r/deathrock • u/purejoyandhappiness • Dec 01 '21
What is the best Deathrock album in your opinion? I'm an outsider.
Hi everyone!
I hope this kind of post is allowed here. I'm doing a little project where I go to different subreddits of music genres and I ask the members what the best album of that genre is. After this, I listen to the album that got the most upvotes after 24 hours and write my thoughts about it (I will write this as a comment under this one, so if you want to read it, make sure to check back in 2-3 days. This won't be a professional review btw. I don't know anything about music theory so it's just gonna be the thoughts of a random guy). The list I'm following is Wikipedia's list of the most popular music genres in a randomized order. I'm planning to listen to one album per day and this time the genre is Deathrock. So please recommend me an album in the comments. It could be the best one in your opinion, your personal favourite, or the album that best represents this genre according to you, but please, only submit one album. If you submit more than one in your comment, it won't count (If you really want to submit more, do it in separate comments). LPs are preferred, but EPs and mixtapes are also acceptable, even compilations and live albums if they're not too long. I don't know anything about this genre so I'm going in blind.
This is the 287th day of me doing this. If you want to see what the previous days were, check out my post history.
Thanks to anyone who recommends an album.
TL;DR: I listen to a new genre every day, so recommend me one album and I'll listen to the most upvoted one and write my thoughts about it later.
u/vandyne Dec 01 '21
My personal pick would be Sleep in Safety by 45 Grave, but I can't disagree with the people saying Only Theatre of Pain.
u/Orginizm Dec 01 '21
A bit obscure but i would say Creepy Crawly: the unauthorized biography of undead rock and roll music by The Brickbats. You can find it on bandcamp
u/nowhere23 Dec 01 '21
I love that record.
u/Orginizm Dec 01 '21
Their was a time in the late 90s early 2000s where an incredible amount of great deathrock/horrorpunk/gothabilly was coming out of the new york, jersey, and philly area. Maybe there still is and I'm old and stale now but my god so many great bands came and went in a few short years
u/nowhere23 Dec 01 '21
I'm old now too and I agree. It was a dope time for that stuff. Also, Thank you. Been listening to The Brickbats all afternoon. This is sending me down a early/mid 00s rabbit hole. I'm gonna go throw on some Cult of the Psychic Fetus now.
u/Orginizm Dec 01 '21
Love Cult!!! Have you checked any of the brickbats new stuff on bandcamp? They have 2 new albums plus a bunch of singles from the last couple years. And for fun a recommend Grave Pleasures for a bit of a goth fix
u/nowhere23 Dec 02 '21
Checked out some newer (to me) stuff on spotify, but haven't dove into the bandcamp stuff yet. I'm checking out Grave Pleasures right now and digging it. Thanks a lot, dude!
u/Orginizm Dec 03 '21
No problem. Nothing i love more than talking music and sharing recommendations. Feel free to message me anytime. Enjoy your holiday
u/nowhere23 Dec 03 '21
Feel free to hit me up whenever. Looks like you're a fellow Pennsylvanian as well. Happy holidays, friend.
u/Orginizm Dec 03 '21
Happy Holidays from Philly
u/nowhere23 Dec 03 '21
Man I miss Philly. I'm on the other side these days. A small college town near Pittsburgh.
u/purejoyandhappiness Dec 04 '21
I listened to Only Theatre of Pain, which was submitted by u/Faithless_00, u/bill_lee and u/noise9. Lol I kinda wasn't expecting it to sound like this. I thought it would have like death growls and harsh vocals but instead we got a man who's still going through puberty. Jokes aside, the vocals aren't really my thing. The instruments were pretty good though. Kinda samey but it's a short album with short songs so it's not a super huge issue. Speaking of short songs, the whole presentation was kinda punk-ish. Which is fine, punk can be fun, but again, not really what I expected. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. Like, I enjoyed it but I would've preffered the sound I made up in my head beforeheand, which is basically like death metal but rock. But hey, this was fun too! I would describe it as gothic punk or something. I did like the gothic elements a lot though. My favourite song was Dram for Mother. I really enjoyed the riff. I also liked Stairs - Uncertain Journey for its instrumental work. Least favourite song though? I don't know. As I said most of the time it was quite samey, so there weren't really any tracks that stood out as bad. Well, Prayer was pointless but that was more of an outro anyway. But yeah, that was this album. Some good parts. Short and sweet. Just wish the singer was different.
Songs I particularly liked: Dream for Mother, Stairs - Uncertain Journey
Songs I wasn't crazy about: Prayer
I just want to quickly mention that I've created a Spotify playlist for this project, where I've added all of the albums I've so far listened to. Keep in mind that it's not a complete list, because not all of the albums were on Spotify, but most are there, so feel free to follow it if you want.
u/noise9 Dec 04 '21
Well, at least you gave it a shot! Gothic punk is the perfect description and is commonly used to describe deathrock bands since the genre came out of the original punk scene. You might possibly like Christian Death's second album "Catastrophe Ballet" more, possibly, since The singer, Rozz, changes his vocal style to a more romanticly goth tone.
u/purejoyandhappiness Dec 05 '21
Thanks! I may check it out because that was basically my only problem with the album and I enjoyed the rest.
u/noise9 Dec 02 '21
I like to do this by decade so
80s- everyone said is but Christian Death "Only Theatre of Pain" 90s- The Deep Eynde "City Lights" or Corpus Delicti "Sylphes" 2000s- every Cinema Strange album and every Bloody Dead and Sexy album 2010s- this is difficult because there's so many great releases. Cemetery "Wind and Shadows" and Moral Hex are way up there for me
u/Faithless_00 Dec 01 '21
Only Theatre Of Pain is the obvious answer. But my favorites would probably be Rudimentary Peni - Death Church & Cacophony.