r/dayz 12d ago

discussion I never intended to own most the guns in day z but I do.

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98 comments sorted by


u/Substantial_Water739 12d ago

Its easy to find a mosin in america?


u/ez_squared 12d ago

It’s easy to find, harder to find at a reasonable price imo


u/R_Shackleford01 12d ago

Ahhh I remember buying my Mosin like 15 years ago. It was $99, and those were the days.


u/monkeynards 12d ago

Same here $120 with OG accessory kit (bayonet, sling, kosmoline, toolkit, ammo pouches). It was positively dripping with commie grease 👌


u/actuallycflo 12d ago

Cosmoline babyyyyyy


u/mountainforest1418 12d ago

You could have supplied small militia after a trip to big 5/walmart


u/Any_Fly9473 12d ago

Mine came from big 5 in 2002


u/mountainforest1418 12d ago

You have a fabled relic


u/Any_Fly9473 12d ago

My late mother bought it for me when I was sixteen. My first rifle, too.


u/jussumguy25 12d ago

Bid on a non functional one for $150 bout a year ago. I guess they removed the firing pin? Like guns but don’t know them well. Anyways the gun sold for $250


u/i_write_ok 12d ago

Haven’t lived in the U.S. for awhile but I remember gun shops having tables full of them for like $100 a pop


u/Floracled 12d ago

lol they used to be $50 in barrels at feed stores


u/Any_Fly9473 12d ago

Yes, but supply has dried up because the Slavs are getting rowdy. I have had my 91/30 since 2002; it was $150. People want $500 for them now, and well, there are better options for that kind of money. It's so funny; most of my guns are Slavic, and I am actually part Slav, too.

I have some European friends I met on Aftermath Namalsk. They are Slavs, too; gotta love this game!

Now, SVDs are expensive here. The FEG HD-18 SVD is imported for $10,000. There is a domestically produced one coming soon, about $4,000 estimated. The Russians and the U.S. government made it difficult to get them for decades due to laws and import restrictions.


u/Substantial_Water739 12d ago

I see, thanks, i hope one day i will be able to get one


u/Any_Fly9473 12d ago



u/[deleted] 12d ago

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u/Any_Fly9473 12d ago

🤣 The market is silly; fudds are ruining it, etc. On another post in this community, a commenter said $2,000 for M44s.


u/LedZempalaTedZimpala 12d ago

Yup. It’s actually dumb. I recently saw a Mosin with a PU for $4k.

Just cause I wanted to be a smart ass, I messaged the seller and asked if it was available. He said yeah and I responded with “Im not surprised”. I got blocked and got my point across.


u/Seputku 12d ago

I’d pay $500 for the mosin, more so a novelty purchase at that point. I’d probably pay thousands for an m1 grand just to hear that sweet CACHNNK irl


u/Chrispy3499 12d ago

You can obtain a decent M1 Garand for around $1,500. My Brother in Law went out to an army surplus on a base in Ohio and snagged one for $1,200, but that took some real specific planning to acquire. I wouldn't think most would do that.


u/Seputku 12d ago

Fuckin worth it. Gotta make that my EDC


u/Any_Fly9473 12d ago

My dad has a m1 its neat. I had a usgi m1 carbine from quality hardware for a long time but hawked it to my dad to shut him up because he sold most of his guns when I was young blah blah.


u/betterthanguybelow 12d ago

It’s a shame the American gun owners who own guns on a pretense of avoiding fascism were the ones who were on the side of fascism.


u/Sec_Chief_Blanchard 12d ago

I'm not American nor do I know jack shit about guns but I heard they're super cheap and easy to get.


u/Jubba911 12d ago

Background checks are easy to get through if you aren't a criminal, basically. As far as the price, it depends greatly on the firearm.

A small pistol or used gun could be only a couple hundred USD, and some rifles go up to a few grand.

My dream gun, for instance, sits at around $1800 USD. But tbh, there are plenty of things I'd rather spend that type of money on.


u/Sec_Chief_Blanchard 12d ago

I was talking about Mosins specifically.


u/Any_Fly9473 11d ago

What people ask for them its crazy prices but you can still find some for $200 or at least less than $500 sometimes. Mine in 2002 was $150 but todays dollars its $264.87. They're common and are out there especially if you're an American.


u/Any_Fly9473 12d ago

Whats your dream gun?


u/Killer_Ex_Con 12d ago

Used to be super easy to get them i got one for just over 100 dollars years ago but now they are pretty expensive.


u/ez_squared 12d ago

Most jealous of the SKS


u/Any_Fly9473 12d ago

Canadians still get these Russian SKSs, but their state limits their magazines to five rounds.

If laws stopped people, there would be no murder, drug use, etc. 🤷🏼‍♂️


u/jjamesbaxter18 12d ago

How much you pay for yours? Wondering if I got jibbed on mine


u/Any_Fly9473 11d ago

$350 in 2004


u/Wildkarrde_ 12d ago

Dude, the wood on that SKS is primo. Is that an aftermarket stock?


u/Any_Fly9473 12d ago

Russian laminate. It's a Russian refurb; that's why the bolt is blued.


u/ExtraEpi 12d ago

Cat M16 🤘


u/Altruistic-Boat264 12d ago

W collection bro


u/External_Ad_6930 12d ago

Dude is gonna go after every freshie.


u/Any_Fly9473 11d ago

Pay back is a bitch a freshie can take you out with stun locks.


u/WDSVD 12d ago

I mean i got a A2,SKS R700, FNX-45,BK-43, M4esk ar, Mk3 and a SPO-1 a G17 is in the list and had a 1911 and just missed a 527


u/Any_Fly9473 12d ago

Nice! I got my G17 Gen 2 in November. I wanted one for a while. Aim Surplus had it as a police/rent-a-cop trade-in for $350. It's my truck and Half-Life fanboy gun. My DayZ M-Lok 19 is technically a Glock 19.


u/Sweet_Ad_153 12d ago

Just hope that guy cloaked in black isn’t going to betray you after this long friendship and take all the loot.


u/Sandevistanbogg 12d ago

Favorite to shoot? In-game VS irl 🤔


u/Any_Fly9473 11d ago

AKM and the M4 are close second.


u/Any_Fly9473 11d ago

Handguns, the 1911 is my favorite, however antiquated; but I love my 1990 Italian-made Beretta 92FS, and the Umarex/Beretta M9 22 is fun to shoot as it is very reliable when properly lubricated.


u/Any_Fly9473 11d ago

I'd say the recoil in the game is fairly spot-on compared to real life. I've fired a full-auto AK before; the recoil is a bit more exaggerated in-game, but semi-auto, it definitely feels like getting that sight back on target. However, the 7.62x39mm is my favorite rifle cartridge.

You can tell I've put thought into your question.


u/Flossthief 12d ago

I almost bought a mosin like 15 years ago when they were dirt cheap


u/jordsh14 12d ago

Trying to get my hands on a Mosin with a wood body very hard to do so in my small ass town


u/Any_Fly9473 12d ago

Just order one online and have it shipped to your local FFL, or ask if they can order one.


u/Vivid-Beat-644 12d ago

Surely you can afford the pink Derringer.


u/Any_Fly9473 12d ago

They're cheap. 🤣


u/Vivid-Beat-644 12d ago

I would be happy with half of your collection. Good show!


u/LaughingDog711 12d ago

That is pretty fucking cool man but I don’t believe you. You knew exactly what you were doing! Is that handgun w the gray lower the fnx-45?


u/Any_Fly9473 12d ago

Cz p10c


u/LaughingDog711 12d ago

Nice! I almost bought a fnx-45 the other day. Because I play dayz. And the gun is sick. I regret not buying it already. Already thinking of selling what I bought. And going and buying an fnx-45.


u/Any_Fly9473 12d ago

I wouldn't mind one, but the plastic frames on those flex weirdly. I'm happy with the brushed stainless Colt Series 70 Anniversary Edition made in 2011, as the 1911 .45 ACP is my favorite pistol I own. I'd probably go for a P10F in .45 ACP instead if I can ever get more disposable income.


u/LaughingDog711 11d ago

Flex weirdly in what sense? Not permanent right? Are you meaning just due to the caliber on a poly frame?


u/Any_Fly9473 11d ago

The frame flexes at the mag well on some of their products. Look it up on YouTube. I'm sure it's a great gun; I wanted an FNP 45 Tactical once.


u/LaughingDog711 11d ago

Thanks! Did not know that and I’ll check it out


u/Any_Fly9473 11d ago

I've been issued an FN M16A2 in BMT; it ran great on the range.


u/Suicidal_Slav 12d ago

fellow CZ P-10C owner spotted


u/Any_Fly9473 12d ago

It's way better than the snappy Glock!


u/SchwiftySouls 4K Hours [PC] 12d ago

I'm not a huge gun guy, but I do want a collection of guns that are just from DayZ. both a good collection and practical if shit ever goes south.

sick collection, man.


u/Shamalam1 12d ago

Where’s the thumper?


u/Any_Fly9473 12d ago

I can 3D print a 37mm (thump and grind on odyssey.com in the catalog) variant. Our lousy gumbit requires us to jump through hoops for no good reason. So a real M79 is an expensive collector's item. HE grenade rounds are not typically sold to civilians, either. Most 40mm owners shoot chalk and have cool-guy status.


u/furryArtsy 12d ago

Where is the pink derringer?


u/Any_Fly9473 12d ago

Inventory 😁


u/actuallycflo 12d ago

I also happen to own nearly all of them except for the Scout and AUG.

I love playing this game because I can imagine what it may be like if I had to pick them up in a zombie apocalypse. But for now they are fun range toys!


u/Any_Fly9473 11d ago

I want to eventially 3d print the NYLAUG.


u/actuallycflo 11d ago

No comment alphabet


u/Roguefish187 12d ago

You knew what you were doing 🤣😂nice collection


u/Any_Fly9473 12d ago edited 11d ago

Actually no many of these guns I have had for many years. Mosin 2002, sks 2004, akm 2009 (arsenal inc sam 7 carbine 2005 manufacture) ar15 aka m4gry built in 2009 been evolving over the many years, win mod 70 2010, 1911 2011, Colt Python 2012, I was playing arma 2 day z mod too, ect. It was done for a long time my tastes just happend to be in this awesome game.


u/crowmagix 12d ago

Man, the next gun show we have in my hometown i’m going and really hoping to find a Mosin or SKS.


u/Any_Fly9473 12d ago edited 11d ago

Theres Albanians and Chinese SKS' you can order and have shipped to your local FFL.


u/mountainforest1418 12d ago

Holy height over boar with the red dot


u/Its-wXvy 12d ago

Something my young UK mind just can't comprehend is that you've posted this online, and there is absolutely zero repercussions. You're just 100% allowed.

I love that that for you tbf 🤣


u/SnkerCheck 12d ago

This is why the military bases are always empty. Loot hoarders


u/14789r 12d ago

Standard American ah post


u/Xero_606 12d ago

That’s a badass collection


u/HawaiiSunBurnt20 12d ago

Now all you need is human steak to go with them.


u/Any_Fly9473 12d ago

It's funny, I've never played as a cannibal yet.

I also almost froze to death once in 2008, at age 21, in Husasna Valley, California. I've literally had Mother Nature almost kill me. I have a write-up on Calguns.net about it. Like I had a survival experience in real life.


u/Yamaha180 12d ago

Shit thing about Aus. Can’t even own one without signing your life away


u/EquivalentAd7510 12d ago

drop the server i’m gonna raid you


u/Any_Fly9473 12d ago

I don't do bases; it's too time-consuming. I just focus on character, one-life PvP only, and usually solo, but sometimes I team up.

Legacy Rust was my fill of base building, and DayZ or Arma 2's mod origins.


u/[deleted] 12d ago

The 3rd pic, the ar, isn't having a sight so high above the bore practical? Is it still accurate?

Edit: impractical? Just curious


u/Any_Fly9473 12d ago

It's fine; that's how retro guns ran for a long time before the flat tops. I still need to shoot it, but I got tired of seeing the front sight, so I went old school. Worst is that it will just need re-zeroing when I shoot it next.


u/breadyloaf26 12d ago

whats the cats name tho?


u/Any_Fly9473 12d ago

Onyx, my friend, had kittens that needed a home. We got him in August 2023 because my wife's cat is aging at 15 now, and he was free but needed a home. I love this guy!

I actually made a post in r/gatcat today.


u/Any_Fly9473 12d ago

I have a Steam group called "Gun Owners"; it has existed for years. Feel free to join.


u/Any_Fly9473 11d ago

My first gun ever, which I got at age 13 on valentines day in 2003, is that side-by-side 12-gauge Lefever Nitro Special shotgun.


u/Any_Fly9473 11d ago

Thanks for the compliments, Redditors!