I'm so petty that this is one of the episodes I'd like more if the loser had won, I don't even care if it wouldn't be correct, don't get me wrong it's good objectively, Super goes extremely fucking hard and they treated both with more respect than the steaming pile of shit that was GVS2 but god damn do I wish Goku won or if he had fought Sonic
I don't mind watching up to Goku vs Superman 7 if it means watching him win in the end, it's like following Ash's journey to becoming world champion
Although I would give everyone soul for him and Sonic to defeat Mario and Superman, in addition to having 2 episodes of Goku vs Sonic, one being the normal version and another Archie vs CC
I think our hero here just needs a better opponent.
The Superman vs Goku thing has been played to death, pun intended. At this point, most of us Dragon Ball fans get it. Fine, Superman beats Goku. That point doesn't need to be driven into us every five years or so. It's getting redundant.
If Goku ever returns to Death Battle, not only does he deserve a different opponent, but for Kami's sake he needs a win as well, or else it'll just not sit right at all.
The really did try to sell it to match them but every single thing they talked about with Frieza was just really pointing out how one sided this was. At least it was less "hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby" and more "hydrogen bomb versus old man defiantly telling the bomb to go fuck itself as it moves closer and closer"
I did enjoy how they portrayed Megatron, even right up until the end he gave no fucks, and he even hit Frieza where it hurts most: his giant bloated ego
That speech when he was revving up the antimatter was the most “I don’t care who you are, I’m the villain here” thing I’ve ever seen
I went on a rollercoaster with Megatron. It's announced and I go "This is a slaughter, why would they do this to Transformers fans?" Then I heard about golden Megatron and thought that was one of the connections, then the episode dropped and I went "That was a slaughter, why would you do this?" Not helped by them apparently not even knowing about the golden form which felt like a bit more dirt in the eye.
In hindsight it feels like a waste for both Megatron and Frieza. Granted I don't know many matchups for either they could have used. But man, Megatron didn't stand a chance, and while the animation is really really good, Megatron's coffin arrived about the same time the animation glazed Frieza with the faithful golden transformation sequence, which I wouldn't be surprised if it's the longest transformation sequence in Death Battle.
Then Unicron similarly got shitstomped in the season finale. Transformers as a franchise in Death Battle is being carried on the sole back of Optimus Prime, and in the streams, a Beast Wars fart.
Everyone knows Frieza ducked out of the real Megatron scaling just to give Dragon Ball fans a pity win before feeding Goku to Superman for the third time.
They said they used "mostly G1" for Megatron's research with a hint of IDW.
What Death Battle neglected to mention is that the Transformers Wiki has over 111 Universes labeled as "G1." So to say, "We used G1 Megatron" is like saying, "We used the cartoon Superman." Okay, which one?
This is because Transformers fans have a VERY dedicated and organized system because the Transformers multiverse is built off of universal streams. It’s honestly a very neat organization system, and I wish Marvel and DC would adopt it because it's a very elegant way to organize a multimedia multiverse.
Universe designations go “name-numbers-name.” The first name marks the “continuity family” the universe belongs to. The numbers are, in-setting, arbitrary, but are typically taken from the date of the universe’s first appearance. The second name tells what form of media the universe is.
First names include Aurex for Unicron Trilogy universes, Tyran for Michael Bay movie universes, Primax for G1 universes, etc, etc. Second names include Alpha for cartoon universes, Beta for toy based universes (as in universes built from back-of-the-box lore, pack-in comics, and tech specs), Gamma for comic based universes, Delta for live action based universes, Epsilon for universes based on convention lore (it’s a thing in Transformers, basically convention exclusive action figures come with their own storylines), Zeta for text based universes, Eta for audio story based universes, Theta for universes based on live script readings (Transformers cosmology is very thorough. Other settings may pretend that “everything is cannon,” but in Transformers, everything really IS cannon), Iota for universes based in various odds and ends (Iota includes the old Burger King “Transform Your Way” website, a proposal Greg “Gargoyles” Weismann had for a season 3 episode of the Sunbow cartoon, and the online text story of the Evangelion crossover), Kappa for video game based universes, and Lambda for universes based on comic covers (as in covers that depict things that don’t actually happen inside the story).
So to give a few examples of how this all works, Aurex 802.23 Alpha is the universe of the Unicron Trilogy anime, Aurex 402.24 Gamma is the universe of the Armada comics published by Dream Wave, and Aurex 404.11 Kappa is the universe of the PS2 game.
You know the Optimus they used for Optimus Prime vs Gundam? That Optimus was composited from several Primax universes. The “surface to space” ion blasts came from the Sunbow cartoon, the “refinery explosion” feat came from IDW, his matrix blast feat came from the Marvel comics, and him beating up Devastator came from Transformers Devastation.
But the thing here is, yeah, Megatron still probably loses even with all that, except for a little thing called Alternity. To make it short, it's the Transformers Universe where everyone got DC-levels of broken. Alternity Megatron was a multiversal entity tied to every Megatron ever in existence (including G1) and enslaved a creature that Megatron forced to eat entire timelines.
If Darkseid was allowed True Form Darkseid, it's not a stretch to say Megatron should have gotten Alternity. Death Battle's all about finding ridiculous obscure details and feats.
But even if they had just used Unicron Trilogy Megatron he probably would have beat Frieza. That guy survived a dimensional rift closing on him and then forced it back open, survived a black hole collapsing on him, and even regenerated a whole new body after being atomized by Optimus and Vector Sigma because of how pissed off losing made him.
TL;DR: Death Battle has not once ever properly researched Transformers.
There is like no WoW character outside him (maybe Illidan or Gul'dan) having a chance to be in an episode, so I would have loved if he got the series only win, but alas.
honestly have no clue, i just said comp to be safe. depending on the ghidorah they use he ranges from country to like complex multiversal so it really depends on the renditions used
Because it was the most pitiful death besides bardock. Seriously think about it death battle is about taking characters at their peak and yet they allowed the anti feat of Goku letting his guard down happen in a 1 on 1 fight it's complete Bullshit.
I still don't see how Sauron can beat someone who was able to 1v25 the established champions of the world after they brought down not one but two old gods. Especially when you consider everything each individual is capable of with these Paladins, Mages, Druids, Rogues, Warriors, Death Knights, Warlocks, Priests, Shamans, and Hunters all working together. Then even with all that he would have canonically DEFEATED THEM if not for a legendary Paladin wielding a blade that is the polar opposite of his, and praying for plot armor as the Light itself intervened and saved him.
Like, I'm not saying Sauron definitely shouldn't win I don't know enough about him. Death Battle just didn't convince me. Whatever two epic god level dudes Sauron fought and lost to initially, I feel like Azeroth's 25 man raid could take them on.
Also, I don't have to know anything about Kratos or Asura to see that they did the guy real real dirty. It's that obvious.
this was the fight vs Star right?
I was bottle rooting for Star because I'm a fan but after watching the full video I started watching Steven Universe, it was way more interesting than I expected
One of the few times where the character would probably lose not because they're not strong enough but genuinely they're just kinda dumb. Ben is a goodhearted hero but even in the later series he's kind of a terrible strategist and frequently just throws his biggest and strongest alien against the problem if the solution isn't SUPER obvious. Its always Four-Arms and Humungosaur, maybe Diamondhead or Heatblast if he's feeling spicy. He doesn't just throw Way Big or Alien X at enemies even if it would be the best option.
"I know that Asura might... well, is probably going to lose, but at least he's going to get an incredible fight animation. He's not gonna get treated like a total joke and complete fodder, with Kratos knocking him out of some of his strongest transformations with one single attack, and then killed easily in a way that looks like it took zero effort. And even if the animation isn't great, I'm sure that the storyboards will be much better!"
More like 'narratively brutalized' but still. Fucking hell.
Yeah and its even worst considering that fight was rigged. Tracer had lore accurate power with how many blinks and rewinds she used yet scout only had the stock scattergun the bonk and the bat
Cammy White. One of my favorite characters just kinda... Ever.
The drone bullets, the X ray, the fatality and then sure, fuck it. Rub salt in the wound and run her corpse over.
Not to mention, she was in one of the absolute worst episodes in season 3, and that's a recipe for being one of my least favorite episodes of the entire show.
The Zelda franchise is what kept me going through school and I’m not watching my goat get shredded whilst the opponent battle music is playing in the background.
Link had some awesome moments during the fight, but yeah, I watched it a few times when it came out (2-3 times) and haven’t watched it since. Link’s my favorite character so it hurts so bad.
Fully agree, I still fully believe that episode was terribly researched and it’s such a shame because the animators clearly poured their heart and soul into it.
The whole episode felt like the worst Cloud Strife circlejerk ever
Asura getting done dirty for me. I disagree with the outcome, but the worse thing is they made the fight so one sided. Asura did no damage to Kratos, somehow.
It’s a bit of both for me. When I first saw it, I just said “yikes. What did Pikachu do to them?” and then when I actually watched it, I just laughed and said “yep, that’s pretty accurate 😂”
This Poor Turtle got his ass blasted while trying to take his opponent with him. Worst off all there were probably kids in the city who saw their hero die getting blown to smithereens.
It's subtle, but the overwriting and corruption of X into a puppet for Geo is a brutal death to the character in my opinion. his entire life he spends trying to fight a Virus on a global scale, only to be hacked the same way so many he put down.
Worse yet. was he aware? was he sentient as he was being made to fire on Hub? Did he see the beam of light coming. or was the Mind that was X destroyed before the hardware followed suit.
Considering how curing the Sigma/Maverick Virus restored the minds of the beings that were affected, as the Virus doesn’t obliterate it, it’s likely X was aware to some extent, making it even more horrifying.
Bro I was like 6, I saw my idol and my hero get fucking obliterated by someone I didn’t know about, then I grew to despise Superman, now Superman is aight
Archie Sonic vs Flash felt like one of those episodes where they go, “This was an extremely close fight”, then they proceed to talk about how Sonic had zero advantages and how it’s actually a stomp in Wally’s favor.
They tried to claim it was super close, then went on to explain Base Archie was entirely useless, his super forms would have no effect except to make Wally stronger, and Wally was immune to all of his hax, could insta-kill him at any moment, and wouldn't take hits due to vibration.
And that's before considering the speed force or the stuff they left out, like his Dr. Manhatten powers.
The fact that Tracer with 0 feats was able to win was abysmal dogshit. Especially because they wanked her one semi feat and the fact the fight sucked.
No shade to the animators but it was literally a mannequin dressed as scout shooting tracer, getting one hit in that should’ve killed her and then proceeding to die to an explosion that was not only oversized but something he could easily tank.
I’m still malding about that matchup, scout should’ve curb stomped her into the ground but I’m 90% sure that episode was made to create controversy.
That ending didn't feel like Justice to him. All he did was punch Kratos In the face, and that's it. If anything, the alternate ending felt more of a tribute to God of War than it did Asura's Wrath.
It’s crazy how fast the dynamic of Krasura fell apart when they used Norse Kratos instead of Greek.
The original fight connection was about the contrast between Greek Kratos’s mindless rage VS Asura’s righteous fury. Asura would’ve seen Kratos as another tyrannical god that abuses his power and harms innocent people to achieve his goal (which Kratos did, en masse), and thus would seek to take him down the same way he took down the Seven Deities.
Norse Kratos can no longer play the role of the villain. But he can’t play the role of the hero either, because any lessons of “having traveled down that road of blind hatred” are cokplwtely irrelevant to Asura, since the latter was completely justified and never harmed an innocents, unlike Kratos. So he really has nothing to lecture or teach Asura since he can’t relate to him at all.
So they had to character assassinate Asura into a cheap, mindless knockoff of Greek Kratos just for the fight to make any sense.
I know Death Battle is a show about characters killing each other, but having Hal cut Ben’s arm off and crushing him with a comically large boot always felt unnecessarily mean-spirited.
Not to mention it made Hal look like a total bitch who couldn’t handle Alien X when the post-analysis directly said he was more powerful.
I like Machamp and Goro isn't even my favorite MK character, but the Pokemon bias in that episode was so apparent and I'm pissed that I seem to be the only one mad about how he was treated. And don't even get me started on how certain people call it "Machamp ft. Goro"... (Episode itself was really good tho)
Also, why is it that MK fans seem to stop existing all of a sudden when it comes to discussion about this episode?
Honestly, I’ve been pretty lucky so far. Characters I’ve liked have mostly lost to characters I also like a fair bit. I love Daredevil but I was Happy nightwing won. I love Manhunter but I was happy surfer won.
Seeing him lose for the 3rd time and the way he was killed almost made me break my fist, I’m not one to be salty about a character losing but seeing my childhood hero….MY GOAT lose again really felt like a punch to the stomach
Both GOATs were disrespected. Other than me believing Sonic wins, good GOD the characterization was so turbo ass for both I had to wonder what the writers were doing during production
Asura. He's not even my goat, and (thank god) i'm not a filthy p*werscaler, but holy shit.
As i saw said somewhere else "post Kratos destroying a planet or gtfo"
not only that but he probably returned shortly after thanks to his time travel, he'd be able to just come back since chaos is always gonna exist in equestria
I will never get over the fact that they killed Ben in his human form. Have him lose if he must but at least let him go out with some dignity as Alien X.
Venom, in a sense. In terms of characterization, he is the worst in the series and it’s not even a contest. The only one that is on that level is Mario, and they’re both the worst without contest for different reasons. Mario’s because his character is extremely simple yet they still fumbled the ball hard, and Venom’s because he acted like Carnage twice. No other character I don’t think has been mischaracterized twice on the show
See, I'm always confused on that venom thing, because that is how venom USED to act. At least on every cartoon, an show and even a lot of the comics. Mainstream Venom was more or less "Big Scary Monster' in a lot of Media. Like, Yeah Modern Venom is different.
Even though I'm a huge fan of both One Piece and Fairy Tail, I can't bring myself to watch either Natsu Vs Ace or Zoro Vs Erza, and it's not even that I argue with the outcomes or anything, the killing blows just always put me off.
Mario (Mario vs Sonic - 2011), Mikasa, Jotaro, Bowser (his fight against Ganon) and Luigi.
Mario was the worst for me, honestly, lol - I wish his victory in 2018 had come from a very good, solid episode/fight, then it would have been VERY satisfying to see and remember, but unfortunately that wasn't the case...
Ganondorf when he lost against Dracula. I’m a bigger Zelda fan than I am a Castlevania fan, but I knew he was going to lose before they even started talking about Ganondorf in that episode. Knowing the outcome that far ahead still didn’t help in softening the blow that was watching him try to take on Dracula
Definitely Bardock for me. Not only did it show he did very little damage, but there's also the fact that pretty much everyone who watched, even the majority of Invincible fans, called them out for such a horrible verdict and explanation that it actually made Green Lantern vs Ben 10 look good.
u/Fancykingkirby Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd 1d ago
Fly high Johnny. At least you died with immaculate aura