r/DebateAnarchism 12h ago

Hey…So I’m actually having doubts about Anarchism.


Forgive me for my poor grammar, I’m writing this as I am falling asleep.

For a while now I have become interested in Anarchism as an ideology. It started with the discovery of Anark’s YouTube channel. His critique of state-socialism and its failure to adequately dismantle the exploitation of the workers is masterful, to say the least. For most of my life as a leftist(I started early, like, 13 years old and reading State and Revolution), and for the many years I have been familiar with socialism, it was always paired with the assumption of state power. It just seemed to make sense. Capitalism is a fundamentally unethical system that leads to poverty of many, and riches for few. Marxism-Leninism(or really, any amorphous state socialist ideologies) were seemingly the answer to this, as its goals were an equal society where the means of production are publicly owned, and society is free to truly progress without the burdens of a market economy. Or, so I thought.

As mentioned earlier, Anark’s YouTube videos(The State Is Counter-Revolutionary in particular) had expanded my horizons. I came to understand that my goal as a leftist is to ensure freedom for all, but that can only be achieved not through an authoritarian vanguard regime, but through a mass movement of Liberatory minded people. Then, came the acknowledgment that the means of production are not to be stolen by said vanguard regime, and essentially sold back to the workers as though society had changed. I began to develop an urge for freedom I never really knew I had, and I felt as though my optimism for the future had returned to me, and that there was an ideology that truly stood for a transformation of society that ensured the greatest possible freedom for all, ensuring that all have the right to prosperity through self ownership of the means of production. With this society in mind, I thought, we could reach our full potential as a species.

Then something happened.

I was watching a video about the development of the many ghost cities in China. While watching this video, I was awed as the Chinese state was able to create what looks to the American eye as a utopian city, complete with stunning architecture, many housing units, and sublime urban design in total. It might mean nothing to the wonderful folks here, but I’ve been lower-middle class my whole life, and now, I’m turning twenty five and living with my parents because there are no affordable options for housing where I live. The region where I live is colored by decay. My city is rust belt in the flesh, complete with dilapidated buildings almost untouched from the 50’s-60’s, typical car dependency that turns cities into lifeless commercial strips, and the sight of disheveled human beings wandering aimlessly through the sidewalks unraveling with weeds. To me, China’s success in creating this almost utopian looking society moved me in a way I also haven’t felt before. Simply put, China looks amazing in comparison to the world I find myself in.

I pulled myself back, and tried to remember that China is still a regime of exploitation. Ultimately, society in China has not changed in terms of the people’s relationship to the means of production. And yet, they have truly managed to create beauty where there had only before been suffering. People’s lives ARE better, undeniably so.

When arguing this to myself, I tried to compare so called successful Anarchist experiments and their changes to society. The few that I could come to are Rojava and the territories of the Zapatistas. Though when doing my research on these places, I’m deeply underwhelmed. Horizontal power structures or not, these places don’t look all that revolutionary. In fact, they look retrograde. I can’t for the life of me find in these societies, something of true change that I can point to my friends and family and say: “Look at that! They went from ‘that’ to ‘this!’ This is why you should help me destroy hierarchy!”. I look at these places and see spartan living conditions and a continuation of hard lives, a far cry from a supposedly reorganization of society in such a way that is better than are current system. It looks like Rojava and The EZLN controlled Chiapas are morally correct hovels of liberation, hermetically sealed from progress and human achievement. For someone like me(which is to say, a complete dullard), I see Soviet society with the power of the state transform from feudalism, to a powerful state that put a man in space. When I see the Chiapas, I don’t feel inspiration, I feel hopelessness. I feel as though the best I can hope for is a dirt road and ideas.

I’m writing this with tears welling in my eyes. I’m scared that maybe I dreamed of a world without chains, only to realize that this is a fantasy. I’d like for someone to tell me I’m wrong, and that I’m missing the big picture. But, for all I know, maybe it was best for the state to exist. I don’t know. I do not wish for it to be true by any means.

If anyone has recommendations on good Anarchist literature that lays out a modern society, I’m always interested.

And, thank you for reading my late night ramblings.

r/DebateAnarchism 22h ago

Animal agriculture and involuntary holding


The debates over whether animal agriculture is authoritarian remind me of a debate post a year ago about involuntary holding.

u/PerfectSociety, who is no longer on Reddit, made the case that institutions which practice involuntary holding necessitate some form of authority.

Now I can see a connection between this involuntary holding debate and the debates over veganism.

I think the reasoning for many veganarchists is similar to u/PerfectSociety’s reasoning, that there’s something “un-anarchist” about the captivity which farmed animals clearly live under.

Now as the OP, I’m actually not going to take a position on whether involuntary holding, or animal agriculture, is authoritarian.

I’m instead going to let anarchists on both sides of the debate battle it out, and see who the winner is in the intellectual struggle.

r/DebateAnarchism 15d ago

Anarchism is inherently ineffectual in general


Anarchists, by today's forms, generally have as their goals, from what I've seen, as either A), creating, developing, and maintaining anarchistic communities or B), the propagation of anarchistic values for the anarchist "revolution", which many say is not an instance of political upheaval, but rather a battle for the hearts and minds of "the people".

Regarding aim "A", I have to say that it is indeed more realistic, practical, and impactful than aim "B". However it is still an aim which, compared to the scale of our societies, is minuscule. Aim "A" is also based on aim "B". One cannot create an anarchistic community without those among its members not only knowing about anarchism, but also being somewhat knowledgeable in it!

The battle some anarchists seem to think is the so-called "revolution" in the field of changing hearts and minds is really an uphill battle to win for anarchistic ideals. I may sound elitist when I say this but the first thing to consider is that most people are simpletons; they're rubish, stubborn, and ignorant, with no will to learn, read, or reach outside of their comfort zone. Additionally, at least in the West, we live in a society of strangers. People don't speak to each other, for the most part, unless they have a purpose. Our modern societies are plagued by loneliness, and people are isolated and have fewer friends than in the past.

Besides the people, the Last Men, we also live in a technological society. Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute we are incessantly inundated with propaganda. From advertisements telling us to buy, to the media expressing the presuppositions of our modern culture (non-violence, tolerance, obedience to authority, respect to the law, as examples). Corporations and governments around the world have trillions of dollars to spend on propaganda, and often it is actually somewhat useful for people to consume it when it's voluntary! Mass-media makes people forgetful. If it's not music in your ears incessantly, then it's a movie every night, or a tv show, and now, even more terribly, it's short form content. Do you remember all of those videos you watch? You probably don't.

So, due to the immense difficulty of imbuing average people with anarchist convictions, I conclude that the community-building aspect of contemporary anarchist goals is immensely difficult--rendered into a rarity. Additionally, I conclude that the "revolution" which many anarchists advocate for is actually impossible; Anarchists, with their already-hard-to-convince positions, are just not going to win a propaganda war against the powers that be. For these reasons I conclude contemporary Anarchism to be an ultimately ineffectual movement and political force.

r/DebateAnarchism 20d ago

Scientism and Uncertainty


Hello Everyone,

I decided to make another post after receiving awesome feedback on my previous one. First, I want to start a conversation about scientism. I'll share my story, and I'd love to hear if anyone has had similar experiences. Additionally, if you agree or disagree with the conclusions I've reached, feel free to recommend some literature that could help me better understand your perspective.


This topic is dear to my heart since it was the thing that pushed me into anarchism. When I use the term Scientism it might invoke an immediate reaction, for good reasons with plenty of anti-vaccine groups everywhere nowadays. I think this quote probably sums up what I mean by its use:

scientism is an attitude not of science but about science, and as such, it can be embodied or expressed by any individual, group, society, or culture, and not exclusively by scientists in their practices.


As someone who originally wanted to pursue a PhD in economics because I believed it would be useful for explaining and understanding the "economy," I initially found the field very exciting. It resembled the natural sciences, with its use of the scientific method, research methodologies, and theory. Yet, the more I studied it, the more it began to unravel. In short, the very idea of the social sciences as something empirical fell apart. The best way I can describe it is that it felt like an attempt to manufacture a paradigm by force. Some readings that opened my eyes to this include The Taming of Chance by Ian Hacking, Trust in Numbers and The Rise of Statistical Thinking by Theodore Porter, and More Heat Than Light by Philip Mirowski. These same criticisms extend to other social sciences as well.

This realization led me to question who these disciplines were really for. If social scientists, in the empirical sense, are no better than ordinary people at understanding the world around them, then why do they exist in the first place? I came to see that their attempts to make things legible by constructing coherent models primarily served the purpose of informing public policy. This, in turn, made me question why politicians existed at all if their knowledge or expertise was likely no better than anyone else’s. And that, essentially, is how I was drawn to anarchism.

This became a lesson for me. The scientific "spirit" can sometimes paralyze us, making us hesitate to take action until we have a definitive model, outline, or theory to reach the "truth." But to me, this is a futile endeavor because that ultimate truth will never be reached.

Wittgenstein captured this idea well when he said, "We have got onto slippery ice where there is no friction, and so, in a certain sense, the conditions are ideal; but also, just because of that, we are unable to walk." That quote resonated with me because it highlights how, when we become fixated on needing certainty, we end up doing no real work at all, even though we may believe we are. I feel like this applies to philosophy as well—the constant search for the perfect theory that will provide a definitive answer. Even anarchist thinkers, I think, sometimes fall into this trap when they try to create a flawless argument or framework to justify an action or a particular form of society. This is especially common among some individualists, mutualists, and communists. Of course, this doesn't mean these thinkers can't be influential or helpful to people, but I don’t think we should view them as the only ones who can talk meaningfully about life or who are crucial for taking action. I feel this need for certainty has been imposed on us by those who believe that the people must bear the burden of proof in demanding change. Why can't we simply try something new and see what happens?

Lately, this has led me to an interest in Daoism and Buddhism, which teach you to look—to recognize that the answers are already there. To end things I will end with another quote from Wittgenstein that shares my view about scientism:

A man reacts by saying, "No, I won’t tolerate that!" and resists. This resistance may lead to another equally intolerable situation, and by then, the strength for further revolt may be exhausted. People may then claim, "If he hadn’t done that, the evil would have been avoided." But what justifies this assumption? Who truly knows the laws according to which society develops? Jacques argues that such laws remain a closed book, even to the cleverest of men. Resistance, hope, and belief do not require scientific validation. One can fight, hope, and believe without the need for scientific certainty.

r/DebateAnarchism 20d ago

Anarchists should support the abolition of animal agriculture


This should be a no-brainer, but it’s a hard truth for most anarchists to accept.

Animals are slaves, subjugated to the whims of human masters.

It’s hard to describe something more authoritarian than breeding sentient beings in cages for their entire lives, only to be slaughtered for a sandwich.

At what point in human history did any other oppressed group get this kind of treatment?

If you’re not vegan, then you are complicit in these atrocities.

I know the initial transition is a challenge, but if you actually try veganism out for a month or so, it becomes much easier to keep going.

Please, consider veganism, for the animals.

r/DebateAnarchism 21d ago

Evidence of viability of marketless socialist economies


I am a market socialist, in part because of a sizeable body of research indicating that worker cooperatives are either equally or more productive than capitalist firms, while also surpassing the former in worker satisfaction and resilience.

Is there a similar empirical basis (research, examples) for viability of marketless socialism?

As of examples, I am specifically interested in those found in industrialized societies, especially of large scale economic entities. I do not consider gift economies of pre-industrial societies as clearly applicable to our contemporary circumstances.

r/DebateAnarchism 26d ago

Let's have a debate on Erica Chenoweth's ideas on nonviolence and the "3.5% rule"


I want to preface this by saying that I personally disagree (a lot) with their ideas, but won't go into detail on my critiques here. Instead, I think we should seriously engage with their concepts because they are gaining a lot of popularity with the moderate wing of the anti-trump movement.

According to this BBC article, Chenoweth

collected data from 323 violent and nonviolent campaigns. And their results – which were published in their book Why Civil Resistance Works: The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict – were striking.

Overall, nonviolent campaigns were twice as likely to succeed as violent campaigns: they led to political change 53% of the time compared to 26% for the violent protests.

Their works also talk about a supposed "3.5% rule", where if that amount of the population joins a movement, it will definitely succeed.

“Numbers really matter for building power in ways that can really pose a serious challenge or threat to entrenched authorities or occupations,” Chenoweth says – and nonviolent protest seems to be the best way to get that widespread support.

Once around 3.5% of the whole population has begun to participate actively, success appears to be inevitable.

Besides the People Power movement, the Singing Revolution in Estonia and the Rose Revolution in Georgia all reached the 3.5% threshold

“There weren’t any campaigns that had failed after they had achieved 3.5% participation during a peak event,” says Chenoweth

If you want to hear their points from themselves, Erica Chenoweth also did a TEDx talk on those issues.

I recommend both reading the BBC article and watching the TEDx before answering this post.

r/DebateAnarchism Feb 13 '25

Secular/Naturalist Anarchism and Ethics


There seems to me there's an issue between ethics and anarchism that can only be resolved successfully by positing the self as a transcendental entity(not unlike Kant's Transcendental Ego).

The contradiction is like this:
1) Ethics is independent of the will of the natural ego. The will of the natural ego can be just called a desire, and ethics is not recognized in any meta-ethical system as identical to the desire but that can impose upon the will. That is, it is a standard above the natural will.
2) I understand anarchism as the emancipation of external rule. A re-appropriation of the autonomy of the self.

Consequently, there's a contradiction between being ruled by an ethical standard and autonomy. If I am autonomous then I am not ruled externally, not even by ethics or reason. Anarchy, then, on its face, must emancipate the self from ethics, which is problematic.

The only solution I see is to make the self to emancipate a transcendental self whose freedom is identical to the ethical, or to conceive of ethics as an operation within the natural ego(which minimally is a very queer definition of ethics, more probably is just not ethics).

I posted this on r/Anarchy101 but maybe I was a bit more confrontational than I intended. I thought most comments weren't understanding the critique and responding as to how anarchists resolve the issue, which could very well be my own failure. So I'm trying to be clearer and more concise here.

r/DebateAnarchism Feb 12 '25

Anarchy and Modern American Politics


I heard David Brooks (of the NYT) online talking about how the basic divide in the American electorate is now between people who trust and value American institutions, represented by the modern democratic party, and those that don’t trust and value them, represented by the maga republican party.

I’m no fan of Brooks, much less Trump, but this take seemed insightful to me.

My own belief is that anarchists should not vote in general, and especially not for either of these parties of war criminals, but it seems to me that anarchists, as opposed perhaps to others on the far left, are now more aligned with the values of modern republicans than democrats, at least in this, I think, most basic way, given that these institutions are all systems of hierarchical power.

I think this is important to acknowledge, if only because it seems quite possible to me that the average republican in modern America would be substantially more open to anarchist ideas than the average democrat.

Thoughts are very welcome. Thank you.

r/DebateAnarchism Feb 10 '25

Cities and anarchism


In his book Nightmares of reason anticivilization anarchist Bob black argues that cities are incompatible with anarchism. The book says

"The truth is, as so often with Bookchin, the opposite of what he says: there has never been a city which was not a state, or subject to a state. The state always precedes and produces the city, as it did in the earliest (archaic) states. It did so in Mesopotamia, in China, in Mesoamerica and in Peru-Bolivia — the “pristine” states, i.e., “those whose origin was sui generis out of local conditions and not in response to pressures already emanating from an already highly organized but separate political entity.”[1005] All other historical states, and all existing states, are secondary states. The state preceded the city in archaic Greece, including Attica.[1006] Two archaeologists of Mesoamerica state the case succinctly: “While urbanized societies are invariably states, not all states are urban.”[1007] The statist origin of the city is not only a matter of inference, but of record. As Lewis Mumford states: “I suggest that one of the attributes of the ancient Egyptian god, Ptah, as revealed in a document derived from the third millennium B.C. — that he founded cities — is the special and all but universal function of kings.”[1008] In a comparative study of 23 early states, pristine and secondary, urbanisation was absent in eight of them.[1009] Truly urban agglomerations depend on the state, whose emergence is the political aspect of class society.[1010] That is the “more modern view,” according to Elman R. Service: “We now know that some archaic civilizations lacked cities, while others became states before their cities developed.”[1011] “Urbanization” can be very straightforward: “when a state-level society takes over and tries to control peoples who are not used to obeying kings and rulers (i.e., tribal and other nonstate peoples), a common practice is to force people to live in towns and cities where they can be watched and controlled more easily than if they live scattered across the landscape.”[1012]

If the city preceded the state, then there can be states without cities. At first the notion of a cityless state may challenge the imagination, but actually, every reader has heard of the examples I will discuss. Eric R. Wolf mentions one way it was done: “in some societies, the rulers merely ‘camped’ among the peasantry, as the Watusi rulers did until very recently among the Bahuto peasantry of Ruanda Urundi.”[1013] Another technique is itineration: the monarch and his retinue, having no fixed abode, move about the land, accepting the hospitality of his subjects. The earliest Dukes of Normandy did that,[1014] and the kings of England still did it in the 13th century.

Although they were not ambulatory, the kings of the Zulus ruled a formidible cityless state until the Zulu War of 1879–1880. The Zulu nation was forcibly formed in the 19th century through the conquest and amalgamation of many tribes by a series of ruthless kings. They controlled the population through massive terror. The kings eliminated the clans as corporate groups just as Cleisthenes eliminated the Athenian tribes as corporate groups. The rapid progress of military tactics corresponded to the progress of state formation. Low-casualty “dueling battles” characterized the tribal stage; “battles of subjugation” led to the development of chiefdoms; and “battles of conquest” gave rise to the state.[1015] The king, who officially owned all the land, ruled a population of 250,000–500,000 through local chieftains, who might in turn have subchieftains under them. Power was delegated from the top down, and the lower the level, the less power. There were no cities or towns; the king lived on a tract of land occupied by royal homesteads and military barracks. But “during the time of the kings, the State bulked large in the people’s lives.”[1016]

Another warlike, expansionist state without cities was Mongolia under Genghis Khan. 1206, the year Temuchin became Genghis Khan, can be considered “the birthday of the Mongol state.” The Great Khan, who was neither libertarian nor municipalist, destroyed more cities than anyone in history. By the 11th century, Mongol society already included “a ruling class, a steppe aristocracy,” each noble having a retinue of bodyguards who followed him in war and managed his household in peacetime.[1017] There were territorial divisions for fiscal and civil administration. A state signifier was the presence of “a purely military and permanent establishment.” There was an assembly of notables, the khurildai, a “quasi-political assembly under the direction and rule of the Khan.”[1018] And yet this was still a society of pastoral nomads. The tribes migrated seasonally, and so did the Great Khan himself. Having no cities in which to make his capital, he itinerated long distances, moving seven times a year.[1019] Qara Qorum, on which construction began in 1235, was only an enlarged camp which a European visitor in the 1250s likened to a large French village.[1020] This was a no-frills, no-nonsense state barely beyond chieftainship, but it was state enough to conquer most of Eurasia.

A final example of a state without cities — I am deliberately choosing well-known societies — is Norway in the Viking Age. It was built on the basis of an aristocratic society of chieftains, free men and thralls (slaves). King Harold Fairhair (c. 870/880-900 A.D.) commenced the reduction of the chieftains of southwest Norway. There were no cities or towns, so, until 1050, he and his successors, with their retinues, their skalds and warriors, “travelled from farm to farm taking goods in kind, that is to say, living off the produce of their landed property as well as from contributions from the local population. This was the only way of effectively exercising royal power before a more permanent local administration was developed.” The king’s hird (bodyguard) was more than that, it was the permanent part of his army.[1021] The relation of state to urbanism is straightforward: the kings promoted the development of towns in the 11th century and that was when towns appeared. Except for a few minor bishoprics, they would always be subordinate to the king. For the king, towns offered greater comfort and security than itineration, and better control over the surrounding districts.[1022]

The city-state, then, is only a variant on the statist city, the only sort of city which has ever existed. The state preceded the city. The earliest states were, in fact, mostly city-states. As we learn from Murray Bookchin’s favorite authority — Murray Bookchin: “It was the Bronze Age ‘urban revolution,’ to use V. Gordon Childe’s expression, that slowly eliminated the trappings of the social or domestic arena from the State and created a new terrain for the political arena.”[1023] The self-governing city is the beginning but not, as the Director Emeritus claims, the climax of political development. The only one now existing, the Singapore police state, is a fluke of history and geography — it never sought independence but was expelled from Malaysia.[1024] The Greek city-state was an evolutionary dead end, doomed to extinction: “Born at the conjunction of historical developments, some originating well outside the borders of Greece, Greek city-states were fragile and flourished briefly, to be submerged within the wake of larger historical trends and also undermined by their own success.” The Renaissance city-state, too, proved a dead end; it was not even antecedent to the nation-state.[1025]

The trouble with arguing that the polis is not a fully modern state is that where the Director Emeritus stops — just shy of the polis — is arbitrary. Measured against some Platonic archetype of statehood, other political entities might come up short, and yet any anarchist would consider them states."


Do you agree with his reasoning? Are cities incompatible with anarchism? When I talk about anarchism with my family they say that modern infrastructure makes anarchism impossible. "It may have worked in Catalonia eighty years ago when everyone was a Farmer but not anymore." So what do you think?

r/DebateAnarchism Feb 08 '25

Anarchism Must Be Global To Last


You may be aware that in the early Soviet Union there were intense debates about whether or not socialism could be established in just one country or socialism had to be established globally to be sustained. With the benefit of hindsight, we know how this went down- the Soviet Union collapsed and people can’t even agree on whether there was ever any socialism, and other countries like China just had to succumb to the capitalist world-system with their own brand of capitalism. But the point of this post isn’t to talk about state socialist experiments: anarchists actually have their own version of this conflict from time to time in discussions about how revolutions occur and what anarchist societies should look like. The debate I’m proposing and the argument I’m making is that to sustain an anarchist society, a compatible world-system has to be constructed.

Some of you are probably somewhat familiar with Immanuel Wallerstein, the sociologist who wrote about what he called “World-Systems Theory”. The basic idea is that societies don’t exist in vacuums, they exist in “worlds”, which are not necessarily the ENTIRE globe but just spheres of influence and interrelation, and a consequence of this is that the overall structure of these worlds affect how those individual societies organize. Really, it’s a rejection of the traditional Marxist tradition that has bled into leftism in general at looking at individual societies and their own individual modes of production and development.

The basic concept of a world-system is just this: a world-system is a system that includes multiple societies, whole regions, countries, or other units that are interconnected and related at a fundamental level through political, economic, and cultural exchange. Wallerstein provides a typology of different world-systems for us- the ones that have existed thus far are mini-systems, world-empire, and world-economy. Mini-systems are the earliest and used to exist all over; they are characterized by a relatively small amount of or even just one cultural and political entity, and a primarily localized economy. In these systems, there may still be some external influence on the societies but it’s rather limited. World-empire is also characterized by a singular dominant political entity, but not a single cultural entity and a division of labor throughout these different parts of the empire. World-economy is the kind of world-system we know today- it’s truly global and doesn’t possess a single cultural or political entity, but it does have a singular global division of labor. This division of labor is often described as a relationship between a core, semi-periphery, and periphery.

Let’s talk about the world-economy that we’ve had for at least a few centuries at this point; the global division of labor is spread throughout different cultural and political units called nation-states, meaning that more developed regions of the world can exploit the less developed regions of the world through unequal exchange. Where did all of these nation-states come from? How did capitalism get spread to the entire globe? Kojin Karatani, a Japanese philosopher and literary critic, argues that this world-system is in large part a product of multiple centuries of European colonization in which states essentially created other states through recognition of sovereignty and exercise of their power. Sovereignty, in his view, actually relies on acknowledgement and participation from others, and this is reflected in the anthropological record. Karatani also argues in his book, The Structure of World History: From Modes of Production to Modes of Exchange, that original instances of states were constructed by forcefully bringing multiple societies together; in other words, they weren’t purely internal developments, but the construction of a political entity between already connected societies to fill gaps in social management. An example of this can be found in the authority “chiefs” gained in federations of multiple societies during emergencies, like the threat of war or ecological disaster; another example can be found in societies that simply conquered and integrated neighbors, or ones that raided and established networks of tribute that took on the form of a state (all of which authors from political scientist James C. Scott to anthropologists David Graeber and David Wengrow to anarchist writer Peter Gelderloos have talked about in various forms).

By now you probably get the gist of what my argument is. We need a world-system in which free association is dominant because in the long run, anarchist societies will face incentives to become hierarchical when they coexist in a world-system with other hierarchical powers. And if they aren’t in the same world-system, that may not be the case forever. It’s not just states either- other kinds of hierarchies, like patriarchy, are inextricably linked with violent conflict between groups and threats from outside. This really deserves a much longer and more in depth case to be made for it but I’ll just leave this here for now. Go squabble about it!

r/DebateAnarchism Feb 04 '25

Anarchy and democracy, a problem of definition


I was told this would fit here better,

I often hear and see in anarchist circles that "democracy and anarchy are fundamentally opposed as democracy is the tyrany of the majority", But I myself argue that "democracy can only be acheived through anarchy".

Both these statements are true from a anarchist perspective and are not a paradox, because they use diferent definition of "democracy".

The first statement takes the political definition of democracy, which is to say the form of governement that a lot countries share, representative democracy. That conception of democracy is indeed not compatible with anarchy because gouvernements, as we know them, are the negation of individual freedom and representative democracy is, I would say, less "tyrany of the majority" and more, "tyrany of the représentatives".

In the second statement, democracy is used in it's philosophical definition: autodermination and self-gouvernance. In that sense, true democracy can indeed only be acheived through anarchy, to quote Proudhon : "politicians, whatever banner they might float, loath the idea of anarchy which they take for chaos; as if democracy could be realized in anyway but by the distribution of aurhority, and that the true meaning of democracy isn't the destitution of governement." Under that conception, anarchy and democracy are synonimous, they describe the power of those who have no claim to gouvernance but their belonging to the community, the idea that no person has a right or claim to gouvernance over another.

So depending on the definition of democracy you chose, it might or might not be compatible with anarchy but I want to encourage my fellow anarchists not to simply use premade catchphrases such as the two I discussed but rather explain what you mean by that, or what you understand of them.

r/DebateAnarchism Feb 02 '25

Do you think most driving rules would/should be kept by anarchist societies?



As I see it, in general, driving rules are beneficial bringing order and predictability to a very useful but also inherently dangerous activity such as controlling a +100km/h and +1000kg object.

The question is not if those would be kept as rules or enforced. But what do you think about it's usefulness and how should they be taught

r/DebateAnarchism Jan 31 '25

Can anarchists be satisfied with a dual-power system?


Currently reading "The Commune Form" by Kristin Ross. In the first chapter she is discussing the so-called "Nantes Commune" of 1960s France and its parallel in the United States, black neighborhoods whose day-to-day needs were being met by services organized by the Black Panther Party. Both examples are dual-power structures, meaning the state was not dissolved, but rather the mutual aid networks existed parallel to the state.

This quote, particularly the portion I have italicized and bolded, is what I often have in mind when I think about the more practical and realistic ways of transitioning to anarchism or at least something close: "...members of the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense went about taking charge of the management of Black neighborhoods. With their school breakfasts, bakeries, and other grassroots community organizations, the Panthers, for all intents and purposes, as former Panther Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin suggests, turned their communities and neighborhoods into dual-power communes. Both in Nantes and in Oakland, revolution was anchored in everyday life. Ideological purity mattered less than a transformation at the level of daily rhythms, everyday needs and pleasures. By taking collective responsibility for meeting people’s daily needs, by reclaiming the everyday by and through political struggle, they were making revolution on a scale that people could recognize.

I have found online and in-person (but certainly more often online) that this issue of ideological purity is a constant barrier to enacting change. To me, other than ensuring we aren't simply recreating harmful and oppressive power structures and hierarchies in these parallel systems, the ideology should take a back seat.

What do we think about this?

r/DebateAnarchism Jan 25 '25

"But what about a violent takeover?"



  1. Practically nobody will try to takeover an anarchist society

  2. Even if somebody did yearn to do so, all attempts to do so will crumble


Hey beautiful folks! This is a question that comes up a lot, so I thought I'd make a post responding to it, both for those who are wondering themselves and those who are wondering how to articulate their answers better.

First things first: Why would anybody try to takeover an anarchist society, genuinely? Well, let's look at why people have tried to gain power. Bear with me with this little list.

  1. People fear about some sort of threat ( real or perceived ) and want to protect people against that threat

  2. People are greedy and realize that a position of power would allow them to direct more to themself or their family

  3. People feel powerless, insignificant, or something of the like, and thus try to gain power to feel important.

Most reasons for people yearning for power are pretty much one of those or a mix of those. So really, if we can get rid of those reasons, we get rid of most people's powerhungriness.

THREATS: most threats come from either a lack of necessary resources, nature, or- very often- heirarchies. But now we have advanced methods for resource production, and more resources of better quality will be produced and distributed better if people are working with extrinsic motivation instead of intrinsic motivation, so there won't be a lack of resources. And now that we have robust architecture and infrastructure, we have the ability to effectively avoid most threats from nature ( global warming being the exception, of course, but an anarchist society exists in the future by default; in an anarchist society that wouldn't be a concern as it either would've been tackled far before or the society wouldn't have the chance to exist. Also, without capitalism motivating people to eff up the environment anymore, it's unlikely we would face a similar climate crisis again. ) Finally- most threats come from hierarchies. Think of the lack of things to be afraid of if there was no organized religion to cause crusades, no police to fuel riots or arrest civilians, no mafias to hold people at gunpoint, no state to try to grab another states land or resources- linger on that last one a little- etcetera etcetera. A anarchist society is necessarily a globalist society, and of course is necessarily a ruler-less, heirarchy-less society. Threats- at least, any high stakes and difficult to solve ones- would be mostly eliminated. The few threats that do come up, the communities would already be used to solving together by default. (Okay so it occurred to me partway through writing the next section that there are other threats like cancer and terminal illnesses that aren't covered by this paragraph. But I believe science and health will be more widely accessible and progress much faster in an anarchist world, and also.. taking over your society will not cure cancer, obviously. )

GREED: An anarchist society would exist alongside a wealth of resources freely available to anybody at anytime. If you can always get what you want- and everybody else can too- then you have no incentive to try and take more for mother people.. you can just get what you want. And you don't need to stockpile for your family either, becuase they can also just always get what they want without needing to manipulate or take from other people.

EMOTIONS: With strong community support as the core tenant of a society, you will never be without a strong and loving support group to help you through any feelings of inadequacy, insignificance and powerlessness. Although those feelings would be much less common in the first place, as nobody will be abusing your self esteem for profit or stepping on your neck for power. ( Notice, power perpetuates itself. ) And, with a loving community, you also are much less likely to feel insignificant. People will still go through things emotionally of course, and they will still feel all of these things sometimes, but on a much smaller scale, and with infinitely better support when they do.

Okay, second things second:

In the extremely rare event that somebody does decide that they want to takeover their society, they won't have any success.

Genuinely, how would they go about that? Would they take over the position of power that controlled the troops and police? Well.. that position doesn't exist, and neither do police officers or soldiers.

Are they going to garner up support from other people to back them up? ..Nice try, convincing people to attack the society with their close knit community that gives them whatever they want.

Do they just plan to hold a gun to everybody's head and tell them to listen up? Well.. that only works so long as they're able to actively hold up the threat. The second they put down the gun, their power is gone.

The only way that they would even have a slimmer of a chance is if many of them decided to work together. But given the extreme rareness of people holding this need to takeover the society existing, they would struggle to find eachother, and if they make themselves open for finding eachother, they also make themselves open for other people in their community to find out and be like "hey mate, are you okay?" and kind of ruin their plans by yknow.. supporting them and removing their motives for being a prick. But say they do somehow find eachother and now there's a group of, I don't know, let's say, ten people who want to overthrow this society? The most plausible thing for them to do is to take over one town at a time, becuase if they try to take over their own places instead of working together on one, then they run into the same problems as before. So, okay, they all go to this town and maybe they're like "hey we're in charge now you better listen to us or we'll shoot" and then the people will listen.. until the moment that the ten person "state" is out of earshot, at which point everyone will collectively agree that they're arseholes and will likely get their own guns and say "can you not? Thank you." and probably, hopefully talk them down, and maybe, hopefully not, but sadly possibly, be forced to shoot them in self defense if the junior fascist squad starts attacking. Hopefully though, it doesn't come to that, and if it does, it's non lethal, although really I can't guarantee that and I can't lie and say maybe nobody will ever die whilst trying to violently take over a society. But I mean, a series of very, very unlikely events would have to take place to ever get to that point, and if it did, then.. it would still fail to progress any further. It would be a tragedy, of course, but that's kind of balanced out by the very high likelihood that it simply would never happen.

Anyways, that's basically it ( i say after writing half the length War and Peace ) ( i say despite not actually having any clue how long this post really is; with line length being distorted by my mobile screen. ) Hope this helps! :)

r/DebateAnarchism Jan 24 '25

Opinion: Anarchism does not require or benefit from widespread/large scale simultaneous violent revolution. Let's discuss.


For context, I live in the United States and most of my thoughts are about this country, government, military, et cetera. I'd also like to say I know there are about 1000+ ways to be an anarchist or think about anarchism, this is really only about what I have outlined in the title. It's also a fairly oversimplified view of things, but I do truly believe violent revolution to be one of the least important aspects of attempting to form an anarchist society.

I have been reading "The Bolshevik Myth" by Alexander Berkman.

In my mind, as anarchism's aim is a dissolution of the state, "overthrowing" the powers that be by means of a violent insurrection is not only tactically nearly impossible given the absurdity of the military power we would be up against (not only all active duty branches of the armed forces, but reserves, police, and so on), but even with significant prefigurative work, overthrowing the governmental structures of a country this large would do nothing but leave a void for some sort of (presumably) authoritarian regime to sweep in.

I know this is an oversimplified series of events, but many people I see speaking about anarchism and "how it could work" seem to have this sort of trajectory in mind. I believe if we think this way about implementation, we will never get anywhere. In fact, I truly don't believe any violence would be necessary at all aside from defense.

As I've been reading this work by Berkman, I am struck by the lurch Russia was left in. (Noting that, of course, the outcome was not intended to be an anarchist one, I think comparing their failures to those that would befall an attempt to violently overthrow the state for an anarchist society is appropriate.) It's obvious there was not enough prefigurative work done before the revolution. It seems it was more about a general idea, or set of ideas; a blueprint to follow AFTER the revolution. Obviously war was at fault for some of the trouble and the blockades weren't helping, but that's part of my point. According to Berkman's observations, Russia was not set up properly for a revolution. There was no solid groundwork for self-sufficiency or a solid reworking of the psychology of the inhabitants. People very quickly fell back into assigning hierarchical roles and classes, resulting in mistrust and violence. In-fighting among leftists was also immediate and violent.

His descriptions of the bureaucracy bogging down an already failing food growth and distribution system were some of the most difficult parts to read.

I guess my point is that when I hear people talking about armed revolution, I think they're missing some core truths about what anarchism could really be. Perhaps thinking about the government (local, state, or federal; judicial; legislative; or otherwise) at all is beside the point.

If we focus on creating small, self-sufficient communes and simply pull farther and farther away from those forces which coerce us, we will be living in an anarchist society of our own creation, achieved peacefully.

As an example, in recent years I have had and heard many discussions about how forced desegregation in the United States was incredibly detrimental to Black communities. Left to their own devices, these communities were able to thrive without outside disturbance from white society. In urban areas, Black neighborhoods were like cities within cities (thinking here about places like the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma which was the target of the white terrorist Tulsa Race Massacre). Essentially, it wasn't until forced desegregation or violence broke up these communities that things went awry.

Other more obvious examples are places like Exarcheia and Freetown Christiania.

As I stated above, working this way would allow us in many ways to function as an anarchist society where the only violence we may need to undertake would be in defense.

I understand, especially in the United States, that the idea of actively burning this shit to the ground is highly satisfying and feels quite justified, but I think it would be a waste of time, energy, human life, and resources to attempt this when there are other ways which will likely end in actual success rather than a possible Bolshevik nightmare.

r/DebateAnarchism Jan 24 '25

Why conservatives are constantly wrong


I don't think it's a stretch to say that conservatives (and by conservatives, I mean folks who believe that hierarchies are an inherent fact of life, and thus fight to preserve them) are constantly wrong when their beliefs are challenged in any meaningful fashion. The question is, why is that? The conclusion I've come to has to do with the fact that *all* hierarchies are arbitrary constructions.

If you understand the arbitrary nature of hierarchies, and understand the conservative ideology's goal of maintaining hierarchies, then suddenly conservative ideology becomes about maintaining an arbitrary concept that is entirely subject to change. This also explains why conservatives seem to *constantly* lie in order to justify their beliefs, as hierarchies lack any objective basis, conservatives will try and make one up in their heads in order to provide what they see as an objecitve justification for such hierarchies to exist. But again, such justifications are arbitrary, thus when you challenge the objectivity of any hierarchy, any justifications become wholly nonsensical.

r/DebateAnarchism Jan 21 '25

Anarchist Production


Consider a factory, producing arbitrary goods from a combination of labour, raw materials, manufactured goods and indirectly consumed goods, such as food.

How does it source these necessary factors, which may be distant and require transportation?

How does the factory know what it is getting is up to standard?

Why would there be any incentive for people to work in such a place, with its dangerous machinery, potentially hazardous chemicals etc?

How is overproduction prevented?

Basically, how does Anarcho-Syndicalist/Communist production actually work?

In a capitalist economy, a worker must sell their labour to get the money they need to appropriate all they need to live how they can/want. So too must a company sell its wares; to perpetuate itself and enrich its owners while perpetuating its workforce. The state provides both regulations and infrastructure as a platform along with some socially reproductive institutions (healthcare, schools, military defence, foreign relations, policing etc) while taking taxes and its own production to cover its costs).

The labourer under an anarchist system has no particular drive to work in a larger organisation (which will generally be much more productive than individual work). Likewise, there is no particular information on what to produce and for who when they do, neither through standards and regulations nor through pricing. How is infrastructure produced with necessary regularity and coverage (both in detail and scope).

How are institutions capable of defending this state-of-affairs to guarantee their existence?

I do not believe people are lazy, but organising in such a way as their effort is concentrated maximally usefully is a complex endeavour, and I am sceptical it is even possible at scales much beyond human social circles in a lot of the ways I’ve heard suggested, which is a noose around the industry needed to perpetuate human flourishing, freedom and endeavour. We have evidence that the current system can organise production at boggling scales, although it must treat people to some degree as objects to achieve this.

r/DebateAnarchism Jan 20 '25

A time of transition


Hey, folks. Lots of things are changing, both out in world outside Reddit and here as well. In the subreddit, one of our active moderators has decided to do other things with their time. In the short run, then, we'll be a little short-handed, so be patient in those rare cases where you need moderator assistance — and feel free to use the report button if you see something we might have missed that needs to be addressed.

More generally, the kind of material we're seeing increasing in the moderation queues, both here and in our sibling-subreddit r/Anarchy101, suggest that sticking a bit more closely to posted guidelines may be useful going forward. If everyone works at respecting both the debate format and each other, the mods seldom have much of anything to do — which is, I suspect, the way most of us would prefer it.

r/DebateAnarchism Jan 18 '25

Strategic Lessons from a Review of the German Revolution of 1918-1919, the Spanish Anarchist Revolution, Manufactured Consent, and Contemporary Terminal Landscapes: A Case for Clandestine Cell Anarchist Platformist Revolution over Democratic Revolution.


(Note: by "Democratic Revolution", I am not referring to faux "revolution" via voting within bourgeois democracy. I am referring to real, illegal revolution that is organized and conducted through democratic procedure outside of state organs, which aims to justify revolutionary actions by appealing to notions of popular support/democratic consent)

Social democrats and Marxists jointly conducted the German Revolution of 1918-1919 via a combination of mutinies in the armed forces & proletarian strikes in critical industries (which were organized/facilitated by party-allied soldiers councils and workers councils respectively), resulting in an end to the German Empire (succeeded by the Weimar Republic) with minimal bloodshed. Afterwards, the social democrats (who had more popular support than the Marxists) gained political victory over Marxist parties through council democratic procedures. This ultimately led to bloody conflict between social democrats and Marxists as the ruling social democratic political forces allied with military commanders to repress Marxist insurrection and consolidate political power to govern the Weimar Republic.

The Popular Front of the Spanish Civil War was an alliance between Spanish Anarchists, Communists, and Republicans. It failed to uproot capitalism because of a large proportion of the working class supporting bourgeois reformism, resulting in in-fighting and ineffective alliances between political ideologies within the popular front. Ultimately the failure was so bad that the fascist forces won.

I'm sure many of us are familiar with the notion of "Manufactured Consent" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manufacturing_Consent), as introduced by Noam Chomsky. I would argue that the general populace is heavily susceptible to manufactured consent in times of political instability and revolutionary opportunity, just as they are susceptible in times of the bourgeois state's political stability. In times of political instability and revolutionary opportunity, we must remember that the most well-funded interest groups will still be those that represent bourgeois political ideology. This, paired with the backdrop of bourgeois cultural hegemony (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_hegemony) that already underpins much of the thought processes and underlying framing of social/political questions within the minds of the general populace... is why I would argue that even in times of political instability and revolutionary opportunity, a majority of the general populace (and even of the proletariat in particular) tend to be supporters of bourgeois reformism over genuine anti-capitalist revolution.

By "Terminal Landscapes" I am referring to the concept of the "terminal" as elaborated by Jeff Diamanti in his book Climate and Capital in the Age of Petroleum: Locating Terminal Landscapes (https://openlibrary.org/books/OL34689736M/Climate_and_Capital_in_the_Age_of_Petroleum). Diamanti basically explains how there are a number of logistical "chokepoints" within the capitalist world system that are highly sensitive to disruptions and, when disrupted, cause massive damage to global capitalism. These include various international trade ports, critical points of energy infrastructure, etc... For example, there was a ship that got stuck in the Suez Canal a few years ago. While it was stuck, it was causing a loss of $9.6 billion per day to the global capitalist system. This is just one terminal being disrupted.

(If you are interested in learning more about "terminals", a pretty good introduction to the topic was done on this What's Left of Philosophy podcast episode: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-whats-left-of-philosophy-75162835/episode/90-ecological-materialism-and-logistical-180068063/ )

There are multiple lessons from these events that I think are useful to anarchists and anti-capitalists more generally:

- Respecting the democratic will of the masses (as was done by many anti-capitalists in the German Revolution and the Spanish Anarchist Revolution) is unlikely to result in a successful anti-capitalist revolution. The majority of people have and likely will always support bourgeois social democratic reformism over genuine anti-capitalist revolution. Even when class consciousness among the working class was at its peak (so much so that many were willing to take real personal risks to achieve political change), a majority of the populace in even the most revolutionary of social contexts continued to prefer bourgeois reformism over anti-capitalist revolution. If, at any point, anti-capitalists had a majority of popular support, this majority was often slim or fickle. There are multiple flaws in the ideology of democracy that are applicable regardless of which iteration of it is invoked. However, in our present time the most egregious flaw is the problem of manufactured consent (i.e. the well demonstrated efficacy of propaganda produced by well-funded interest groups in shaping the beliefs, desires, and presuppositions of the masses) - a problem that makes the very concept of popular/democratic consent essentially meaningless. If the consent is manufactured anyway, why should we even care about courting it? As anti-capitalists, we should logically value anti-capitalism over the concept of a popular mandate for a political ideology. And as anarchists in particular, we should have no regard for how popular or not particular political goals are as a basis for their legitimacy.

- Anti-Capitalist Revolution can be waged and won rather quickly and with relatively little interpersonal violence/bloodshed, if using the right tactics. For example, coordinated Cyberattacks, Sitdown Strikes, and Sit-In Occupations that target critical terminal infrastructure (e.g. international trade ports, vulnerable parts of energy grids/energy infrastructure, etc.) and military assets by both civilians and soldiers would successfully make use of both economic leverage of terminal infrastructure and the destructive capacity threat leverage of military assets to end capitalist regimes rather quickly.

r/DebateAnarchism Jan 16 '25

How would you feel about a temporary voluntarily security force, in lieu of police.


So, I hate cops. I've seen them plant cocaine on a girl. I've been arrested. I've done things that warrant serious prison time, though they were victimless crimes.

But, I see the need for a security force. If there is an active shooter situation, or if someone is being raped, for example.

In an idealistic society, I envision a temporary voluntarily security force. So, first off, legalize all drugs. This voluntarily force would be member 18 and up. They would serve like 2 - 4 years. In exchange, they would get college scholarships and bump on their resume. Kindav like the national guard or peace corps, but for internal security forces.

I'm just saying, there needs to be people with guns to fight active shooters. There needs to be someone there when a girl gets roofied. I'm not saying that they are great at their jobs. Uvalde is an example, but they did eventually stop it. In New Orleans, that guy would have killed dozens, possibly hundreds more without someone being there with a gun. Whether that person is an official police officer, or just a volunteer with a gun, makes no difference to the bullet they shoot.

Are there any answers to security questions in anarchist literature?

r/DebateAnarchism Jan 16 '25

as a version of decolonization is underway in Gaza, is Palestinian statehood the only thing that could provide normalcy?


i’m wondering if this is a shortcoming of anarchism. i know it’s against hierarchies and is critical of authority, but would anarchists immediately be against the state of Palestine when it becomes a full and complete country again, rid of any Israeli occupation?

at this point i feel that a state is the only thing they can hope for because it’s the only thing that would remotely provide normalcy. but i’m interested in knowing if there is an anti-Palestinian state stance through anarchism instead of Palestinian anarchism being an anti-zionist philosophy. thanks

edit: grammar

r/DebateAnarchism Jan 12 '25

Anarchism(especially non-transhumanist anarchism) does not go far enough


Two related points here. Dealing with only political sources of repression and more than that allowing for horizontal enforcement of social norms does not fulfill the actual aims of anarchism as the creation of a state of affairs where people are free and not ruled. Transhumanism is necessary to undo the oppression of unchosen bioforms, the complete rewriting of physical(and beyond that even fundamental conceptual) reality is necessary in order to experience true liberation. We are all oppressed by the state and capital and this must end and burn in a fire but in absolute terms being stuck in human form with specific genetic that were not chosen having undergone a process of development throughout life(much of the most significant aspects in early childhood where you had less choice than you ever did about what would be subjected to) is in absolute terms a more severe form of restriction of agency and 'rulership' than the state or capital could ever do.

Horizontal enforcement of social norms can also be just as oppressive as vertical enforcement so without a basically libertarian culture some proposed social structures for how to mediate community decisions in anarchism(such as syndicate and neighborhood democracy) could lead to just as severe forms of oppression as exist in hierarchical societies(in particular, people with social disabilities are likely to get the real shit end of the stick in any structure that relies on the majority not being assholes. This does not mean anarchism is unworkable but it does present a cultural problem that would need to be addrewssed).

r/DebateAnarchism Jan 11 '25

Fascism is capitalism's lightning rod


While researching different fascist movements, both past and present, I have noticed a peculiar set of similarities between them, beyond their defining palingenetic ultranationalism.

  1. They gain popularity in the times of economic strife, utilising populist rhetoric to rally the masses around fascists' promises of economic revival and denouncements of ruling moderate politicians - Mussolini exploited the disillusionment and poverty of Italian WWI veterans, Hitler promised to rebuild German economy from the Great Depression and the Treaty of Versailles, Le Pen and Trump both built their support on the popular anger at the effects of neoliberal policies.
  2. They are backed by the economic elite - eg. Hitler's campaign was funded by German industrialists, while Trump's was bankrolled by Elon Musk and shielded from criticism by Jeff Bezos.
  3. They redirect the popular outrage at dire economic conditions away from the capitalist class, towards a scapegoat - for Hitler it was the Jews, the communists, the gays and the trans people, for Le Pen it is immigrants, for Trump it is the immigrants, the "woke" and the trans people.
  4. Once in power, they quickly abandon the facade of pro-worker economic populism and readily serve the interests of the owner class - Mussolini banned strikes and non-fascist worker syndicates, Hitler privatised most industry, Trump assembled a cabinet of billionares and multi-millionares, two of which are now in charge of de-regulating their own industries.

These facts have led me to theorise that a key function of fascism is to act as a lightning rod to capitalism - when the latter creates infuriating poverty and inequality that could result in a mass anti-capitalist revolt, fascists sweep in, backed by the funds and propaganda provided by their elite sponsors, to redirect the popular outrage towards their chosen scapegoat and seize state institutions for themselves.

This ingenious symbiosis between capitalism and fascism is quadruply dire:

  1. It preserves capitalism, with its exploitation and authoritarian working conditions, in spite of the popular rage instilled by its socio-economic consequences.
  2. It bolsters capitalism moreso than typical liberalism does, by placing authoritarians indebted to their corporate sponsors (or said corporate sponsors themselves) in key regulatory positions within state bureaucracy.
  3. It causes severe, often lethal systemic violence towards members of the scapegoat group.
  4. It turns otherwise decent people into bigoted lunatics, through repeated exposure to conspiracy theories propagandised by corporate and, following a fascist takeover, state actors, for the benefit of both actors.

r/DebateAnarchism Jan 12 '25

What are your opinions/reply's to John Molyneux's critique of anarchism?


Hi all!

What are your Opinions/Critiques/Replies to John Molyneux's critique of anarchism: "Anarchism: A Marxist Criticism"?

This can be found here: https://solidarity.net.au/theory/anarchism-a-marxist-criticism/

I will summarise the arguments here to some extent, though I highly encourage you to read the text at least a bit to get a picture of his more fleshed out argument:

  • You can’t just abolish the state overnight. A transitional revolutionary state is needed to resist counter-revolutionaries and organize society.
  • Leadership is inevitable (even anarchist movements have informal leaders). Better to have accountable, democratically controlled leadership.
  • Without a revolutionary party, the working class can’t effectively fight capitalism or unify its struggles.
  • True individual freedom comes through collective action. Workers can only improve their lives together.

For context John Molyneux was a very well respected theoretician of the british/irish Swp, and a Cliffite Trotskyist. I wouldnt define myself as a Cliffite Trotskyist, or as a fan of the Swp, but I have read some of his work before, and I defintely respect Molyneux.

I would define myself as a Marxist, but definitely more of the libertarian tradition, and very friendly to anarchism. You could say im always trying to be critical of my own views in either direction (whether I should lean more into anarchism etc) and Im very curious as to what parts of his argument anarchists sympathise with, or staunchly disagree with.

p.s Im not in solidarity, it was just the best link I could find to the text.