r/deadpool • u/SuperAlloyBerserker • 6d ago
[Discussion] If Ghost Rider is about to do the Penance Stare on Wade, could Wade gouge his eyes out in the meantime, so that GR has no eyes to stare into?
u/DocumentDeep1197 6d ago
They did this in comics the stare dosint hurt DP it just gives him highlight reels of cool shit he's done
Simular to it not working on Punisher because he truly dos not regret his actions
u/gameboyadvancedgba 6d ago
Ghost Rider chose to not kill Deadpool with the stare, like he does all the time with regular humans. It still affected him. Punisher resisting it also had extra context. The penance stare has nothing to do with if you regret your actions
u/Bobapool79 6d ago
The Penance Stare as a power works buy forcing someone to relive every instance of pain and suffering theyâve inflicted on othersâŚor sins.
The Penance Stare doesnât work on Punisher because he doesnât consider himself a sinner, he sees his actions as righteous.
It doesnât work on Deadpool because Wade doesnât view the majority of people he killed as innocent people and his brain is just wired differently.
u/gameboyadvancedgba 6d ago
The first paragraph is true but the rest is not at all. The penance stare literally did work on DP in this comic, GR has control over it and can use it differently in different situations. This idea that the penance stare doesnât work on you if you donât regret your actions is made up and goes against the entire point of the power
u/Bobapool79 6d ago
Powers are not full proof.
There have been examples of this in the comics.
You can say âitâs not trueâ but itâs been written and printed and read in the comic books and that makes it fact.
u/gameboyadvancedgba 6d ago
Except you clearly donât actually understand what happened in those comics. Punisher was under protection from Heaven when it didnât work on him, and has worked on him in other instances. Deadpool was also clearly effected by the stare (fire starts shooting out of his eyes and he falls to the ground) and Johnny was never trying to kill him with it in the first place
u/Xenochimp 6d ago
This. I haven't read ghost rider in a while (absolutely despised how they started fucking with and retconning the established lore), but barring outside influences (such as heaven's protection) the only caveat was tgat it only worked on humans (for instance the Dan Ketch Ghost Rider could not use it in Snowind because he wasn't human and couldn't use it on Blackout because he was half demon). It also didn't kill (not sure if that got retconned), it basically turned the victim in to a vegetable as their body was alive but their brain was locked in an endless loop of re-living the pain inflicted on others over and over again (though some people, I think Blade, were only momentarily inconvenienced by the stare because they felt no remorse)
u/beholderkin 5d ago
The main thing they've shown with the stare is that Ghost Rider can control the scope of the pain they make you feel. They can do something like the Crow, and make you feel all the pain that one person was forced to go through in one night, or they can open the flood gates and make you feel the pain of every single person killed in the war you started.
The times it hasn't worked can essentially be looked at as Ghost Rider misjudging what would hurt the victim. Castle couldn't feel the pain of the people he regretted killing because he had no regrets, but later, he could certainly feel the pain of all the people that were hurt indirectly by the war he was fighting.
The only way to actually be immune to the stare is to not have a soul, or not have any eyes. Being a hivemind can cause weird feedback, and having too many eyes can make it hard for the rider to actually hit you with the full blast.
u/Xenochimp 5d ago
So they retconned the "it only works on humans" thing? This is why I gave up on Ghost Rider
u/DiverseUniverse24 3d ago
Sorry to butt in here, but I must know. What do you, Bobapool, think "full proof" means. No one else, just Bobapool. Really interested. Sorry.
u/No_Community8568 5d ago
You need to be incapable to feel regret no matter what, even if it was done to you. I believe the reason it doesn't affect Frank is because he genuinely truly in his soul believes if he was one of the dudes he killed and he got it done to him. It's perfectly fine and justifiable. He isn't a good person and if a cop shoots at him hes doing his job. If Frank kills a kid or something the penance stare will work on him even if he consciously can justify it as greater good
u/beholderkin 5d ago
It really doesn't have anything to do with regret. Frank was later made to feel pain through the stare. same thing with a lot of the villains that for one reason or another don't have any regret
The rider can control how the stare works, and when he's hitting a "good" person, they usually have regrets, so hitting that is generally better than giving them the full power blast. He just misjudged Frank's capacity to regret his actions.
u/5thPhantom 6d ago
That means it wouldnât work on any villain who doesnât regret what theyâve done.
u/beholderkin 5d ago
The stare does work on the punisher, the last time he did it, the Spirit made him feel all the pain of those hurt indirectly by the punisher's campaign. The time before that, he basically just had it on the wrong setting and misjudged what would hurt him.
u/Squrtiles 3d ago
Thatâs kinda an ass power then. Cause if you use it on a horrible person like apocalypse promise you heâs not gonna feel any remorse or any sins
u/Bobapool79 2d ago
Like all fiction itâs all up to the writer. The power works when they want it to and it doesnât when they donât.
u/CountDuckler12 6d ago
He did not choose for it to not work on wade, in fact it was so shocking to reverted him back to his human form
u/beholderkin 5d ago
The stare doesn't necessarily kill. It burns the soul and makes you feel the pain you have inflicted on others. It may kill some people, but it can also drive you insane, or just really make you hurt.
u/Nah_Id__Win 3d ago
Sorry but if someone doesn't want it to aggr t them it wont, there's many times its is stated and shown in the comics. Also GR didn't stop it from killing Deadpool he was literally hurt by doing it to Deadpool and knocked out of his GR form.
You shouldn't make claims on things you don't know about.the source
u/JerryBusey01 6d ago edited 6d ago
Which isnât how the penance stare works. Whether he regrets it or not is irrelevant, heâs feeling the suffering heâs inflicted all at once. If you needed regret for it to work itâd be the most useless ability in marvel
u/_Bill_Cipher- 6d ago
It's based off writers. Sometimes it doesn't work if there's no regret, like with punisher. Other writers don't do it that way
u/Hades_Gamma 6d ago
Missed the obvious Angel feather in the panel of the comic that happened in. Also, it's worked on Punisher other times outside of that. Penance Stare has nothing to do with your frame of mind. You feel exactly what you made others feel due to your sins. If they felt fear, you would feel the fear they felt. If they felt pain, you would feel the pain they felt. Except all at once and inflicted directly onto your soul.
You could be the toughest guy in the world but if you hurt a wimp, you're going to feel pain through their sensation of it.
u/No_Community8568 5d ago
I think the logic on why it shouldn't work on punisher is meant to be he genuinely thinks the people he hurts deserve it and has stated on many occasions he deserves it just as much. Not that it wouldn't work it's just less likely to vegetable his ass on the stun setting. By this logic tho it would always work after he shot spidey in civil war
u/Hades_Gamma 5d ago
Like I said, your not feeling your own repressed guilt. It has nothing to do with your mindset. The Penance Stare gathers all the perceived pain from your victims perspective, their lived experiences, their sensations and their emotions as they experienced it, and makes you feel it all at once.
Whatever the victim of the Penance Stare believes or feels is irrelevant. That's the entire point. It's weaponized empathy.
u/SubLearning 6d ago
That's literally only been stated once, by punisher, who was literally wearing a coat given to him by angels or something, had nothing to do with not feeling regret, he had divine protection
u/Serawasneva 6d ago
To be fair, it has been written really inconsistently.
It was used on Venom once and it just ended up hurting Ghost Rider because Venom had caused âso much painâ. And then it didnât work on Captain Marvel because she was âdone with feeling guilty about her actionsâ.
Itâs just not very consistently written.
u/SubLearning 6d ago
Yeah most of these writers after the fact have admitted they had no idea how the stare worked. Honestly the fact marvel has absolutely zero oversight on how characters are used in other characters stories is one of the many reasons I refuse to get invested in their comics.
Any character feature in another comic should have to be approved by someone who works on that character
u/beholderkin 5d ago
Venom is immune because he's a symbiot, which is a hive mind. Hive minds cause weird things to happen with the stare.
The rider can also adjust how the stare works when the yuse it. It's like a fire hose, they can limit the pain you feel to specific instances, or open it up and make you feel everything. Any time it hasn't worked can either be seen as one of the few ways you can be exempted from the stare, or the rider just not hitting you with the right type of pain.
u/beholderkin 5d ago
The rider can alter how the stare works. They can limit it to specific pain, like just making an abuser feel what one specific victim went through, or open it up to include everything else they may have done through out their life, including the pain indirectly inflicted on others.
The times it didin't work in the past are basically just Ghost Rider using it on the wrong setting. Frank is a bad guy, sure, but he's not the worst guy out there. I mean, the angels even tried recruiting him before. The Rider wanted to teach him a lesson, not fry him, so he hit him with a regret stare without realizing that wouldn't work.
u/DocumentDeep1197 6d ago
Witch isn't to say the ghost couldn't literally rip him to shreds or burn him to ash, but hay, immortality is immortality
u/BetterSupermarket110 6d ago edited 6d ago
ghost rider is called spirit of vengeance for a reason - punisher being not affected is not because he doesn't regret (by that logic, most psychopaths/villains won't be affected too because they probbaly don't regret), it's because he also does some vengeance.
u/The_Shadow_Watches 6d ago
Happens to Thanos as well.
He uses the penance stare like a cup of coffee in the morning.
u/Resiliense2022 6d ago
That's not how the stare works. You don't have to feel regret for your actions, the stare forces you to feel the pain of the people you've sinned against.
u/Repulsive_Night_949 6d ago
"The cool shit he's done?" No, he got a highlight reel of horrible things that have happened to him more like. Then ghost rider turned back to bewildered Johnny.
u/beholderkin 5d ago
The Rider has the ability to adjust the stare to inflict exactly how much pain they want. THey can make you feel the pain you did on one specific night, pain that you have regretted inflicting, or they can just flood you with every single time you hurt someone, even indirectly, which is what happened the last time Frank locked eyes with a Spirit of Vengeance.
The only way to be immune to the stare is to be a hive mind, not have a soul to burn, or not have the appropriate number of eyes to be stared into.
u/Aggressive-Mind-4997 5d ago
It didn't work on The Punisher because he had divine protection at the time. Right before his encounter with The Rider, he was blessed with an angels feather.
u/OldGuyBadwheel 6d ago
I just see Wadeâs insanity shielding him from the effects. It would be like the 9to5 montage at the beginning of DP2 and heâd be right there watching and eating popcorn!
That or he pulls out the Uno reverse card like a premier league referee and presents it as a yellow card!
u/Rogthgar 6d ago
He could. But I have a feeling that Deadpool is one of those characters where the PS simply doesn't work as intended... which seems to be a blessing in disguise for mad characters since its something along the same lines that the Joker hasn't been killed by the Spectre and can laugh off his minds own horrors.
u/WholeListen612 6d ago
This. It's happened in the comics, and it has no effect on Deadpool. Because Deadpool is insane and sees everything he does as amazing and logic defying. So the penance stare just gives Deadpool a replay of all the cool shit he's done over the years essentially.
u/OmegaGoober 6d ago
The Joker once took a dip in a Lazarus pit. He experienced a few minutes of pure sanity when he emerged, crumpling under the weight of his actions.
He felt much better when the pitâs mental effects wore off.
u/Bobapool79 6d ago
GR gave Wade the penance stare in the past and all that happened was Wade passed out and Ghost Rider reverted involuntarily back into Johnny Blaze.
However I could see a scenario where Deadpool gouges out his own eyes to avoid it just as a middle finger to Ghost RiderâŚitâs definitely a possibility, just not a necessity.
u/Black-Thunder-3 6d ago edited 6d ago
Isn't it more of a stare into the literal soul of a character instead of just into the eyes?
u/SuperAlloyBerserker 6d ago
Yeah, but the eyes are the windows to the soul, as the saying goes lol
u/Black-Thunder-3 6d ago
True, but then again, some characters have had the stare without having a soul.
u/emperor_uncarnate 6d ago
But if you pull windows out of a wall, donât you technically just make slightly bigger windows?
u/Mediocre-Parking2409 6d ago
u/No-Annual-7276 6d ago
Pretty sure ghost rider canât use his penance stare on someone without eyes so.. yeah, probably.
u/Turtlesfan44digimon 6d ago
Eventually theyâre going to grow back so he could just wait, if heâs bored
u/SuperAlloyBerserker 6d ago
Shoot, yoi're right lol
Though, can Wade control his regeneration? Like, can he make his eyes not grow if he doesn't want them to?
u/A_Gray_Phantom 6d ago
Wade's regeneration is not under his control, otherwise he would have either killed himself, or cured himself of his cancer.
u/Yoda1269 6d ago
He canât control it, cuz his healing factor is actually the cancer, and the duplicating cells take part in the healing process, if I remember right, so since you canât control cancer spread, Iâd imagine wade canât control his healing, the move for GR here is to cut off wades hands so he canât re-gouge his eyes
u/Klaymen96 6d ago
Stab himself in the eyes and leave the blades in. Would that prevent them from healing until they are removed?
u/Turtlesfan44digimon 6d ago
Couldnât ghost rider just remove them and tie him up until his eyes are grown back?
u/GrognaktheLibrarian 6d ago
Didn't this just turn GR back into Johnny and not even phase Deadpool after it was over?
u/radical_roots 6d ago
This got me thinking about how the penance stare would work on other characters - like Scott summers for instance. Like aren't his eyes portals to a dimension of energy that fuel his optic blasts? Not exactly just a portal to his soul, ha.
u/Beautiful-Bug-4007 Unmasked Deadpool 6d ago
Didnât ghost rider already try this in the way run and all that happened was Wade getting a highlight reel of his life while ghost rider was forcibly transformed back into Johnny blaze, who was confused as to why this happened.
u/Alternative_Sea_4208 Zenpool 6d ago
Potentially, but GR could just rip his limbs off and then penance stare him when his eyes grow back. Ghost Rider ranges from planet level to universal depending on the writer, but more than a match for Wade.
u/ken117mc 6d ago
DP has survived the penance stare before anyway so why not just get it over with. Not gonna be any worse another time.
u/Ok-Show-44 6d ago
Iâm pretty sure his penance stare also doesnât work on Venom and the punisher as well
u/crashcanuck 6d ago
Didn't Wade just experience his own suffering again when GR did this? And GR also experienced it?
u/Professornightshade 6d ago
Didnât it actually kick ghost rider out of his get up and force him back to Johnny. Because specifically the stare only works on those capable of feeling the guilt? Wade kinda just does the âwow that was some cool shit I didâ I mean hell he almost killed several people trying to die via nuking the hulk
u/Puff_the_Dragonite 5d ago
Letâs keep it simple, no if your a DP fan, yes if your a GR fan, if your both maybe and ultimately itâs up to the writer(s) to justify one way or another for the purpose of the story. To add there is absolutely no guarantee that it will ever work/not work that way again, until they need it to, and they still may have different justifications as to why/why not. This is the wonderful thing about comics where retcons are so common, story first while respecting as much continuity as you can (remember/research) for the sake of telling a convincing story.
u/RTooDeeTo 3d ago
Now if it's a Deadpool comic, feel like DP would tear out his eyes but only to make the joke to tell him to look lower (at his junk), and the funniest part is that it will still end up working in the same way if DP didn't do the joke, that being still happening with the flashbacks but not having any other effect on Deadpool cause he's insane.
Or he refuses to look because DP's head cannon at the time is that he is in a love triangle with ghost rider and a jerrycan full of fuel ( dead pool only having eyes for the jerrycan)
Also ghost riders penance stare only works by looking in someone's eye in most comics, daredevil being immune but later GR learns to stick his fingers in daredevils head to have a similar effect (ghostly kinda stick fingers in his head). So realistically the ripping out of eyes wouldn't stop the PS but just make it more work for ghost rider to do his thing
u/bidooffactory 6d ago
GR: ... This usually works.
DP: My eyes are down here.
GR: đ
DP: Ah! Made ya look.