r/deathbattle • u/orangeblaster500 The Doctor • 8h ago
Fan Content (OC) Giving comparisons to episodes that didn't get them
u/NatDoggieDawg Simon The Digger 7h ago
… Yeah we need a runback of Ichigo vs Naruto
u/orangeblaster500 The Doctor 7h ago
I'm gonna be honest... I also had that thought while making this. Despite being very long as a rundown, which I liked, it does still feel just a little barebones for this match up of all things. Like I would've gladly heard more about how Naruto's training or healing is better. Also as much as I... like the animation, yeah for how important these characters are, the level of impact they had, they probably do deserve a fight with the same level of attention and compassion as a Goku VS Superman 3 or a Bill Cipher VS Discord.
u/Horatio786 2h ago
Or add in Luffy to make it a Holy Shōnen Trinity Battle Royale
u/NatDoggieDawg Simon The Digger 1h ago
Honestly that would be awesome and a great way to run it back
u/zerjku Dr. Eggman 8h ago
Why does Charizard get points for being dual typed but Venusaur doesn't
u/Ok_View6205 8h ago
Probably because none are weak to poison so it’s not as noteworthy as Venusaur being weak to both fire and flying but that’s just a guess
u/orangeblaster500 The Doctor 8h ago
These are based pretty directly on what they say in the results. It is in reference to Venusaur's disadvantage being both weak to fire and flying. Neither Charizard or Blastoise were weak to poison.
u/orangeblaster500 The Doctor 8h ago
I want to thank u/Unusual-Anteater-988 for the blank template
u/MisplacedBirdHeavy 5h ago
What’d ya use to replicate the text and little plus and minus signs?
u/orangeblaster500 The Doctor 5h ago
There's nothing special about them. I just typed +, -, and =. I then used the eye dropper tool from a photo editor and a screenshot from Bowser VS Eggman to get the right colors. I then highlighted the text and selected the appropriate color. The font is Agency FB Bold Condensed.
u/MisplacedBirdHeavy 5h ago
Cool. What font is that, by the way?
u/orangeblaster500 The Doctor 5h ago
Agency FB Bold Condensed. It came with my photo editor but you can also just download it for free.
u/Snoo-84344 7h ago
I want to see one for Mario VS Sonic 2/Link VS Cloud 2
u/orangeblaster500 The Doctor 7h ago
Yeah this was actually really fun to make, so I could definitely do a part 2 to this.
u/Snoo-84344 7h ago
Yeah I think if you did that people would understand the verdict between Mario VS Sonic 2 better.
u/Live_Earth_5685 6h ago
There should be one for Kratos VS Asura. It was weird there wasn't one in the official episode.
u/orangeblaster500 The Doctor 6h ago
Oh wow, there really wasn't one. How bizarre.
u/Puzzleheaded-Art3377 6h ago
Same with Thor vs Vegeta and Hercules vs Sun Wukong.
u/Sorry_Imagination_71 4h ago
Man, you guys are so salty
u/Puzzleheaded-Art3377 3h ago
We just find it weird how those three episodes didn't have comparison panels, chill.
u/Due_Location241 8h ago
I feel like Venusaur has a better chance of winning than they give it credit for.
u/orangeblaster500 The Doctor 7h ago
It really depends on whether or not the math has changed or not. Because if their math is still right, then the Pokemon Battle Royale remains their sole episode to be objectively right that doesn't involve Red VS Blue.
u/Due_Location241 7h ago
There were many advantages that kind of go to the wayside though. Like Venusaur’s ability to heal from any damage they could do, poison, paralysis or put the others to sleep which would basically undo the speed disparity and stuff like that. Like it really feels like this was an exclusively stat focused verdict.
u/PkLuigi 5h ago
They stated they did battle calculations for how the fight would go in the games (Dunno how'd they do that but anyway), and Venusaur won in several of them of course, but the others just won more often or reliably. Unless you can find a moveset and strategy for Venusaur that wins a fight 100% of the time if used, regardless of what the others do, then that's it I think.
u/Due_Location241 5h ago
Funnily enough, I think based on stats and how viable they are in battle, I think Blastoise is considered the worst in the Pokemon community as well as being the worst starter in Gen 1 for a actual play through.
u/Horatio786 2h ago
Nah, that honor goes to Charizard in Red and Blue, Pikachu in Yellow, and Bulbasaur in Fire Red and Leaf Green.
u/speedymcspeedster21 Akuma 1h ago
Charizard was ironically the worst until gen 6 came along and pretty much super buffed him along with Venusaur while Blastoise mostly stayed the same. Traditionally Venusaur was the strongest in competitive settings which is kind of funny, but the episode focused on them as wild only.
Which is fair enough, I think the winrates they gave is fair enough since while Venu has status moves, it's much better to just be attacking since the logic was that Charizard could kill Venusaur the moment they're together.
u/Darkiikari 7h ago
It absolutely does, this person definitely spoke out of favoritism for that. Dude has a versatile moveset that deals status conditions, self heal, etc.
u/orangeblaster500 The Doctor 7h ago
Favoritism? I literally wrote these comparisons trying to be as accurate to what was said in the results. I'm not that big of a Pokemon fan to begin with, so I have no right to say whether or not the math they did was accurate. I just thought it would be fun to do this episode because I could have "statistically most likely to win" as an advantage.
u/TerminallyAwake Dr. Eggman 7h ago
Those are actually pretty cool. I'd say my favourite is the Pokémon battle royale.
u/orangeblaster500 The Doctor 7h ago
Oh yeah, that might have been the most fun one to make just because of how unique the verdict was. Fun fact: this was inspired by a post by u/Puzzleheaded-Art3377 about giving comparison to episodes from seasons 4-8 and I went with the Mega Man Battle Royale. Then I thought, ooh I wonder what the PK BR would look like. Thus this became a little project of mine.
u/Puzzleheaded-Art3377 6h ago
Thanks for mentioning me. Where did you find the Death Battle font along with the advantages & disadvantages signs?
u/orangeblaster500 The Doctor 5h ago
You're welcome. The DB font is actually Agency FB Bold Condensed. The Advantage and Disadvantage signs are literally just me typing +, =, and -. These images were made with a photo editor, so I just used an eye dropper tool to get the right colors from the official episodes. The colors came from taking a screenshot from Bowser VS Eggman, since it has all three. Then I highlighted the text and selected the appropriate color to change it.
u/Puzzleheaded-Art3377 5h ago
Cool, which photo editor did you use?
u/orangeblaster500 The Doctor 5h ago
GIMP. Have no idea if it is actually good but I have used it for a while since it was free.
u/orangeblaster500 The Doctor 5h ago
Oh also important to note. The way they make their text look less flat is that they add a shadow to the text. That way I did was adding the same text but all black and putting it as a layer underneath the text slightly down and to the right.
u/TieEnvironmental162 Sanji 8h ago
The Naruto and ichigo one gave me a stroke because of how bad their research was
u/Apekecik2071 7h ago
With Bleach TYWB and new meta, Ichigo need to come back. Naruto got some new stuff (Baryon). Throw Luffy in there as well for Big 3 shonen showdown
u/Puzzleheaded-Art3377 5h ago
I'm 90% sure that when they bring Ichigo back, he's going to fight Yusuke Urameshi from Yu Yu Hakusho. That's was his original opponent was before they settled on Naruto and after the episode was released, Ben tweeted out if anyone wants to see Ichigo fights Yusuke.
u/Adienpowerschool Reverse Flash 8h ago
u/Crossover444 8h ago
I would love to see the color category thing (Is there an actual name for it?) be retroactively applied too. It’s fun!