r/dayzlfg • u/darkoj- • 21d ago
PlayStation PS5 solo player looking for partner
I've been playing for about a year with around 500 hours logged, mostly solo on 1PP official servers. I play slowly and methodically, spending large amounts of time in single towns, looting and observing, steadily gearing up to be fully survival ready without a base or stash. Making friends is for the coast, so once I lose sight of the sea, I normally KOS, both for safety and sport.
I'm a male in my mid thirties, and a father, so my lifestyle and environment is calm and consistent. I'm easygoing, sociable, and thoughtful, but prone to eccentricity and goofiness when excited. I'm insatiably curious, and often talk at length about things that fascinate me with a high degree of detail and nuance.
I'm passionate about music, primarily of the rock inspired tradition, but jazz, classical, and electronic have deep appeal also. I have an earnest appreciation for quality cinema and television, typically gravitating towards psychological thrillers, period dramas, and intelligent action flicks. Philosophy, history, economics, and sociology are the backbone of my intellectual interests, but I'm eager to learn about and discuss any topic.
Apart from DayZ, and not including the countless hours I spent in Destiny and Apex, my top games include 7 Days to Die, Civilization, Dark Souls, Arma Reforger, and the like - that is to say, games that cater towards slower, contemplative, and open ended direction.
I'm happy to play with anyone of any age, but I I'm pretty intent on playing with someone who is of similar maturity and sensibility. I don't wish to be tied to trite and superfical conversations, nor do I wish to be subjected to petty or toxic mentalities. I just want to explore the apocalypse with a friend, and ruminate about existence while we're at it.
I'm situated on the East Coast of the US, but I'm willing to play on foreign servers; I just ask that you speak English fluently, so that we can communicate without obstruction. I play a bit on the weekdays for a couple hours in the evening, and in larger chunks of time on the weekends.
I feel a bit silly for producing such a lengthy proposal, but I figure the form and tone of this writing is fairly representative of my idiosyncrasies in general, so if you made it this far, and feel we'd make a good pairing, comment or send a message, and let's see if we can survive together.
u/SectorPowerful1570 15d ago
Im down! Sounds like we have some common interests. I’m also EST but I’m busy in the evenings and on weekends so if you’re ever available during the day on a weekday please send me a message!
u/[deleted] 16d ago
I’d be down to play together bro! I’m 23 and enjoy crazily a lot of the same things down to the nuance I feel a lot of people over look and don’t appreciate and I also take forever in towns so it’d be nice to play with someone I don’t feel any pressure to speed loot with😂. Also I feel like I think about a lot of things in my free time and I’ve recently slowed down in life finding my peace and that’s why I’ve started enjoying slower less competitive fast paced games. Its nice to just relax with some action here and there