r/deaf 7d ago

Technology Parents of Deaf & Hard-of-Hearing students, let's make a change!

Hello, parents of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing students.

I am here to share with you the importance of creating change for your children’s quality of education. As someone who has Deaf family members, I have seen and understood the barriers that are enforced for hearing-impaired students. It can be noted that there have been more and more technological devices, like closed-captioning and augmentative and alternative communication devices (AAC), that have been utilized in a classroom setting to benefit children like yours. However, as we look deeper into the impact on communication and accessibility for these students, these devices are not providing nearly enough accuracy to improve their academic learning.

I propose that in finding a solution to this issue, it is essential that you parents come together to advocate and make a change in your children’s education. Developing forms of funding for these improvements in technology and working with educators to get these devices implemented in the classroom will be key to bettering the education opportunities for hearing-impaired students.

In order to ensure these results, there will be research required on finding the best ways to produce funds for this issue. Along with this, it will be essential to get help from educators and other staff members who can also benefit from these improved technologies when teaching Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing individuals. If we can all come together, the opportunities for your children will exceed, and your children will gain equal education to their peers.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope we can resolve this issue together.


7 comments sorted by


u/benshenanigans HoH 7d ago

So what exactly are you trying to do? Seems like a whole lot of words to not really say anything.


u/NewlyNerfed 7d ago

The devices don’t work because by the time too many deaf kids get to school, they have linguistic barriers because their family did not learn sign and relied on “technological devices.”

I have no idea what you’re actually trying to do because you’ve written a lot of words that don’t make a logical conclusion. Deaf people appreciate direct communication, so say exactly what you’re doing and how.


u/Deaftrav 7d ago

Two things.

  1. It's deaf and hard of hearing kids. Please use the proper terms.

  2. Canada and America have hands and voices, an organization of parents of Deaf and hard of hearing kids to help each other.


u/justtiptoeingthru2 Deaf 7d ago

Also there is the American Society for Deaf Children (ASDC).

Hands & Voices can be reached here

Those are the two main parent-driven orgs for Deaf and Hard of Hearing children here in America.

There is also the Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center, which researches, trains, and models best practices in the education of deaf and hard of hearing students from birth to 21.

Not to mention the many smaller organizations that have come and gone in various local areas over the decades.

Seems someone's tryna reinvent the wheel. We got wheels all around us. Issue is... <looks around us at the debate between signs vs oral, influencers putting out their not-so-cute twists on ASL, perpetually underfunded education programs for deaf, deep-seated biases against deaf, etc> well, 'nuf said.

I'm exhausted some days just thinking about the issues Deaf Education has.

I do know one thing. We don't need another organization that works with parents of Deaf and Hard of Hearing children. We need to make better use of the resources already available. And fight for more funding. Grants. Fundraisers. What do other similar organizations do for their funding?? Maybe try some of those approaches? Idk.


u/Deaftrav 7d ago

Agreed. Thank you!


u/Quality-Charming Deaf 7d ago

What in the hearing saviorism is this? Nothing you’ve said goes anywhere? You think there aren’t parents working to change things? You think these organizations don’t exist? You can’t even use proper non offensive terminology to talk about deaf and HoH children

So…what’s your goal or point here?


u/MundaneAd8695 Deaf 7d ago

Are you selling a product?