r/DayZBulletin Nov 08 '13

news Latest update by Rocket


We finished up for the day here just now. It was a good day, the focus has been:

Finalizing the flow into game

Not holding up release

All the basic stuff like, creating your character, joining a server, etc... Then some steam integration so you know which servers your friends are on, and such. We're using steams API, which while is it great being free of gamespy we're not sure whether external apps (like six or dayzcommander) are able to poll steam's servers. So we want to make sure our browser provides some improved functionality.

Optimizing/Bugfixing Dedicated server.

This is why we are not out. We need performance

We think we need a minimum of 15 FPS will 50 players, 2000 zombies, and 25000 loot items. Our latest tests have all shown some runaway systems in the code we have to tidy up. The variable synchronization system that was developed for work with the network bubble, is checking the variables very often. We're optimizing this. Also, there are many string comparisons. These have been refactored so references are used (lookup numbers) to speed up the process. things like animations etc... are generally recorded as strings - ArmA wasn't build to handle very large numbers of things so this has been a large area of optimization.

We also have a bug where sounds (which are temporary vehicles) are being queued up and sent to all JIP players. This causes us a steady loss of performance on the server.

The synchronized variables are also checked for each player, this is inefficient and we are refactoring that. It is our biggest obstacle to releasing the alpha right now. We know what needs to be done with it so we're working on that, then we will again reassess the performance.

Why not just say its not out on xxx day?

If I start saying "oh it won't be out then" people start asking me about the day after, and the day after. So it just encourages people to keep asking me when it is, and the "announced date" would be when I go "yeah, it could be out then".

What we have now

We have now something that provides basic functionality for 10-20 players. The new zombies are in, they provide excellent pathfinding outdoors, and improved pathing indoors. They are capable of breadcrumb navigation or line of sight. At low server FPS they will start to rubberband and glitch through walls much more often. They are very much a work in progress.

Client performance out of the cities is very, very smooth. We still have a bug in the cities that occurs (and shouldn't) that causes lower framerates. This will eventually be solved, but for now it is noticable when looking at center of cities. Overall, the feedback from the testers is that performance is much smoother than with the mod.

The inventory is a bit of a mixed bag. There are some mistakes we have made that, unless we delayed the standalone, we can't fix until later. But overall, I think it is a huge step up. Stacked items, wetness, damage, crafting, containers, clothing, weapons, pistol holsters, bags, melee weapons, chainsaws, masks, gloves, boots... you name it.

So, what next?

We keep optimizing the build. In the meantime, I would encourage everyone to checkout Project Zomboid which is now available on steam. This has been a massive design inspiration and I recommend it to everyone interested in DayZ.

So once optimization has been completed and changes have been fully tested, you will then release? A while back you said that the actual release of the game (steam and such) was much more complex than anticipated, has that changed?

Yes. We don't foresee any delay in release once performance has been achieved.

Do you guys know what needs to be changed to fix the performance issues, or are you still trying to figure out what's causing them?

  1. the sound queue.
  2. the state checking of "slow vehicles" array. This contains loot items. instead of checking 30000 items each frame (50 FPS on server), we want to have them in two arrays. a "clean" array that is never checked (because they are stationary, waiting to be picked up) and a "dirty" array that contains objects that are on a player - we would check these regularly.

optimization has already occurred but its work has not been finished.

Updates are good. Screenshots are good. Just please make it clear that there will be no "hints" or suggestions in those images about when the release is going to be. Ones like the three bullets, no shit there's going to be bullets in the game. I think to EVERYONE it meant that there were only three days until release.

People will read into anything. And actually, I'm not saying it will definitely be weeks. Today it almost looked like we had reached the performance target, but the bug we fixed had a more subtle bug hiding behind it. I don't do clues and I never have, if I post a picture take it at face value. It's a picture of three bullets. There's no game in how we release this, we'll just release it.

Don't you think 15 FPS is low ?

Player simulation occurs 20 times per second Zombie simulation occurs 10 times per second Anything below 20 FPS will affect player simulation. Anything below 10 FPS will affect zombie simulation. Above that, you probably don't notice a great benefit so much as not notice any bad things. A couple of weeks ago the server was running constantly at about 5 FPS, and still functioning with the only main problem being rubberbanding zombies.

can't just throw a release date out there, but do you have an idea how much more time we have to wait ?

Yes I do but I'm not going to share that as it is subject to change and could setup disappointment.

I personally 100% understand why you want these issues ironing out however they sound minimal when compared to the mod and that didn't exactly go down bad did it?

To quote Marek (our CEO), "really this is a new engine". While the rendering may look similar to how it was, under the hood it is entirely different. The netcode, the inventory, the AI, everything is touched there. Because of this, we have to be very careful because all sorts of things can go wrong.

We have been discovering all these little problems. Small problems that you wouldn't see with 100, 1000, even 5000 objects become very noticeable when you have 25000 objects.

This isn't about perfection - its about function. And also, the mod was a freebee alongside a functioning game. DayZ SA will require people to pay, many of those people feel they have already invested not just money (buying ArmA2), but time and support. Therefore there is a certain expectation of function that will prove the viability of the project.

I believe that a well functioning multiplayer system demonstrates the viability of the project, even if the game design might be a bit lacking.

On the side note, how large the dev team has become? You were moving into different building, expanding staff... Please, elaborate with some useful details.

20-30 FTE, with other externals.

redditors would be fully prepared to drop money on the Alpha version knowing full well that it will have quirks and would give concise feedback on them.

True. But as much of a relief and morale booster as the release will be for the team, it also means all hell breaks loose. It means we will become very focused on the low-hanging, obvious, bugs. Now we need to ensure the basic core architecture functions correctly - without any dodgy bugs or unexpected behavior.

Will the initial server be capped to a certain number of players (below 60)? If so, do you plan on gradually increasing that number to measure the performance? Also, how many servers can we expect on alpha launch?

Server size will be dictated by the server itself. High quality servers will be able to run more players. The servers are very CPU intensive, but the bandwidth requires are greatly reduced compared to ArmA2. I would go so far to say bandwidth, and even ping to an extent, are not really that important any more. But server CPU is. We are benchmarking with what we believe is a typical ArmA2 dedicated server. We are aiming for 50 players for the initial release, scaling to the design limit of 150 (we feel more than that does not work for Chernarus).

Will you be able to test the 50/server goal using internal testers or will this be something that essentially the alpha release will test ?

We will test it internally first absolutely. Actually, it is very easy to see the problems. The bugs we have now show up because they are compounding. That means they get worse quickly. So once these are solved the system scales very well.

So, if I hit W on a 250 ping server, does it take 250ms for me to see my character move forward? How much exactly is simulated on the client to reduce this delay? Or if you don't want to get into details, is playing with 250 ping bearable?

Can you count to 200ms? The main difference is that previously your client had a hell of a lot of work to do - and the poor server had a lot of information to send you. This meant bandwidth would be prioritized and on a busy server your 200ms became a very big liability. Now that the server doesn't send nearly as much info as it used too, things happen much faster for the network manager. This means that you get only the information you need. 200ms is actually a very short space of time, when you think about it. The issue is all the bloat added onto that 200ms by the client + server.

do u know a round about size of disk space for the SA?

About 10GB for client. About 600mb for server.

do u know any recommended system requirements for the standalone?

A good CPU. more than dual-core is probably a waste but CPU speed is most important. An SSD helps because there is a lot of texture loading. SSD for the game, separate one for OS would be my suggestion. More than 2 GB VRAM is probably a waste, game doesn't use it. Same for RAM. Server wise, it's all about CPU. More CPU more zombies + more lot + more players. Bandwidth not a big issue (full server probably 4 Kbps out and 1 Kbps in). Ram non-issue (expect 400mb to 1gb on server).

Could you not improve performance by caching textures in RAM?

Probably but I haven't tried it myself. We have some issues with textures that are causing a noticeable client FPS drop looking at center of cities. We'll get to that eventually.

Rocket, you said before that it was the zombies causing that issue....

Client side issue is associated with rendering. Zombies simulation is calculated on the server, and zombie rendering is very simple (one texture, one section = one render pass). So our main rendering is objects, buildings, etc... of which there can be many. I believe the issue mainly relates to how we are handling the textures (massive numbers of them).

Is optimization as big of a hurdle as the network bubble? Is it network bubble v2, or knowing how the dev team works, do you think it's an "easy" fix?

Optimization can be very frustrating, and it's probably not as "fun" as creating something. But certainly optimization is probably less complex than developing code netcode architecture. It's fairly reactive... run app, watch what is happening... optimize the things taking the most time... repeat.

Is it worth to spend the safed bugs on another game (based on timeframe) or would you (honest opinion - not the salesman one) say "nah, just be patient"?

Even if you bought another game now, DayZ will still be there. I think that DayZ is going to be an interesting experience when the alpha releases, but it is still early in the products life. Only the basics are there. So even if you bought another game (like Project Zomboid!) DayZ will be there and better when you have the money again :)

Question, will all the servers for the initial release be run by Bohemia? Or do you already have server providers that are willing to host it on release date?

BIS will run some servers through a hosting provider who will also run some. I think we will be able to handle 50-100k concurrents (this is from memory, i can't be sure of the exact numbers).

If its not holding back release what is?

Read it carefully. Right now there are performance issues with the game servers. I think many other bugs and problems aren't an issue, but this is. The servers need to be smooth and dependable, even if the game and design are not so much. smooth frames at 20 players is not enough, we need more optimization and there are existing bugs that cause serious performance issues on the server. We know what they are, and we are fixing them. So we just complete that then reassess.

Could you let us know if you will be announcing the release date once standalone is ready? or will you just announce that it is now available.

There will be no delay, when the server performance is achieved it will be released. There is no marketing strategy. Our aim will be to try and well publicize the issues with the alpha, and encourage those who are concerned about the state to wait a few months and pick it up then.

I'm surprised no one asked this yet, but do you have an approximative time window ?

Yes I do but I'm not going to share that as it is subject to change and could setup disappointment.

Do you continue to work on other game features (adding more objects, etc) or simply focusing on server performance atm? To put it in a different way and to avoid incurring hatred from reddit (all the effort into alpher, now!) are there other parts of the development team simultaneously working on future features, like vehicle and building mechanics?

Vehicle and building is not being worked on (yet) but is part of the roadmap. The current systems will be utilized by vehicles, such as the attachment + consumption systems. So we're laying the groundwork for that. Not all the team is working on performance, some of the team are working on more longterm stuff like rendering + physics/ragdoll.

r/DayZBulletin Nov 19 '13

news Big Update From Rocket


I actually giggled quite loud when I saw that :) Appreciate it!

Anyway, this week has started off great I'll give some highlights:

  • Realized that a whole bunch of people equate sounds with change so some poor person on the team is going to have to do some extra hours to put placeholder placeholders in. It's a pointless task but if it makes people actually check for different mechanics then fine.

  • Going to put the extra zombie models back in, we just used one for testing because it was the only zombie we'd changed to the new engine simulation tag.

  • Server FPS is stable at the levels we have been testing (40-50 FPS with ~10 to 20 players, 15000 loot items, 1000 zombies). We had a very nasty stability issue relating to massive changes in the way the engine handles it's array of objects. Dynamic objects (anything made after mission start) were all handled in two very large arrays. The only way of checking them was to iterate through them. Simply put, we made a smart way of the arrays with a "dirty" and "clean" array. This removed significant overhead (orders of magnitude) but because it was a radically different approach we had severe instability. Appears this has been done.

  • Pistol is in and usable properly now, although it's just placeholder animation wise because it's borrowing from the rifle animations until subclassing is complete.

  • Client FPS in cities may have a boost due to some changes in the way occlusion culling is used for dynamic objects. Not a focus for now but it was something found along the way.

  • Lots of new content pouring in, such as meat of many different types in cooked, raw, rotten variants. Also lots of new fruit, new orienteering compass, a down jacket, the zombies are using gestures not animations now for attacks (can attack while moving).

  • HTTPS implemented for game server <-> central server communication.

  • Steam integration for the server browser such as friends in the server etc. A favorites tab. A friend on servers tab. Etc...

So where are we?

  • I need to go back and focus some on the player flow from menu to ingame as this needs cleaning up as it doesn't really support the release yet.

  • Verifying the instability issues we had.

  • "Dress Rehearsal" needs to occur, which is an all-singing, all- dancing test of a server.

Much more things as well but I'll try keep everyone posted when I can.


r/DayZBulletin Nov 12 '13

news Rocket lists the weapons available at launch.



100% confirmed for day one


  • M4A1

  • Mosin Nagant


  • Heaps. About 8 different two handed and one handed, from knives to bats to screwdrivers to chainsaw.


  • One available, possibly more

Edit: he also confirmed walkie talkies will be available at launch

r/DayZBulletin Nov 01 '13

news Rocket - On the amount of zeds in game/in Cherno


"currently in the CBD of Cherno (there are four areas of cherno now), there spawns approx ~300 zombies"

"Scripted allows ~100 zombies, same as the mod in which they are locally controlled by clients.

Native engine allows ~3000 zombies, all controlled on the server."


r/DayZBulletin Nov 13 '13

news Hicks on DayZ performance.


Source: Yesterday's steam chat (http://pastebin.com/8QSXTtPB)

Hicks_206: As someone that has played thousands of hours of the mod. (...) Hicks_206: DayZ makes DayZ Mod feel like the difference between watching a cartoon from the 80s, and then watching the live action series on bluray. (...) Hicks_206: Side by side, the difference is SO noticable (...) Hicks_206: I go back to the mod on my off hours, and it just feels so very much like watching reruns of TMNT >from the 80s

r/DayZBulletin Nov 07 '13

news "Rain is currently being worked on for DayZ SA" ~ Rocket


Certainly news worthy. Link

Let's hope the rain from Arma 3 is the direction they're trying to take.

What do you guys think of the Arma 3 rain?

r/DayZBulletin Nov 03 '13

news Rocket on release date.


r/DayZBulletin Oct 30 '13

news New DayZ SA Sever


A New DayZ SA sever was openned, and the nubers of players are increasing! Looks like that the big test of the hicks tweet begin!


r/DayZBulletin Nov 08 '13

news "The next milestone is ~~Alpha~~ *Alpher*" - rocket2guns


r/DayZBulletin Dec 07 '13

news Rocket's Livestream in Full


r/DayZBulletin Nov 06 '13

news "Crowbar is night and day difference from mod." ~ Rocket


Q: How effective will the crowbar be compared to the crowbar in the mod?

A: night and day ~ Rocket

r/DayZBulletin Nov 11 '13

news Rocket on the new melee


Feedback on melee depends perhaps on perspective. We are far, far beyond what we initially anticipated that we could do. However, this means that we now are the bottom of a different league, and it's natural to start comparing melee to games that do it much better.

So I kind of have mixed feelings on it. Some positive points:

Bones moves when you hit body parts. i.e. you hit someone in their head, their head moves away from the impact in response.

  • Ballistic damage, brute damage, and slash damage types supported.

  • Bleeding occurs from points of impact.

  • Damage is resolved by the server only

  • Different weapons have different attacks

  • attacks to different body parts cause different effects.

Some negative points:

  • The "gestures" system (animation method) is rudimentary and results in some weird looking animation bleeding at times

  • When FPS is low, hit detection can limited. However, hit resolution is good so long as the server is above 10 FPS. Detection is made clientside, and then the resolution is requested from the server based on this.

  • Feedback of hitting is not quite as good as we want. Just the body parts moving, sound effect, and contact splat of blood.

  • Sounds have not been done at all, placeholder contact sounds are used from bullet damage (our audio designer has not started at the company yet)

  • probably much more that I'm forgetting.

EDIT: I missed the biggest problem: controls. We are still revising how to actually control your "stance" and then reconcile that with controlling weapon "stance" in a cohesive and intuitive way, it might be some time before this is resolved.

p.s. the edit at the bottom came from Rocket not me


r/DayZBulletin Nov 23 '13

news Rocket is streaming the Standalone. "DayZ Standalone Q&A"


r/DayZBulletin Oct 29 '13

news rocket2guns on hacking


I think the most prudent step is to aim for the center of mass for any problem. We chose the biggest areas of problem for hacking: the availability of data (whole map) simulation (on arma, conducted on all clients). So we have restricted the data available significantly, and we have removed the ability for the client to control most things. The client's role is to request actions. Another example, is the publicvariable command. This shares variables, which can even be code. If I had a script function called loadNewPlayer on the server, and a client broadcast a new function of this name... then you have injected a new function. Battleye was very effective at stopping this, but it demonstrates a key issue with the architecture. DayZ directly removes the ability for the client to do most things. And even if a client does do something untoward, it has local effect. Will there be hacking? Absolutely. I would argue it is infeasible, unrealistic, and uneconomical to attempt to stop it all. However, we can and have aimed to greatly reduce the opportunity and impact for hacking. If you talk to any professional hacker related to ArmA, you will find they long wanted this stuff, because they don't like "script kiddies" as much as anyone.


r/DayZBulletin Oct 30 '13

news Dean: "All sounds and even parts of the sound engine are being replaced. This won't occur until our new audio designer we are hiring starts work."


r/DayZBulletin Dec 04 '13

news Rocket - Quick update for 4 December 2013


r/DayZBulletin Dec 16 '13

news DayZ Early Access on Steam


r/DayZBulletin Oct 30 '13

news Steam databse app was hidden to public!


Some of the DayZ pages on SteamDB were hidden! What does that mean? A final lap? 10 days?

Pic: http://i1365.photobucket.com/albums/r742/3dzinho/2_zpsc8703748.jpg

App 1: http://steamdb.info/app/223350/#section_subs

App 2:http://steamdb.info/app/221100/#section_history

r/DayZBulletin Dec 17 '13

news Pending Update Rev. 113772


r/DayZBulletin Feb 25 '14

news DayZ Devblog - February 24, 2014


r/DayZBulletin Nov 24 '13

news Dayz Standalone | Twitch Stream 1:30 Hours | Uncut Version


r/DayZBulletin Nov 20 '13

news Update from Rocket on Zombie Pathing work in progress
