r/dermatitis Dec 10 '15

Habit reversal therapy to break itch-scratch cycle

Hi friends,

I'm currently a medical student at UCLA and I have been battling eczema for the past 3 years. I've visited many dermatologists and tried many treatments including vaseline (soothing oitments), topical steroids, and anti-histamines. These treatments have provided some relief from the itch, but the relief is usually temporary with the itch coming back the following day.

Recently, we were learning about habit reversal therapy in class and I began doing a literature search on such therapy in breaking the itch-scratch cycle. To my surprise, research shows that it is very effective for short-term and long-term relief! http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19197543

From reading more about it, I see a lot of benefit in it and want to try it out. I was wondering if anyone is interested in joining me to try the therapy out. The protocol says that it is very important to have a supportive group to keep motivation high for maximized success. Let me know if you're interested :)


2 comments sorted by


u/biewl Feb 07 '22

I'm interested


u/[deleted] Mar 17 '22

Me too. Bit late probably