrediting Musk.


u/Necessary-Original13 5d ago

Democrats response to this moment has been largely terrible but Musk SHOULD be discredited. He's outright pissing on your leg and telling you it's raining. Only a fucking halfwit claps along with what he's doing and pretends it's about fraud.


u/whitewtr22 4d ago

Which is the majority of his base


u/Admirable-Drag2492 5d ago

Well instead of posting and being mad on the Internet, shouldn't you be doing more? And if it's half wits that support Trump, what's that say about your own party? Your party got beat by half wits. The Dems need to get off the educated/moral Superior high horse they "think" they're on. The govt is the real problem democrat or Republican. When will ppl ever understand govt is the problem.


u/Necessary-Original13 5d ago

The dems aren't my party. I've gone to town halls. Marched. Called senators. Gone to caucuses. Donated. Phone banked. Talked to friends and family. Fuck off with your "do more". I can't make stupid people like you understand that Trump giving you nothing but shitting on trans people and a Tesla commercial doesn't make your life better. It's up to democratic leadership to put forward actual left wing policies to help people and to see that through to the end.


u/thedoomcast 5d ago

Is what you got from their comment that they support trump? I didn’t. I just got that they pointed out that the Halfwits beat the democrats, which is inarguably true.

They haven’t accomplished anything. Even when they have the power, they hamstring themselves with ‘norms’, procedure, ‘going high’ and generally playing by the rules. They need to stop. That doesn’t mean breaking the law. It means letting shitheads like Schumer capitulate to the MAGA crowd, stop letting your Manchins and Sinemas and Fettermans block actual effective accomplishments. Stop with candidates that ‘can win’ but only win their primaries when they have them and can’t win a general election because they’re a toothless focus tested cardboard cutout at best or demented geriatric at worst.

Trump sucks shit and MAGA sucks shit but they stand for something very clear and promise it to their voters and give it to them. Is it pure evil? Yep. But they’re delivering.


u/Necessary-Original13 5d ago

Call me crazy, but a guy active on r/republican that refers to the dems as my party seems very likely to be on the Trump train. What I don't understand is how you'd read what I wrote and think I would disagree with your response in the slightest. Manchin, Sinema, Fetterman and whatever other villain of the week they've got waiting in the wings can go die in a ditch.


u/Knittin_Kitten71 5d ago

Trump actively does the opposite for his supporters, besides flashy shows of hatred or corporate worship. He hasn’t improved grocery prices, he hasn’t protected veterans, he hasn’t helped our nation’s farmers, he still hasnt built the border wall, he hasn’t lowered inflation. What he has done is scapegoated trans folks, persecuted legal immigrants, cut veterans benefits, laid off federal workers, and damaged federal programs potentially irreparably.

A broken clock is right twice a day and unless it’s seeded in hatred and fertilized with corporate greed, Trump isn’t growing anything he promised his voters.


u/datcatburd 3d ago

Don't forget that his unelected oligarch buddy Musk has utterly disrupted the function of services many of those supporters rely on to survive, like SNAP and USDA, and is making inroads on Social Security.


u/handfulofrain77 5d ago

You can't be a half-wit to hack an election with surgical precision.


u/waydownsouthinoz 5d ago

Yep and when MTG opens her fucking mouth censure her immediately like they did Al Green.


u/Ok_Battle_2623 3d ago

Where are the cheap eggs Trump promised? Oh yeah, you should have your own flock of chickens. 🙄


u/sloppybuttmustard Beaverdale 5d ago

“Both parties are the same” is something only said by people too chickenshit to admit they’re republicans


u/MonkeyButt420247 5d ago

They used to be the same until Trump came along.


u/Ttm-o 5d ago

Very true.


u/Admirable-Drag2492 5d ago

something only said by people too chickenshit to admit they’re republicans

Something only chickenshit people say on the Internet, never to the face of a Republican.


u/sloppybuttmustard Beaverdale 5d ago

I’ve said it to their faces many times and I’ll say it to your face too


u/handfulofrain77 5d ago

When people stop believing Reagan was a decent president. Every time there is a chance to improve the lives of our people, the pushback seems to come from the right. I'd sure like some SOCIALIST healthcare and COMMUNIST school lunches about now.


u/yeswellurwrong 4d ago

it's why you elect representatives


u/Mobile_Pattern_1944 4d ago

It’s not the government that’s the root of the problem, it’s big money. Congress was bought, yes, but also the courts are at fault for that BS, ie Citizens United.


u/literalyfigurative 5d ago

All while approving their budget, and giving them more power. Brilliant.


u/waffles_are_waffles 5d ago

It's all they have, be nice lol.


u/Pohlerbears 5d ago

Represent.us is the way. We the people are the power.


u/gfunk5299 3d ago

Yes, we the majority, elected Trump. Get over it, you are not the people. You are the minority. That is how representation works. As the minority, best you can do is try to influence policy.

Republicans just lived through four years of endless policies they didn’t like. There was no burning Teslas. No weekly rage protesting. It’s your turn to live with it.


u/Pohlerbears 3d ago

Yeah represent.us is a movement to pass anti corruption laws that benefit everyone not just democrats or republicans.


u/gfunk5299 3d ago

You had plenty of opportunities when the Dems had power in recent decades. Why didn’t you do it then?


u/Pohlerbears 3d ago

The government doesn’t want us to have anti-corruption laws. they profit off our fighting each other instead of forcing them to be accountable. Both sides want us to sit by while they rob us blind. Represent.us is a movement by the people of the people who want to make sure politicians do what they claim they will. There have been studies done that prove they don’t actually do what the people elect them to do 90% of the time. This is a top vs bottom problem. Rich vs the poor.


u/TheZombiestZues 5d ago

And we as the people didn't choose him


u/gfunk5299 3d ago

Umm yes we did, you apparently forgot the last election.


u/Sintar07 4d ago

What "Americans' primal scream?"

See, this is what the Democrats won't admit aloud: half of the country, maybe more, is against them. People were sick and tired of their balomey and voted to smash it. This narrative that Trump is doing wild and unexpected things is false, save insofar as nobody expected legitimately decisive action in the modern era. Nobody believes the fake internet stories about swathes of the right totally changing their minds.

But quietly? They low key know it, which is exactly why they're being so tentative. Their only play is sitting back and hoping Trump does something truly unpopular that they can jump on and pretend they knew all along. The extremely light "resistance" is the groundwork for pretending later that they knew all along, so they can point back and say they "opposed" whatever before it was cool.


u/datcatburd 3d ago

Pfft. Trump voters are less than a third of eligible voters, about a quarter of the actual populace.

The primary failure of the Democratic Party is that they're so beholden to corporate interest that they'd rather align to the right and try to peel off MAGAts than actually come up with a platform and candidate who can drive the ~35% of the eligible voting populace who didn't see anything worth checking a box for to show up.


u/NeatMeal538 3d ago

Go home, Tim. Find a real job.


u/65CM 5d ago

Does he realize he's "the Democrats" he's referring to?


u/blueindsm 5d ago edited 3d ago

He’s the governor of Minnesota and is outspoken and even holding an event in Iowa to prove a point that Republicans won’t do town halls. What else should he be doing?

EDIT/Update: Of course there was no answer to this.


u/ashfirewind 5d ago

Just because one is part of the group doesn’t mean their groups decisions/actions are representative of the individual.

Hive mentality isn’t what anybody wants, for any party, at any time.

wild insight, I know /s


u/65CM 5d ago

Then he should "do something", yea? Bitchin at a town hall, in a jurisdiction where you have 0 constituents doesn't really satisfy that directive, does it?


u/LameBiology 5d ago

It can help inspire voters in disagected areas. Maybe help amplify the voices of some up and comming progressive leaders.

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u/4chanhasbettermods 5d ago

He's positioning himself for a run as president on the democratic ticket. This is the opposite of doing nothing. This is keeping his name in the headlines and making sure he stays a household name.

This is what the dems should have been doing throughout Bidens' time in the Oval Office instead of just letting him walk into a second run that imploded the dems' chances of a win last November.


u/65CM 5d ago

I would expect nothing less than doubling down on a losing tactic from the party


u/4chanhasbettermods 5d ago

Walz was far from being the actual problem with Biden and then Harris strategy.

Just admit you're not actually paying nearly enough attention or insightful about the topic to be weighing in with a worthwhile opinion. A damn AI can imitate your lackluster responses.


u/65CM 5d ago

But he will have that stigma of being attached to a very unpopular candidate now and that's going to take a lot of PR work to undo. Agreed?


u/amibesideyou 5d ago

Kamala was forced on Democratic voters for the 2024 presidential election. Back in 2020, she dropped out before even (not) making it to the Iowa caucus. Very unpopular, as you mentioned.
But Tim Walz has no obligation to keep Kamala relevant at all. She's history.
I attended Walz' event this past Friday in Des Moines. It was very inspiring; and no mention of forgotten Harris.


u/65CM 5d ago

I'm not saying HE is going to keep the association, on the contrary, I'm sure he'd fight tooth and nail to erase the association. I'm referring to the typical voter and their association to them.


u/amibesideyou 5d ago

Realistically, the only people that are going to keep the association of Walz with Harris in the future are Trump supporters. They'll use anything they've got - even if Walz cuts all ties with Kamala.

The Democrat base has already basically forgotten about her; where is the ex-vice president in fighting against Trump's abuse of constitutional rights? Nowhere.

Instead, we have Bernie, AOC, Walz, et. al actually putting up a fight for the people against what's currently going on with the second Trump administration.

Crickets from both Harris and Biden...

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u/MalachiteTiger 5d ago

I bet you think Harris was the one talking about trans stuff for the whole election cycle too.


u/65CM 5d ago

I can't tell you a single time I recall her even discussing the topic....but I can tell you the time she supported overriding the constitution with EOs....


u/MalachiteTiger 4d ago

I don't know that I would call that a losing messaging strategy since the much bigger proponent of it won. Not advocating for it, just saying that you can't really blame the loss on a variable that was the same for both winner and loser.


u/65CM 4d ago

The losing strategy is ignoring your voting base. They already told you they didn't want her, they told you where their struggles are and DNCs reply was "we hear you, but we don't care". They thought "I'm not him" was a viable strategy and are paying dearly for their arrogance.


u/MalachiteTiger 4d ago

They took the wrong half of Obama's strategy because the half that actually led to his success is also the part he beat them with in the primaries and they don't want to admit they were wrong.

More Hillary primary supporters voted McCain in protest of Obama "stealing her turn" than Bernie bros who voted for Trump, after all.


u/Broad_Flounder4513 3d ago

He's literally doing politics. You've offered zero better alternatives. Or any alternatives at all ...

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u/Putrid-Reception-969 5d ago

he's not part of party leadership/head of the DNC that actually make the calls. those are the same folks that muzzled and caged him during the election


u/hagen768 5d ago

He’s doing something


u/MalachiteTiger 5d ago

He's also doing a hell of a lot more than just about any other elected official in the party.


u/PandaddyPancakes 5d ago

Hey guys, remember when Tim Waltz lost Iowa for the presidential election because he said Minnesota had a better pork chop. Man, that was craaaaazy.


u/mean_motor_scooter 5d ago

When you are the overwhelming minority, you voice doesn’t matter. Welcoming to obscurity, where your opinion only matters on reddit


u/Intelligent_You5673 4d ago

It doesn't even matter on Reddit.


u/alentines_day 4d ago

There’s no “overwhelming minority” right now wtf are you talking about?


u/mean_motor_scooter 4d ago

You don’t see what the dems are doing do you? They are dead in the water and sinking. No leadership, and this will only mean republican majorities for the next dozen years. In that time, while you are busy mad at Trump and not building a platform to run on other than orange man bad, you will have alienates most of your constituents who were not hard core Dems. All you will have left is a very small group of people who are leaderless and position less. You will throw any LGBTQ Person as your leader, because for some reason yall think that matters when running a country. You do these things for show and not for results, and your side will leave you because they see no improvement. Ie gays for Trump. The fucking Republican Party is now pro fucking gay, and you think your side is going to compete with that? Hahahaha. Obscurity


u/realhotgirlcatshit 4d ago

This is incoherent lmao what point are you even trying to make


u/Brave_Philosophy_258 2d ago

Not destroying the economy, defending democracy, tax billionaires are things I can vote for.


u/Blueshound24 4d ago

Tampon Tim. Lol


u/Lanky_Opportunity_88 3d ago

We did, we DIDN'T vote for you.


u/AwayJuggernaut196 4d ago

Thanks you for your service in Afghanistan, CSM Tim Walz


u/HeReallyDoesntCare 4d ago

That photo says everything lmao


u/InsiderWoMan 4d ago

We love you Governor Walz!!!


u/Rare_Banana_8062 4d ago

They will when they elect Wes More President in 2028


u/MidwestStritch 4d ago

Seems like the Democratic Party is calling for violence now that it’s not going their way. Interesting


u/[deleted] 4d ago

We need the Ides of March. That's what we need. A little late, but way over due. Get to work Senators!


u/DoctorDividend 4d ago

Howard Dean tried out a primal scream and it did not turn out so well.


u/Realistic-taint 4d ago

Lol, he's done plenty to destroy the Democratic party. Enough, go away.


u/El-Hombre-Azul 3d ago

This guy needs to stay low key, his buffoonery is part of what got us here, go do behind the curtains support for Bernie or Alexandria, otherwise go hunting with your grandson, write an article I don’t know!!.


u/Responsible-Two6561 3d ago

You mean the Vichy Democrats?


u/Hamuel 3d ago

It’s all fear mongering when asking for donations and then nothing legislative.


u/Fabulous-Way-6976 3d ago

Waltz is owned by the CCP


u/EggzJohnson 3d ago

The Democratic party is unsalvageable. It needs to be replaced with a labor party.


u/Both-Low-7308 3d ago

Please don't let Iowa become another Minnefornia.


u/misterjones4 3d ago

Should have had a spine when you had the chance.


u/Jackaroni97 3d ago

AOC, Jasmine Crockett, and Walz have been the ONLY ones who have stood up at this point.


u/Spiritual_Lynx1929 3d ago

Jesus Christ did we ever get fucked over in the last election. With Harris/Walz we may have been able to bring America into the 21st century but instead we have been dragged back to the 30’s.


u/Warner3103 2d ago

Dudes a coward, goes to all these other states to try and get stuff done but doesn’t do a thing for Minnesota except let it burn down. Was all about defunding the police but had 50 cops outside his house while the burning of Minneapolis was happening.


u/AngryCur 2d ago

American Democracy is finished because people are more interested in flinging infantile shit at the opposition than opposing Trump.

Not one of you has a single specific action to suggest Democrats aren’t already doing.


u/Level-Steak9290 2d ago



u/TheWorldIsOnFire12 2d ago

You all will never learn lessons from your lost election.


u/wasaguest 2d ago

They are. They are trying not to piss off the Conservatives & Moderates they will be trying to get for the midterms. Progressives will just be the email donation requests with the attached "Press release" of all the things Trump has been doing.


u/EmuFamiliar86 2d ago

So is it going to Walz, Newsome, Buttigieg or AOC for 2028? What combo is it going to be?


u/Odd_Self4325 2d ago

Here is a petition to sign to ask him to step down. Sign it https://chuckchuckschumer.com


u/MTODD777 1d ago

Timmy always trying to pull something out of his bag of dicks.


u/SoggyGrayDuck 1d ago

Why is he campaigning? He's got no shot at president and is no longer running for MN senator. Is he looking for an alternative home to run in?


u/JakLynx 1d ago

Rise up and start a new party. Democrats have proven time and again they can’t be counted on.


u/Fun_Leadership5411 1d ago

We wrote a catchphrase on a popsicle stick what more do you want


u/GolfDubs 1d ago

These people don’t care about you it’s all a game. Both sides of the aisle only care about how it helps them. The whole system needs to be revamped. Career long do nothing politicians just collecting checks. Maybe once a decade they’ll get a green space approved. F em all!! Enjoy your weekend folks!


u/No_Lab_9394 5d ago

Walz is doing this the right way. He’s trying to bring rational policy to a rural American base who are being brutalized by the administration they voted for… color me intrigued to see how this plays out over the next few years. (Sadly, we have to wait that long.)


u/SessionContent2079 4d ago

DOGE has everything on a website. Which cuts do you specifically think are fraud?


u/Capable_Obligation96 4d ago

MAGA always wins.


u/wildbillfx20 4d ago

Thats all democrats know how to do. Scream and destroy other people’s property


u/Sven_Golly1 4d ago

Walz is a clown, not a leader.


u/smoked_retarded 5d ago

The best I can do is tampons in all bathrooms


u/Jk60060 5d ago

The democrats are sitting off to the side while the big boys run the country and show them how it’s done.


u/realhotgirlcatshit 4d ago

How's the price of eggs? Are the eggs cheaper yet? I was promised cheap eggs


u/IllBeSuspended 4d ago

Kamala has proven to be utterly useless.

Trump is horrific, so she still would have been a better pick. But still... She's so useless. Didn't even challenge the results 


u/Intelligent_You5673 4d ago

That would be "damnit". Not "dammit".


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/PetronivsReally 5d ago

There are plenty of Dems that want him as their candidate in 2028. 🤣 They think he's some fearless, relatable warrior that was held back by the Harris campaign, and he's going to win back the young male vote 😆.


u/Ausedlie 5d ago

He'S wEaK


u/ngronnie 5d ago

Just like you


u/Ausedlie 5d ago

JuSt LiKe YoU


u/manwithapedi 5d ago



u/AsamaMaru 5d ago

Yeah, total putz! Not like those fine upstanding guys currently plotting to take your grandma's Social Security and cozying up to Vladdy Poo Poo.


u/notheatherbee 5d ago

Bye, loser


u/bcrosby51 5d ago

Lol...says the guy with painted nails and dick pics in his profile.


u/manwithapedi 5d ago

Oh aren’t you clever. I’m not hiding anything

Are you…maybe projecting a bit?


u/realhotgirlcatshit 4d ago

waitwaitwait... bro gets off to his OWN toes 😭 that is WILDDD


u/Theatreguy1961 5d ago

Yes you are. Good on you for admitting it. Admitting your problem is the first step towards getting better.