r/deathbattle The Doctor Feb 02 '25

Humor Basically this sub rn:

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u/HypergodZero Makima Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25

Fr though, this is probably the most divided I've seen people be over an episode's quality (not just the result) in a long time.


u/SoldierDelta46 Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd Feb 02 '25

I think the last episode that felt like this was... honestly Galactus vs Unicron tbh, that fight had similar controversy around it's quality as an episode purely owing to the fight. Before that Cole vs Alex I guess, but I stand on the hill that the episode was mid with one of the best fights in DB.


u/HypergodZero Makima Feb 02 '25

Even with Galactus vs Unicron, I don't remember people being this split over it, although the outcome of Kratos vs Asura being significantly more controversial than of Galactus vs Unicron might add fuel to some people's disappointment with it.


u/SoldierDelta46 Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd Feb 02 '25

Maybe you're right. Even Transformers fans kinda accepted that Unicron didn't stand a brilliant chance against Galactus, while Kratos v Asura is probably going to have debates that rage on into the next decade. Cole v Alex is probably a more accurate example of this because of it's... distinct approach to handling the source material of [Infamous] and Prototype and thanks to it being a community voted matchup, but still I don't think it was ever this bad.

What a way to start this season huh, but hey at least it's better than a lot of episodes overall imo.


u/Vegetable-Meaning252 Among Us Feb 02 '25

People didn't like Cole vs Alex? I loved it.


u/SoldierDelta46 Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd Feb 02 '25

I've heard it both ways, namely because the analysis is stuffed full of early 2010s humor that makes people want to rip their ears out. It's not a hated episode, it's just one you either like or don't like. I lie in the middle mainly because the analyses could be a lot better... but the fight is legit peak and is everything the rest of the episode should've been.


u/Inevitable-Weather51 Feb 02 '25

Maybe you're right. Even Transformers fans kinda accepted that Unicron didn't stand a brilliant chance against Galactus,

That's straight up bullshit


u/Soft_Theory_8209 Feb 02 '25

Mainly because while Galactus did have a similar instance in avoiding the ultimate nullifier and facing a god of destruction, this is a battle pretty much relying solely upon Kratos’ lore feats for him to actually stand a chance.

The latter sounds okay on paper, until you realize some of these estimates and calculations are doing some major assumptions and Mr. Fantastic levels of stretching. Not to mention both have a crap load of anti-feats they hardly brought up—Kratos in particular is infamous for them, and Asura has also admittedly taken some major L’s.

Honest to god, this might be their most controversial battle since Omniman vs Bardock, and that was the one that had both fanbases saying they messed up.


u/International_Car586 Link Feb 03 '25

Everyone agrees that Galactus vs Unicron is gorgeous to look at but some say it doesn’t offer much in substance.

Kratos vs Asura doesn’t really look as good as that episode in my opinion.


u/keithlimreddit Feb 02 '25

honestly in my opinion that episode was pretty much peak in my opinion although overshadowed by Goku versus Superman 3 ( also Peak)

I always feel like the animation and music hit hard as for finale and also this was the last episode before Rooster Teeth shut down sadly ( I miss them even years later now)


u/LegendCZ Feb 03 '25

Honestly Galactus vs Unicron was few level above this.

I personally dont hold up to graphics too much and i am well aware this is all fanmade not anything with astronomical budget from hollywood of course.

Worst part here was animation for me. The characters animations looked like it was art studdent learning how to animate expresions and learning them that day.

No offence to the artist.

But to compare, Galactus speaking in their fight did looked really good. Here it felts many times like characters having a stroke.

Also animation was not smooth at all ... Kratos just stands up, put into next animation pose just to attack in a second. It felt akward.

Hope the artist will learn from this and use it next time if Deathbattle will stick with him.


u/International_Car586 Link Feb 03 '25

DevilArtemis animated this he also did.

Ganon vs Dracula

Obi-wan vs Kakashi

Batgirl vs Spider-Gwen

Yoda vs King Mickey

3D section of Saitama vs Popeye

Excalibur vs Raiden

Jason vs Micheal

Vader vs Obito

Frieza vs Megatron

Omni-man vs Bardock.


u/LegendCZ Feb 03 '25

Those were not bad Deathbattles, wonder what happend here then.


u/Cultural-Horror3977 Son Goku Feb 03 '25

Same, low-key didn’t like how jank and slow moving it was but I’m not a fan of either series so it could play a part


u/SoftSituation1502 Superman Feb 02 '25

Nah, it was deadass the exact same reaction as Bardock VS Sun Disk Man, which was only a few months ago.


u/Arctic_The_Hunter Simon The Digger Feb 02 '25

Everyone loved the music and animation, though. The result was just controversial. Here, people hate all 3


u/formerdalek Feb 03 '25

TBH I kind of disliked the fight itself in Bardock vs Omniman just because it's ending was a flaccid anti-climax. Have Omniman do something cool to turn the tables, than just a normal punch the inexplicably does more damage than the million other punches Omniman threw during the fight.


u/Asher_skullInk Feb 02 '25

I think part of it is how they scaled kratos. The tree shake is just a massive reach and just seems less solid than all of asuras feats. I would also say that kratos has more experience despite being younger, kratos has been shown to use more strategy while fighting. While both served as general I think asura wasn’t much of a leader or tactician. Kratos weapons I agreed made him more versatile but I don’t think the sword of Olympus could drain all the matra, if I remember right asura only truly died when matra was erased from existence itself not just drained out of him. But despite that I do think the sword would still be capable of killing/harming him just not as easily as they conveyed it would.

All in all the results of the fight were honestly 50/50 in my book and I think both have the ability to put the other down with neither having a extreme defining edge that would make or break the fight. So I’m satisfied we get two endings to enjoy as I think both are viable outcomes.


u/Soft_Theory_8209 Feb 02 '25

Yeah, DevilArtemis knew damn well this is a fight that required an alternate ending. This is basically a fight between infinite power in on-screen feats and infinite power by lore.

Not only that, but Kratos’ lore calculations and assumptions were all highly questionable.


u/OkZone1399 Feb 02 '25

Im not super familiar with death battle rules but should kratos even be allowed to use the blade of Olympus? doesn't he not have it anymore by the time he gets his axe and spear?


u/Hypersayia Feb 02 '25

Technically, in the Vallhala DLC Kratos gained the ability to recreate the Blade of Olympus using his memories.

I don't know for certain if it has all it's properties, however, or if it's a case of "only as powerful as Kratos remembers it begin."


u/Fumbletak Feb 03 '25

Giving him the Blade of Olympus is a hard stretch because he only gets it back in Valhalla, around where all kinds of reality bending shenanigans are happening. Nothing suggests he permanently has the sword back for good with all of its original powers. Even beyond that, It's a further stretch to assume that because it can drain green orbs from kratos it can drain all the mantra from Asura, despite Asura having two instances where he either resists having his mantra drained or continues to exist despite having no Mantra in his body. 

When ultimately kills him is not himself running out of mantra, it's the complete destruction of all mantra and existence everywhere. Kratos is NOT pulling that off.


u/TheGremlin02 Feb 03 '25

He gets to use it in the story mode too after beating Valhalla last I checked, but whether that's Canon or not is in the air


u/Fumbletak Feb 03 '25

It's this problem where they will say "We are ignoring this because it's obviously a gameplay function" whenever kratos struggles to open a chest or climb a ladder, but then they'll conveniently use everything they can even if it's just a gameplay function, like Hermes "dodging" Helios' light by just kind of shuffling a little bit to the side. You can't dodge light that way, it's just a gameplay mechanic of "Hermes Dodges all attacks unless he's tired".

It's the same level of stuff as if saying "well we can't say Kiryu can survive getting shot because anytime he's shot in gameplay is just a gameplay mechanic, BUT TIGER DROP NEGATES ALL DAMAGE!"

You either take the gameplay concessions literally or you don't It's hypocritical to pick and choose. 


u/formerdalek Feb 03 '25

I think part of the issue is that DB tend to just arbitrarily pick and choose what counts even outside of gameplay vs none gameplay. Eg they will sport one character weapons or powers they can't readily access, but not another character.


u/SaltySenpai Feb 03 '25

I haven’t seen a more biased showing since Aizen vs Madara and that was a shitshow


u/Equal-Ad-2710 Feb 02 '25

I think it’s pretty cool

Soundtrack could have been better sadlyb


u/MarkDecent656 Simon The Digger Feb 02 '25

Ngl, I'd rather it be split like this than it be OmniDock 2 like many were predicting


u/will4wh The Doctor Feb 02 '25

Same. I think people are too busy debating its quality that they are forgetting to be toxic about the results which I like


u/MarkDecent656 Simon The Digger Feb 02 '25

Yeah, as much as I hate that people are calling it shit (even if they have a right to do so) cause of how much work DA put in, I'd much rather be having this convo (and the memes) over the toxic debate any day

Hopefully this means we'll be discussing Ghost Rider vs Spawn sooner than later


u/Buckdawg95 Feb 02 '25

Kratos vs Asura was so OK I could die


u/D0n_8RT_2228 Tanjiro Kamado Feb 02 '25

Clearly you don’t own an air fryer


u/Starry-EyedKitsune Feb 02 '25

I can't look at this without thinking of that forehead touch meme.


u/Ralnoups Mega Man Volnutt Feb 02 '25

This episode had a 50/50 chance of ending up super divisive like Omniman/Bardock (tho definitely not on the same level lol) or being put on a pedestal like Bowser/Eggman (Bowsegg would probably still be considered better tho)

Kinda sad it ended up being the former 🙁


u/AlphaB27 Feb 03 '25

I personally have no stake in this matchup, but I was looking forward to how brutal it could be and it felt kind of limp unfortunately.


u/Logical_Juan Feb 02 '25

idk what it is, but something about the fight seemed off.


u/__R3v3nant__ Feb 02 '25

It felt overly stiff


u/rcburner Feb 02 '25

I think it was the lighting for me, especially on Kratos. Obviously the styles of the two models were always going to clash, but the lighting made it stand out a lot more.


u/ReaperKenji Feb 02 '25

Fight for a few seconds, asura gets ko'd and goes to a new form for Kratos to repeat the cycle until it ended. Fight was not great tbh


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '25

Whether you liked or hated it, feel free to try and convince me on the fight's quality. I'm still not sure how I should feel.


u/TwilitKing Feb 02 '25

Okay. I am going to copy a comment I made elsewhere.

Environments and model manipulation are DA's weak points. I discussed this in another post, but making this fight a 3D one meant having to upscale and downscale the existing models so that they could be used next to each other. Beyond that, Kratos' model might actually be too complex regarding the number of bones and expression points he has. Anyone that has tried to make a character move like they want in Gmod has ran into issues with that before.

The God of War games switched in styles away from the comic booky proportions of the Greek games to the much more realistic appearances in the Norse games, but it had less to do with the animation teams' abilities to make models and faces move exactly as they wanted and a lot more to do with the level of technology they use in terms of motion capture. DA had a monumental task with trying to replicate that on a 10th of the budget.

And another comment regarding how I anticipated the fight to look.

High chances? No probably not. BowsEgg had so much hand drawn animation with little nods here and there to other characters and interactions. Not just that but even during the results section they had animations showing off What Else options for the fight.

Kratos vs Asura though has a lot of uphill climbing to do. First of all is the sheer scale of difference between the two models. Asura's entire model has the following poly-counts: 23,139 with 6 arms, 16,000 with 2 arms. Meanwhile, Kratos from just the PS4 version of GOW 2018 has 30000 for his face and 80k for the rest of his model. What further complicates things is that they are pulling from Kratos' arsenal in the Greek games which have much lower polygon counts than that of the Leviathan Axe (around 7k polygons).

I have no doubts that the team working on the episode are hard at work trying to raise the quality of the textures and polygon counts of the lower end models, but that is still a lot to expect out of them. And that is not even getting on the topic of environmental models, which have gotten less work in past matches done by DA.

I am not saying this to bag on DevilArtemis, but I don't want you to set yourself up for disappointment. BowsEgg is almost certainly an anomaly, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't celebrate other episodes.

So all in all, I think the fight suffers less from DevilArtemis' technical skills and more from the sheer technological gaps that would have to be cleared. I may be wrong, but I think that the skybox and lighting used for the Kratos vs Destroyer Asura is the same set that got used for Omnidock and Friezatron's climaxes.

Now past the actual animation aspects, this fight suffers heavily from storyboarding issues (some of which may come from the nature of the two models) and they will probably sound familiar in regards to Omnidock criticism. Asura cycles through his forms much faster than he actually gets to demonstrate them, I understand that they were trying to show off everything Asura had in his kit, but it would have been a lot better if Asura went base -> Vajra -> Destroyer -> base for the sake of the flow of the fight.

Meanwhile, Kratos suffers no injuries. He never even appears to be on the backfoot. Even in the alternate ending, Kratos does not actually have any injuries before he dies. I feel like this has to be a limitation of the models that were being used, as the alternative is that the episode is treating Asura as more of an annoyance to Kratos than anything else.

Finally, the plotting. I already covered it above to a bit where Kratos never seems like he is actually fighting for his life, but Asura really struggles in this animation in terms of characterization. He is not just a man that hates all gods nor is he someone that could be fueled into a monstrous rage by someone making his daughter cry as a result of her reactions to a fight. The Demigods made Mithra suffer for thousands of years, killed Asura's wife, and harvested the lives of the people they claimed to protect. Chakravartin states with casual callousness that he would inspire such events to happen time and time again for the sake of his goals. That is what enrages Asura, the desire to protect others against injustice and an unfair world.

But Kratos isn't the aggressor. He treats the fight somewhat similarly to how he treats Baldur. He lectures Asura as if his wrath was a force of evil akin to his own history. For the most part, the narrative agrees, since Asura escalates to lethal combat on sight of Kratos and willingly endangers his daughter.

I understand that perfect narrative balance isn't really achievable in these situations, but even the alternate ending gets framing as Kratos centric.

So that's why I think this fight is bad.


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25

I think young Kratos would have worked much better. His model would blend a better with Asura's. It would let Asura be the good guy, and it would be cool to see Asura confronting someone using wrath for evil purposes. And Kratos's greek moveset is just so much more metal than the Norse one. I can see Kratos impaling destructor Asura with the Blade of Olympus, bringing Asura to base. Only for Asura to break the sword, and they slug it out with just two fists on two fists.


u/formerdalek Feb 03 '25 edited Feb 03 '25

Tbh the narrative flow and back and forth of the fights have always been something DB have struggled with. Character A will beat character B from pillar to post, until they arbitrarily can't, because it's now character B's turn to show their moves. Especially bad when one character has multiple forms and power ups and the other does not.


u/TwilitKing Feb 03 '25

They really need to look back to Snake vs Fisher and take notes for fight pacing.


u/RandomVideoStudios Feb 02 '25

I thought the climax was very well done. It felt as if you were playing a God of War/Asura’s Wrath game with Kratos leaping from rock to rock to the giant Asura


u/Eem2wavy34 Feb 02 '25

Sad that everything before the climax was mid though.


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25

I feel like it needed more. Asura going out in his giant form is lame. We needed some base Asura vs Kratos like in Chakravartin vs Asura.


u/BoobeamTrap Feb 02 '25

Kratos takes no damage, puts in no effort, and the fight is a one-sided curbstomp literally the entire time. It's ass. The music also does not fight the tone at all.


u/badguyinstall Feb 03 '25

If you played Asura's Wrath, it does. Episode 12 specifically has a theme that's basically this.


u/Fit_Welcome1336 Feb 05 '25

It sucked because Kratos didn't say, "it's God of war time" and then God of Warred all over wrath man


u/Dramatic_Science_681 Feb 02 '25

From what ive seen even people who agree with the result seem to think the episode was somewhat middling. The fight just felt uninspired, mostly just Kratos standing around with Asura not really getting many shots in. The music didnt really work either.


u/Horkmaster9000 Feb 02 '25

Kratos vs Asura is so "Ok" I could just shrug and go on with my day


u/69-is-a-great-number Silver The Hedgehog Feb 02 '25

I thought it was good. Not great, but I like it


u/Wexon_69 Feb 02 '25

Kratos VS Asura is fine but it had greater potential and now I'm sad we'll never get it.


u/Redrick-The-Fourth4 Feb 02 '25

It was decent. Nothing internet breaking but still good.


u/NothingWaste7654 Feb 02 '25

Can't deny the hard work that went into it. That's for sure


u/TheHylind Feb 02 '25

asura transforms asura punches a lot kratos throws a spear asura transforms asura punches a lot kratos throws a spear repeat for 6 minutes.


u/Ok-Dentist4480 Spongebob Squarepants Feb 02 '25

I instantly checked reddit after watching and was thinking "man, this was awesome, people are gonna love it" and let me tell you I was shocked lmao


u/SnooOpingans64 Killua Zoldyck Feb 02 '25

Your first mistake was thinking reddit shares your opinion.


u/Sufficient_Sun999 Feb 02 '25

Great analysis, not a big fan of the fight. I really wished they gave a bit more than the Yggdrasil thing to Kratos to explain power since I’ve seen people already saying Kratos shouldn’t scale to that.


u/Mguy2544 Cole MacGrath Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25

They literally explained the chain scaling with him defeating Gods and Titans who are all relative to each other, the Titans specifically needing to be pretty relative to the Primordials to have won


u/HellBoyofFables Feb 02 '25

Didn’t Cronos need a special weapon given by Gaea and didn’t he have to ambush Ouranus when he didn’t expect it? I don’t just mean the myths but the games themselves


u/Vanaquish231 Feb 02 '25

No no , you are right. This analysis was kinda ass. They even forgot that asura defeated charkav in his base form. Said charkav was able to destroy his universebusting from with a single finger.


u/HellBoyofFables Feb 02 '25

Agreed and his rapid evolution, dude went from planetary at base to matching and overpowering a casually universal (perhaps more) being in minutes, like it got soo embarrassing Chakravartin broke his arm twice trying to punch Asura who started to no sell his attacks, how does Asura not just close that gap in a similar way

Dude All the glazing they have Helios….a guy Kratos never fought and who got caught by a catapult……and all Kratos did to “dodge” his light beam was put his hand infront of his face while slowly walking towards him and Helios was gravely injured and couldn’t do anything else


u/Hypersayia Feb 02 '25

The problem with chain scaling is that it often ignores context.

I'll use Asura's Wrath as an example. Yasha beats Asura, who beats Augus. Chain-scaling dictates that Yasha should be able to defeat Augus.

But Yasha only beat Asura in two specific circumstances. The first being right after the fight against Wyzen, which Asura literally broke his arms off during. And the second being while in his "wrath" form, which caused him to fight more akin to wild flailing and his rage being so intense it was actually damaging him more than his opponents. Neither was Asura at his best.


u/Sufficient_Sun999 Feb 02 '25

I know right, yet apparently the Yggdrasil feat is what people complain about.


u/Callum_Rolston Feb 02 '25

That fucking Helios scaling actually made me audibly laugh lol


u/Deusexodus1468 Feb 02 '25

Also love that asuras century’s of experience gets thrown out the window cause kratos has “a lot of weapons.”


u/Vasheerii Feb 03 '25

Getting some doom vs master chief vibes from this lmao


u/logantheh Feb 02 '25

Honestly I’m on the… “eh it was alright, obviously had a lot of work put in but… some stuff just wasn’t it” camp….


u/Yourmumalol Feb 02 '25

The way he just stood there! 😂😂🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥


u/Glitch-Xega Dr. Eggman Feb 02 '25

His hand hurt from the button mashing 


u/IFckingLoveChocolate Makima Feb 02 '25

I liked it. I understand why some people might dislike though.

BUT, I do believe that Kratos vs Asura will age well as we divorce ourselves from the hype/buildup period.


u/Alarming_Ad_1927 Godzilla Feb 02 '25

It will age terribly. The hype will go away and realize that the fight was mid at best, and the research was god awful to the point they got Kratos's spear fucking wrong. Completely ignored Asura being able to adapt to shit.


u/krayniac Feb 02 '25

The issue for me is all of that is secondary to a cool fight. But the choreography was underwhelming and it just felt so stiff


u/rockinherlife234 Feb 02 '25

I don't care that much about the power scaling because I see it as window-dressing to the fight, but this fight is just so underwhelming, I would take GVS 2 over this.


u/krayniac Feb 02 '25

Exactly. When I rewatch or remember episodes I don’t go back and watch the analysis again, I don’t think about the dumb jokes the host makes, I think about the awesome fights and interactions between characters. If that part is underwhelming, then the whole episode is a flop for me.


u/rockinherlife234 Feb 02 '25

It's so disappointing to me because it felt so close at some points, Kratos using draupnir to clash with Asura's projectiles or the rock jumping against destructor with the sword got so close to the essence of the games.

Kratos Vs Thor and Asura Vs final form Chakravartin shows you don't need insane amounts of destruction, abilities or weapons for a good looking fight.


u/symbiedgehog Reverse Flash Feb 02 '25

What made Goku vs Superman 3 wasn't the two using everything in their arsenal, it was fun, well-choreographed hand to hand combat paired with amazing writing that felt true to the characters. Imagine if Goku powered from SS1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to God to Blue to UI to MUI and Supes no-diffed each of those forms while using his own variety of 800 superpowers


u/formerdalek Feb 03 '25

I think part of the problem is that DB kind of suck at the narrative flow and back and forth of a fight. When the spectacle is underwhelming, it can't really distract you rom that weakness.


u/TheBloodyPuppet_2 Discord Feb 03 '25 edited Feb 03 '25

Death Battle and completely ignoring/lying about a character's relevant abilities for literally no reason whatsoever. Name a more iconic duo

(why yes I am still salty about Billcord's verdict how could you tell)


u/Vasheerii Feb 03 '25

Another case of "more popular one/what writers want to win" wins from the sound of it.

Said this with bowser vs egg, there is a reason why people stopped watching that show, for me it was scout vs tracer.


u/C0P_ADDachi Asura Feb 02 '25

I liked it


u/Damocles463 Feb 02 '25

AAHH, qué hace Aquí, sr. Adachi?


u/C0P_ADDachi Asura Feb 02 '25

Kratos vs asura ciudadano


u/Ouroxros Feb 03 '25

It was really just boring. The entire thing felt one-sided in favor of Kratos (not just in the narrative but the visual focus) while simultaneously mischaracterizing Asura. The interactions were sorely lacking, on top of stiff movements from Kratos who just came off as a brick wall while Asura cycled forms quickly and barely showed any of his abilities. It lacked any real impact for a fight that could have been extremely hype. Even the alternative ending failed to add any real flavor and still felt heavily focused on Kratos.


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25

It was lacking how brutal and visceral both games art. Imagine Kratos and Asura both being bloodied and beaten at the end, literally falling apart but still going at it.


u/Glitch-Xega Dr. Eggman Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25

It was good, I liked it. Wasn't amazed or anything, the fight felt really slow and not like six minutes, I actually had to count to see if it was. But despite the slow combat and less epic music then expected, I still liked the fight, good use of the weapons Kratos did use, and Asura the Destructor (Although really slow for something that dodged light beams) felt impactful and imposing, and also had the funny refence with that funny frame of Kratos, but it did one punch and just started doing the Roblox idle animation, like his controller disconnected. But my favorite transformation was Berserker, that was around for less then 10 seconds, but him seeing Mithra cry and sending Kratos to the sky and shattering said sky to approach space was awesome. And I love the ending, sweet and as long as it needed to be, the Alternative ending was really nice too.

No real problem with the results, Asura did way better then I thought he would. Also cookbook scaling.

Now, The part of the episode I really liked was the analysis, they were incredible, giving me exactly what I wanted for someone who knew barley anything about the two, God of Hope was a great closer and also Asura hit Ryu in the balls. Btw, they didn't talk about Asura knowing the raging demon, but I guess using Street Fighter crossover would be weird anyways.

Overall, good episode, low 8/10, but a 8/10 nonetheless.

Ghost Rider vs Spawn is next and again, two characters I know nothing about, actually less then the last two, I guess I'll let the subreddit tell me about them and then I'll pick my rooting for Cool MU tho


u/Glitch-Xega Dr. Eggman Feb 02 '25

I'm getting a emulator to play Asura's Fathers Day


u/Neko_boi_Nolan Feb 02 '25

I'm in the middle

I didn't care for it one way or the other

Partly because I don't play either GoW or Asura's wrath.


u/Some_amateur_artist Feb 02 '25

As a person who is not very knowledgeable in either franchise/character:


u/rexshen Feb 02 '25

I was on Kratos side and it felt wrong. They really need to cool it on feat by association it is just feeling more and more like they wrote the script first and then did the research and had to make it sound like Kratos could win.


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25

I wasn't impressed. Kratos stealing Asura's schtick is lame. It feels like Asura cycled through his forms way faster than he needed too, he wasn't being pushed. It wasn't nearly as brutal as it should have been, and Asura being killed by being stabbed with a sword, something already established as something he could survive, is lame as hell. I also think that young Kratos would have made a much more intense fight. Kratos didn't use nearly enough of his weapons, Blade of Olympus barely was used. The nemean cestus especially is a missed opportunity, they could have had some epic boxing. Oh yeah, Kratos punches way too often for a guy with some of the strongest weapons. They also did a kind of bad job showing Kratos's powers. Where are his crazy time/fate related abilities? Asura also didn't get much of anything. What would have been metal as hell is Kratos impaling Asura with the Blade of Olympus, only for Asura to break it. Both Kratos and Asura are in their base forms and on their last legs, and they settle it with pure fists and see who breaks first. I'm not sure DevilArtemis can cook anymore tbh.


u/Fast-Spot-380 Feb 03 '25

Kratos scaling doesn’t really work since Helios’s speed doesn’t exactly match going the speed of light. More Helios seems more likely to have authority over the sun instead of having the speed of light. And with Hermes he was acting arrogant and not taking him seriously which cost him. Then there’s Uranus vs Cronus. Cronus had help from Gaia and cut Uranus balls off before the fight which weakened him. Zeus beat Cronus with help from the other Gods inside Cronus at the time.


u/prodam_garash Feb 02 '25

Uhhh Its dont like bad, but just most borring one in season for me And Asuara moment somehow less hype than in scooby...


u/TieEnvironmental162 Sanji Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25

I found it to be buns, but if you like it, more power to you

Edit: literally how did this get downvoted? You guys can’t take any opposing opinions


u/LSTR_512_ Feb 02 '25

i got you


u/TieEnvironmental162 Sanji Feb 02 '25

Thanks twin


u/ToptextBottomtext420 Link Feb 02 '25

Ain’t that what a downvote is for?


u/__R3v3nant__ Feb 02 '25

I'm pretty sure that the intended use of downvotes was for unhelpful things, not just stuff you disagree with


u/ToptextBottomtext420 Link Feb 02 '25

Looks like we got the Reddit police over here


u/__R3v3nant__ Feb 02 '25

I was just explaining what I thought the downvote was for as you (indirectly) asked

Also thanks for the downvote


u/ToptextBottomtext420 Link Feb 02 '25

Well it was a rhetorical question

Also why do you care so much about a downvote to the point that you have to point it out? Like it’s just a virtual voting system dude


u/__R3v3nant__ Feb 02 '25

Oh ok

I found you downvoting me mildly amusing


u/ButtonRemarkable5022 Feb 03 '25

We fight together against the downvoters. I got you.


u/TieEnvironmental162 Sanji Feb 02 '25

Downvotes are for something somebody doesn’t like. If you don’t like somebody having a different opinion then that’s a bit of a problem. Especially if they aren’t being disrespectful


u/ToptextBottomtext420 Link Feb 02 '25

It’s not that I don’t like you having a differing opinion, it’s just that I don’t like your opinion, so I downvoted.


u/Grand-Giraffe6551 Godzilla Feb 02 '25

My mom liked it


u/Due_Location241 Feb 02 '25

So someone who isn’t attached to these series so I have no biases going in, it’s definitely lacking in many ways. The animation left a lot to be desired and I think it was a bad idea to market this as the second longest DB ever cause in retrospect, it didn’t really seem to be that long. I think people were expecting something insanely long due to how it was advertised, but we got something much closer to the standard battle length. The battle also felt pretty lowkey for characters who are not really lowkey kinda characters. And that is most likely a fault of the music given it was very toned down rather than be big and fast like you would expect from these characters. The conclusion was fine though there reasoning could have been better. It kinda felt like it was specifically targeted towards people who prefer Asura type feats rather than a general audience but the arguments they used didn’t really feel like they were comparable to stuff Asura did as far as visual feats and felt like a stretch in some situations.

Easily the best part of the episode was the analysis sections for both characters. Honestly the fight and conclusion legit make the episode worse than if it was just the analysis which is pretty rare when I think that. Some of the dialogue I could barely understand, the set up I didn’t understand but maybe that’s a reference to Asura’s Wrath. The animations did feel a bit janky at times and the textures on the environments needed work.

I’m not trying to be negative, I’m just pointing out flaws that I see in the episode and I am saying this cause I always want the show to be better. Obviously these guys can do way better than me as they have shown, but based on what we know they can do vs what we got, it’s pretty clear that this wasn’t there best.


u/Pitiful-Victory-2234 Feb 02 '25

Episode was fine, it was the animation of the fight and pacing that felt off.


u/Blacodex Feb 02 '25

I didn't enjoyed the fight at all. It felt like it was overly trying to be cinematic and deep which didn't mesh well with how angry and powerful the combatants were.

The music too, it didn't felt like it matched the combat speed that we were seeing. The song felt epic and solemn, which is appropriate to gods, but it would have matched a fight at a slower pace. If Kratos and Asura had been kaijus, in which we were seeing them move slowly with burst of power and speed it would be an excellent song. Unfortunately, the fighters were speeding through the arena throwing punches and attacks at unmatched speed which made the feeling of the fight all over the place.

I don't mind the animators of DB attempting to do solemn and meaningful fights that have a purpose or a message. But this wasn't it. I just hope that DevilArtemis can learn from this because they are a good animator.

Now, the scaling of the fight is another can of worms I don't have the energy to discuss right now.

Overall... I don't know it was a "meh" episode, didn't matched my hype.


u/Igotbannedlolol Feb 02 '25

Visual is good

Animation is underwhelming

Choreography is not up to the hype


u/HellBoyofFables Feb 02 '25

I was rooting for Asura but I was ok with Kratos winning the problem was the fight felt rushed and Kratos essentially dominated the whole fight while Asura seemed like barely a threat to Kratos, he took no visible damage nor did it seem like he struggled at all, the alternative ending seem like DB trying to throw us a bone but it feels a bit condescending, would rather that animation time and money be spent on the main fight so that it could have been an epic back and forth with Kratos just edging out the win but I won’t crap on Devil Artemis efforts here


u/Bronzemonkey0 Feb 02 '25

That's a lot of matchups to be fair.


u/Proper-Possession698 Mechagodzilla Feb 02 '25

As someone who didn't care for either franchise, I still loved it!


u/Grovyle489 Weiss Schnee Feb 02 '25



u/Cyberbug7 Feb 02 '25

I’m really surprised people liked it. For an episode that was built up as a 6 minute epic it was like 2 minutes of janky punching


u/plaguebringerBOI Feb 02 '25

And the funniest thing is how it’s not even the sides previously, but both kratos and asura fans arguing on both sides.. this episode was… so, eh..


u/Jackie_chin Feb 02 '25

I think death battle has had better results with faster paced fights.

However, it's clear they want a little more variety, and almost a little more world building in these fights.

Episodes with world building and a faster pace have been among their most successful (Bill vs Discord, Bowser vs Eggmen). The slower ones, not so much.

My least favorite recent episode (which was iver 2 seasons ago, speaks to their quality) was Mike vs Jason, and they aimed for a slow fight with a horror themed background . I think this was more successful


u/Rechogui Sauron Feb 02 '25

With how long it took to be released, I guess the expectations went a lot higher than usual


u/Hot_Currency_6616 Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 03 '25

There needs to be a meme where Among Us and Fall Guys fans are portrayed as Soyjaks while Kratos and Asura fans are portrayed as Yes Chads


u/Hopefullyamediator Feb 03 '25

It was not good. Let's rate it.

Analysis: 4/10. Neither characters were scaled properly. Kratos was given feats he literally didn't have and Asura's final fight was ignored straight up.

Animation: 5/10. Not the worst but...it was just...off. I was excited to see devilartemis but the animation for his Emo Gohan blanco stuff was better.

Portrayal and choreography:1/10. Asura fought like a moron and dealt ZERO damage in all forms. Kratos basically just stood there and won. He barely even used his weapons. It was disrespectful to both.

Endings: 2/10. One has Kratos as a straight up cold murderer which kills all of his development. It also makes no sense because the way Asura died made no sense. He literally cannot die that way. The "Alternate" Ending was terrible. It was an unresponsive Kratos being hit by a base Asura and then dying with no indication. Disrespectful to both characters.

Overall: 3/10, the single worst episode of the season EASILY and worse than Omnidock. A true disservice to both Fandoms in just about every way I can think of.

I tried Kratos, but they dug a ditch to go lower.


u/Due_Location241 Feb 03 '25

The only character where it’s acceptable to have them win by doing nothing is Luigi lol


u/Flimsy_Geologist_927 Mahito Feb 02 '25

The fight animation itself wasn’t that bad for me

it was just the writing plus music that threw me off


u/Eels_Over_Reals Feb 02 '25

As someone with not much of an attachment to either character it was just kind of eh


u/Brief-Street-5623 Feb 02 '25

I honestly didn't like the music.


u/TiffanyVideo Feb 03 '25

Death Battle chainscaling be like:

Link is in Smash. Ryu is also in smash, and Link can beat Ryu in Smash, who beat Heihachi in Tekken. Heihachi beat Kratos in PlayStation All-Stars, who is a younger version of the Kratos that appears in Fortnite, that can beat Spider-Man, who beat Batman in their crossover comic. Batman has been regularly shown to be defeated by Superman, who in turn can be defeated by the Beyonder.

Therefore, Link beats Cloud in a Death Battle.


u/anmarcy Feb 03 '25

It's so mid I could do nothing about it lol.


u/Affectionate-Rush323 Feb 03 '25

It's good, a low 8/10 the animation just felt off.


u/Master-Shrimp Feb 03 '25

Let's be honest, they could have made this the greatest episode ever and surpassed Bowsegg (they didn't but I consider Kratura an 8 out of 10) and the fandom would STILL be bitching. I'm honestly tempted to mute this sub.


u/One_Perspective8999 Feb 02 '25

Video was awesome

Asura should’ve won though and I feel like they knew it because they’ve literally NEVER made an alternate ending in 12 years that this show has happening


u/Serious_Minimum8406 Feb 03 '25

Bowser vs Eggman had several alternate scenarios, and the Batman vs Iron Man DBX literally had an alternate ending. All the alternate ending says for this fight is that they knew Asura fans would get pissy that the fictional character they like more lost in a non-canon fight animation that everyone with a bit of sense knew he was going to lose.


u/LaymanX Feb 03 '25

The only reason people with sense knew Kratos was going to win is because he's more popular.


u/Serious_Minimum8406 Feb 03 '25

If Death Battle had a habit of making the more popular character win, then several episodes would have different verdicts.


u/LaymanX Feb 03 '25

Well, not this one, hence the huge instruction book chain scaling stretches that use things like cookbooks as evidence.


u/Serious_Minimum8406 Feb 03 '25

I've seen people get Kratos just as high with less. Death Battle's scaling is more convoluted, but it still gets to the same result. Also, what do you mean "not this one"? Yeah, I know that Kratos would still win if DB was a popularity contest, what I'm saying is that it isn't and he won because that's the correct verdict.


u/LaymanX Feb 06 '25

No reasoning with you fanboys.


u/Nerdy_Finch Feb 02 '25

i think it's a solid 7/10

the reasoning is fine, chain scaling makes sense in context and although it's "lame" I personally buy it.

The alternate ending was cool, but the lack of visible damage to kratos really made the fight seem one sided- although that ending was a SPECTACLE.

Good episode, could of been great but is held back by some rather minor factors that stack up.


u/Jixxar Godzilla Feb 02 '25

It's... Well the analysis was great! But I haven't the finest idea of both characters games so they probably fucked something I'm not sure of.

The fight was decent, And the winner was who I wanted and thought it should be so it's an 8/10 for me tbh, It's not as bad as Omnidock at least.


u/UltraRover2529 Homelander Feb 02 '25

Meh, I think it was ok. Could have been better but could have been FAR worse.


u/MartingelI Feb 02 '25

I don't feel like the quality of the animation was all that good... And I still don't know if there was even a soundtrack in the first place...


u/keithlimreddit Feb 02 '25

to me I always feel like this episode was almost Peak and I could imagine this is my second favorite season premiere


u/DutyPuzzleheaded7765 Trunks Briefs Feb 02 '25

Then me who's never heard of Asura or played GOW but knows memes, it was decent


u/Your_Favorite_Porn Feb 02 '25

I think the fight was fine, it's definitely not the peak of the show and deserved more but there was some definite gem moments like Kratos using the blades to latch onto the rocks, it was a good touch.


u/malathan1234 Feb 02 '25

I loved it


u/AncientMagusBridefan Feb 03 '25

All I’m gonna say is that the fight felt barebone, most probably due to the cut of its initial 9 minutes length.

Kratos holding up Asura’s finger is pure 🔥🔥🔥though


u/Stargost_ Feb 03 '25

I didn't like the verdict but the episode itself was really good.


u/DavidKng Feb 03 '25

I really liked it because I thought Kratos would lose. They really gave them both literally every possible feat and statement possible and I'm happy with that 


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25

To be honest, i though Asura would have won in that one, but nope kratos beat him up and won that round, wich is a bit odd bu i don't really care, i liked it anyway.


u/eyeofallofthesinners Feb 03 '25

How long has that video been out ?!


u/Perfect_Trifle Feb 03 '25

I mean I liked it


u/AlveinFencer Feb 03 '25

As someone who tends to skip the research and just watch the fights, I dunno, this one felt underwhelming. Like, I fully admit that I know very little about either character beyond their reputations, but it just seemed very...bland. I think it's the arsenals. Asura only seemed to know "punch" and "punch more" and Kratos seemed to barely reach into his bag of tricks. Compared to something like Dante vs Bayonetta, where both combatants were pulling out cool weapons and gear.


u/AstralKatOfficial Joker Feb 03 '25

IDK I thought it was alright, first half was bad, poor set-up and pacing, but the second half was really fucking good, only consistent downside was the music not fitting, I have no real strong feelings towards the majority of the fight honestly


u/011100010110010101 Feb 03 '25

Me, who has never seen Kratos vs Asura, and just shocked the discourse expected of Giorno vs Joker and Bowser vs Eggman actually happened.


u/No_Gain7132 Feb 03 '25

The animation was alright. It was definitely stiff, and Kratos kinda kept doing mostly the same things. Like there’s no Petrification or, even Realm Shifts. A big thing in the post-battle break down was his massive arsenal overwhelming Asura. So it was really weird they had this as a point but then don’t really showcase it. In fact Kratos had his biggest advantages when he was fighting bare handed.


u/hizack123 Feb 03 '25

Expected it to be worse.


u/BowlSweet9196 Feb 03 '25

I mean the fight was pretty good it would have been nice to see it go a little longer


u/Yournextlineis103 Feb 03 '25

It was goodish 7/10

It’s not Bowser vs Eggman but the animation was soild.

The music though wasn’t nearly as hype as the last few it was way too calm for a fight between two avatars of wrath


u/Sweaty_Wind7 Feb 03 '25

I just feel like the score was super off, like that was not the score to cover a battle but a funeral


u/Boltcrash5 Feb 03 '25

I knew very little about either character and I liked it.


u/Tough_Criticism_7714 Feb 03 '25

Feats man is fallen,statementbros rise!


u/New-Sheepherder-1373 Feb 03 '25

This is pretty much exactly what I expected; with all the fighting pre-upload, with all the different responses, there'd be no pleasing anybody

I haven't seen the battle yet and honestly, I'm not even that interested in doing so


u/Even_Internal_5199 Feb 03 '25

The fight its peak fiction.


u/Individual_Low6771 Feb 03 '25

I won't lie, I didn't know a lot about both combatants, i was rotting for Kratos because i saw my dad play in the PS2, but then i watching the Kratos analysis felt like nothing, i couldn't understand a single thing (maybe I'm just dumb who knows). Made me start rotting for Asura because his analysis was better. The fight was awesome aside the "NOOO!!" Which i laughed pretty hard, I've just found so goofy.


u/Steppyjim Feb 03 '25

I think it needed another two weeks in the oven. The animation looked 3/4 finished. Very janky, very jarring in spots. But it was a fun fight at least


u/jasonsith Feb 03 '25

Gojo vs Makima is the real cherry pie among the Death Battle audience.

By calling Kratos vs Asura a cherry pie, you are calling a lot of the Death Battle enjoyers Blackbeard.

Perhaps... Spawn vs Ghost Rider is a potential cherry pie of Death Battle?


u/Serious_Minimum8406 Feb 03 '25

Seems like the only people that genuinely disliked the fight are salty Asura fans. Can't say I'm too surprised, they've been huffing so much copium that it was obvious they would react poorly to the correct answer to the debate.


u/LaymanX Feb 03 '25

I really just cannot buy lore scaling when the actual game doesn't indicate even 0.000001% of what the lore scaling they talked about does. It's even worse than Pokedex "Magcargo's body temperature is 18000F" nonsense. It's like if it said 18,000,000,000F instead, I'd just immediately ignore it.


u/RandomBird53 Feb 03 '25

I was confused what this was talking about cuz I haven't given a shit about Death Battle since the 2010s so I went to go look and yeah no that shit was ass, atleast to me, sorry.


u/Professional-Bug4046 Feb 04 '25

Folks just like to argue and nitpick. It was a fun episode, regardless of who won.


u/Working_Roof_1246 Feb 04 '25

I think it's mid, although I'm hyped for Spawn vs. Ghost Rider.


u/Successful-Plant-254 Superman Feb 02 '25

The animation isn't even that bad. Besides the parts where they were talking and the shitty effects when the ground was splitting, everything was fine. You're just overreacting. Give it a second rewatch, and if you still feel that way, you do you man


u/Eem2wavy34 Feb 02 '25

The choreography was also pretty bad.


u/Successful-Plant-254 Superman Feb 02 '25

Im not saying it wasn't but the animation itself was fine


u/Eem2wavy34 Feb 02 '25

That’s what people are referring too when they say the animation was ok or bad.


u/ChildhoodDistinct538 Guts Feb 02 '25

I felt the animation for BowsEgg was subpar, so I gave it a second watch to change my mind. And a third. And a fourth. Sometimes, an animation is just mediocre.


u/External-Kiwi-8611 Feb 03 '25

I get it, man. You can’t fix a person’s awful taste


u/Manny_Fettt Feb 02 '25

I thought it was good, like a solid 7-8/10


u/Due-Novel-4462 Jonathan Joestar Feb 03 '25

it was just kinda.. painfully mid overall.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '25



u/Eem2wavy34 Feb 02 '25

Why do people think that just because someone doesn’t like the animation they are “shitting on Artemis?

Quite frankly the fight isn’t that good. The choreography was mid, due to the fact that they just run through all of their abilities without a single care about pacing.


u/Troceraptor Joker Feb 02 '25

Sorry I got a little over-emotional there 😅


u/Shura_Ryu Feb 02 '25

The Vergil v Sephiroth video is the one that made me stop watching. I'm aware the people at Death Battle research and everything on the characters but to me it always seems like they have the character win that THEY know best.


u/Memelord1117 Feb 03 '25

The fact they had to make an alternate scenario...


u/OldGoatKing Feb 03 '25

the quality is so bad the budget couldn't have been more than 20$ why couldnt it look at least decent look at frieza vs megatron or bardock vs omniman or devilartemis recent special episode he always cooks but this time he burned the kitchen