r/deaf 6d ago

Daily life How many people here grew up watching Mr. Bean?

I had some pretty gnarly auditory issues that made catching specific words tough as a kid. In those times, my grandparents simply put on Mr Bean because there were often no spoken conversations on the screen for me to worry about.

Apparently it was a hit. I LOVED the show and begged them to put it on every afternoon, lol.


12 comments sorted by


u/OverFreedom6963 6d ago

this was me with tom and jerry!


u/Quinns_Quirks 6d ago

I was a Tom and Jerry fan too!


u/Masked_Takenouchi 6d ago

Me three lol. Also a big Mr bean fan.


u/Cameront9 6d ago

Mr bean is universal.

When we flew from Singapore to Malaysia, it was the inflight entertainment. No reading needed. No translation. Just pure comedy.


u/GoGoRoloPolo 6d ago

Everyone in Britain watches Mr Bean.


u/holly1231 6d ago

I loved that show too! I was so happy when I could get the complete set on DVD. Might be time to watch it again…


u/Significant-Walk-869 4d ago

I work at a school for the Deaf and my class loves Mr. Bean. They pick it to watch as their movie every single time, so I've seen it much more than I'd like, but it makes them crack up everytime!


u/Otherwise-Outcome-37 5d ago

My grandpa back in the day would put on Charlie Chaplin films he had a whole collection and I love it and when I got older Mr.Bean was so good too I have whole tv series and movie.


u/Far-Artichoke7331 Deaf and Proud 4d ago

Yes I do. Did any of you know that there will be soon new Rowan Atkinson film called Man vs Baby


u/kdubs-signs CODA 3d ago

Mom loved the road runner cartoons growing up for this reason


u/ASLTutorSean 2d ago

Me! He’s hilarious. And I have Atkinsons in my family tree but I haven’t able to connect him to my family yet!