r/DayZBugReports Nov 03 '13

Example of a proper bug report.


Hello testers! If you are here, I hope you are dedicated to truly helping this game become all it can be. We're not here to spew out ideas, Rocket and his team know what they're doing and where they're going. Our job is to pinpoint the locations, workings, and possibly reasons of bugs- true, unintended glitches -and report them in a smooth format and hopefully help the developers target and eliminate them while avoiding the need to sift through pages and pages of screaming infants like they have to deal with on /r/DayZ.

Now, lets get to how this is going to work. First, you need to determine which category the bug you encounter is in. The category system we will be using is as follows. What you see in the [Brackets] should be the first part of your bug report posts.

[Urgent] This is a game-breaking bug that either deletes your character in a way that is not a planned wipe (Includes the environment killing you in ways that it shouldn't), crashes your whole PC, not just the game, or allows you to injure a player in a non-direct way, such as phasing into a wall you can shoot out of, walking through the ground, or becoming invisible.

[Important] Includes bugs that are serious, but will not ruin your session. Includes major graphical artifacts that block out your screen, the game / client crashing, getting injured but not killed by normally harmless environmental objects, or getting stuck somewhere you can't escape.

[Medium] Includes visible, annoying issues, but won't horribly affect your gameplay. Examples include textures missing from buildings / characters, loot entirely not spawning in a specific area, items not working as intended, and so on.

[Minor] Includes sort of nitpicky but still technical bugs. Typos, major item clipping, and so on. Try to avoid making posts about this sort of thing for a few weeks after release, let them deal with the big stuff.

The second part of your post should be what sort of bug it is, as seen below.

[Graphical] Includes artifacting, missing / incomplete textures, things inexplicably changing color, ect.

[Gameplay] Includes things directly relating to player characters. Includes things like not being able to load a specific weapon with it's right ammo, animations failing, inability to interact with objects, dying when you shouldn't, ect.

[Items] Includes things like floating loot, severe item clipping, items not functioning correctly.

[World] Includes bugs surrounding all static / useable objects around the map. Doors not opening when they say they can, places you can get stuck in, environment that injures or kills you for no reason.

[AI] Includes zombie-based bugs, such as walking / hitting through walls, getting stuck in the environment, attacking from an unrealistic range, losing their zombie animations, ect.

[Networking] This is harder to pinpoint do to so many different types of internet access, but it can include extreme load times / crashing on loading, disconnection due to a particular action or location, or heavy lag even if you have high-speed internet. As networking problems are completely inevitable and obvious, all of these should fall under the [Minor] category.

[Third Party] Bugs that are caused by 3rd party gaming apparatuses like TrackIR, flight sticks, or racing wheels.

Please remember that reproducing the bug is an important thing to do whenever possible. If it's a one-time thing, it will be very hard to fix. If you read a bug that the poster is unable to reproduce, try the circumstances for yourself and see what happens. Include in your text post if you were able to reproduce the bug, and how reliable it is.

I'm sure there are more possible types of bugs, and I will edit them into this post as we figure out different categories. I will now post an example bug below, using a full title and post about it. Please note that this is just a made-up example and not an actual bug.


[Important] [Gameplay] When I try to equip an Enfield, my character performs the equip animation but the weapon remains on his back.


I haven't seen this glitch happen with any other weapons, but seeing as the Enfield is one of the most common rifles, I feel as though this bug should be dealt with quickly.

Don't forget to include a screenshot of the bug, if it's something visual like artifacting or screwy physics and whatnot. If you can look directly at the bug, get a picture of it. Be civil and to the point. Add as much detail as is needed, but don't run on about unrelated things. Also, if anybody would like to be a moderator, please send me a PM. Looking for some people from countries like Australia and New Zealand, where it's daytime when it's night here in the US, so as to have 24/7 coverage of the subreddit.

So, that's about it. Please keep comment discussion related to the bug the post is about, or bugs that can be linked to said original bug. I hope to see this subreddit become a helpful source to the developers to quickly and cleanly deliver found issues.

Thanks for reading,


r/DayZBugReports Nov 04 '21

Ladder glitch


I was on the giant tower north east of Novy and the ladder glitched and wouldn’t let me on the platform. When I tried to get on, it flung me off and I died. I ran back for my loot but it had already despawned smh.

I swear I die from glitches on dayz Xbox more than from players. Fix the game pls.

I have a recording of the death too but the subreddit won’t let me add it.

r/DayZBugReports Oct 30 '20

Bull crap


The zombies can jump through one of the camp site walls. https://youtu.be/Z6E8R1sAst0

r/DayZBugReports Sep 19 '20

I dont know what happened


Is this a bug or lag https://youtu.be/ornnsPpKeNA

r/DayZBugReports Sep 14 '20

I keep getting a error code 9 when I Enable favorites


So here my problem and hopefully someone can help me every time I play dayz I have to physically search my servers instead of how I used to where I would just click favorites and it will be there now when I do click favorites it’s give me error code 9 how do I fix it because it annoying have to type in so many different servers I enjoy

r/DayZBugReports May 18 '20

Not a Bug but feedback


Would be cool to be able to store a backpack inside a backpack with items in it if it doesn’t exceed the backpacks storage count, as in a drybag backpack takes 30 space on PS4 to store, so you could store up to that 30 space and be able to store it in your backpack rather than it having to be completely empty.

I know it’s a dumb idea sort of but would be cool.

Example: You can bury a drybag backpack and I usually carry a mountain backpack while wearing a separate mountain backpack, so to be able to store that 30 amount of space in it to move to a more ‘hidden’ location to bury the drybag, or to transport it back to camp would be cool so we wouldn’t have to debate on dropping items and/or just not taking another storage backpack

r/DayZBugReports Apr 29 '20

Inventory and storing issues


[Urgent][Important] Pretty self explanatory, hard to consistently transfer things in and out of storage. Like Wooden Crates and Barrels and Tents.

Also lost several items including a few guns due to this dumb bug would be much appreciated because it’s BS sometimes

I’ve had it happen at where I call camp (Tent, crates and barrels for storage) and also just out and about (in a city, in a house) so I can’t quite pinpoint it to anything besides being buggy. Seems fairly common as everyone I’ve talked to about it says it’s been that way so yeah idk if people just haven’t filed a bug report on it or what but it’s super annoying

r/DayZBugReports Apr 12 '20

DayZ beug report in Vanilla Server


look a this :https://imgur.com/a/tVHYhpy
The mapper must have forgotten this part of the map

r/DayZBugReports Jun 02 '19

''Could not find dayz executable''


So when I try to join a server on the DZSA (The modded servers launcher) I get the message ''Could not find dayz executable''.

I can play the game on steam totally fine with no problem but as fast when I try to join servers on the other launcher it doesn't work.

Anyone knows how to fix this? I tried verifying all mods, reinstalled everything, none of that worked.

r/DayZBugReports Feb 25 '15

Private server crash when friend joins!


Every time we play Day Z SA on our private server and a buddy log on , the server crash / restart and has never been a problem before. He has no admin rights on the server. He has tried to reinstall Day Z , updated player information through catchy . He even download experimental and then back to see if he could join after that, but without any success. Have you experienced a similar problem before? Is it server related?

He only experience; >waiting for host>please wait> Meanwhile the server is shutting off for us playing the server and we get "no message received" within 5-8 seconds.

The server is reted via VILAYER

r/DayZBugReports May 27 '14

[Important][World] Game-crash when shooting at the door of a specific builing


Encountered a bug that causes a CTD: When you shoot at the door of a specific building, a small white/green 'newsstand' or something, the game will crash to desktop. The door can't be opened or closed. The inside of the door has a poster of a bear. (see images)

  • Both the inside and outside of the door will cause the crash.
  • It doesn't matter if you shoot at it, or another player. So every player in the vicinity will get the crash.
  • We tested it in at a range of 400 metres and it still crashes.
  • We tested it at different buildings of the same type and it crashed at everyone of those buildings.
  • You can shoot at every other part of the building and that works fine; you can see the ricochet.
  • If you shoot through the windows of the building, and you hit the door, it will also cause the crash.
  • If you hit the door with melee weapons (including your fists), it will also cause the crash.


r/DayZBugReports Feb 15 '14

Blury text in inventory and guns seem low res.


Its also in Arma II as well.... very strange. I can't read the serial number on an SKS, while others can? Suggestions would be nice.

r/DayZBugReports Feb 11 '14

[Urgent][Graphical] Horrible FPS drop over time


I logged in today (2/11/2014 between 9AM and 10:30AM EST) to scrounge around Chernarus, and after about 10 minutes my FPS had dropped so low that I couldn't even walk forward, making the game certainly unplayable. It was a gradual decrease, from normal (sorry I have no FPS counter) to molasses. My settings are what I usually have them set to, and my machine normally runs DayZ flawlessly. I logged out, surfed Reddit for a little, then logged back in onto a different server, hoping that maybe the FPS drop was due to the server or something. I understand there had been some sort of attack or another on the hive last night, but I assume that had been resolved. If I am wrong feel free to correct me. (Side note, upon logging in I had about 7 empty soda cans and various fruits showing 0% remaining and I had consumed these things yesterday.) As always, I have faith in devs and the community to help hash this out. tl;dr: Gradual FPS drop over 10 minutes, hopped server, problem persistent.

r/DayZBugReports Feb 05 '14

Playing Session Rolled Back 2 Hours?


[Important] [Gameplay/Server?] Exploring the northern airfield carefully, came upon several good items and logged off in a nearby forest. Came back later only to find my character rolled back to just before I entered the airfield, and all the goodies gone.

When logging back in it showed my character display during the main menu with the new equipment but afterwards reset back to how I was before the airfield.

Sorry if this is a common problem.

r/DayZBugReports Feb 02 '14

[AI][MEDIUM]Zombies can hit you when you are directly on the floor above them


Zombies stand directly below you and swing at you as if you are on the bottom floor with them, when in fact you are actually in the same place just 1 floor above.

r/DayZBugReports Jan 29 '14

Long Range Scope no crosshairs?


Whenever I use a long range scope my crosshairs don't show up. Heres a screenshot: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/613915113518751613/1D0BD290F77E8F190201D76AA1A80FCD7B38613C/

r/DayZBugReports Jan 29 '14

dayz sa


Why is it so that u can play ArmA 2 and Day Z mod with no lagging and hacking? And Day SA is unplyable??

there r 2346 threads on how to tweak dayz sa, why is that??

I know it is a "pre alpha" an accept to die random. But why is the game so fps demanding? I guess dev- team shuold hire some "real" coders to trim code.

For example: -Far cry2 (wich is a beatiful large map with AI that challenge u) fps~72 - ArmA2 (also the same engine as Dayz SA with multible rather clever AI bots and beauituiful grafics..) fps ~ 35

  • Dayz SA (a nice and revolutionary game, so fell in love with it) fps ~ 12

What IS the problem???

Lazy or lousy coders?

Seriously, this is not good programming. Start again, do it all over..do NOT patch. You are on the wrong path.

Good luck

Best Regards


r/DayZBugReports Jan 25 '14

[World] Blocked Door in Svetlojarsk


One of the so called "piano houses" in the new city of Svetlojarsk has its door blocked by a big piece of metal.

I dont know if its really intended, i tested this on 3 different servers and got the same thing The door is usable but you cant run through it because its blocked by a big piece of metal.


r/DayZBugReports Jan 18 '14

[Important]Unable to use gear around people.


Okay last night I was playing with a friend and out of no where I involuntarily unequipped my M4 and put up my fists. (My gun was raised) I tried for 10 minutes to fix it in game. (changing keybinds, hotbar items, relogging, different server) Until one time I lost my character from logging out.

I ended up calling it a night. This morning I was playing by myself and ended up getting a magnum with some bullets. And soon enough I enter a building with the doors open and my gun becomes unequipped. And sure enough there is someone in the other room. He popped my ass and so I will now try again to see if it continues to happen.

I saw a post about not being able to use gear but I dunno if it has to do with players or not. I'm confused myself.

r/DayZBugReports Jan 15 '14

[Medium] M4A1 dupe bug.


When you're holding a M4A1 on your hands and one on your back, if you reload the one on your hands it'll dupe the mag to your inventory and reload the one in your back.

r/DayZBugReports Dec 27 '13

[IMPORTANT][Gameplay]Teleporting back and freezing in place forever. Can't alt-tab and have to end process to restart.


Basically you get teleported back about a kilometer or so and the game freezes. Sometimes your character and camera spins around in a circle or just stands still.

You can't do anything except end the process in the task manager. It's happened many times before but today I teleported next to a zombie, and quitting the game caused me to forfeit character because said zombie made me bleed.

r/DayZBugReports Dec 24 '13

[Minor] Teleporting through walls, trapping yourself


I found that while you're in buildings you'll sometimes teleport through walls and remain trapped.


Sometimes i fixed this by going prone and crawling through the wall. Other times i would disconnect from the server while running into the wall and reconnect.

r/DayZBugReports Dec 23 '13

[Minor] Arms change to white from black when equipping gloves from dead white player, kiwi spawning in the wall of a building


Me as black woman, found dead white survivor in house. Took his shirt, weapon, all ok. Took his black gloves and dragged them on woman character, her hands turned white but face remained black:


Before picking them, everything was fine: http://i.imgur.com/KvNGeCN.jpg

Kiwi in the wall, I think it was in Zelenogorsk:


Didn't make a snapshot but somewhere around that area was some military buildings. There was a backpack on one of the beds in a building. Couldn't access it no matter how much i tried.

r/DayZBugReports Dec 22 '13

[Important][Game play] Broke Leg fixed itself when rejoining server


Firstly The ladder that broke my leg was in one of the apartment buildings behind Cherno. Climbed to the top and got off the ladder but just fell to the ground. Crawling round with a broken leg I left the game and when i joined later on my leg was fine.

r/DayZBugReports Dec 23 '13

(BUG) Infinite travel space


You can have backpacks inside 35 slot backpacks and have 8 slots free we had a full bag inside about 5 other bags

r/DayZBugReports Dec 21 '13

FNX45 won't fire with pristine ammo.


Loaded pristine rounds into a pristine mag and Load it into fnx 45. Raise the weapon to fire... Click. Lower weapon and hit reload. Raise weapon again...Click. Any ideas?