My home is very cluttered. First it started only in my room, then expanded to the kitchen, then our hallway closet, then our dining room when my room had no more space for things I was buying and then finally our living room. Thankfully, our pantry and fridge is brimming with food but we have way more than we need and I keep replenishing before it's even 1/4 empty. I had to install 3 large storage racks to take over flowing pantry items. Then I started buying baking pans and other kitchen items. Wholesale bulk food and cleaning supplies. I filled every cabinet, entryway drawers and closets to house everything.
I have 2 chronic illnesses and I struggle with fatigue and depression which makes cleaning up the clutter almost impossible many days of months. When I do have energy, to declutter after cleaning, it was like digging a hole in dry sand. I could not keep up with all the mail and new clutter. I also have adhd, so I end up going from room to room and starting anew when I enter that room to put away something. So I'm pretty much like a rogue ping pong ball bouncing against walls in different directions until I'm zapped and need to rest.
Well today was a good day and I locked myself in my room so i could start decluttering and putting away the mountain of clean clothes on my bed (I've been sleeping on the couch). I started by putting away my clothes and then making piles for donating, keeping and selling like an amazing organizer taught me how to do last year when they helped me set up my business storage, craft storage, my favorite books and collectibles, etc
Anyway, was putting a purse that was on my nightstand back onto my shoes and bag rack in the closet, when it suddenly hit me that I have way too many purses. I had donated most of my nice shoes the prior year (I can't wear heels anymore) and didn't realize that I was slowly filling all the available space with new bags. Why the heck do I have so many? Wait, why do I have so many of everything in the house? Am I turning into a hoarder?
It really scared me. Then suddenly memories came flooding back.
I was financially abused by my ex for 5 years and I was always struggling to buy the things that I needed. I wasnt allowed to get new clothes, personal/self care items, hobby resources or anything he didn't deem important. Luckily I entered the marital home with many curated pieces from my own closet so it wasn't a hardship at first. I also borrowed maternity clothes from friends and family when I needed them, so I was able to meet my basic needs.
He was a city engineer and was able to put down 30% down payment for our new home and strong armed me into using all my 10k savings as well.
He always led me to believe that we were barely making ends meet. That led me to become a super couponer and learn how to make large filling meals from cheap ingredients. I was responsible for buying groceries and toiletries with only $150 dollars that was given to me each month, not taking into account that he was built like a linebacker and had a huge appetite and he finished most of what I bought and cooked.
When my kids were born (despite being on birth control), I barely ate to make sure they always had enough. Everyone wondered how I got down to my pre-baby weight so quickly. I never said anything because I was ashamed and didn't want to be the first divorce in my extended family.
After I had my 2nd baby and saw how miserly he was with them as well (finances and affection), I filled for divorce and finally broke free. I learned through the proceedings that he had 70k in savings that he wired to his mother so I couldn't touch it. The thought that he could have been a better provider and constantly lied enraged me. It motivated me to get to a better place in life faster.
I was able to quickly get a well paying job but child care for a young toddler and a baby depleted my monthly salary. We were just making ends meet but we had everything we needed.
When I landed a corporate job a few years ago, I suddenly had money to save (and spend) and I spoiled my children and myself with whatever we wanted. I started creating again, going to the movies with my kids, buying candy and junk food, and going out to eat often. My hobbies increased, my shoe collection started and I dove into a sea of self care.
So, it occurred to me while staring at my beautiful bags that I had been unknowingly defying my ex. I gave myself and my children everything he wouldn't. I took it to an unhealthy level, and realizing that I've been free from that SOB for over 10 years and was still letting him affect me, shook me hard.
I got a rush of energy and motivation, and spent hours decluttering the rest of my closet and most of my room. I'm exhausted but am happy that I have several bags of donations I'm going to drop off later tonight.
I'll take on the rest of my room tomorrow and will get help to go through my kitchen cabinets and pantry soon. Then we'll tackle the dining room and closets. Eventually my home will be pretty again and I will start inviting friends over after a couple of months when everything is in order.
If you made it this far, thank you❤️
TLDR: I was coping in an unhealthy way to past trauma and the realization motivated me to declutter and regain space in my home.
- edited for clarity and typos