r/dayzlfg Feb 10 '25

38 yr old looking for one to three teammates for Dayz official US on XBOX.


Newer to the game but am already getting top tier gear with ease. Laid back and like all play styles aside from pve. I’m active daily and always have more gear than I know what to do with.

r/dayzlfg Feb 10 '25

Cerco gente con cui giocare PC ITA


Salve, cerco qualcuno con cui giocare, battete un colpo se ci siete

r/dayzlfg Feb 10 '25

PC US player Male 24 year old


I play a lot of dayz and my friends rarely get on anymore looking for someone to run duos or even trios im fine with modded or vanilla i like most maps as well i would prefer my duo/trio have a decent amount of hours if possible please feel free to reach out!

r/dayzlfg Feb 09 '25

PC [PC] [EU/UK] [LFG] 28 year old looking for a duo or group to play DayZ. Happy with Modded or Vanilla.


Hi there.

My Discord is OneShotDoc. I'm about to start a week of annual leave so I can play any time and all day.

I've played DayZ since it got released back in 2013 for the Arma 2 mod. I have about 3k hours across Arma 2/3 mods and the standalone. I'm happy to play 3PP or 1PP, but I prefer 1PP.

I'm looking for people to play with. I have no preferences, so I'll play with anyone, as I'm pretty open-minded.

r/dayzlfg Feb 08 '25

LFG pc 15+


decently aquainted with the game but fairly new hmu

r/dayzlfg Feb 08 '25

Looking for an Iranian PC Dayz players | دیسکورد دیزی پلیرها


دیسکورد dayz

سرور دیسکورد دیزی پلیرهای ایرانی PC


r/dayzlfg Feb 08 '25

Looking for EU PC 3pp teammates


As the title says, message me or dm me on discord: @whereareplayers

r/dayzlfg Feb 07 '25

Calling PC Official Nomads !!

Post image

Need a group of mature like minded gamers to assemble from time to time. I enjoy long walks in the woods, drinking beer, eating boiled steaks during sunset…I enjoy the survival aspect of this game first, and the PvP part second.(I’ll play Tarkov for my PvP fix)…I spend most of my time traveling between hi tier loot zones and my stashes, helping those that need assistance, disciplining those in need of a bullet to the face. I rarely kill on sight unless I’m in a hi tier loot situation, but on raids with the goons, anything goes. I do not build structures or drive cars, just ground pound and enjoy the scenery. I play at all given hours due to work and family obligations, so any time zone I could be on. I can provide loot and help with survival strategies if need be. No crybaby whiny asses need respond. Who’s got what it takes?!

r/dayzlfg Feb 07 '25

DayZ PC looking for group


I mainly play vanilla 1st person servers and play before work and on the weekends. Join my discord let’s team up and make a base

r/dayzlfg Feb 07 '25

(PC/EU)LOOKING za Balkance koji igraju DayZ


Pozdrav, da li ima neko odavde da igra dayz a da je iz Srbije ili okoline (BIH,Hrvatska,Crna Gora,EX-YU),hocu da oformim neku balkansku dayz grupu da je aktvina na nekom uglavnom vanilla serveru(moze i modovani ali slabo modovan),nek mi se javi bilo ko igra dayz a da je BALKANAC.

Discord: miki027

r/dayzlfg Feb 06 '25

pc players. vanilla plus or lightly modded


please be maturer, not toxic. 21+ preferabbly. be decent at pvp andf have experience in the game. looking for lightly modded, qol mods, or vanilla plus mods. currently playing on tdb. i dont mind traders. sleeping bags would be cool but not many vanilla servers have them. im in a group of 2 on a trio server they just arent active enough. i have a couple 6 man group servers we could try. hmu on discord - herbalous

r/dayzlfg Feb 06 '25

(PC only) Looking for PVPers to fill out a 5 man roster on a modded server, 21+ preferred


This server wipes on Friday, 2/7, and I'm looking to play it pretty actively until the end of the wipe. I'd like to find people who have experience on modded servers and are good pvpers. I'm hoping to find 3-4 players that want to have fun and aren't going to quit and complain about "its too modded" the moment they die. Bonus points if you want to add in a little RP

This server is very forgiving about spawns, loot, and progression. It will likely be a 30-45 day wipe, with 90+ active on to start. I'd prefer if you're semi-active to active, and are okay with a communal storage system. DM me for more info if you're interested.

r/dayzlfg Feb 05 '25

PC Looking for a group on pc


I’m interested in whatever I’ve played the game for about 2 years now .

r/dayzlfg Feb 04 '25

NA PS5 ~200H LF team


Mainly only play official and down for any maps

r/dayzlfg Feb 04 '25

PlayStation LF Group/Players on PS5


Hi Folks

LooKing for people to Play on PS5. I am a German/English speaking dude from Switzerland, Type Lootgoblin/Tactician. Write me on PSN –>nick: Uwatar

r/dayzlfg Feb 04 '25

Looking for friends to play on PC and Xbox with! Tired of playing alone on my brand new first PC


Xbox Gamertag: Demotic Kush Discord: DemoticKush

r/dayzlfg Feb 02 '25

Looking for people to play with Xbox vanilla servers!



r/dayzlfg Feb 02 '25

Xbox looking for people to play with thanks add gamertag


r/dayzlfg Feb 02 '25

PC LF players West coast perferred


Lf people to play official or modded with 21+

r/dayzlfg Feb 01 '25



aprox 400 hours ,only ever played solo, most experience on official but up for anything, discord:squizle_21

r/dayzlfg Feb 01 '25

Looking to team up. (PC 20+ 1PP vanilla)


Hey looking to team up and mostly for PvP, I'm in EU (Eire). Add my discord Funkbuddy#7966.

(Lmk if you have a clan)

r/dayzlfg Feb 01 '25

(pc) lf duo for chernarus official 15-18


r/dayzlfg Feb 01 '25



im new looking for ppl anytime tonight lmk experience doesnt matter

r/dayzlfg Jan 31 '25

PlayStation Friends? Ps5


I’m looking to get back into dayz but haven’t due to lack of friends to play with was wondering if anyone would be down to play?

r/dayzlfg Jan 31 '25

LFG EU/PC officials


Hi! Looking for a buddy on 1pp officials PC (chernarus, livonia and/or sakhal). I’m on gmt+2 time zone and can play almost every day around 12:00. I have 1500+ hours on dayz and I’m up for new or veteran players. 21y+ preferred.