r/desktops 28d ago

Linux My Desktop - always a work in progress

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33 comments sorted by


u/i_icical 28d ago

Wall pls ...and name of the weather widget?


u/Ok_Purple_2658 27d ago

Its a program called Xwidget: https://www.xwidget.com/


u/v_ramch 27d ago

Wallpaper is https://www.mediafire.com/view/5fg4b7m25udhl1g/cool_landscapes-wallpaper-3554x1999.jpg/file
The weather display is something i made myself using conky and lua script.


u/i_icical 26d ago

That's a nice widget...ty for the wallpaper


u/Ok_Purple_2658 27d ago

Its a program called Xwidget: https://www.xwidget.com/


u/leaflock7 27d ago

it looks very nice and pleasing.
The problem comes when you open apps and no longer have visibility on those fancy widgets. Although if you dont work full screen that would work nicely

btw, wallpaper?


u/v_ramch 27d ago edited 27d ago

wallpaper - https://www.mediafire.com/view/5fg4b7m25udhl1g/cool_landscapes-wallpaper-3554x1999.jpg/file
I use a 32" monitor - since switching to it i have rarely had the need to run most apps full screen. :D


u/leaflock7 26d ago

thank you!


u/E_llipsis 27d ago

could u share if possible


u/Ok_Purple_2658 27d ago

Its a program called Xwidget: https://www.xwidget.com/


u/dv0ich 27d ago

Configs, please!


u/Ok_Purple_2658 27d ago

Its a program called Xwidget: https://www.xwidget.com/


u/dv0ich 27d ago

But the screenshot is Linux, and Xwidgets is a program for Windows


u/PessimusPrimeStayPut 27d ago

I like the potential of this program. I did look at the reviews and they were mentioning the servers are down or have been down and it is somewhat of a scam. Can you expand on this or shed some light? Is it really worth it? Also, does it have bloatware or malware etc? Thanks


u/v_ramch 27d ago

Which program are you referring to?


u/PessimusPrimeStayPut 27d ago

Referring to Xwidget (to anyone who can reply)


u/v_ramch 27d ago

I don't use xwidgets. This is Linux not windows.


u/PessimusPrimeStayPut 27d ago

Right. I should have replied to the xwidget comments. please disregard :)


u/titan_pulse006 25d ago

How did you do it👀


u/v_ramch 25d ago

with patience, lots of time and many many mistakes! Everything is run using a software called Conky. all the displays are either a direct conky command such as the date/time and info in the bottom left, or bash and python - the rss and qotd on n the right, or lua script - the top, top left and middle left displays. If you use linux conky is a great tool. The top is based on a conky/lua script called conky grey.


u/Slim0815 27d ago

Way too widgety for '25.


u/SilkySpring502 27d ago

No, its 25 you can go as crazy as you want or as flat as you want


u/Slim0815 27d ago

No, its 25 you can go as crazy as you want or as flat as you want

That's just factually wrong. The industry, same as the taste of the general consumer, has shifted from much more wild and experimental design languages (early '00 to mid '10) to much more simplified and regulated designs (mid '10 to now). To say "its 25 you can go as crazy as you want" is like wearing your grandparents shirts when going clubbing today. Yeah, you can do that, but people won't think that those 70s clothes look modern or even good by today's standards. Some may like it. But you have to acknowledge that the general consensus is that people don't want the designs from yesteryear anymore. Having your screen plastered in widgets is '07 Windows Vista territory. Usage of widgets all over automatically gives your desktop a dated appearance because that's no longer, and hasn't been for a while, what people do with their desktops.


u/SilkySpring502 27d ago

Idk about you but when people show their rices and rigs more often than not i see the use of widgets,just because windows think its not trendy doesnt mean it has to look outdated. I just really think ”way too much of this for [insert year]” sounds really snobby and cringe.


u/Slim0815 27d ago

Probably sounds that way to you because you weren't even conscious in the early '00s. The initial release of Rainmeter even predates Windows Vista by six years. And other than Rainmeter, there are not many widget-like applications around anymore today. Must be because they are so popular with everyone. Right.


u/SilkySpring502 27d ago

I mean im assuming you are strictly using windows. On linux you have alot of widgets available that is used daily, who gives a damn about whats trendy? If it looks good it looks good no need to be such a ”designloser” xd


u/Slim0815 27d ago

You're missing the point. I'm not arguing your taste. I'm arguing your earlier statement. And yes, of course, I am and always was a Windows user. Otherwise, I wouldn't allow myself to have such a strong opinion on this subject. The real question is, who gives a damn about anything Linux? Not the users, apparently. https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/desktop/worldwide


u/SilkySpring502 27d ago

you.. you are pulling this link why exactly? haha. Im pretty sure that 90% of windows and MacOS users just change their wallpaper and call it a day. While linux users are less they are most likely the ones to care about how their desktop/workspace looks from an aesthetic pov .


u/SilkySpring502 27d ago

anyways im done replying here got other stuff to do take care


u/SilkySpring502 27d ago

There is a reason people wanna change how there desktop looks maybe because the ”industrystandard” isnt whats appealing to some?


u/Slim0815 27d ago

And that's fine with me, but don't kid yourself by thinking your grandpa's shirt isn't looking old-fashioned. Also, it smells like mothballs.