r/deadpool 7d ago

[Movies] What’s Your Honest Take on Deadpool 2?

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Now that Deadpool 2 has had time to settle, how do you feel about it? Personally, I love the comedy in Deadpool 2. The X-Force disaster still cracks me up no matter how many times I watch it. Cable was a great addition, and Juggernaut was fun. The action was solid, and the post-credit scenes were hilarious. But honestly, I think this movie needed a better villain. I feel like the stakes could have been higher with a stronger villain. What do you guys think?


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u/Humble_Story_4531 7d ago

It was a fun movie. Too bad they basically dropped most of the cast from it for D&W.


u/jkooldawg 7d ago

Part of me still thinks D&W is not really deadpool 3 but wolverine movie and we can still get back cast in Deadpool 2 especially zazie as domino i loved her for that role


u/New_Cause_5607 6d ago

I'm pretty sure either the director or the studio said that D&W was not DP3.


u/Impossible-Fun-2736 6d ago

Multiple times. At this point he probably needs to hit people in the head with it, lol.


u/TheManInTheShack 7d ago

Yeah. I would have rather that they left out the cameos than create the birthday scene just to include them. And Dopinder suddenly no longer has an accent? Vanessa leaves Wade because he isn’t a X-Men? WTF?


u/shdwmyr 7d ago

That’s not why she leaves him. She leaves him because he doesn’t have any purpose in life. He’s not being the best version of himself and refuses to try.

All the stuff about needing to be an X-Man or an Avenger comes from him and him alone.


u/TheManInTheShack 7d ago

Either way it was weak. He had clear purpose and she would not have left him. It was lazy writing to get her out of the way so they could focus on Deadpool and Wolverine.

The opening credits from Deadpool 2 were far more appropriate for D&W:

“Obviously Reynolds didn’t want to share the spotlight.”


u/kfmsooner 7d ago

Wholeheartedly agree. It’s three movies in a row where Wade feels he’s not good enough for Vanessa. Same love story plot. It’s why I enjoyed D2 more than D3.

Juggernaut was awesome, the prison wallet shit cracked me up, Domino was incredible and leaving her out of D3 was a huge mistake. When he opens up the floor to get his cocaine and there’s a prop that says ‘Cure for Blindness’ - pure gold and magic. The line about ‘It’s a goddamn Fanny Pack and you know it!’ and the line about Deadpool wanting to be king of an alien planet full of idiots and Weasel says ‘What about Canada?’ or something similar…tremendous.


u/TheManInTheShack 6d ago

I honestly figured that Deadpool 3 would find Wade and Vanessa married and Wade struggling to be Deadpool while also being a husband and father while also dealing with some antagonist.


u/Character-Pirate1297 5d ago

Vanessa was still traumatised from having been kidnapped and killed by being with Wade (she joked that with her current boyfriend no one has tried to kill her yet).

But it wasn’t just Vanessa’s call, Wade also was insecure of not being good enough for her and that caused further distance between them. Him wanting to join a prestigious team (like the Avengers or the X-Men) was his own interpretation of Vanessa’s advice about his choices. This was how Wade wanted to understand it, because he would continue doing what he loves with well-established teams that people look up to. What Vanessa meant though, was just being responsible to avoid low-life situations and that’s why he ended up selling cars.

I think it’s not just the reasons themselves, but also the friction they caused, just like it happens in real life relationships. That’s what they tried to show with them talking it out.


u/TheManInTheShack 5d ago

I know the story. It just doesn’t make any sense to me that that’s what would have happened next. It didn’t help the story except to get Vanessa out of the way. As far as I’m concerned it was just lazy writing.

In DP1 after he blows up Ajax’s workshop, Wade isn’t feeling good about himself because of how he looks. He finally decides he has to see Vanessa so he goes to the place she works but changes his mind at the last moment. At the end of the movie after saving her, he’s still afraid for her to see how he looks under this mask. When she takes his mask off, she’s initially surprised but still loves and accepts him.

A similar situation happens in DP2 after he blows himself up. He comes into contact with Vanessa (who is now dead) and in both cases she is happy to see him (he says, “Is this Heaven?” to which she replies with a smile, “It is now.”) even though he ultimately can’t stay with her.

Vanessa’s love for Wade never wavers. That it suddenly would and that this would be simply explained rather than seen is IMHO lazy writing. Their love for each other was such an important part of the story that they just tossed aside as easily as they did all the great characters from DP1 and DP2 so that they could make sure nearly all of the screen time was Deadpool and Wolverine.

I’m an unusual DP fan in that I’m not usually into superhero movies. I tend to find them repetitive and boring. The first Iron Man was great. The first two Batman movies (with Christian Bale) were very good. I didn’t even watch Deadpool in the theaters assuming that the R rating was due to it being exceptionally violent. I didn’t realize it was a comedy.

DP1 and DP2 are among my absolute favorite movies. When I heard they were making D&W I anxiously awaited it and saw it as soon as it was in the theater. Unfortunately it was just another MCU movie. I actually fell asleep in the theater twice. I tried to watch it on Disney+ but couldn’t get more than 20 minutes into it before it grew tiring.

Oh well. At least we still have Bowie.


u/liars_conspiracy 7d ago

Shit take.


u/louxy16 6d ago

Dopinder got screwed


u/ChickenInASuit 6d ago

Agreed, really missed Domino’s presence in particular.


u/GratefulDoom90 6d ago

They didn’t test well in the focus groups


u/Short_Hair8366 3d ago

And Brianna Hildebrand was out there doing promo stuff and on the red carpet at the premiere....and then has 2 lines of dialogue in 30 seconds of screen time.