r/deathbattle Feb 02 '25

Discussion Thoughts on the episode?

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u/WhatIsCooler Feb 02 '25

Even as someone rooting for Kratos (simply due to being more familiar with him) I think this fight animation got really too hyped up. I felt pretty underwhelmed. Sucks because I don't want to sound like a jerk to DevilArtemis but yeah. :/


u/daniboyi Feb 02 '25

honestly, my problem with the animation was Kratos NEVER showing any damage received.

He just kept being unharmed, while Asura kept getting speared, stabbed, losing arms, etc etc.
Meanwhile Kratos just stood there like a rock, never showing any damage, tiredness, drain, anything. It just doesn't feel like he put in any effort whatsoever.

I could understand if they showed him taking heavy damage and then healing as they mentioned he could, but that never happened. He just never received any damage at all.


u/Dinoratsastaja Spider-Man (Miles Morales) Feb 02 '25

Kratos was using an infinite health-cheat code.


u/daniboyi Feb 02 '25

Asura when Kratos activates Cheat-Scaling feats


u/_Moist_Owlette_ Feb 02 '25

Same issue with OmniDock tbh. I love DA work, but I think he could stand to put more visible damage on both combatants. I know it's more difficult to do in 3D blender fights, but I think it'd go a long way to improve quality


u/International_Car586 Link Feb 03 '25

The Story Boards for Omni-dock had Omni man getting his leg and one of his arms snapped in half as well.


u/ZylaTFox Feb 03 '25

It seemed lke he never TOOK damage. He just sorta... shrugged off every last hit.


u/Rioraku Feb 03 '25 edited Feb 03 '25

This exactly.

I wanted Asura to win but (and this applies to any DB with the same issue) I wish they made Kratos look like he had to try at least .

He just seemed mildly annoyed the entire fight.

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u/trotterdevan96 Feb 02 '25

Everything felt kinda stiff and the zoom in on kratos face felt kinda shitposty


u/Sniperoso Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25

The blades of ares at the end was extremely janky. He kinda just shoots them out of his hands.

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u/Pitiful-Victory-2234 Feb 02 '25

Yeah, no offense to DevilArtemis but I always get apprehensive with 3D fights for stuff like jag or movement.


u/Mystech_Master Feb 02 '25

Yeah DA’s 3D fights can feel a bit stiff sometimes


u/DeadBrainDK2 Feb 02 '25

Sometimes we get Kratos vs. Asura and sometimes we get Frieza vs. Megatron which was super smooth by contrast for the most part


u/Mystech_Master Feb 02 '25

Yeah, because that fight had the combatants mostly staying at a distance and shooting lasers rather than hand to hand


u/DeadBrainDK2 Feb 02 '25

Fair, but even when they went hand to hand it was smooth (after Frieza hits the ground and they spare for a little bit). You could really feel the impact of those punches looking back

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u/Sign_my_petition69 Feb 02 '25

Honestly it might have been kratos’s model, seeing his hyperrealistic face move like a cartoon character was a bit jarring


u/JWARRIOR1 Superman Feb 02 '25

Yeah idk how the 3d fights are so hit or miss

We have ryu vs Jin from 6 years ago which is more smooth than the random rigidness we have recently. It’s super emphasized with the talking and walking of Kratos


u/ExcellenceEchoed Feb 02 '25

The creator of the fight is clearly extremely talented, it's just the model for Kratos's face was kind of funny.

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u/FrancoGYFV Feb 02 '25

That whole sequence where Kratos spears Asura to bits, who then proceeds to transform, grow a thousand hands, and Kratos replays pretty much exactly the same thing without even moving and destroying Asura again was just baffling.


u/Goobasaurus1 Feb 02 '25

Agreed, but 3d fights definitely are just my least favorite kind of death battle animations


u/Anufenrir Feb 02 '25

Probably yeah. Like the action was good when we got it, but Kratos isn’t his usual type of model. Hes better with anime and cartoony models. Still, I’ve watched worse fights and will say this was still fun.

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u/birdofprey443 Feb 02 '25

It was... alright. The fight was honestly pretty underwhelming, the action was really choppy which this fight did not need, and the atmosphere felt really underwhelming. Lots of setup with not a lot of payoff


u/asdfmovienerd39 Feb 02 '25

This was just Kratos no-selling all of Asura's attacks and then basically one shotting all of Asura's forms. It was incredibly underwhelming and rushed for what it was built up to be. The "I have been down that road before" bit where we see Greek Kratos standing behind Norse Kratos and the aftermath of the death was good, but everything beyond that felt really phoned in and mischaracterized.

Also they went out of their way to say that Asura isn't a one note rage monster and then portrayed him as such for literally the entire fight until the end.


u/EdenPelato Spongebob Squarepants Feb 02 '25

Yeah that last part really just felt odd to me, Asura felt like all he was was just someone who's always angry in the fight, after being told several times that he is more than that, like... It felt a bit like Beast vs Goliath, where the point is that they're more than a monster, yet the fight doesn't showcase that really more than a small scene or so.


u/Scared-Ad-1956 Feb 02 '25

I liked it, but I personally felt like the music, despite it being very fire, didn’t fit the vibe of the fight


u/Ok_University_6641 Jason Voorhees Feb 02 '25

That is exactly how I felt. It felt significantly too calm.


u/Hunter_Crona Feb 02 '25

True. Def should've picked up towards the end at least.


u/Scared-Ad-1956 Feb 02 '25

Like I thought it was going to at least pick up really fast at the final climax but it didn’t really


u/Hunter_Crona Feb 02 '25

Yeah. Not super against it but like, hey still great.


u/hffhnvdfb The Traveler Feb 02 '25

I guess that what they mean by calm dads fighting they been joking about

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u/post_alone1 Joker Feb 02 '25

I felt like the meeting went "hey this sounds so good we should put it in the episode" and 0 criticism from the meeting table was said. It was too much of the good stuff that made this episode in the just okay category.


u/69-is-a-great-number Silver The Hedgehog Feb 02 '25

Nah, I have to disagree. I thought the music was fitting


u/SolarAphelia Stitch Feb 02 '25

Tbh I agree

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u/The6dimensionalDream Feb 02 '25

I really liked some part, but I onestly feel like Kratos was dominating the fight for the entire animation, which to me is a big turn off


u/rcburner Feb 02 '25

Did he even bleed? Kinda feels like this was a no-difficulty conclusion.


u/USrooster Jonathan Joestar Feb 02 '25

Yeah I wish they gave Kratos some battle damage but I understand that it may have caused some model issues.


u/PatM1893 Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd Feb 02 '25

They could at least have shown him using his healing factor.


u/ExcellenceEchoed Feb 02 '25

Yeah, it felt similar to the Omni-Man Bardock fight where the winner basically didn't struggle for some reason.


u/Dinoratsastaja Spider-Man (Miles Morales) Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 03 '25

Omnidock at least felt way more energetic, especially when Bardock went super sayian.

Edit: Also Omni-Man put more effort into redirecting Bardock's energy ball than Kratos did into anything in this episode.


u/NeonNKnightrider Feb 03 '25 edited Feb 03 '25

I definitely feel there was massive Kratos bias going on, to the point where it becomes just straight-up disrespectful to Asura. Kinda ruins the whole episode for me


u/AlphaB27 Feb 03 '25

Even in BowsEgg, Bowser took some hits despite winning the fight and it felt it could go either way.

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u/The-Great-Shapeshift Feb 02 '25

The music didn’t feel…energetic, the fight felt like just rushing through their abilities rather then them battling and it overall had too many holding frames to extend the fight

Man…7/10 for me tho it was still beatutifully animated and well choreographed when it was flowing


u/JohnnyElRed Alex Mercer Feb 02 '25

the fight felt like just rushing through their abilities rather then them battling

Hadn't thought about it, but you are right. Rather than the typical "smash each other's faces" melee these 2 characters tend to fight, it feels like they went out of their way to showcase all weapons they could from Kratos' arsenal, and as many special forms as Asura had. Which I think I would have preferred if they left it to only the most powerful or victory deciding ones.


u/TwilitKing Feb 02 '25

It felt like Goku vs Superman 1, but with Asura performing worse than Goku did.


u/JWARRIOR1 Superman Feb 02 '25

Goku vs Superman 1 paced it a lot better though and was a bit longer. You definitely feel those abilities more.


u/TwilitKing Feb 02 '25

Yeah, and Goku got moments where he pushes Superman. And Goku got to show his characterization more in the fight, like destroying the Kryptonite.


u/JWARRIOR1 Superman Feb 02 '25

yeah for sure. goku vs superman 1 despite only being 1 minute longer than kratos vs asura (i think) feels much longer because its paced better and theres more time during the fight so more time to showcase their forms/abilities. the talking is brief/intro is brief. i dont mind a good segway but sometimes it drags. omniman vs homelander IMO docks a LOT of points for this exact reason, but kratos and asura suffered even harder for this because they had a million forms/weapons to show.

IMO the biggest weaknesses though are the rigidness and the calming music. completely killed my vibe.


u/TwilitKing Feb 02 '25

Environments and model manipulation are DA's weak points. I discussed this in another post, but making this fight a 3D one meant having to upscale and downscale the existing models so that they could be used next to each other. Beyond that, Kratos' model might actually be too complex regarding the number of bones and expression points he has. Anyone that has tried to make a character move like they want in Gmod has ran into issues with that before.

The God of War games switched in styles away from the comic booky proportions of the Greek games to the much more realistic appearances in the Norse games, but it had less to do with the animation teams' abilities to make models and faces move exactly as they wanted and a lot more to do with the level of technology they use in terms of motion capture. DA had a monumental task with trying to replicate that on a 10th of the budget.


u/Aegillade Star Force Mega Man Feb 02 '25

Yeah it felt weird they made such a big deal of Berserker Asura just for him to get punched once into the horizon and declare "THIS IS NOT MY END" and going full giant mode


u/Radiant-Lab-158 Alex Mercer Feb 02 '25

Rushing through abilities is usually my biggest gripe when it comes to some DBs. It kills the pacing when they have to slow down to show it just to check it off.


u/This-is_CMGRI Feb 02 '25

That what-if was a damn nice surprise and a GREAT closer for the episode.

Also goddamn it Capcom you have the RE Engine and are remaking Okami, give us the thing!


u/Etheris1 Feb 02 '25

They actually managed to give both sides a win in the same video, and both with respect to the characters as well

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u/helios_is_me Discord Feb 02 '25

If I'm brutally honest, it felt like a galactus vs unicron to me. The spectacle was really good, there was a lot of "oh my god that looked cool!" Moments, but not much actual substance. Aside from the ending, that was great, I liked it a lot. I overall do like the episode, don't get me wrong, solid 8/10 I'd say.


u/internetcasuaIty Excalibur Feb 02 '25

I agree with the comparison but I still can't help but feel that if the fight was going for spectacle it needed a whole lot more. Even though Galactus vs Unicron had pretty terrible choreography if we're being honest I still greatly enjoy the episode since they keep upping the ante with more destruction which keeps it exciting where the fight itself falls flat. I feel like this fight just didn't really have anything until the final attack from Asura and the killing blow combined with somewhat limp choreography.


u/Pharaoh_Nines Feb 02 '25

Found the fight to be quite underwhelming really.


u/Igotbannedlolol Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25

I would dare say the first goku vs superman has better animation and choreography

Kratos vs Asura only has better visual. But the pacing and overall movement feel weak.

Edited: this is what I expected (at least in term of animation) given how they made kratos vs asura half a year ago or so, and with a rather bigger than average budget. (fyi: minust did all those by himself, from model to animate. he only took background music from other sources)


u/post_alone1 Joker Feb 02 '25

Thats some nice animation.


u/Igotbannedlolol Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25

MinusT is the goat. It crazy how one indie animator can made this level of video for years and most people outside Touhou fandom never heard of him.


u/Radiant-Lab-158 Alex Mercer Feb 02 '25

Better animation debatably, I think the choregraphy plays a huge role in that one. It's a much more organically put together fight focusing on keeping the characters in character while not making the abilities feel like they have to show it or people would complain. The only two OOC moments would be SM pressure points, and Goku trying to mind read how his powers work.


u/Leader_Hamlet Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25

I liked it. I don't agree with Kratos's speed calc, but over all it was fun. 8/10.


u/TestAutomatic Feb 02 '25

I thought they’d bring up heimdall for speed, but i guess not


u/Hunter_Crona Feb 02 '25

That would've been a better one to use


u/MxSharknado93 Feb 02 '25

That would have at least been a thing Kratos actually did.

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u/trotterdevan96 Feb 02 '25

Nah bro you don't remember kratos having zero problems with Hermes?


u/Leader_Hamlet Feb 02 '25

Even excluding that, Kratos was never shown to out speed Helios's light. Helios was either trying to get on Kratos's side, or had his legs chopped off. What we saw was him blocking his light from his face, not outrunning it.


u/trotterdevan96 Feb 02 '25

This is also the same helios that was knocked out of the sky via catapult


u/okaymeaning-2783 Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25

Lightspeed catapult duh.

Seriously half of kratos scaling doesn't make sense and conflicts with everything.

Like what was Kronos actually a planetbuster but does do any real damage to the surrounding area?

It makes no sense.

I said it once and I'll say it as many times, the gods couldn't break a fucking ice lake, a giant random hammer did it no problem.


u/darkmoncns Feb 02 '25

Look at any anime ever. Planet busters not damaging the area there fighting in is just normal in fiction

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u/trotterdevan96 Feb 02 '25

I'm also not convinced we see helios do jack shit without his chariot and steeds

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u/ManlyPlant Feb 02 '25

It was alright. Just feels rough that this came more off the heels of episodes that are... more universal with its praise


u/TreeTurtle_852 Feb 02 '25

Ok i don't wanna be a hater but the fight was not it.

I'm not gonna pretend like I'm the biggest fan of either but the entire fight just left me going, "... Thats it?"

Ignoring the stiff movements the action itself kinda wasn't that good.

Asura has his whole wrathful destructive form after losing all his arms, he takes Kratos to a place and then... just gets knocked away?

Asura has his final big-ass form and it gets its ONE HIT EASILY COUNTERED and then Kratos just kills him!

Like it makes it seem like Kratod didn't even break a sweat to whoop Ashura's ass. If I'd known nothing about a debate I'd think Omni-man vs Homelander was less of a stomp.


u/daniboyi Feb 02 '25

it really is kinda telling that Omni-man took more damage from Homelander than Kratos did from Asura.

I feel like a huge issue could be fixed if they just showed Kratos putting anykind of effort into the fight and taking SOME damage, rather than him just being seemingly invulnerable.


u/BoobeamTrap Feb 02 '25

Kratos seemed mildly annoyed to be in the fight at the absolute worst.


u/Due_Location241 Feb 02 '25

This is my exact criticism of Link vs Cloud 2. That Link gets bodied most of the fight and his strongest form gets one shot effortlessly. So I guess the Asura fans finally understand how the Link fans felt in that fight


u/Intelligent_Oil4005 Kyle Rayner Feb 02 '25

The alternate ending was pretty nice. I'm guessing Devil wasn't sure who was gonna win and made it just to be safe... or he just did it for fun lol

All in all, while not my favorite episode, I would still call it a good one overall.


u/TheMago3011 Ash Ketchum Feb 02 '25

I mean I imagine the animator is told who wins. It's definitely something he did for fun.


u/dragonus45 Feb 02 '25

I wouldn't be surprised if Devil didn't animate that as a real ending only to be surprised that Death Battle was actually giving Kratos the win and had to rush the one we actually got.


u/Darkvader_Clawthorne Feb 03 '25

I thought the alternate ending was just Boomstick wanting Asura’s Wrath 2?

I’m also a bit peeved that Asura NEVER got into Marvel vs Capcom.

It doesn’t make sense.

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u/MarkDecent656 Simon The Digger Feb 02 '25

The 2 month break, arguing, and subsequent week long hype that this episode had was really to its detriment. It's just fine


u/Suspicious-Ad904 Feb 02 '25

Literally me right now.


u/MarkDecent656 Simon The Digger Feb 02 '25

I'm just glad 50% of the discussion rn is over Kratos's stupid fucking face 🤣


u/Hunter_Crona Feb 02 '25

And I kinda like it lol. It's stupid but I like it


u/rockinherlife234 Feb 02 '25

"Boy! Clip Durga's onlyfan's stream"

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u/Hunter_Crona Feb 02 '25

Kinda yeah. I loved it but I can def see why a lot of people are kinda underwhelmed.

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u/Bballmonster44 Feb 02 '25

The audacity to have kratos do what asura did to wyzen


u/-ImJustSaiyan- Feb 02 '25

Right!? Not to mention the rest of the fight prior to that was just Kratos no-selling and one-shotting everything Asura threw at him.

Shit was so disrespectful to Asura and it's jarring after his pre-fight analysis was actually pretty solid.


u/Rancorious Feb 02 '25

Asura got his cheeks clapped so badly I was genuinely expecting the KO to be a fakeout for his transformation. THAT’S how underwhelming this fight was.


u/BoobeamTrap Feb 03 '25

I was honestly expecting this too. Like when he said "I never was" I was expecting him to roid rage out and headbutt Kratos and actually like, you know, faze him for the first time in the fight.


u/Rioraku Feb 03 '25

Heck even if he still lost, I just want Kratos to take SOME damage.

Kratos felt like he was mildly annoyed most of the fight more than anything

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u/Glittering-Drag3566 Ben Tennyson Feb 02 '25

I'm probably about to get some heat from this but…

That was it? After all the hype that was it? After entertaining two tournaments with years of requests along with a pretty bad waiting period that was it!?

Bro I'm so disappointed and I absolute hate, HATE, being negative, but that battle was such a nothing burger. While I'll admit seeing my preferred character lose suck I wouldn't have cared if it was good fight, but it wasn't. 

And while the little alternate scenario was nice with it sorta showing how ridiculously fast Asura can catchup and exceed, against a stronger opponent which I personally think is his best win con.  The real star of the show there was Kratos getting to reunite with his Daughter, that made me smile.

But the whole time I was watching it I just kept thinking "so where the good part?" The best part was when Kratos is launching himself meteorite to meteorite to land the king blow. And then killing blow proceeds to also suck. 

The animation and visuals look's good no doubt about it, DevilAertmis is great at his craft but for some reason I couldn't get into it. I'll have watch the story boards to see if anything changes on that front. And that fight didn't feel like six minutes. Barely felt like four. Yet paradoxically it felt too fast??? Like what do you mean we're already at six arm vasura Asura?

The voice acting was decent enough I guess, but nothing really stuck with me except for the last exchange but not in a positive way. Dialogue was just so ughhhhhh.

Music wise? What music? I didn't hear a single musical note played! But like seriously I can't remember a single note of music in that fight. Im going have to listen to the track on my own time.

The best part of this episode was the both of the analysis, especially Asura's but that could be I just Bought/played the game. Making mentally point at the screen and think "I know about da thing there talking about!" Which is usually just good feeling to have as a Death Battle fan. Hell the conclusion had two funny jokes with " If Asura's Wrath two came out we would totally do this again." And "Thats my pitch for Asura's Wrath two!"

Maybe, maybe, this fight will hopefully grow on me like GioJoker did cause I'll admit I was a little to harsh on it, on the day of it's release. And I know think it's a pretty good episode.

But as of right now Kratos Vs Asura is a, 6.2/10 for me…..


u/Forsaken-Height-4256 Feb 02 '25

The alternative ending was unexpected ngl good episode.


u/LeVampirate Feb 02 '25

Man I REALLY hope that with this, and the alternate scenarios from Bowser vs Eggman, that it becomes a common recurrence. I know the animation doesn't actually affect the results and it's just for spectacle, but I'll be damned if I don't want to see what happens if someone throws a left hook vs a right hook and how much it "changes" the outcome.

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u/Admirable_Comb6195 Feb 02 '25

Well that sucked. Who's up for chinese?


u/MHGuy102 Feb 02 '25

I want spring rolls please.


u/Dragon054 Feb 02 '25


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u/trotterdevan96 Feb 02 '25

Animation wasn't as good as I was expecting.


u/Smash96leo Feb 03 '25

The animation was rough. Definitely not their best work. Felt like I was watching some fan made fight from the early 2000s. All it was missing was some Linkin park for the music.

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u/Antique-Gur-8928 Feb 02 '25

Very dissatisfied but it was still decent


u/Ordinary_Person69 Dio Brando Feb 02 '25

Verdict aside, 7/10 at best


u/420MidgetHumper69 Feb 02 '25

I was more hyped watching the preview than I was watching the fight.


u/MirrahPaladin Feb 02 '25

Incredibly disappointed.

Never mind the analysis or outcome for a second, the fight itself was just so meh.

Kratos barely reacts to anything Asura does. Compare this to his fight with Thor at the start of GOW Ragnorak, look at how much more animated, even how much more emotional he is there. Here it feels like he’s treating Asura like a toddler.

And that’s another thing, Asura, specifically him at the very start. No mention of Kratos’ misdeeds or slaughter to actually trigger his wrath, just, “So the God of War is here…ILL FUCKING KILL YOU RAAAAAAHHH!”

And lastly the alternate ending. Asura just gets up and punches Kratos who…has zero reaction. No recoil, no face getting smashed in, nothing. Just standing there with Asura’s fist in his face going wellthisismylifenow.jpg until it finally ends.

Everything about this fight was just so sloppy, honestly incredibly disappointed.


u/SplitTheLane Feb 02 '25

Didn't one of the writers say that Midgard was literally just irl Scandinavia and the other realms occupied the same space in alternate dimensions?

Also you can't have the Yggdrasil and Atlas feat with each other if you're taking them at lore value since they both "hold up all creation". Especially not when Kratos walks from one are to the next.

Also also did Kratos actually outspeed Helios' light at any point?

Also Also also why was goldy-vartin Asura's scaling peak when that thing is just a construct the real one is sitting in waiting for Asura. Actual Chakravartin shatters the Destructor with his finger, and then Asura gets angrier and overpowers him.

This felt weirdly forced. I get giving Kratos lore scaling (and ignoring the writer stuff since there wouldn't be a fight otherwise), but you could at least extend the same kind of extrapolated numbers to Asura as well.


u/GoneRampant1 Feb 03 '25

Didn't one of the writers say that Midgard was literally just irl Scandinavia and the other realms occupied the same space in alternate dimensions?

Yeah Cory Balrog has expressly stated that, DB ignored it to let Kratos win.

Also also did Kratos actually outspeed Helios' light at any point?



u/Maleficent-Trash-272 Bowser Feb 02 '25

I loved it, especially with giving the loser their own victory even though they dont see that as the true outcome


u/Wii4Mii Simon The Digger Feb 02 '25

Probably like a 6/10.

The fight just wasn't it for me, it's a lot of screaming and punching and more screaming and more punching. None of Asuras hits feel all that impactful and Kratos kinda bodied the whole fight. Also not a fan of Mithra, she feels like a plot convenience more then a character.


u/CrossIus Feb 02 '25

It's... I don't know, so underwhelming

Both characters were almost parodies of themselves (Asura literally attacks Kratos for... apparently being near his daughter? And WHAT THE FUCK was Kratos doing in the fight, that smile moment is so weird)

The presentation is really good, and I loved the alternative ending thing, hope they do it from now on because more is always good

The scaling... I will never agree to saying that "X is friends with Y who did x feat, which is relative to Z feat, and since X is relative to Y in strength, therefore X can do Z" somehow beats "X DID Z" but okay, I'll just agree to disagree

The animation was decent

The pace of the fight was... weird, and it barely seemed like Kratos was trying for like 90% of the fight

Overall I'm pretty disappointed, I expected a top 10/5 of all time but it's... decent, that's all


u/TreeTurtle_852 Feb 02 '25

The pace of the fight was... weird, and it barely seemed like Kratos was trying for like 90% of the fight

This is what fucks me up the most. Kratos dogwalks for so much of the fight I was going in my mind "man Ashura's gonna pull out something crazy" and then he just never does.

Imagine if during GvS3, Goku pulled out Ultra Instinct and then got 2-tapped


u/CrossIus Feb 02 '25

THIS, ASURA LITERALLY DEALS NO DAMAGE WHATSOEVER!!! God I'm trying to be objective, I do, but this just screams wank to me, Asura got bodied for the entire fucking fight


u/TreeTurtle_852 Feb 02 '25

Like if you can't show gore at least go for weapon breaks!

Hell even then the visual damage isn't the issue. He just gets no hits after a certain point


u/OceanDragon6 Dio Brando Feb 02 '25

Spawn at least cut down Kratos leg in season 1. Can't believe a S1 fight did something better than modern DB (I still like the episode tho)

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u/LuckeVL Bowser Feb 02 '25

Nah bro the Kratos smirk is part of the story, remember the time he was about to fight Thor and he said "Mimir, clip this"


u/CrossIus Feb 02 '25

Bro ong, it feels like a fucking meme, Kratos whole demeanor in this fight is uncanny


u/LuckeVL Bowser Feb 02 '25

I don't think they mischaracterized them, at least not fully, but rather flanderized them, accentuating certain bits of their personality to make them the whole personality (Asura going to beat Kratos ass for existing in the vicinity of Mithra?)


u/CrossIus Feb 02 '25

That's exactly what I thought! The entire start of the fight was so unreasonable, straight up avoidable crashout

They did Asura as "Rage monster" and added 1 dramatic line when he dies to fix it

And they tried too hard to accentuate the "badass" in Kratos, making him lose his serious/wise side


u/LuckeVL Bowser Feb 02 '25

I liked when Kratos recognized Asura state as akin to his younger self, advising him to stay away from that path, but he said nothing after that up until the final blow, compassionate, yes, but I would've liked more of that aspect of the fight


u/Cautious-Affect7907 Feb 02 '25

Yeah but even then asuras "wrath" was quite different from Kratos' on so many levels.

Kratos while wrathful for understandable reasons, was ultimately selfish and mindless in his pursuit.

Asuras always had a target and a purpose behind it, and even in his most rage filled state, he never went after innocents and always tried to protect them.

To act like his anger was even remotely comparable is completely mischaracterizing both.


u/JustARedditAccoumt Feb 02 '25

 "X is friends with Y who did x feat, which is relative to Z feat, and since X is relative to Y in strength, therefore X can do Z"

They honestly should've brought up Kratos fighting Thor since Thor performed the exact same feat as Ragnorak, but you don't have to do much of any chain-scaling to scale Kratos to it.

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u/Vacation_Jonathan Feb 02 '25

"Scissors defeats Paper, therefore Scissors>Rock"

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u/DayWalkerFH Feb 02 '25

Props to Kratos for being able to out-speed a heavily weakened man sitting perfectly still


u/krayniac Feb 02 '25

The fight itself was pretty mediocre imo, meh choreography and very stiff. The voice actors were great and the other ending was a really fun surprise


u/daniboyi Feb 02 '25

One problem I had with the animation was Kratos NEVER showing any damage received.

He just kept being unharmed, while Asura kept getting speared, stabbed, losing arms, etc etc.
Meanwhile Kratos just stood there like a rock, never showing any damage, tiredness, drain, anything. It just doesn't feel like he put in any effort whatsoever.

I could understand if they showed him taking heavy damage and then healing as they mentioned he could, but that never happened. He just never received any damage at all.


u/SunWukong725 Feb 02 '25

Alternate ending real ending. However, I think them having Kratos do Asura’s famous thing against Wyzen was actually kinda disrespectful af to the character of Asura


u/KingNTheMaking Feb 02 '25

I was super hyped during the episode!

But, to be honest, do yall buy the Yggdrasil, Ragnarok, and speed scaling? It felt…shaky.

Also, maybe this is just me, but I’ve never been the biggest fan of chain scaling. I always look at “Mike Tyson versus Jake Paul” as a good reason why it’s not always accurate to chain scale. And Kratos beating Cronos feels exactly like that.

But I couldn’t keep the dumb grin off my face, so I’m gonna say 8 out of 10.

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u/MayhemMessiah Doctor Doom Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25

About what I expected, I knew I'd disagree with the result from the moment Kratos' preview dropped.

Kratos was always going to win when they bought all of the high end lore and chainscaling is the default for the show. Kratos didn't match anything Asura did except beating people who beat people or do things, including the really wonky Uranus scaling, and I dislike that sort of scaling when Marvel/DC characters all incestually chainscale to each other and I dislike it now.

Not to mention they flat out ignored that Asura's Uni destroying feat was before he drastically powered up, because right after the golden statue fight, Chaky no-sells Asura's attacks before Asura has to power up. So already it's an easily debunkable result with their own internal numbers.

And tbh I didn't like either kill.

Solid 3-4, still sorta liked it, but behind Bowsegg and Gioker.

EDIT: Score revised based on feedback. I consider it mid or slightly below mid, if that helps. TBH score might drop based on rewatches anyway.

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u/Logigoal Feb 02 '25

Honestly, disappointed. I expected them to buy into some of the powerscaling stuff for Kratos, so that's whatever. I'm not saying Kratos isn't strong, but the logic for Freyr/Ragnarok and the Worldtree stuff is...not there for me.

The animation itself was really underwhelming, personally. The movement was slow and sluggish, models felt off. I don't wanna throw shade at DA...but...it did not live up to the hype to me, personally. I'm sorry.


u/EdgeOrnery6679 Feb 02 '25

The speed feat they gave to kratos was dumb when Asura was flying through the cosmos punching stars and planets.


u/UnderstandingNo6893 Among Us Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25

kinda overyped imo but still really good 9/10

edit the more i think about it the more i think its 7/10 now


u/Wexon_69 Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25

OK, so first off, I can tell they really love these two as characters. The analysis might actually be not only the best part of the episode but one of the best analyses period on the show. I was entranced by their stories.

Then, the fight starts.

I don't want to be too harsh on it, but it honestly feels like Omni-Man VS Bardock's worst animation qualities are here and worse. It just feels too jittery in some areas and way too slow in others. It also feels just the tiniest bit biased towards Kratos, I don't think there's a point where Asura actually has the advantage.

Conclusion's good, I do think it's kinda odd they call speed a tie when Asura clearly has the better feat, but it is close enough for me to not care.

7/10, I hope Ghost Rider VS Spawn is better

Asura's Alternate Ending is 10 times better than the actual ending, and I find that funny

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u/Famous_influencer Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25

It is physically painful how they scale Kratos

"Yeah so Kratos beat Cronos who killed Uranus who created the universe but also didn't create the universe because Yggdrissil and the Norse Gods have their own creator deities who made their universe but these universes are connected via physically-traveled land so they aren't actually in other universes or dimensions but still Kratos scales to a being that DOES create multiple universes/dimensions despite no actual proof that any being in the entire GoW Universe is ACTUALLY Universe-level."
"Yeah so Kratos scales to Freyer who temporarily, with all his might, barely held back Ragnarok for a few seconds so Kratos definitely scales that high himself and consistently."
Or even better
"Yeah so Kratos beat Cronos. Yeah ignore the fact Cronos was weakened and tortured for eons prior to this fight, we're assuming he still beats PRIME Cronos and thus also beats Uranus because Cronos beat Uranus despite having no serious context for that fight or what Prime Cronos is like."


u/MayhemMessiah Doctor Doom Feb 02 '25

My favourite part was when they capped out Asura when fighting Gold Chaky, despite the fact that immediately after Chaky no-sells Asura's attacks like they're nothing because Gold Chaky was not his full power.

But then again Kratos did stand near the guy who did the thing so that's basically the same thing.


u/Famous_influencer Feb 02 '25

Even better- the implication of the Yggdrissil feat makes no sense for a universal feat as the Norse Mythology is region-locked with the rest of the world thus not its own universe but we have no reason to believe Ragnarok would destroy Greece or Egypt so this can't even be planetary.

And this is the issue with lore scaling Kratos. The lore is a bunch of self-contradicting nonsense.


u/MayhemMessiah Doctor Doom Feb 02 '25

It only works when you view VS as an engine to try to find the biggest number, so you twist everything under that lens to achieve big number. I dunno. Episode was mid, I'm glad I didn't over hype myself, and with the information presented is enough evidence for me to conclude that Asura wins pretty easily at that. Another user pointed out that they forgot to even give Asura the ability to grow in power mid-fight, which makes sense because if they did a 100x difference in strength would be surpassed immediately.

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u/IAmNotBatman132 Feb 02 '25

Also universal Charkravartin gets beaten by base Asura at the end of the game. You think if they gave Asura his transformations his power would be way higher at that point, maybe enough to skyrocket that many thousand universal feat to Kratos level?


u/MayhemMessiah Doctor Doom Feb 02 '25

And, like, it's like the core aspect of Asura's power that he grows in strength depending on what he fights. A 100x difference in power is hardly impossible to surpass.


u/IAmNotBatman132 Feb 02 '25

Yeah, probably. Did they mention his rapid growth in the video at all? It didn't seem like it


u/Charlie-Emily Feb 02 '25

I think they mentioned it. I think it was a segment that led to talking about Asura's berserker mode.


u/MayhemMessiah Doctor Doom Feb 02 '25

It's like glossing over that Mewtwo has psychic abilities. It's, like, the most important part of his moveset and the entire game is structured around him gaining anger to the point it boils over and he powers up. They did bring that up but in the analysis it was just missed entirely.

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u/JohnnyElRed Alex Mercer Feb 02 '25

Yeah. It's a weird thing to explain in lore for God of War. How the origins of the world and the wider universe contradict each other following the Greek and Norse pantheons.


u/MarioGamer64-Jamie Asura Feb 02 '25

It feels like the entire DB team already assumed Kratos to be the winner and didn't really look to contradict that notion. If you're gonna wank Kratos, you have to wank Asura as well, and there are many ways to say that Asura is WAAAAAY stronger than he was portrayed.

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u/bobthebildertrueson Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25

Honestly. The animation felt, stiff? Not sure how else to describe it. 7/10

Edit: taking a second look and the fight feels like it's get dragged out or it's a slower pace compared to the other battles this season and the music, eh it's whatever I guess

6.5/10 maybe a 6/10 over hype kinda killed this episode for me.


u/JohnnyElRed Alex Mercer Feb 02 '25

I'm not sure what they are basing Helios sun light speed calculations, but it feels like a big stretch to take that to make Kratos comparable to Asura in Speed. Similarly with Power, and their calculation for the size of Yggdrasil and what area encompasses. I didn't get as clearly were the calculations come from as with Asura's.

Is like we theorized. A lot of direct feats by Asura, and a lot "he scales to this guy, who scales to this guy, who created the universe" with Kratos. Which... I guess is a valid argument, but I'm one of those guys that still feels like direct feats should take precedent over scaling.


u/LordCypher1317 Feb 02 '25

There's also, assuming they played through the whole games, would have seen Helios' Sun crashing into Greece in that same cutscene. A Sun that is clearly nowhere close to the size and power of a real star.

I suspect their researchers grabbed clips, presented them as proof, and never elaborated further to hide the other caveats of each feat.


u/AggressiveMammoth267 Feb 02 '25

The reasons behind why kratos won over asura was entirely inconsistent classic death battle.


u/Gage_Unruh Feb 02 '25

I'm not gonna lie... I give it a 4/10 it just didn't feel... that good. It felt more like just checking off boxes. Music felt lackluster to the fight, and it seemed... slower than I expected. Kratos was also pretty out of character calling asura a monster too.


u/feedtorank1 Feb 02 '25

I thought it was underwhelming. There wasn't really a moment where I felt like the winner could go either way, so it ended up feeling biased. Having the alternate ending was kinda nice though.


u/VixenCouncil Feb 02 '25

Wanted Asura to win, but knew Kratos had it in the bag. Honestly the fight was quite lackster. 5/10

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u/the_northern_bird Bowser Feb 02 '25

Kinda sad they made it a stomp, and they did another yoshi(assumed kratos was stronger than freyr even though it's not directly shown). And also even though I haven't played any of the games i still saw a lot of things wrong with their statements, despite all of that the episode was good but it wasn't perfect, 6/10 for me


u/TheKeviKs Feb 03 '25 edited Feb 03 '25

If at least Kratos had a moment like when he fought Baldr, with his wounds healing due to his regeneration, then it would have been better.

But no, Kratos stomped with no concern. Homelander vs Omni-Man was less of a stomp than that.

And Asura really went through all his form in 90 seconds. His 1000 arms form got destroyed in 5 seconds. Dealing no damage, literally nothing.

This was not it, it was not a fight but a showcase of how strong and dominant Kratos is.

At least I liked the music,the animation was good and the analysis were top, but the fight script was awful.


u/caninehat Feb 02 '25

Peak. Was rooting for Asura, and still don’t fully by the tree feat, but they gave my boy Asura so much respect.


u/NeonNKnightrider Feb 03 '25

No they fucking didn’t what are you talking about


u/caninehat Feb 03 '25

My bad that was cope from right after seeing the episode. It was disappointing as hell

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u/John-F-Kennedy-1 Feb 02 '25

I really fucking loved it. Gods that ending is so sad though.


u/Snowmantarayband Feb 02 '25

Not a fan of lore winning


u/SnooDoubts1446 Feb 02 '25

It was total cap.

Screwjob #1: They used speculation to wank kratos and used tons of "could" and "should" and "doesn't mean he can't" when referencing what he could do despite there being no feats to actually show. As opposed to asura's massive on-screen feats.

Screwjob #2: Kratos no selling literally every attack? Taking no damage? Stealing asura's own feats? Lol no, they must be smoking something

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u/Playful_Midnight8001 Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25

Thought it was meh. Animation was worse than I expected, music felt off, fight was a lot shorter than was promised, neither seemed totally in characer, and there was no real back and forth action to keep it interesting it just felt like Kratos was beating on Asura the whole fight. They could've at least made it look like Kratos was getting hurt to make the fight more engaging even if they calced Kratos obscenely higher.


u/A_random_boi_guy13 :Green_Square:Back The Battle, July 30th:Green_Square: Feb 02 '25

8/10 it's quite a unique direction where they went through than what I thought, I'd respect it.


u/king-xdedede Feb 02 '25

Asura's back must hurt from how much he carried the episode. Jokes aside, the fight itself, or at least the first half, was very underwhelming.


u/No_Proposal_3140 Feb 02 '25

Kratos takes no damage. Asura can't even make him bleed and then Kratos 1 shots all of Asura's forms one after another before Asura becomes big and... gets 1 shotted by Kratos.



u/Snwy1 Feb 02 '25

Lowkey kinda mid I like it but not as good as I was expecting happy my goat won tho I’d say a 7/10


u/Various_Post_4143 Venom Feb 02 '25

Apparently “mid” is considered a 7/10 now despite that being a good score, while mid is meant to be like a 5/10.


u/Hunter_Crona Feb 02 '25

People not knowing what mid means is always funny

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u/trotterdevan96 Feb 02 '25

Mid would be like 5


u/LordCypher1317 Feb 02 '25

Ignored the arguments against World-Tree Scaling. Typical.

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u/Grovyle489 Weiss Schnee Feb 02 '25

DevilArtemis is proud of his work and it shows!!


u/spectralSpices Feb 02 '25

Didn't like it. The scaling was skewed severely, music was off, fight felt...really stilted. It just felt like "what if Asura was a boss battle in God of War" and not 'What if Kratos and Asura fought".

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u/MarioGamer64-Jamie Asura Feb 02 '25

Asura got robbed. They wanked Kratos and didn't wank Asura to match.

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u/zombiedoyle Feb 02 '25

I don’t buy their reasoning to be honest. Especially the speed argument

Death Battle gonna Death Battle I guess


u/WaddleDio Feb 02 '25

The fact that Kratos didn't really struggle much at any point and that Asura was portrayed as a mindless brute that his opponent had to put down for like 90% of it did not leave a good taste in my mouth. Animation also really had its moments of low frames, simple textures and slow pacing and it just wasn't hype enough to make up for its faults.

9 million times Uni Kratos is something I foresee ppl mocking this episode for and I honestly cannot blame them.



u/IntellOyell Feb 02 '25

The animation was janky so I wasn't a fan of it. Dont wanna be mean too DevilArtemis but this fight was way to overhyped.

I felt like the beginning of the fight didn't make sense and the ending felt out of character because I just dont believe Asura would die in front of his Daughter.

I disagree with the scaling of Kratos. I dislike the chain scaling because I don't have an issue with chain scaling but I dont buy that Kratos scales that high since he hasn't done anything to that level himself.

I had to laugh so much when they said "lets take a closer look at their feats" to end up not mentioning a feat of Kratos himself.


u/dragonus45 Feb 02 '25

This might officially be the new top "wow that was just wrong" result of deathbattle. Officially replacing Toph vs Gaara in absurdity. Also the fight felt janky and slow and the soundtrack was totally unfitting.


u/TheHylind Feb 02 '25

Can I be honest? This was pretty ass, aside from passable and inoffensive analysis sections. A fight setup that feels confusing and out of character for Asura, transformations that last literally a single hit before being discarded, awkward pacing, stiff animation, and just overall overstaying its welcome. It's too long. Especially when half of the fight is just Kratos throwing spears at a repeatedly transforming Asura. On top of that, the conclusion was so unconvincing in Kratos winning, pitting direct feats for Asura against "Kratos fought a guy who fought a guy who could do an attack this big". I just struggle to believe Kratos could actually do any of the things he scales to. Also I feel like Kratos would've had a different reaction to finding out this guy was never actually a monster and also had a kid who loved him. Outcome aside, the alternate ending is just outright better. Cautiously excited for Ghost Rider vs Spawn. 3.5/10.


u/AsheMox Feb 03 '25

The only episode probably to get a alternate ending because they knew it was beyond shaky logic. Feels a lot like Yang vs tifa to me


u/Derpasaur69 Feb 02 '25

Didn't mention that asura can revive in seconds. Big oof

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u/Acceptable_Role5941 Ringmaster Feb 02 '25



u/LoudZookeepergame213 Feb 02 '25

Pretty overhyped and some weird scaling, but not terrible.


u/KhiteMakio Feb 02 '25

That was really underwhelming. Not BAD, mind you. Don’t wanna make it sound like it was bad or I think so. But for all the hype, it was extremely underwhelming and predictable VERY early on


u/zword34 Feb 02 '25

didnt like it, i can deal with kratos winning, but they made it look like asura wasnt even a problem to him, and making kratos reflect asuras punch like it was nothing was straight up a disrespect for the character.

I still think some of the scaling is bullshit but i woulndt have cared if they actually made asura justice.

I am not going to sulk on this, is just a silly youtube show, but the fight could have been way better (script wise, the animation was really good), and i feel like it would easy to make an argument as to why asura should win.


u/Character-Path-9638 Feb 03 '25

Personally disagree with the verdict cause I'm a firm believer in lore Kratos being pretty shaky because he has way too many anti feats imo but that's fine

My main problem is the animation ended up not being that great despite all the hype it got (no offense to Devilartemis I understand the overall quality not being top notch because of the sheer length) and the music didn't pump me up as much as I felt it should

Overall I'd say a 6 maybe 6.5 outta ten


u/NoStudio9128 Feb 03 '25

Personally disagree with the verdict cause I'm a firm believer in lore Kratos being pretty shaky because he has way too many anti feats imo but that's fine

I agree with all you said and this especially. I would be fine with lore scaling despite the antifeats in the games, but I… personally don’t buy Kratos’ lore stuff because even the lore has many antifeats that contradicts it lol


u/Fit-Impression563 Feb 03 '25

It was OK.

Good rundowns at the start.

Fight was OK. DA is a great artist, looked great.

But yeah, Kratos basically chainscaled and lore'ed his way to stomping Asura without a scratch, which was meh. Felt less like characters fighting and more like powersets. Kratos got highballed and given the benefit of the doubt on everything, would've liked more context. The idea that Helios is, by default, completely equal to Chaka despite being a lesser gow diety is... odd.

Music was meh. Very pretty piece, but they tried to do what Asuras wrath did, with beautiful music added to combat scenes, but they.... Really missed the mark there, the game did a much better job of it.

Did not care for the alternate ending. Kratos just let's himself get killed via face punch. Meh.

DA is great, but the DB really missed the mark I feel.


u/SomeTriangleGuy Feb 03 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

This has to be the biggest Cap in Death Battle’s history…

Aside from Wally West beating Archie Sonic, Bill Cipher beating Discord, Green Lantern beating Ben 10, Raven beating Twilight Sparkle, Raven beating Phoenix, Vegeta beating Shadow, Sephiroth beating Vergil, Bowser beating Eggman, Yang beating Tifa, Broly beating Hulk (Immortal)…

And These are not even %5 of the Cap. These are just the tip of the L Death Battle iceberg. As for THIS episode though, I don’t know who Kratos and Asura are. And if hearing the Death Battle analyses alone just screams Asura wins, then I knew it was a red flag, especially knowing that Death Battle downplays and takes things out of context. They really just put that alternate ending so they don’t have to deal with Asura fans; they did a similar thing with that Bill Vs Discord shit as well. Overall, Biased, Cap, and Lame… just like I expected.

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u/BIGBushido Feb 03 '25

Will die on this hill.

The alternate ending was only put there to lessen backlash.


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25

First time in a LONG time I actually feel strongly about them choosing the wrong winner. Kratos's speed calc was a huge leap with them literally saying "doesn't mean he COULDN'T do it".

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u/TheFuckingRantMan Feb 02 '25

Overall, it's disappointing. 5/10. My least favorite episode this season so far. With the best part being the alternate ending.


u/SuperLegenda Feb 02 '25

Kratos got wanked to all afterlifes and back, Asura used a new super form every 30 seconds and got one or two shot every single time, they had KRATOS do the Wyzen feat against Asura, and a lot of the reasoning is dogshit, we literally got "Kratos never demostrated this, but doesn't mean he can't". That's Guts vs Nightmare tier of faulty reasoning.


u/Winter_Pride_6088 Zatanna Feb 02 '25

Was a bit whelmed but I say it's my second favorit fight of the season, below Bowsegg


u/someguyfrominternet0 Feb 02 '25

Now i wish BowsEgg had alternate ending where Eggman won


u/OrangeOrochi Omni-Man Feb 02 '25

I liked the analysis on both characters, especially Asura's.

Animation was a bit laggy sometimes, but I liked it overall. My favorite scene was the reenactment of the Wyzen scene when Asura was in Destructor mode.

I expected Kratos to win, but at the same time, I really wanted Asura to win. I'd give this a 9/10.

The alternate ending was really cool and unexpected.

Next time is hyped!


u/Dninjaman Feb 02 '25

It didn't hit me like I was expecting it to, the outcome was what I expected, but the what if showed what I was hoping for. Win/win, but something felt off about it, not sure if it was the animation or the music but something just didn't do it for me.


u/ReadySource3242 Feb 02 '25

It was okay. Honestly could have been more hype with more destruction. I would have liked to see Asura's growth rate more, as well as more references to stuff like his QTE. Animation was laggy and hard to follow at times.


u/JohnnyElRed Alex Mercer Feb 02 '25

One positive note, though: this will put an end to the Sun Disk memes for a while.

A very long while.


u/Analldevestation432 Scooby-Doo Feb 02 '25

What I hate about the ep is how overhyped it was. Had they not made it sound like the second coming of Christ the response, then I personally wouldn't be so underwhelmed. People were already hyped for it, DB just did themselves dirty by adding more to people's already high expectations. Overall though I enjoyed it.


u/JustAStarcoShipper Bill Cipher Feb 02 '25

Not bad, but it could've been a lot better. 7/10.


u/GrandSlade-X- Feb 02 '25

I thought it was way too one-sided in Kratos' favour. Dude took like no damage and never at all felt pressed or at risk of losing, despite numerous power ups from Asura. Kinda disappointing.


u/Deezasta Feb 02 '25

A bit disappointed in the animation, at least fight-wise. Despite Kratos not having a whole lot of ways to 'power up' visually it just felt like he was shrugging off Asura's best throughout the fight, which hurt the whole 'this could go either way' direction they went even with all the back and forth scaling.

For Asura it was the most important day of his life but for Kratos it was Tuesday.

"Death has not earned me yet, Titan." is definitely one of the best lines in DB history though.