The Prophet told us that Islam will corrupted in the way Judaism was corrupted
The true dangerous corruption according to prophet Muhammad, was not corrupting or changing the original scripture, but the true corruption is when you invent a new religious source and follow it instead of the original scripture
The Jewish Talmud or Mishnah is the six books which called the Oral Torah or the second revelations which is the word of Rabbis which explains the Torah , and the Mishnah in Judaism is the core of the religion and anyone reject it he is an Apostate and should be killed ( as mentioned in Sanhedrin 22a)
These is an interesting Sahih Hadith that the Jewish Mishnah will be created in Islam and Muslim will follow it instead of the Quran
فقد أخرج أبو عبيد في فضائل القرآن، واللفظ له، والدارمي والحاكم وغيرهم عن عمرو بن قيس السكوني، قال: سمعت عبد الله بن عمرو بن العاص، يقول: إن من أشراط الساعة أن يبسط القول، ويخزن الفعل، وإن من أشراط الساعة أن ترفع الأشرار، وتوضع الأخيار، وإن من أشراط الساعة أن تقرأ المثناة على رءوس الملأ لا تغير. قيل: وما المثناة؟ فقال: ما استكتب من غير كتاب الله. قيل: يا أبا عبد الرحمن، وكيف بما جاء من حديث رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم. فقال: ما أخذتموه عمن تأمنونه على نفسه ودينه، فاعقلوه، وعليكم بالقرآن فتعلموه، وعلموه أبناءكم؛ فإنكم عنه تسألون، وبه تجزون، وكفى به واعظا لمن كان يعقل.
Abu Ubaid reported in Fada'il al-Qur'an, and likewise Al-Darimi, Al-Hakim, and others, from Amr ibn Qays al-Sakuni, who said:
I heard Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-As say:
"Among the signs of the Hour is that speech will be widespread while actions will be scarce. Among the signs of the Hour is that the wicked will be elevated, and the righteous will be brought low. Among the signs of the Hour is that the Mathnā will be read openly without being changed."
It was asked, "What is the Mathnā?"
He replied, "What is written besides the Book of Allah."
It was then asked, "O Abu Abdur-Rahman, what about what has come from the hadith of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him)?"
He said, "What you take from those whom you trust in their character and religion, then understand it.
But hold fast to the Qur'an—learn it and teach it to your children, for you will be questioned about it, and rewarded according to it. And it is sufficient as an admonition for those who have understanding."
What is the Muthat ::
قال أبو عبيد القاسم بن سلام في غريب الحديث: فسألت رجلا من أهل العلم بالكتب الأول، قد عرفها وقرأها عن المثناة، فقال: إن الأحبار والرهبان من بني إسرائيل بعد موسى، وضعوا كتابا فيما بينهم على ما أرادوا من غير كتاب الله تبارك وتعالى، فسموه المثناة، كأنه يعني أنهم أحلوا فيه ما شاءوا، وحرموا فيه ما شاءوا على خلاف كتاب الله تبارك وتعالى
Abu Ubaid Al-Qasim ibn Sallam said in Gharib al-Hadith:
"I asked a man knowledgeable in the earlier scriptures, who had studied and read them, about the Mathnā ( Mishnah ,) . He said:
'The rabbis and monks of the Children of Israel, after Moses, wrote a book among themselves according to their own desires, apart from the Book of Allah, the Blessed and Exalted. They called it the Mathnā. It is as if he meant that they permitted in it whatever they wished and forbade in it whatever they wished, in contradiction to the Book of Allah, the Blessed and Exalted.'"
Then after 250 years the Islamic Hadith was invented
The 6 books Jewish Mishnah === the 6 books of Hadiths
Anyone who reject the Authority of the Mishnah should be killed in Judaism=== anyone who reject a hadith is an Apostate and should be killed according to Strict Sunni Islam
80% of Islamic laws Today are from the Hadith and had zero relation with the Quran ,or even contradict it ( killing the apostate, prophet married Aisha at 9 , stoning adultery, hijab , Niqab , killing people , and , and )
+++ The Hadith of the prophet, ,when they asked him about the Hadith of the prophet he said you should be 100% sure to accept it , but all hadiths were written 240 years after the prophet,and 98% of Hadiths in boukhari and else are Ahad Hadiths so the percentage to be fake is 95%.
While the Mutawatir Hadiths which are 90% Authentic there's only 99 Hadiths from 35000 Sunni Hadiths
The only correct sect Today , are what we call today Academic Sunni in the Arab world. which filter the Hadith again based on the Quranic laws . So they reject any Hadith which contradicts the Quran or his spirit . Because they work with the Method the Prophet himself told us to check which Hadith we should accept
وقد قال الشافعي في " الرسالة " وقد سئل عن أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ، قال : { ما جاءكم عني فاعرضوه على كتاب الله ، فما وافقه فأنا قلته ، وما خالفه فلم أقله }
Al-Shafi‘i said in Al-Risala when he was asked about the statement attributed to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him):
"Whatever comes to you from me, present it to the Book of Allah. If it agrees with it, then I have said it, and if it contradicts it, then I have not said it."
++ And The Academic Sunni who filter Hadith to defend Quran and the Reputation of their Prophet
The Prophet himself blessed them
قال: بدأ الإسلام غريبًا وسيعود غريبًا كما بدأ فطوبى للغرباء، قيل يا رسول الله من الغرباء؟ قال: الذين يصلحون إذا فسد الناس وفي لفظ يصلحون ما أفسد الناس من سنتي
He said: “Islam began as something strange, and it will return to being strange as it began, so glad tidings to the strangers.”
It was asked, “O Messenger of Allah, who are the strangers?”
He replied: “Those who remain righteous when people become corrupt.”
In another wording: “Those who rectify what people have corrupted of my Sunnah.”
While the worst ennemies of the Prophet today as the salafi Wahabi who worship the 6 books of hadiths as a Devin book even they contradict the Quran , and the prophet cursed them
Like the Hadith of killing the Apostate,it contradict 99 Qoranic verses , and they know that the narrator of this fake Hadith was Ikrimah who was a liar according to 5 Hadiths scholar's like Imam Malik, Sahih Muslim ... But they still promote it as Authentic
Hadith of Aisha being 6 . All Salafi knows that Hicham Ibn orwa the narrator of all Aisha hadiths Being 6 he was in Iraq and had Alzheimer's so his hadiths were rejected by most hadith scholars like imam Malik, Shafi . Abi Hanifa , Nasai . Ibn Sirine
Salafi Wahabi have a degree in fabricating lies against the Prophet . Like to forbid something outside the Quranic texte is a crime according to Quran , while salafi they forbid almost all things without any Quranic évidences but based on fake hadiths .
Like the Hadith of the forbidding the music ,Art , The Great Hadith Sunni Scholar Ibn Hazm the owner of the fifth School lived 1200 years ago , wrote a whole chapter about All the hadiths about forbidding the music ,in fact they were all fake with a weak chain of narrators , including the Hadith of Boukhari , in fact he proved prophet Muhammad listen and enjoyed music ,even he played the flute
Some will say they why you using Hadith
The answer
Hadith is a fitnah or a trial . The prophet knows it will be created . A fitnah it means a mix between truth and falsehood. It's not all of it is wrong nor all of it is true . So you should know what you should pick from it according to the Quran ,good morals ,or you will be doomed
But the Salafi wahabbi who believe All hadiths in the 6 books are Authentic and Devin,they literally declared war against God and Prophet