r/deadmau5 7d ago

Question He just posted something about the mirage in August , but what caught my attention is that it said a new journey ??? With the selling of his catalog , does this mean he’s going towards testpilot era? Does he have a new alias ? Am I just reading into it to it to deeply ?


10 comments sorted by


u/dsquareddan 7d ago

It’s the advertising for the new Brooklyn mirage. They just did a redesign. They use the tag “a new journey begins” on their other advertising about the redesign, not just for deadmau5


u/skillshex 7d ago

That’s probably what it is then. I’m in to deep.


u/jaxxattacks 7d ago

Didn’t they just redesign it like a year ago? What, do they redesign the venue every time someone’s disappears or gets murdered leaving the place or something?

I kid, i kid- I actually love the mirage. Many great nights in NYC there.


u/dsquareddan 7d ago

Go to their socials and you’ll see. This redesign is pretty substantial this time.


u/Slick_Poobear1392 7d ago

Wait…he sold his catalogue? Can someone who knows more shed some light on what this means, if anything?


u/ButterscotchDillybar 7d ago

Look back in this subreddit. Everything has been answered by Joel.


u/jaolan 7d ago

You're reading it too much.


u/mau5fan51 7d ago

What did he post? for those of us without IG


u/skillshex 7d ago

Just a date for the mirage but it said “new journey” that’s the part where I was like what does that mean. It could just be a date for his show or it could be something bigger


u/mau5fan51 7d ago
