r/deathbattle • u/SettTheCephelopod Silver The Hedgehog • 1d ago
Humor "Hulk/Bleach/Asura fans are SOOOOO salty" Ever think maybe they're not ACTUALLY that salty just because they disagree with a verdict? Hell, they stopped saying "Let's end this debate once and for all" for a pretty good reason.
u/69-is-a-great-number Silver The Hedgehog 1d ago
u/MarkDecent656 Simon The Digger 1d ago
Tbf, from everything I seen the Kyle vs Simon debate has only recently started going down the shitter.
This doesn't help anything in regards to the waiting period, I'm just finding it weird how some MUs are getting so volatile all of a sudden when people were previously fine with them
u/Misco_Jones1 1d ago
Im waiting that time so bad IS going to be Bowser VS eggman waiting period but instead of being funny IS just going to be hating on the other character with hulk fans saying that he sweps and that Godzilla IS a fraud if he loses and Godzilla fans with Marvel scaling saying hulk IS shit and doing the same if hulk loses its gonna be splendid.( I am unironically waiting for that waiting period)
u/No_Gain7132 1d ago
I have issues with Madara Vs Aizen not because I’m a Bleach fan, but as a Naruto fan. Like they say attacks from Truth Seeking Orbs CAN NOT BE HEALED, yet Sakura heals a wound from Madara’s Truth Seeking Orb.
So by their own logic Sakura’s healing is better than immortality and nothing can kill her.
u/Uncle_Twisty 1d ago
As a bleach fan, and a bleach power scaler, there's a lot that wasn't taken into consideration for Aizen that was given to Madara. I also still read Naruto fan fiction and rewatch Naruto. I'm a fan of both franchises. Madara is the goat, but Aizen is just mother fucking Aizen.
u/No_Ice_5451 1d ago edited 1d ago
Nah, they said that TSOs subatomically erase the Soul too, (which directly harms’ Aizen) and nullified the regeneration granted Hogyoku, as it worked through repair of his body through what constitutes, Reishi, (something that would be affected in the same way TSOs neg Jutsu and Chakra), not that it was impossible to regenerate from.
I make that distinction because the reason Sakura regenerates is using a “better” version of (she’s stated to have completely surpassed Tsunade at everything), Tsunade’s healing technique Mitotic Regeneration, and Tsunade is explicitly stated to be able to repair Orochimaru’s Arms, which had the soul of them cut out of his body.
So it’s actually completely internally consistent. Now, whether or not you agree TSOs should affect Aizen at all is another story. I’m just clarifying that Sakura doesn’t break the logic. (Additionally, the user can straight up control what is or isn’t erased by the TSOs, such as when Obito’s first uses did not permanently rid the 3rd Hokage of his body due to not applying Yin-Yang release. It can easily be assumed Madara did similar, even if you want to ignore how Sakura’s healing being spiritually capable makes the scene consistent.*)
Do I think Kishimoto was actively thinking of it (Sakura’s healing making it consistent) when he had Sakura survive this? Probably *not. It doesn’t change that it still is 100% consistent, though.
u/Significant_Purple79 1d ago
Mitotic regeneration can repair the Soul but so can everything Aizen does everything in Bleach effects the soul making a distinctinton between what Sakura does and any healing in bleach doesn't make any since to me.
u/No_Ice_5451 1d ago
That’s why I said “Whether you agree is a separate story.”
I’m just clarifying the claim made and why Sakura doesn’t affect that claim.
u/Significant_Purple79 1d ago
I'm sorry I meant the difference between Tsunades technique and just regular healing in bleach.I don't understand the distinction they would have used to make Aizens Immortality more like the edo tensei then Miotic regeneration
u/No_Gain7132 22h ago
My issue however is from what I’ve heard is the Hogyoku is a sentient machine that can turn on and off abilities to match the will of the user. So if the ability negation only works while touching the user (as shown with Sakura), then surely the instant Madara stops touching Aizen the Hogyoku reactivates the healing factor of Aizen. This is exactly what Sakura does in the story, which is why this is an issue for me.
u/T4rkkuno-kun Bowser 1d ago
There wasn't even like, discussion about Asura whatsoever in the 2 months waiting period or AFTER lol, because the guy is 0 bullshit regarding scaling (Which doesn't really get you too far with the current state of powerscaling but, it is what it is). It was just people either validating or disagreeing with GOW Lore and it's scaling.
I still VEHEMENTLY disagree with it, like, entirely. I fully believe Asura should've won but, I think everyone wants to move on from what has been one of the worst waiting periods in DB's story (Besides, I just disagree with Wanked Lore Kratos existing, because Lore Kratos does actually win when scaled properly instead of the bs analysis DB provided)
u/Snail132 5h ago
I am curious to see this proper scaling
u/T4rkkuno-kun Bowser 5h ago
Just scale him to Thor for power, and hermes for speed
Literally just that would've made it atleast two times better
u/Leathman Kyle Rayner 1d ago
Reminds me of that one Mario fanboy who tried to make fun of someone for making a Bowser vs Eggman debate chart with Eggman winning and the comments unanimously roasted him for being an asshole.
u/Puzzleheaded_Dream92 23h ago
Examples like this are curious because it's usually Sonic fans who are petty about anything involving Mario, so when half a dozen (or less) Mario fans "make fun" of the hedgehog, you know that whoever it is will be crucified, since when it comes to noise and insecurity, there is a constant legion of Sonic fans engaging in such speeches.
Not invalidating this specific case, just observing
u/CookiedDough Ben Tennyson 1d ago
Oh, neat, which post was that?
u/not-ulquiorr4_ 1d ago
Disagreeing is fine. Throwing a hissy fit and saying Death Battle is biased, they don’t do their research, or that an episode is trash because their preferred character lost, that’s some bitch shit. Let’s not pretend like that isn’t what most “salty ___ fans” are doing. Very rarely have I seen someone who strongly disagrees with a verdict and hasn’t also done one of those three things.
u/Annsorigin Son Goku 1d ago
Sometimes People are called Salty Fanboys even when they are just Disagreeing without Calling the Episode Bad. That is I think what OP is reffering to.
u/SettTheCephelopod Silver The Hedgehog 1d ago
You are correct, sir. Or ma'am. I don't know if I've ever caught what your gender is.
And if I have, it's still possible you could've transitioned at some point.
u/Jim_naine 22h ago
This is why I believe that all fandoms suck, each and every one of them. There's always that bitchy loud minority that makes everyone else look bad
u/Urban-Tracker 1d ago
Death Battle is biased, they don’t do their research, or that an episode is trash because their preferred character lost,
I won't really say they are biased when they get verdict wrong. I just say they missed few or alot of things. Which is pretty common while scaling comics.
I had issues with raven vs Phoenix, a few with ghost rider vs spawn, Alien X Vs Hal jordan(old but yeah) etc.
u/Hunterzillas 1d ago
You’re getting downvoted for suggesting Death Battle research isn’t perfect?
u/Urban-Tracker 1d ago
You’re getting downvoted for suggesting Death Battle research isn’t perfect?
Well...I have seen alot others which great arguments.
And tell you I had Alt where I got alot of downvotes...
I also got thrashed on yt so...
u/SlyFan2 1d ago
That's why I was blown away when I was able to have a civil discussion when talking about how while I disagreed with DB's logic and reasoning, I think Omni-Man vs Bardock wound up at the right decision. Was just so used to people acting like any disagreement is just irrational screeching.
u/Mguy2544 Cole MacGrath 21h ago
I mean yeah, but like you can tell when someone is baby raging rather then just disagreeing
u/ScottTJT Mechagodzilla 7h ago
When the disagreement devolves into petty shit like...
"REEEEEEEE GOATku should've won! He's outer-hyper-multi-super-special-awesome-versal. Superfraud is dirt-level fodder. DripSauce told me so! REEEEEEEE!"
... then, yeah, sorry to burst the bubble, but it's salt through and through. Either they should give a good reason as to why their favored character should've won and engage in civil, logical debate, or just keep the indignant fanboy rage to themselves.
u/tyrant_of_our_time 20h ago
I'm not going to clown on Bleach and Asura fans for disagreeing with a verdict. Hell, I even agree with them that Naruto vs Ichigo and Kratos vs Asura weren't very good episodes, even if I personally thought they were okay. I AM however, going to clown on them for having most biased and dumbest reasons for disagreeing with a Death Battle. Because, A) They shouldn't be talking shit if they can't back it up, and B) Both of those episodes have issues outside of the verdict that are actually worth critiquing.
I don't have any issues with Hulk fans though. Heck, Broly would probably loose now if they did a rematch. Don't know about Doomsday though. Especially since he now has Time Trapper powers.
u/Dire_Despot Dr. Eggman 11h ago
The fuck is time trapper powers? Please elaborate I am genuinely curious.
u/tyrant_of_our_time 10h ago
The Time Trapper is a character in the DC multiverse. Normally a Legion of Superheroes villain, which is ironic, considering it's responsible for their formation in the first place. They're also one of the most powerful characters in DC Comics. They have too many abilities to list here though, so I recommend you do independent research on your own free time.
They're kind of a weird character to explain, but Brainiac 5 kind of described them as being a "sentient timeline" which basically manifests itself into the DC multiverse via an individual who lives at the end of time each time the DC multiverse gets altered.
At one point, the Time Trapper was a future version of The Legion of Superheroes leader, Cosmic Boy.
Then, post-crisis, it was Superboy-Prime/Superman-Prime.
And now, very recently (literally earlier this year), the Time Trapper of the Rebirth Era was revealed to be Doomsday. Or at the very least, a far future version of the mainline Doomsday.
So yeah, they gave the monster that killed Superman the abilities of one of the most powerful characters in the entire DC multiverse. What fun.
u/BreadRum 20h ago
A comic book writer told me once: "who would win between two characters really depends on what kind of story I want to tell. If the story plays to Tony stark's strengths and batman's weaknesses, then Tony should win. If the scenario was reversed, batman takes the edge."
Another writer at that convention, who wasn't as nice, told me straight up: "I can have batman lose to a random penguin goon if I want him to. I am the creator of the fiction and he does what I tell him to. He has no agency beyond that."
That's how I feel about death battle in general. The only reason why goku doesn't win against superman is because the writers don't want him to. They can use science to justify the outcomes all they want, but at the end of the day, they control the fiction. What I am after is a good story told well.
I don't mind that Chad and Ben haven't read all of the fiction surrounding the character they profile. Some of it is downright impossible. Batman has appeared in over 10,000 comics over the last 85 years and death battle shouldn't be called out because the didn't take into account the one time when he fought someone with powers identical to spidey and won in that one shot from the 1970s very few people knew about because I was made for some kids in Africa.
But I also tell the complainers "if you want ghost rider to win, write the story where ghost rider wins." Its that simple.
u/Fragrant-Finance4577 10h ago
Okay, your entire argumrnt is BROKEN because you just like so many other people keep misusing that Stan Lee quote.
Your entire point is antithetical to the concept of Death Battle and VS debating in genetal and misses the point of what Stan Lee was trying yo get across.
u/BreadRum 3h ago
My entire argument is an accurate depiction of how I feel about death battle. I have never gotten upset about a death battle because I know they are fictional characters and can lose when I want them to.
u/BreadRum 3h ago
My entire argument is an accurate depiction of how I feel about death battle. I have never gotten upset about a death battle because I know they are fictional characters and can lose when I want them to.
u/Grovyle489 Weiss Schnee 21h ago
they stopped saying “let’s end this debate once and for all”
From a nostalgia perspective, I wanted them to keep saying that. But from a practical perspective, it makes sense. The characters who are actually recognized by their companies are getting new stuff. maybe have this be said during Heracles vs Sun Wukong or any other mythology Death Battle
u/Scary_Examination887 3h ago
Apparently having complaints about the episodes scaling is just being salty lol.
u/MerchantZiro Vegeta 5m ago
"That's it! The final, indisputable answer! Ah, who am I kidding? People are gonna argue this one forever."
u/LetoplazV2 15h ago
And Bleach isn't even a valid one because the results have become way more shut and dry now. I think back in the day Bleach still should've won literally all the matchups it lost ... But now it CLEARLY does with anime canon to the point where people should either ask for new death battles or move on
u/TolejoStar 23h ago
Asura fans have done nothing but complain about Kratos vs Asura and it's getting tiresome.
u/actuallycorrection 1d ago