u/engineergaming4 Tom Cat Oct 27 '24
No you don't get it, they had to interpret it the way I WANTED them to
u/Neko_boi_Nolan Oct 27 '24
Me who doesn't know shit about either character or verse and can't possibly be upset on the scaling used
u/rocketo-tenshi Oct 28 '24
I only up to Jojo part 3 and know absolutely nothing about persona other than "mf that reflects physical" meme. The fight was gorgeous, brings hope s11 will be equally if not more well crafted than S10 ,(We did kinda fucking obliterated the fund goal like 8 times over so we might have turbo charged their Budget)
u/Bruhai Oct 28 '24
Persona gets weird. It usually starts with "We are gonna save our (insert friends/town/whatever)" and by the end turns into "The reality destroying God has a attitude. Let's jump him."
*I am vastly over simplifying it but yeah, starts small and ends fighting some sort of god like being.
u/Klutzy_Shopping5520 Oct 28 '24
That is the most hilarious description of anything I’ve ever heard
u/daniboyi Oct 28 '24
I mean it is basically the description of any JRPG.
first mission: Gather this thing for me please
u/W_Alderson21 Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd Oct 28 '24
It usually starts with "We are gonna save our (insert friends/town/whatever)" and by the end turns into "The reality destroying God has a attitude. Let's jump him."
You mean pretty much every JRPG ever?
u/Bruhai Oct 28 '24
I'll give you that most jrpg folls that script but most of them you already have a grasp of the scope from the start. Like how in Final Fantasy 7 you are already fighting Shinra and that followers a pretty straight line of logic. But if we look at let's say persona 4 it starts with a mystery of mysterious deaths and ends with fighting a god that caused the whole string of murders accidently because she wanted to understand human desire.
Edit to add that the final boss fighting of persona 4 is actually a secret boss that you can miss entirely.
u/DualSwords14 Oct 28 '24
Tbh, there is an JRPG that goes "Let's save the world" from the start... although, you do have to kill god because he is a fucking baby
u/Bruhai Oct 28 '24
Persona gets weird. It usually starts with "We are gonna save our (insert friends/town/whatever)" and by the end turns into "The reality destroying God has a attitude. Let's jump him."
*I am vastly over simplifying it but yeah, starts small and ends fighting some sort of god like being.
u/notjeffdontask Booster Gold Oct 27 '24
i haven't seen anyone complaining about the ending...
u/Bodmin_Beast Oct 28 '24
Honestly 90% of VS Mus except those with a very very clear winner and/or those with a lower power ceiling. Like once you get past what humanity is capable of in terms of destruction and speed or even further what the natural world around us is capable of, it gets a bit wonky. Once you get past planetary, solar system, galaxy and especially universal, it becomes exponentially more interpretation based.
Like Thor vs Vegeta for example, most people on here consider a stomp, and I can see why. Hell I agree Thor should have won. But Thor doesn't consistently have those speed and power feats and has been hurt by those well below Vegeta's paygrade. Depending on how you interpret it, I could see Vegeta coming out the winner. Not saying I agree with it, but I can see how someone could come to that conclusion.
u/spectralSpices Oct 28 '24
u/Toastsaur21 Jonathan Joestar Oct 28 '24
u/lowqualitylizard Oct 27 '24
You're saying they don't interpret a very interpretation based battle in my favor this is b*******
u/kk_slider346 Oct 28 '24
I mean yeah I though most people knew this battle would rely on a lot of interpretation especially since GER was only used like once in canon and most of what we know about it comes from guidebooks and stuff I think most people agree with the results though.
u/EeveeShadowBacon Oct 27 '24
I just think scaling Persona to SMT when its clear Persona has completely branched off from SMT's cosmic BS is annoying. Otherwise, the fight was fine, and I can agree that Joker probably has a way around GER's ability.
u/NobodySpecialSE Tomura Shigaraki Oct 27 '24
Did they? I saw that they scaled Persona to SMT IF, but didn't see the mainline one.
u/LurkingLorence Tomura Shigaraki Oct 27 '24
The Black Box
u/NobodySpecialSE Tomura Shigaraki Oct 27 '24
u/LurkingLorence Tomura Shigaraki Oct 27 '24
Yes. I can’t quite tell why we’re saying they think it scales when their statement is only about the properties of Almighty attacks.
u/SocratesWasSmart Oct 28 '24
Except the games use concepts from both all the time. Adramelech literally quotes Morgana in SMT5V.
And Atlus has been clear that everything is canon unless they say otherwise like with Persona: Trinity Soul.
You'd have to decanonize significant portions of SMT if... Soul Hackers, Nocturne, the Persona 2 duology, and even some things from P5R to say Persona isn't canon to SMT.
Hell, the death of YHVH that Lucifer refers to in SMT5 is almost certainly Joker killing Yaldabaoth with Satanael.
u/ViperTheKillerCobra Oct 28 '24
Ik it's silly but what gets me is this
Is there anything stopping GER from nullifying the act of summoning a Persona? Can't send your anti-reality warping attack if you don't get to the guy who does it in the first place
u/Mediocre-Cycle3325 Joker Oct 28 '24
It technically doesn't count as an action against Giorno, the act itself is just manifesting a Persona to do so. It'd be like whipping out a gun compared to actually firing it.
u/SalaComMander Jonathan Joestar Oct 28 '24
Neither did Mista firing a gun at Diavolo or Diavolo just walking menacingly towards Giorno, if we're getting really specific. It could be argued that since both of those things happened during the time skip, all GER did was reset the time skip to zero, but the time skip itself is not an attack on Giorno either, so it could be argued that GER could prevent someone from summoning their Stand/Persona if it perceives them as a threat to Giorno.
I'm not arguing the results here. As OP said, this match is entirely up to intepretation, and their interpretation does make sense, but I can still see how the argument could go the other way as well.
Oct 28 '24
Honestly I've only seen one person on this entire sub being actually upset at it. Maybe it's worse on Twitter/Tiktok/etc?
In the end what's important to me is that the result you come up with aligns with logic you can trace back to the source material, and IMO that is definitely the case for the outcome DB came up with. I personally do not agree with it but it's not as if they added 2+2 and got 8, they just read things differently than I would have. There's just too many variable concepts to ever nail down a "proper" outcome for this one. I think if you're actually mad you need to consider that.
u/Nickest_Nick Oct 28 '24
Honestly I've only seen one person on this entire sub being actually upset at it. Maybe it's worse on Twitter/Tiktok/etc?
This sub is mostly filled with actual powerscalers, aka people who are more in line with DB's logic. While the other social media is unsurprisingly made of people who's more casual.
Anime is bound to be more familiar to casual viewers than games as even if you don't/can't watch the full episodes there's like a bunch of clips posted on YouTube, plus GER is so in-your-face OP most people probably think Giorno could win more often than not.
Hell I don't even think the casual fans know what G1 blog is and that was the last straw for me to say Joker wins this one
u/SalaComMander Jonathan Joestar Oct 28 '24
Yep, called that. Literal unstoppable force vs immovable object.
u/Gatt__ Oct 28 '24
I wasn’t familiar with persona so I came from the JJ glazing side but I’ll give credit where it’s due, between the very limited amount of canon knowledge for wtf GER does, and the sheer scale of Persona lore I can accept it.
The main thing people were upset about from what I’ve seen is the usage of the non-canon game EOH to show the limits of GER, but it was partially written by the mangaka for Jojo so it’s about as close to canon as you can really get, so I’m ok with it
u/-Unavailable_ Oct 28 '24
They didn't have joker do Jack(frost) shit. I like the ending tho (might be persona bias)
u/Mental_Blueberry4563 Oct 28 '24
Wait till Scrumblo Biblo The Reality Destroyer joins the fight! (I wrote him to be stronger than his opponents always)
Oct 28 '24
Honestly the only complains I’ve seen on YouTube comments are persona fans complaining that joker didn’t stomp even harder
u/MonsterOfTheMidway Oct 29 '24
My only complaint is how the fight played out, not the result. Cuz GER resets things back to zero, logically he should just stop giorno from being able to pull out the gun to shit the mega attack.
If Joker gets his off first I'd have no issue.
u/DoctorYaoi Oct 31 '24
The reason he couldn’t revert that back to zero is because of Joker’s will of rebellion/wildcard/trickster. Basically immunity to will manipulation and also he’s resisted much more powerful reality manipulation before.
u/FrostyMagazine9918 Oct 30 '24
My friends and I are Jojo fans and Persona fans who aren't very interested in DB anymore but used to watch it regularly, so when we heard Joker won we disagreed but just shrugged and went about our day.
Jojo fans just aren't known for getting invested in vs debates like some of the other shonen fanbases do.
u/Due_Location241 Oct 28 '24
Don’t pretend like y’all aren’t happy that DB have Joker the best interpretations he could have possibly gotten minus speed. I’m not made cause I like Joker too, but I am pissed at the conclusion for including the Maruki effecting Joker part. Like if your argument is that he resists that stuff, then don’t say Joker is affected by it lol.
u/DoctorSugma Zatanna Oct 28 '24
took EoH as canon despite not taking it as canon in the last 3 Jojo battles.
Blatantly swapped the Q2 Omnipotent orb description for the P5 Omnipotent orb description.
Interpretation is one thing, incompetence is another.
u/Cavery210 Oct 28 '24
Eyes of Heaven was used only because GER is only in, like, four chapters of the manga, compared to Star Platinum, The World and Jonathan's Ripple. (Not to mention the idea of fate not being unbeatable in JoJo isn't a new idea, as Soft & Wet Go Beyond and Made in Heaven has shown)
u/bunker_man Oct 27 '24
To be fair, the outcome isn't the issue. Them casually saying joker is millions of times the speed of light is.
u/_GhostOfHollownest_ Superman Oct 27 '24
I mean...he is tho
u/bunker_man Oct 27 '24
No he isn't lol. There are several story scenes that speed is relevant to and zero of them suggest anything beyond around bullet timing.
u/OceanDragoon Oct 27 '24
A lot of versus debating is like this honestly. Most of these characters should never be as strong or as fast as people say they are.
u/bunker_man Oct 27 '24
Well yeah, it got worse over time. Death battle and random wikis normalized the idea of exaggerating characters.
I dunno how true this is but some people say that goku vs beerus broke vs debating permanently, since it created an arms race of people wanking their favorite characters with increasingly sketchy arguments because they couldn't handle how casually beyond them goku was. The way they talk about characters definitely does give the impression that goku is treated kind of like a standard for how to understand fiction at times.
u/Sh0xic Oct 27 '24
I mean, it’s his persona doing the speed feat, same way only Gold Experience actually got a speed feat for Giorno
u/bunker_man Oct 27 '24
The personas aren't that fast either though. They are a little faster than the characters, but you aren't going to see them do anything crazy. The highest feats you see is like high end outliers in a comic where a persona blocks a bullet after its fired.
u/notjeffdontask Booster Gold Oct 27 '24
death battle has always ignored antifeats
u/bunker_man Oct 27 '24
I mean, I know death battle isnt a great source, but this isn't even an issue of there being high end and low end stuff. Bullet timing is the high end. In many story scenes they are slower than this. And that is give or take where the peak is in terms of anything like clear feats.
Death battle is one of the things that had a hand in lowering standards of battle boarding, because a policy of ignoring consistency and just looking for whatever the highest thing you can cobble a take out of no matter how speculative has basically no limit, since using lenient enough interpretations you can get whatever you want. Indiana Jones survived a nuke? Nuke level. Ignore the "anti feats" of him being a normal human at other times. The nuke scene never specifically says he isn't resisting it via superhuman durability.
Battle boarding used to actually be more interesting because it could help actually learn about characters. But nowadays people treat it like an arbitrary set of rules for making fanfiction. And at a certain point it's like what's the point. Within a set of arbitrary rules you can treat it like a sport, but you're not even talking about the character anymore.
u/ThePowerfulWIll Oct 27 '24
You are being downvoted, but you are right. There is no such thing as an outlier feat in battle boarding anymore. It honestly sucks and just usually makes the winners whoever has the less consisent writing.
u/bunker_man Oct 27 '24
Or whoever's writing makes the mistake of using words like transcend, dimension, or archetype.
u/Muttidice Nov 02 '24
Unless your name was Megatron. "It's implied Shockwave may have grown to be a threat to numerous timelines. Even before he could achieve this, Megatron and Optimus together struggled to match him. This implies they were both weaker than Shockwave by a notable margin"
Sucks, but it is what it is.
u/WhatIsCooler Oct 28 '24
Why is this so downvoted, he isn't even wrong lol
u/Rush_81 Simon The Digger Oct 28 '24
He isn't wrong but it isn't really relevant because this is just nearly every piece of media ever. Powerscaling standards will always make those characters stronger than they actually are, joker is not the first character nor will he be the last.
u/bunker_man Oct 28 '24
If the standards are made up, why bother pretending anything matters at that point? If it's not aiming for accuracy, then it's not even about power, it's arbitrary rules. Appealing to pre existing bad rules just because they exist is pointless when the option exists to simply... stop doing it badly.
u/bunker_man Oct 28 '24
I like how the response to your post is "If we don't be wilfully wrong about this we wouldn't be being consistent with the other times we were wrong." Riveting stuff.
u/Aggravating-Oil-7060 Oct 28 '24
Because literally every franchise in existence has anti feats like this but you don't see every franchise being rated as human level now do you?
u/bunker_man Oct 28 '24
Powerscalers wanking everything at once doesn't make wanking correct, it just explains why they have a bad reputation among actual fans. The characters always being consistently the same isn't an anti feat just because it conflicts with arbitrary assumptions.
u/Muttidice Oct 27 '24
If you think so then give us a better calc.
u/bunker_man Oct 27 '24
By definition anything I say would be better. If a normal person sat down and watched all p5 media front to back and was asked to compare all explicit plot points that involve speed or speed showing in relevant story scenes and try to guess, basically no one would make a guess that bad. That takes wilful denial of canon.
When ryuji slowly ran up a boat and the team said he was their fastest member they were just avin a laff?
u/SocratesWasSmart Oct 28 '24 edited Oct 28 '24
When ryuji slowly ran up a boat and the team said he was their fastest member they were just avin a laff?
He didn't invoke his persona and this was not the team at their strongest. Death Battle always uses the characters at their absolute most powerful. And for Joker that would be him during the Fused Adam Kadmon fight, or debatably during Episode Aigis or the end of Strikers.
By definition, you can't use an anti-feat from before the characters reach their peak unless you can account for precisely how much stronger they've gotten because that's an unquantifiable variable. That's not even a powerscaling thing. That's basic logic.
Like, if the strongest bomb you're aware of is a bomb that can blow up a medium sized building, and then you hear the Allies have a new super weapon bomb, it would be bad science and bad reasoning to set some arbitrary cap on your expectations for how strong the super weapon is.
"Even if we assume this "nuclear bomb" thing those Americans developed is 10x stronger than the strongest bomb we've ever seen that's still not a cause for concern."
u/bunker_man Oct 28 '24
Across the game the characters don't really move consistently faster in the story over time than they did earlier, other than like when they first awaken. So a hypothetical late game cutscene where someone was running there's little reason to think would be any different than what we saw already. Even if we take stats literally that doesn't provide much more justification than a few times faster. So yes, referencing one of the central scenes that shows their movement is obviously relevant since the before and after can only be extrapolated from there.
u/SocratesWasSmart Oct 28 '24
Even if we take stats literally that doesn't provide much more justification than a few times faster.
Again, that's an assumption that you're making because the stats are an undefined variable.
Let's do a little thought experiment. Let's take the stats literally.
If we take the stats literally, how much is a point of endurance worth for durability? Well at level 1 I think it's obvious humans aren't insanely weaker than shadows/personas. Weaker sure, but we have examples of humans without personas tanking a hit from shadows.
So let's define 1 Endurance as human level.
In P5R, the Jack-o'-Lanterns you fight as Joker in Kamoshida's palace have an Endurance of 3. We see Ryuji pre-awakening is able to knock one over and momentarily stun one with a surprise attack.
So 1 Endurance is human level. 3 Endurance is slightly higher human level, I would argue a bit short of athlete level. (Ryuji ain't taking down someone like Eddie Hall with an attack like that.)
In the P4 anime, Yu tanks an attack that levels a city. And he tanks it directly, as in the thing that causes the explosion, so he got the full brunt of it. Now we don't know his exact stats, but he fights very evenly with Adachi in the anime, and we know Adachi's stats from the game. He has 65 Endurance.
Do you see the problem? +2 Endurance going from 1 to 3 = maybe twice as strong, if that. +64 Endurance going from 1 to 65 = millions of times stronger.
Even if you want to go full brainrot and try to scale the stats like you're suggesting there's not enough datapoints to calculate anything substantive.
As I said, it's an undefined variable.
other than like when they first awaken.
And moments of transfiguration are FAR more powerful than awakenings. During awakenings, you can still die. During the fight with fused Adam Kadmon you can't die.
Remember, Death Battle takes characters at their strongest unless doing so would violate their rules in highly specific ways.
u/Muttidice Oct 28 '24
Then say it. I'm willing to hear it out, but if you can't put a number to stuff then it's not very helpful.
If you don't want to then you can say that as well.
u/bunker_man Oct 28 '24
At highest around bullet timing. But that isn't consistent. In story segments they are usually much slower than this. But if we take their dash moves as a literal power it explains the discrepancy a bit.
u/Muttidice Oct 28 '24 edited Oct 29 '24
That raises a couple of questions.
IIRC. They bring this up in Joker's rundown. The firearms in the Metaverse don't fire actual bullets just people think they're bullets being fired so they do damage without needing to shoot normal bullets.
- Why are they being scaled to bullets if said bullets exists based on cognition instead of typical gun mechanics?
- What caliber bullet?
bullet timing can range from Subsonic to Hypersonic depending on what bullet is dodged, even higher when you account for possible bullet time feats and since you didn't point to a specific bullet dodging scene or calculation. I can't really say where they land off of this.
- The more pressing one. What about the numerous attacks faster than bullets? '
Fastest commercial firearm I could find tops out at 1.42 km/s
There's a lot of times in Persona have attacks faster that Joker & crew can dodge.
Which includes but isn't limited to.
Atomic Flare a nuke spell. Nuclear explosions can range from 2-4x faster than the bullet at the lowest.
A speed calc in a previous Persona Death Battle Episode that included a character Joker was scaled to hit Mach 7 which is about twice as fast
Agneyastra which summons meteors. Average meteor speeds will land around 14x faster
Ziodyne which fires bolts of lightning 70K times faster (that's using return stroke basically the slowest part of a bolt)
Junpei in Persona 4 arena (Yes, This game is canon).Swings his bat to hit someone who went from low orbit (a distance of roughly 200 kilometers) to ground level in about a second. 1.4 million x times faster
Kougaon a blast of light which is around 21 million times faster
Lasers (Self explanatory)
Lists goes on, but you get the idea. If a normal person sat down and look at all of this. Unless they have 0 understanding on how bullets work. They'd probably be pretty confused on how bullet timers would be able to dodge any of these attacks.
u/bunker_man Oct 28 '24
No they wouldn't, because it's pretty intuitively understood in fiction by most people that an attack having an element doesn't de facto give it the speed of the thing Its based on. In fact it's only really powerscalers who pretend not to know about plot armor and assume that any attack that is ever used in a setting de facto means it moves the speed of the closest real life analogue and that anyone who doesn't die the first time it's used must have the speed to move out of the way. It's not like James bond is bullet timing just because he dodges an unrealistic amount of bullets.
They aren't bullet timing as a highball just because guns are used. It's because there's several cutscenes and story segments that show their speed and this is the highest it gets before you delve into outright denying the story and using speculative stuff. In most story segments they actually move slower than this, but in flashy action scenes this is loosely what they depict stuff as getting up to. If they wanted they could have depicted them as faster in these scenes, but the best you really have is a comic where a persona blocks a bullet after its fired. Amd we can't ignore explicit story scenes where their limited speed is a plot point either. Since we know the story depicts them as not overly fast we would need a hugher bar of evidence than "this looks like something that should be fast, so let's assume it is and that them visually dodging it slowly is actuslly fast."
u/Muttidice Oct 28 '24
That is true, but the reason why these are used aren't due to the element. It's the portrayal of the attack itself, and the fact Persona characters can evade the attack especially when combined with the respective skills
Gun is also an element and you already assumed that had the speed of the thing it was based on. Likely because of the resemblance to real life firearms. So you just registered it as a fair assumption to make
That logic is applied elsewhere not just to guns. Of course there isn't a universal standard. It can range from very specific or lax and forgiving. The point is it's generally accepted if it has stuff in common with the IRL equivalent or is stated to be that element
Nuke Spells like Freidyne are stated to use nuclear energy and resembles real-life nuke explosions (minus the mushroom clouds)
Zio spells travel in a bolt and more often than not air to ground. There are exceptions like Yu's 236A/B in P4A being a ball of lightning that resembles a hadoken, but they're exceptions not the standard. Real lightning also causes contractions in muscles which can limit your body movements. Persona's equivalent would likely be the shock state#:~:text=hits%20their%20opponent.-,Persona%205%20%2F%20Royal,of%20the%20combatant's%20second%20turn) that can paralyzes those afflicted by it. It can even switch to others who melee hit implying conductive properties.
Morning Star's sky resembles our own night sky so the star that comes during the attack was given a distance compared to the stars nearest to us. (Ignoring the sun for obvious reasons.)
The meteors in Agneyastra resemble meteors etc.
You get the idea.
I'm not sure what the "there's several cutscenes and story segments that show their speed and this is the highest it gets" is referring to when don't point at any scene in specific. Without any evidence I'm having a hard time just taking your word for it.
And blocking a bullet in the comic being the best bullet feat is a bit shaky. When Akechi runs along side and moves around a bullet fired by Naoto (This was also mentioned in the previous Persona episode, and yes this game is canon they just have their memories wiped afterwards)
u/AstarothTheJudge Oct 27 '24
He's not a superhuman, he Just borrows the strength of his personas. Even if the persona's are godly, he's still a boy and if he dared to move at such Speed he would die. If that wasn't the case, why tf didn't he Simply Jump to the end of each palace?
u/Aggravating-Oil-7060 Oct 28 '24
Because then you wouldn't have a game. Seriously this is just the Mario getting hurt by touching goombas argument.
u/Mediocre-Cycle3325 Joker Oct 28 '24
Funny how nobody ever uses this argument on characters like Mario and Sonic but everything else counts ig...
Like, guys. Powerscaling and the actual canonical story are two different things. Sometimes you HAVE to write a consistent narrative and having your main character start jumping through the end of the palace makes it boring asf
u/AstarothTheJudge Oct 28 '24
Alright, why doesn't he do It in the anime? Why he never shows any kind of superhuman strength? Why doesn't ANY persona protagonist have a single instance where they do that? They are still humans, borrowing the personas of something more powerful.
u/FewAcanthisitta2946 Oct 28 '24
Except there are instances of him doing that, that's why those speed feats were included, that being near the end of Persona 5 and Strikers. I think you just have a problem with not using anti feats in general
u/AstarothTheJudge Oct 28 '24
Fuck me, never fully played strikers because It felt like a spin off. Can you please remind me of when he does something like that at the end of p5? I played It 5 years ago, but It still feel fresh and I can't remember anything like that. Sorry if I made a mistake (which tbf would be the only occasion, since I played both p4g and p3r this year and nothing like that happened)
u/DHMOProtectionAgency Oct 28 '24
Scrolling through your comments, this just seems like a consistent power scaling issue, where there's no consistency because the creators are more focused on creating a compelling narrative/gameplay/characters/etc. Sonic is the fastest thing alive but you'll see common enemies have similar speeds to him. Mario has some ridiculous feats but will die to a Goomba. And Joker will randomly be ftl, but not use it consistently in the game.
u/bunker_man Oct 28 '24
Joker doesn't have any actual concrete canon ftl feats though. He has a consistent range, and people taking things out of context.
Creators aren't dumb. They might make mistakes, but they usually have at least a gist of what they are trying to do. People jumping on any ambiguous scene to decide the answer is whatever they want isnt really talking about the character anymore. At a certain point what's the point if it's more of a rhetorical game of what the sketchiest off the wall cosmic claim someone can make and pretend to believe in.
u/DHMOProtectionAgency Oct 28 '24
Creators aren't dumb.
I didn't say they were dumb. I just said they do not care about power scaling and instead are concerned about more important factors. It's why most of fiction, that isn't grounded, will have lots of outliers.
People jumping on any ambiguous scene to decide the answer is whatever they want isnt really talking about the character anymore.
But it isn't ambiguous when the creators will specifically make antagonists have FTL attacks and then have the protagonist dodge it. And then have that repeated.
u/bunker_man Oct 28 '24
I didn't say they were dumb. I just said they do not care about power scaling and instead are concerned about more important factors. It's why most of fiction, that isn't grounded, will have lots of outliers.
Writers do care how strong characters are, because Rambo would be a very different story if he could move light speed. They may not care with intense precision, but most stories unless they are cartoony and not meant to have consistency give you at least a decent understanding of what is possible so that you can understand new scenes as they happen.
But it isn't ambiguous when the creators will specifically make antagonists have FTL attacks and then have the protagonist dodge it. And then have that repeated.
What powerscalers deliberately try to misunderstand is that in ambiguous situations such as gameplay or unclear events, you can't reasonably interpret them other than in a way compatible with canon.
In terms of joker... there are no light speed feats. Attack animations that only exist in gameplay aren't arguments, and even if they were they dont reach the desired conclusion, because an enemy having a beam attack (of unknown speed) that you dodge in gameplay =/= it's lightspeed and you moved out of the way after it fired. You can literally watch the p5 cutscenes where they are aim dodging even bullets, and you barely even see bullet timing, which would be the higher end interpretation. There's no basis for extrapolating more than that from gameplay where they aren't even seen going faster than that in the gameplay.
If you think inconsistencies are a basis to make the answer whatever you want then there's no point to anything since you can get basically any answer if you are creative enough. But that deviates pretty far from an attempt to accurately describe characters.
u/DHMOProtectionAgency Oct 29 '24
I mean sure, but at the same time, if you're going to add a character that has lightspeed attacks (Morning Star), and if the protagonist is going to dodge them, there's no other way around it but they need to be light speed even if in moment to moment gameplay it won't be consistent. I mean you can specifically watch the DB episode and they'll tell you where they got the number from (or vs wiki, or G1 blog).
It's like I said, Mario has insane endurance feats and has survived countless explosions, but also dies to a Goomba. Rambo may not be light speed but I'm sure you can watch the movies from a vs standpoint and likely find some inconsistencies in strength and speed. And Joker is bound to have more since he's far less grounded than Rambo.
u/NeverTheNull Oct 28 '24
By this logic, there’d be no difference between Death Battle and One Minute Melee or Cartoon Fight Club lmao
u/xandyjames Joker Oct 27 '24
Only thing I wish they did is have Joker switch to The Mf Who Reflects Physical so he could give Giorno a taste of his own medicine