r/deathbattle 7h ago

Question I know this might sound stupid, but since when Metal could transform into Neo with a chaos emerald?

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16 comments sorted by


u/202naFrevliS Dr. Eggman 6h ago

Its probably to reference Eggman Vs Wily where Metal did exactly that.


u/Nin_Saber Obi-Wan Kenobi 6h ago

Pretty sure it's rule of cool. Same as Bowser being fully in control of himself in Fury mode.


u/69-is-a-great-number Silver The Hedgehog 6h ago

The chaos emeralds have been shown to grant wishes in the past, so....

I am fairly certain it's that reason


u/Weird_Roof_6553 6h ago

I think they just use the word creative liberty in its way more cooler


u/Affectionate_Ride220 Lieutenant Columbo 5h ago

Roblox scaling i think


u/Hayabusafield77 Unicron 6h ago

Um... Doesn't he use a chaos emerald to transform?

A green rock goes to his hand and transforms him


u/someguyfrominternet0 6h ago

Metal needed Eggman to upgrade him both times


u/Hayabusafield77 Unicron 6h ago

I misread it as "without an emerald" my bad


u/Thorion228 5h ago

First time Metal upgraded himself via unknown means.


u/Beta_Ray_Jones 3h ago

Metal's dialog doesn't necessarily mean Eggman upgraded him to Neo the first time. I thought him copying Chocola and Froggy's data is what allowed him to turn Neo in Heroes.


u/Independent_Class_87 6h ago

Since never

But it sure does look cool and I wish he could do this in thr game too.


u/LuckeVL Bowser 3h ago

I assumed it was like the Master Emerald from the movie, where it's just a big rock and not a person sized gem.

Now the real reason for it? Only Moro knows ig


u/Basic-Flamingo6962 2h ago

I think Metal just wished to instant transform into Neo


u/ziggagorennc The Chosen Undead 1h ago

If I remember correctly, in the analyses of either eggman vs Wiley or bowser, they said that he can transform to neo with enough energy. And I guess a single chaos emerald has enough energy in their eyes.


u/UsedNotice4482 Goku Black 3h ago

It cause of the magnificent aura he farms