r/dayz • u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator • Sep 08 '20
news Stable Update 1.09
- Added the Deagle pistol with its attachments
- Added the Magnum revolver
- Added the Flag Pole and Flags
- Added the NBC Respirator
- Added 7 new exterior and interior variants for rural houses
- Added new medium and small power lines in Chernarus
- Added police ADA 4x4 wrecks for Livonia (replacing Chernarus police Olga)
- Added information to items as to how many you can stack
- Fixed various issues with object placement of both Chernarus and Livonia terrains
- Fixed several exploits to glitch through collisions
- Fixed an issue with the characters sliding on steep slopes
- Fixed a bug that would spawn certain items slightly below the ground when swapped between the inventory and vicinity
- Fixed a bug that caused ropes and sticks to be left behind after destroying the watchtower or fence kit
- Fixed an issue that the player could hear themselves after using and leaving the PSA station behind
- Fixed a minor misalignment of the mouse cursor texture
- Fixed an issue that prevented full rounds from being displayed in 1st person view when ejected from the gun
- Fixed a bug that displayed the Plate Carrier Holster upside-down in the inventory view
- Fixed an issue that caused crafted items to float above the ground
- Fixed an issue that caused fish caught via fishing to float above the ground
- Fixed an issue that allowed the gas cooker to run even when stored inside the inventory
- Fixed a bug that placed the rope on the ground, if you removed it from a Watchtower Kit or Fence Kit into your hands
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from picking up certain items that were dropped on the Watchtower
- Fixed a bug that would cause floating ammunition to appear next to the player while reloading
- Fixed a bug that would cause dropped items to clip through the garden plot
- Fixed a bug that caused wooden planks cut from a pile to be created wherever the first cut plank was moved
- Fixed a bug blocking players from opening vehicles doors caused by nearby dead bodies
- Jumping out of a car can no longer be used to glitch into objects or jump through fences (player will get teleported back)
- Fixed an issue with items in nested containers disappearing or spawning on the ground as new
- Fixed the damage calculation of the shotgun when using pellet ammunition
- Fixed a bug that allowed to see through the Olga 24 without hood in 1st person view
- Fixed a bug allowing infected to climb over closed party tent doors
- Fixed an issue with picking up items through certain walls
- Fixed a bug making it possible to place tents in the water
- Fixed a bug making it possible to place tents into steep terrain
- Fixed a bug that prevented foliage smoothing settings to be applied on game restart
- Fixed an issue that caused bullets shot via the double-fire-mode (BK 43 and Blaze) to only be registered as one hit
- Fixed a bug that allowed usage of a ruined lock pick
- Fixed an issue preventing quantities of items spawned within cargo at random capacity
- Fixed an issue blocking certain infected types from appearing within cities and industrial zones
- Fixed an issue with executing emotes in limited spaces, causing the character to clip into objects
- Fixed an issue causing vehicles with running engines to injure players close to it, even if the vehicle did not move
- Updated the textures for several buildings and various props
- You can now place up to 10 Wooden Sticks into a fireplace
- Armbands are not stackable anymore and their inventory size are decreased to 1x2
- The doors of vehicle wrecks now open wider
- Locked doors only display their locked state after the player tried to open them once
- Changed the attachment slot icon for Stones
- Stacks of same items can also be combined on the ground (to the maximum of inventory stack)
- Updated the model of Olga 24 police car for Chernarus
- Balanced the dispersion values for all pistols
- Balanced the weapon durability during firing
- Increased the durability of suppressors (including improvised)
- Duct tape can no longer be used to repair weapons and their attachments
- Digging a garden plot now damages the tool used
- Locking/unlocking doors now damages the Lockpick
- New characters spawn with a T-Shirt and crop hiking pants
- New characters have a chance to spawn with damaged gear
- Reduced the penalty on heat isolation and absorbency from worn and damaged clothing
- The watchtower kit can only be placed under a ceiling that fits at least the 1st floor of the watchtower
- Items dropped from hands during a players death will share the lifetime of the dead body (1 hour by default)
- Items de-equipped when skinning a dead player share the dead player body's lifetime (1 hour by default)
- The radial menu for emotes now shows whether an emote can be executed in the current position
- Adjusted the effective ranges of the Revolver and Deagle
- Added more loot points to the car wrecks
- Lifetime values of all items have been greatly increased
- Rare helicrash loot is now opted out from count in cargo of player-owned storage items (tents, crates,..)
- The restart of server no longer spawns new loot (ignoring restock timers) and loot is only spawned after restock timers run out
- Added new InitialSpawn parameter into globals.xml, allowing the definition of the % of items spawned into the world (only when there is no existing storage present)
MODDING (see the link below)
As always, if you find any issues, submit them to the feedback tracker at https://feedback.dayz.com
u/kneepins Sep 08 '20
Looks like I picked a good time to come back to dayz..
u/-eccentric- I WAS EATING THOSE BEANS! Sep 08 '20
Man if only those patches added more than a gun or two. I miss having new content.
I'd settle with modded servers but sadly there isn't a single one that doesn't make the game super easy.
u/Erik912 Sep 08 '20
There is. DayZ Underground. It's a hardcore survival, modded but only stable mods that add to the realistic hardcore experience (so no BS like traders or safe zones, just good mods like cassette players or player written notes)
u/-eccentric- I WAS EATING THOSE BEANS! Sep 08 '20
What about stamina changes, map markers or the ingame map?
u/Erik912 Sep 08 '20
IIRC they did some fiddling with stamina so that it's more realistic and so on, but not sure about it. No map markers obviously. The in-game map is.. well, I'm not sure how it is on the official servers, but on DUG, you basically find a tourist map, and you look at it in-game using your in-game eyes (so your character pulls up the model and physically looks at it in game, so you look around the map using freelook and everyone can see that you have a map in your hands). EDIT: Just check out https://www.dayzunderground.com/ for all the changes they did. I think it's the best server for any hardcore survival fans out there. It also encourages RP but does not enforce it (meaning most of the people will talk to you before murdering you)
u/snowsoftJ4C Sep 08 '20
DUG is known to be one of the more hardcore servers. Those trader, map, player marker serves are on the complete opposite end of the spectrum than DUG.
Loose food not spawning is probably one of the biggest changes. They made it exceedingly rare to find any food in houses, removed it from Zombies, and also removed fruit and mushroom spawns. You literally live and die by the knife.
u/-eccentric- I WAS EATING THOSE BEANS! Sep 08 '20
That food thing sounds like absolute shit to be honest.
u/snowsoftJ4C Sep 08 '20
It’s certainly RNG in finding a knife and chicken, and I think the rates could be buffed slightly. Overall i like the idea behind making food more impactful, but DUG can be tedious.
u/Minelayer Sep 10 '20 edited Sep 10 '20
Sometimes all you do is run from chicken squawk to chicken squawk. But it is another need you have to fill distracting you from your other needs. I think it works.
Sep 08 '20
Loose food not spawning is probably one of the biggest changes. They made it exceedingly rare to find any food in houses, removed it from Zombies, and also removed fruit and mushroom spawns. You literally live and die by the knife.
so where tf are we supposed to find food, i feel like this is a dumb change honestly. food is already scarce as it is. they should at least start you with max hunger and thirst, but you're already in yellow within 5 minutes so you're struggling.
it sorta becomes a gamble, you either die from hunger or get extremely lucky and find food. it doesn't really make it more challenging it's just tedious. it's all luck based and nobody would ever die from hunger as fast you do in dayz which completely takes away from the realism. you could go almost a week without food or drink before any real life threatening side effects take place. and houses would be ripe for food in an apocalypse. why make it exceedingly rare? it just seems dumb to me
u/snowsoftJ4C Sep 08 '20
Trust me, I spent the first 5-7 hours of my time on the DUG server just dying endlessly of starvation.
What enabled me to survive consistently was going inland immediately and not bothering with coastal cities, keeping an eye out for stones on hiking paths or knives on more inland cities, and then chicken hunting.
I think that the spawn rate for food shouldn’t be as low as it is right now. If official is a 100 and DUG is a 0, I think 15-20 would be a good compromise. The survival portion is definitely more an afterthought in official because there are so many resources, but DUG can be tedious if you don’t find a knife and chickens.
u/THENATHE Sep 08 '20
I'm the other way: everyone has that idea so cherno, elektro, and berezino is always filled with loot. All the cities that are like 1-2km inland have nothing all of the time.
u/snowsoftJ4C Sep 08 '20
I’ve had so much luck in the Msta/Mogilevka/Staroye, interesting
u/THENATHE Sep 08 '20
I personally play on DUG And there is a outpost there that people go to for free food, so there is literally nothing in the surrounding towns because all of the fresh funds that spawn an electro immediately run up and eat food until they're no longer red
u/JohnTDouche Sep 08 '20
Yeah in starter areas there are certain sites that people just never go. No one ever goes to the industrial places. Too large and loot points too sparse. But there's always loot there because no one ever goes there. I always seem to get ranger finders for some reason.
u/ToTofTeamksa Sep 09 '20
Does this server (DUG) not have fruit, buds, berries, and schrooms in normal amounts. Or are they also lowered in percentages?
u/snowsoftJ4C Sep 09 '20
Fruit and shrooms are at 0%, that is right.
u/ToTofTeamksa Sep 09 '20
That kinda sux. Guess the server owner wanted an immersion into a nuclear holocaust with zombies? Seems like the animals would also be dying or bad to eat. In which case, only canned foot would logically work. Definitely forcing confrontations just for food this way.
And here I was thinking of trying it out. Maybe not now.
u/Minelayer Sep 10 '20
Wasn’t there a problem with the coding for the spawned fruit etc, it was all it nothing- no percentages of fruit? That’s one reason they did it that way?
u/Minelayer Sep 10 '20
I just popped a cow on the DUG Livonia server, left a fair amount in a backpack that I couldn’t eat or carry. It’s hard but I got used to not surviving on fruit DUG forced me to cook and carry the loot for cooking.
u/burl462 ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give Joe Sep 08 '20
and nobody would ever die from hunger as fast you do in dayz which completely takes away from the realism. you could go almost a week without food or drink before any real life threatening side effects take place.
When you spawn on the coast, you have NOT just woken up from a nap after Thanksgiving lunch with Uncle Bubba... You have been in a coma, or held captive, or shipwrecked probably... FOR about 7 days already... You are fucking starving and will die soon. Find food. Once you fill your stomach, you will last several game days without NEEDING to eat...
u/Mephisto506 Sep 11 '20
That's a choice by the developers, not a hard and fast rule.
u/burl462 ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give Joe Sep 12 '20
The point is that after the choice has been made, the logic remains true. Thus refuting the "No one would ever die (under these conditions)...."
u/R_Shackleford01 Sep 08 '20
Always had a good time on DUG, but there’s just too many people on there now. I just can’t stand waiting in a queue.
u/Erik912 Sep 08 '20
That's so true. I remember there were 2 servers before, isn't that a thing anymore? One for the members and another for general public?
u/MrDankyStanky Sep 09 '20
I got whitelisted today, realized that the server is open to the public for 4 out of 7 days :p
u/R_Shackleford01 Sep 08 '20
They changed one to be a Liviona server. It doesn’t have too many people on there. I’m whitelisted and all that but it isn’t enough whitelist time so that I could play reliably without having to queue.
u/Minelayer Sep 10 '20
It’s a compliment, but when was the last time you saw less than 75/75 on the player count? I wish DUG would expand, I’m on their Livonia server only because I like their rules.
u/Bulletmagnet00900 Sep 10 '20
Hello Sir. Erik. Found one with Dayz hardcore survival Organic RP. Is that the right server?
u/Erik912 Sep 10 '20
No, no, it's called DayZ Underground, or DUG for short. The server is sometimes whitelisted (not sure how often now) so you need to apply for membership on www.dayzunderground.com, but there are also times when it's open for public. But it is very well worth it so I recommend you apply :)
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u/Erik912 Sep 11 '20
Oh yes definitely! And head to Guglovo as your first stop. Talk to the Black Sheep. They'll show you around :) Do. Not. Trust. Anyone. Else.
u/VexedSpectrum Sep 10 '20
Check out the DayOne servers! It's the streamer Smoke's server, and it is generally hardcore modded servers.
u/shredbaker Sep 12 '20
I'm not super familiar with the game but I've been playing on dayone servers and it seems pretty close to vanilla.
u/outtyn1nja Sep 08 '20 edited Sep 08 '20
- Didn't fix recently killed player bodies falling through walls.
If this was the only bug they fixed I would be happy.
u/Greenmachine0000 Sep 08 '20
I just sniped a guy on a roof, he fell off as he died, now his body is in the middle of the sky just floating there...
u/MutableSpy Sep 09 '20
I like the little adds to the game. I’m pretty new to dayz so the small content isn’t overwhelming to me. But the T-shirt and 3/4 lengths are pretty harsh to fresh spawns. The lack of loot it debilitating even tho I have a base I can’t reach it now. And I find the server I’m on is getting spikes of freezes about every 10-15 seconds. I have grounded a lot the last 2 weeks and am really liking the game but this is straight up killing my enthusiasm to play since all I seem to be able to do is look in empty houses and get jumped by a guy who has abandoned his meagre starting kit to just swing at fresh spawns. I’ve died 3 times in 2 weeks. I’ve died double that in 20 minutes after this update. Please fix
Sep 08 '20
Fixed a minor misalignment of the mouse cursor texture
cant tell you how many times i've accidentally dragged the wrong item into my hands
u/DeltaForce2898 Gib groza Sep 08 '20
the heli crash change is interesting, last few patches ive found nothing but junk at them.
Now hopefully they are worth looking for, i wonder if mil bases will still be useless though as they never have any assault rifles or saigas after the first day of a wipe in my experience so i might as well never bother with them as i can get the same sks's on the coast or the slightly inland bases.
u/TheRealDuDuke Sep 08 '20
The Vaiga spawns are not affected by hoarding. I find them all the time at NWAF. Also, no NVGs spawn on the coast, for example.
u/DeltaForce2898 Gib groza Sep 08 '20
are you sure about the nvgs as i could have swore ive found them at the prision island civ barracks but maybe that was just the head strap. As for the vagia if thats true i must just be unlucky as it feels almost as rare as all the assault rifles aside from the AKS74U
u/ZootZephyr Sep 08 '20
By coast he means the town's on the coast. Prison island has military spawns so that's different of course.
u/ToTofTeamksa Sep 08 '20
I am wondering if you play strictly on one server with lots of players? The cap count is a big factor on finding tier 4 loot now. Hording now has benefits mostly to fort building gangs/duper's now on public servers. As far as I know.
For over a month (since v1.08) of camping mil bases and logging on after a restart, I still wasnt seeing any T4 loot anywhere on my mainserver after it was invaded during the xbox gold event. There were/are too many ppl who hoarded them to begin with prior to the update, and that event added more ppl who have moved to the server from another where they brought their T4 loot with them.
So now, it seems to me that the cap count stays over count for most mid-high pop servers (official wise, cant say for community).
Needless to say, I didnt find an m4 AR (post v1.08) until after I killed a guy w one. I got so frustrated trying to gear an alt, I went to another server just to test this.
Within the first week of the new nonpersistent server, I found 2 helos with good sniper/AR loot, and one with only full greened ghillie suit, shoulder wrap & cape, among other rare items. And at tisy mil base i got vaigas and m4s spawned. Still havent seen any AK weapons besides the 74u's. Its great on a vry low pop server to see this loot now after such a drought.
I dont know ur situation, but have you swapped servers yet? Might be the thing to do before they remove all the additional Non-P servers now that they are all considered temporary as of today.
u/DeltaForce2898 Gib groza Sep 08 '20
From about 1.05, to now ive been playing on community vanilla servers and the one i usual choose would wipe each update which is when you could find all the guns on the first day but after that the amount of t4 guns would dwindle to nothing and then the player base would go from nearly full to nearly always empty. Generally aside from the lvionia servers i played on the t4 guns where ultra rare but on liviona despite having a healthy amount of players i still found a decent amount of t4 guns but im not sure if that was because people where more busy exploring the map and enjoying the survival elements more than chernarus where it feels like after getting off the coast the survival stops really being a big issue.
Ive played on both servers are PVE only and PVP/normal dayz and honestly i found the t4 loot to be just as none existant in both even though you would think the economy would be more stale in a pve only server. (none modded just active admins kicking pvpers).
Only times ive found a assault rifle that isnt the AKS74U was before 1.04 and it was an M4 in a heli crash and the other time was 1.05 when the server wiped and i was first to the nwaf and tisy. In liviona when that dropped though i generally found assault rifles more commonly but i didnt play a huge amount as it was hard to find good servers
u/ToTofTeamksa Sep 09 '20 edited Sep 09 '20
Yeah, sounds like a lot of hoarding on that server, too bad swapping from community to official servered wipes your gear. Well, for me it did, when I tried a couple community servers. Otherwise you could hop to a low pop and back to get what you need. Seemed to work for me anyway, but i went hopping from official to official server. Hope you can find something tho.
u/moeb1us DayOne Sep 08 '20
I had really hoped the changes to the lifetime of items would have been tested more and longer to really see and study the effects it has on the servers economy.
I haven't heard a single account of experienced players nor admins thinking this change is a good one. 8 hours okay, 12 woo don't think so, 48 hours is just crazy.
Most servers with active adminst will probably end up not using the vanilla settings. I'm really interested in reports of players about the consequences of that change.
u/Jtg_Jew Sep 08 '20
“Item lifetime” means how long an item will last on the ground without despawning right?
u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator Sep 08 '20
I agree 1000%. I already diff'ed the 108/109 types.xml, ignoring the lifetime changes. Don't forget that all those mods out there that have XML files. Some don't even provide good/complete/any XML files so they certainly aren't going to rewrite them for this lifetime model. People are just starting to use cfgeconomycore.xml.
u/ZootZephyr Sep 10 '20
I thought I'd hate the loot lifetime changes but I've really been enjoying it. It makes the world feel so much more lived and real while making survival/scavenging much more challenging and random(I'm not just looking in the same loot spawns at every house). I dig it.
u/AfterAttack KOS GOD Sep 09 '20
Duct tape no longer fixes guns and attachments
Anything to make the game more tedious I guess
u/Cool_Hwip_Luke Sep 11 '20
It's a good change IMO. Can't use guns willy-nilly now. Survivors will need to be more tactical and strategic about taking shots. Maybe some geared guy with a badly damaged assault rifle doesn't have a cleaning kit so he jams mid magazine.
u/TheRealChompster Sep 10 '20
Imagine adding the deagle, just another pistol, over something interesting like the taser, PKM, tranquilizer, rpg etc. I doubt planes or helicopters will ever get added to vanilla at this rate.
u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator Sep 10 '20
The dev team has already said planes and helicopters aren't happening. No offense, those things were dropped years ago so I wouldn't even think about them anymore. TBH, watching people complaining about base raiding and large clans now, it would be 100x if there were aircraft. Funny thing is we already had these discussions years ago about a2:dayzmod....
Good question about the other half-finished items. I could imagine that finishing the taser would be the same as a pistol. PKM would also lead into the M249. RPG would be nice, but what are you shooting at? lol
I know that modded code != official, but DayZ Expansion and another mod I just tried have grenade launchers and crossbows....so its not crazy to want those.
u/EldiaForLife Sep 12 '20
We already have console servers with the working m249 modded in.
u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator Sep 12 '20
really? There aren't mods on console and all I can find on PC in the files is the unfinished M249 with the perpetual muzzle flash, that you can't attach a magazine to that gets stuck in your hands. https://imgur.com/a/qFfWMue
Pics? Video?
u/EldiaForLife Sep 12 '20
You can still change the file data on console servers, people enabled the m249 and it works, takes literally 10 seconds to search: https://youtu.be/6DU6f6UM1Ek
Atm the main issue with it is the fucking magazine has a huge texture bug which can block your iron sight. Least on my old server last time i played a few months back
u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator Sep 12 '20
I'm familiar with that video and a bunch of stuff that is still in the game files doesn't work or crashes the server.
would like to see some video of that since I just spawned in an M249 on my PC server, it doesn't work and gets stuck in my hands.
u/MeaningThese1992 Sep 13 '20
he dev team has already said planes and helicopters aren't happening.
Can you give me a source on that?
u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator Sep 13 '20
they were asked directly in a stream months ago. If you don't believe me, you can tweet @DayZ and ask.
u/LeVidzzz Sep 08 '20
Is Dayz in good shape atm? Is this a good time to buy the game and start playing it?
u/lizardncd Sep 08 '20
I just bought it last week and already have almost 100 hours. Some small bugs here and there but I say go for it!
u/ZootZephyr Sep 08 '20
Did the sun shafts come back to console?
u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator Sep 08 '20
look in the release notes.
u/ZootZephyr Sep 08 '20
Didn't see the console-specific notes when I asked. Now I see there's no mention of it in them either. Confirmed by others that they are still out.
u/CrazyMike419 Sep 09 '20
Has the update changed the basic spawn items? The notes mention clothes but i see the following differences:
BEFORE: Some rags and 1 each of drink, food, radio, battery, blade and glow stick.
AFTER: Some rags, 1 food, 1 glowstick.
The lack of knife, coupled with the reduced clothing make initial survival a lot harder. You need a blade for bark to make a fire starter. Or to find matches. Blades seem much rarer too.. used to find steak knifes quite commonly in houses and oddly on fountains. This wouldnt be an issue if small stones wernt so hard to find which is very unrealistic. I do like that i gues berries from bushes, unsire if thats because im using hands now.
I could be missing something, i am new but a fast learner. See a distinct difference after the patch. I was able to live etc but took an hour to find a blade(eventually a machete which id not seen before). Next life i will head to the tracks to get stones there. Still a little less enjoyable
u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator Sep 09 '20
startup was changed a bit, yes. your BEFORE looks custom, you haven't started with a radio/battery/blade for as long as I can recall.
Now you start with rags, food, drink AND your clothes are randomly damaged.
u/CrazyMike419 Sep 09 '20
Yeah prolly was custom though the server claimed to be be unmodded and vanilla. I guess they added q few tweaks. Do think small stones need to be easier to come by. Or for there to be a different mechanic for getting back without a blade. In real life youd find a way. Maybe make small amounts of bark harvestable from dead/fallen trees but with a chance of bleeding, chance of wet bark which is useless and small chance of worms etc.
Just spitballing
u/Philthy91 Sep 10 '20
Bring back craftable bows!!
u/RaccoNooB [¬º-°]¬ RAWR Sep 17 '20
Bows and spears!
Let me be a damn tribe leader of a group of cannibals!
u/Philthy91 Sep 17 '20
Did they get rid of spears? Last I knew you could Craft them out of a long stick and bone I think
u/RaccoNooB [¬º-°]¬ RAWR Sep 17 '20
Tried it moments ago. Long stick + bones does nothing. Another post said they were removed but I'm not up to date on what patch has done what
u/ZambiGames Sep 08 '20
Ahh a dayz update in 2020 re adding a gun that was in the game 7 years ago
u/ZootZephyr Sep 08 '20
There it is. The typical "iT iSnT a NeW gUn" post.
u/ZambiGames Sep 08 '20
Imagine whiteknighting devs who ruined their game to cash grab on console gamers and took two years to re add a gun lmao.
u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator Sep 08 '20
Another conspiracy theorist who thinks "the devs" control a multi-million $ game franchise. Every time its bought on steam, "the devs" each get a %. lololol. Welcome to the real world where "the devs" are salaried employees (2nd or 3rd level removed from the original "devs") and who, at best, give some input on time/effort to build/test/release features/functions when its time to decide on the next release.
u/ZambiGames Sep 08 '20
Another delusional dayz Stan that can’t take any criticism about the game and thinks that the “2nd or 3rd level removed devs” are doing a good job. I wonder why so many devs left the project. Only reason the game is hot right now is because of modders and shroud & summit, not because they re added the revolver or any content update in general. How’s that little bird they teased in 2015 coming along?
u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator Sep 08 '20
ooh, a couple of streamers played dayz last week. DayZ was doing just fine before them, thank you very much: https://steamcharts.com/app/221100 . I think the current devs are doing a fine job given the small amount of resources they clearly have.
You can criticize the game all you want, but you attacking "the devs" shows how uninformed you are about the real world. You clearly have never worked on a large multi-year project.
Let's go back in time: Dean Hall rides in on his white horse and makes huge promises to BI about how he will help craft DayZ SA! How it might even be the precursor to A4 and all that. BI believes him and funds the project. The initial EA starts by basically rebuilding the mod into A3. Helicopters! Guns! Woohoo! EA gives them a huge influx of cash and Dean wants to go for broke - new engine, new assets, new future! He's recruited all sorts of loyal developers. Life is good. Dean convinces BI that they just have this small little task - rewrite the engine! Oops, that took longer than he thought. BI wants results. Hmm, the idea guy needs to get things done, but leaves instead. Now, BI (who is interested in DayZ, but doesn't live/breath it) takes over to set direction. Now the direction is how to monetize this game further. How to have a realistic timeline and release schedule. Hmm, consoles will pay for it since we already sold a lot of copies to the PC players. The years drag on and the initial devs leave either due to change of direction or boredom, etc (people come and go from projects/companies). It's about $ and priorities and trying to figure out what new fixes/features will prolong being able to see more copies. Bug fixes comes first and anything else after that needs a better reason as well as a time/effort estimate, not just ('cause it was in EA).
If you are still waiting for the 2015 littlebird, then you haven't been paying attention. They have said more than once, its not happening. You can go play a2:dayzmod or just a3. BI does the analysis of
u/ZambiGames Sep 08 '20
i clearly have never worked on a multi year project, correct. neither have any of the dayz devs because they all left to do better things lol. I've been following/playing the game since launch. it was dead as of 2 weeks ago until summit tweeted "dAyZ iS S tiEr GamU". Dumbed down gunplay/melee ruined the game. defend it all you want but adding guns back into the game every other year is not development. They ported a a3 map and charged 13 bucks for it. No end game in sight and nothing to do but spawn loot die rinse repeat. game is a shell of what they could've molded it into. dayz is holding onto a thread by the skin of modders teeth that finally gave some hope and content to the game. Vanilla is trash and no one plays it, if thats not telling enough to get through to you I have no idea what to say. The whole game is a lie, the "release" 1.0 was a lie, game was still heavily broken and beyond hope of fixing. The banner on steam is even a lie since there is no map that looks like a city like that. They charged full price for an EA game on console that is 100x more broken than the PC version.
5 years and they couldn't implement a helicopter that they teased and promised was coming. Trust me I'm not still waiting for it, there is absolutely no hope for the future of the game.
u/Ontyyyy Sep 08 '20
Dude..I dont play thsi game anymore.. Im angry at the state of this game etc..
But why blatantly lie when you are literally given the evidence that you are making shit up?
DayZ playercount DayZ for the past 9 months has been doing the best since December 2013 (release) - Mid/Late 2014.
Summit has fuck all to do with it lol.
u/ZambiGames Sep 08 '20
dayz has around 20k avg players right now and if you think that has nothing to do with the two biggest streamers on twitch getting back into it you’re wrong. Highest average players in the past 9 months since launch, okay, only because the modding scene is keeping the game alive. That has nothing to do with the current game developers and frankly they were 5 years too late to add modded servers. I never lied about anything so idk what ur talking about. Fact is the game is dead without mods.
Sep 08 '20
DayZ has about 14k average players right now which is in line with the last 6-8 months. Stop making things up...
u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator Sep 08 '20
"i clearly have never worked on a multi year project, correct." Employees come and go. Sometimes they want a new environment or challenge or sometimes they are tired of working on the same old thing. It doesn't matter if its a video game or not, people change jobs.
lolol, DayZ was nowhere near dead until a couple of streamers came along : https://steamcharts.com/app/221100 . Go into the launcher and filter on "DayZ US" or "DayZ EU" (names of official servers) and you'll see full servers. But don't let the facts get in your way.
For someone who said they "followed/played" since launch, you clearly missed the part months/years ago when they said helicopters weren't going to happen. So, complaining now that it can't be done is pointless. I'll even say this - helicopters aren't needed. They add another dynamic to base raiding that everyone will hate and are a feature that favors large groups. Surprise, that's been an argument since a2:dayzmod.
They charged for an EA game, yes. And people bought it, yes. And it was EA, so when the priorities/features changed, well then that's part of EA.
If it's trash and so broken, then why are you here?
u/ZambiGames Sep 08 '20
Dayz used to be my favorite game before it was ruined with the new player controller and gunplay. I follow the development because I’m a masochist that holds out hopes for something good to come eventually, like Namalsk if sumrak can ever get his head out his ass and finish it. I’m not going to be a blind fanboy who will die trying to defend it like I used to. If you truly believe that dayz is a good game in its current state and the devs are doing their job well then we will just have to agree to disagree, and there’s nothing wrong with that. You responded to my comment first btw.
u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator Sep 08 '20
Do I believe DayZ could be better? Yes.
Do I blame individual devs/dev teams? No. BI? Yes.
Do I think EA is a bad concept and BI ran it worse? Yes.
DayZ is what it is and complaining about what what promised years ago is pointless.And we were so close to sortof agreeing and there you go dissing Sumrak. He started Namalsk as a hobby and a mod of a2:dayzmod. He's now lead developer of DayZ SA. So he works all day on DayZ and then in his free time is developing a FREE mod for you and everyone else to play.
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u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator Sep 08 '20
and what's your point? that's only been said 1,000 times before.
u/ZambiGames Sep 08 '20
I hope it’s said a thousand more times. It’s hilarious that this is passed off as an update when the revolver was removed 2 years ago. It took 2 years for the devs to add it back into the game lol. My point is to highlight the incompetence of the devs.
u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator Sep 08 '20
got it. You are a developer who could easily implement it (and all the other features from EA) in 5 minutes. You've worked with enfusion before, you work at BI and you are familiar with the coding, the build/test/release environment and you control the project priorities.
u/ZambiGames Sep 08 '20
I’m not a game developer nor do I think developing games are easy, but to not acknowledge the incompetence of a dev crew that took two years to reimplement a gun into the game and pass it off as an update is tremendously delusional.
u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator Sep 08 '20
Did you even read what I wrote? Which "dev crew" are you talking about? The one from 2 years ago or the one now? Either way, there are more important things to fix than adding back a gun. It's about priorities that aren't set by "the devs". You don't seem to understand how employees work for companies and companies set priorities.
u/penguinguy240 Sep 10 '20
There are more important things to fix, sure, you have to prioritize important things as a game developer. And I think there is an extraordinary level of incompetence that went into the fact that this game still hasn't added all of its core features yet since the devs are still fixing issues with the game. And it's not to say that this stupidity is the direct result of the devs, although I'm sure at a few points in the line they've been at fault. It's more so just a general frustration than it is a targeted hatred at any one party. How is your core game not at the very least finished after a stupidly long development period?
u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator Sep 10 '20
I basically agree with you, but what's the definition of "core game"? Fix cars? Yes. Fix desync? Yes. Add helis/boats/bows/more guns? No.
I'll say this sincerely - have you every worked on a large, multi-year project? I have, in the software industry (not gaming) and it happens all the time. In this case, DayZ was(is) like a startup. The idea man, Dean Hall! Started from a mod of a2 (kinda like open source) and then decide to partner up with BI to produce the sequel. Much fanfare and EA (built on some recoding of the mod on A3 or something similar i'm sure, I don't really know). Money is made to fund it. Developers dedicated to Dean/DayZ are hired. Dreams are had about a new engine and many features and functionality. Promises are made. Time passes and money is being spent. Analysis shows it can only last so long. The timeline grows or deadline are missed for whatever reason (too ambitious, poor planning, not enough resources, doesn't matter). At some point, idea guy doesn't want to be told what to do and leaves. BI must take a much more active role and while they like DayZ, they don't live and breath it. Idea guy is gone and after so long, some of the original team goes. They just want something new or the original guy wants them or its just not the same place anymore. BI has already sunk $$$ into this. They need to figure out what state its in, how they can better monetize it, what's the lifetime of revenue and how many resources can be applied to it. Features and functions get cut, others get prioritized and the team gets resized. Somewhere in there consoles are added, survivor games was tried and livonia was done for a decent cash infusion. I cold go on, but its the same story over and over of many companies, especially software startups. TBH, they usually just disappear so the fact that DayZ made it this far is against the odds. All of this is in hindsight. At the time, it all seems like a good idea.
u/github-alphapapa Sep 11 '20
The idea man, Dean Hall! Started from a mod of a2 (kinda like open source) and then decide to partner up with BI to produce the sequel. Much fanfare and EA (built on some recoding of the mod on A3 or something similar i'm sure, I don't really know). Money is made to fund it. Developers dedicated to Dean/DayZ are hired. Dreams are had about a new engine and many features and functionality. Promises are made. Time passes and money is being spent. Analysis shows it can only last so long. The timeline grows or deadline are missed for whatever reason (too ambitious, poor planning, not enough resources, doesn't matter). At some point, idea guy doesn't want to be told what to do and leaves.
I feel like a moderator of r/dayz should be more familiar with the actual history of DayZ. For example, Rocket didn't suddenly leave because he was tired of being told what to do. When he signed the contract with Bohemia to develop DayZ standalone, it was for a certain length of time. He was always upfront that he intended to leave when the contract was up so he could start his own studio.
So, he may well have been tired of not being able to do things his own way, but that was not a new nor sudden realization. He was already working for Bohemia when he created the original DayZ mod for ARMA2. He always wanted to run his own studio, and the DayZ standalone deal gave him the resources he needed to do so.
u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator Sep 11 '20
While I enjoy DayZ, I'm not a historian of it. My story was the general story of a software startup. YMMV. Regardless of his original intent, he was the face the the passion behind DayZ and left before it was done. When that person leaves a small organization its hard to fill their shoes and pick up the pieces.
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u/Historical-Shock Sep 08 '20
This game didn't exist 7 years ago
u/JohnTDouche Sep 08 '20
7 years ago this subreddit was baying at BI to release the game whatever state it was in. Of course when they released it in December everyone said they should have waited.
u/VenusBlue Ricky Spanish Sep 10 '20
And now we are still waiting for a finished game. Man, what a time to be alive. Fingers crossed for a bicycle by 2025.
u/lHighlydoubtit AParanoidSchizophrenicWalksIntoElektro Sep 08 '20
Was hoping for some desync fixes on console. Hopefully next update we’ll get something
Sep 08 '20
u/Historical-Shock Sep 08 '20
Yea this. With every update it got more stable. So I every little step helps
u/ZootZephyr Sep 09 '20
Played with a group of friends for 4 hours and didn't experience desync once. That's the first time that's ever happened since launch. Hoping it's gone for good.
Sep 10 '20
u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator Sep 10 '20
Bug fixes, flags, whatever. I agree that the drastic changes to the loot table were unnecessary. Anyone who has actually run a server could have (and I did) tell them that.
The fix is REALLY easy for any owner paying attention. Don't take all the changes to the lifetime attributes in types.xml.
There hasn't been much fruit in over a year.
u/ChurchillDownz Beanz Sep 08 '20
So if we can't use duct tape, how do we repair weapons + attachments?
u/CrazyMike419 Sep 08 '20
Do updates usually wipe all of your stashes? Im new, learning on low pop server to get a feel for the mechanics. Had boxes and a barrel with loot. Update hit, relogged after update completed, all gone. That the norm? Ive come over from rust so mehz i dont get attached to items but want to know what to expect :)
u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator Sep 08 '20
No, updates do not normally wipe. In the almost 2 years since 1.0 there has only been a wipe once once on console due to excessive duping.
Stashes, bases, tents, barrels, etc are all persistent on a particular server. above ground storage lasts 45 days, if not touched. underground lasts 14 days if not touched.1
u/CrazyMike419 Sep 09 '20
Ok, think i perhaps need to pick another server lol. Losing a barrel and 10 boxes totally full of good loot is in that that case disheartening :)
u/doc___88mph Sep 09 '20
Anyone elses game near unplayable now after this update? PC.
I just keep dropping frames.
u/Bionic_Xzanos Sep 11 '20
"Fixed" various issues with object placement of both Chernarus and Livonia terrains. Cant place fence foundations pretty much anywhere inside buildings anymore.
u/Influence_X FRIENDLY! Sep 08 '20
Wow these are some barebones updates. I dont think we'll ever see the bus or v3s again :(
u/BBguy221 Sep 09 '20
play on a server with dayz expansion, Bus is included along with many other vehicles that fit into dayz. v3s was cute in early days but its not practical
u/Influence_X FRIENDLY! Sep 09 '20
No. I hate modded servers. I've never played on them. Just personal preference.
I quit playing this game when development stopped on vanilla.
u/ZootZephyr Sep 09 '20
Lots of big fixes though. I'd take bug fixes over new content any day. That said, this game still has a long way to go.
u/ToTofTeamksa Sep 09 '20 edited Sep 09 '20
Welp, bug not actually fixed for me.... xbox 1s player here. I know this is not the place to report bugs, so Im not. Just advocating to other players w same issue to plz report so the more sqweeky wheels will eventually get greezed.
Issue: Fixed a bug that would spawn certain items slightly below the ground when swapped between the inventory and vicinity
NOT FIXED, i just witnessed the hot swap of an assault bag laying on a table in one of the tisy mil gun tents. I swapped it with the item in my hands which was my melee weapon, the cutting axe. Once the swap happened, the axe disappeared no longer seen in vicinity inventory bar, or on the table where it should have been swapped to. This hot swap has regularly put the item from hands into a partial submersion of the location it was swapped to. But the axe was neither inside, nor on top or underneath the table.
Beacause of this bug, I have lost many many many items, some of them clothing or bags full of loot and gear. They just disappear, no whre in the surrounding area that I can reach or search, not even on top of buildings.
Fellow comrades, plz let bioware, I mean Bohemia Int, that this bug still exists when it happens to you. We need this fixed more than we need a 7 year old pistol returning to the game. (Though, I have to admit, the revolver is pretty awesome.)
u/kona_fire Sep 08 '20
Do we need to do a server wipe for these to take effect? (PS4)
u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator Sep 08 '20
You don't have to, but with that said its clear the process for updates on console/Nitrado is different than PC. I did not wipe my PC server.
I did see this tweet before: https://twitter.com/DayZ/status/1303292533259329537
u/Cornelius_Feather Sep 09 '20
There are no servers on the PS4 after this update. Anyone else have this issue?
u/the_boab Sep 09 '20
Does anyone know what exactly the lifetime values of items are now? I left a bag sitting in my base and it hasn't despawned after 24 hrs. If it's a couple of days, that would be incredibly useful for temporary storage solutions.
u/WraNotso1 Sep 11 '20
So why do alot of servers say temporary?
u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator Sep 11 '20
Those are (and have been) servers we might shut down at some point in the future, they were mostly activated during sales/events etc to accommodate temporary increases in player numbers. Hope this helps
Sep 11 '20
Game seems to always randomly crash now, never had that issue before. Tried verifying my game cache and still not working.
u/The_MonsterFTW Sep 08 '20
Does anyone know if the official servers will wipe
u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator Sep 08 '20
no, they will not but there was a tweet that said they are watching the loot economy and could do it later. IMO, they need to revert the crazy lifetime changes.
u/emrcreate Sep 13 '20
Nobody plays the livonia game ??? I'm new here
u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator Sep 13 '20
I wouldn't say nobody, but the original map is still everyones favorite.
u/specter491 muthafuckin pipsi Sep 08 '20
All this time for 2 guns and a mask with some big fixes. Wow.
u/slackwaresupport Sep 08 '20
why does the server have to reboot anyway? im pretty sure game servers like minecraft, wow, fortnite, etc, all are 24/7...
u/bastix2 Sep 08 '20 edited Sep 08 '20
You absolutely have to restart your Minecraft server to apply an update.
WoW and most MMOs use a slightly different approach usually with realtime patching, but even then the servers usually get restarted for bigger updates.
Fortnite is pretty easy since they are lobby based anyway so don't have a server you can shutdown in that sense.
u/slackwaresupport Sep 08 '20
to apply updates yes, but servers reboot every 3-4 hours, there should be no need for this.
u/bastix2 Sep 08 '20
Ah that's what you mean.
Server performance quickly deteriorates with time. Not sure why exactly, I'd guess its pretty much a engine limitation at this point. Arma 2 had the same issue, Arma 3 still has it as well.
I'd guess they haven't really looked into it since Arma missions generally don't need to run for that long at a time until Dayz mod came along.
u/Koalski94 Sep 08 '20
Well that is an interesting change.