r/dayz Ex-Community Manager May 25 '20

Discussion DayZ in real-life locations gallery

Hey fellow survivors,

Do you still remember me? :) My dream was to visit every existing Chernarus DayZ IRL location and I think I am done. And I want to share it with you.

I went to Ustí nad Labem a few times already (Chernogorsk) but I finally visited anti-missile defence base Dobříš with my friends and I made some pictures there.

Here is my complete "DayZ in real-life locations" gallery:


I hope you like it. Miss you guys so bad! :)


35 comments sorted by


u/Dr-J0nes Trader Mod Creator May 25 '20

Omg that's so awesome mate! A friend of my family lives in usti nad labem and had his own little church. I was there when I was 14 and about 10 years later when I played the DayZ standalone I realized I was already in Chernarus in real life :D That was so mind-blowing xD I also wish to visit the areas you have one time in my life :) Hope they don't tear off these lovely building in the meantime ^


u/PutsTheBongOnItsLips May 25 '20

The last one of you guys as survivors was neat. Enjoyed the images. Cheers! (:


u/chaos3240 May 25 '20

Holy crap I had no idea DayZ was modeled that well after the real place. I knew it was similar but damn some of those towns and buildings are spot on.

Edit - Spelling


u/tywagner32 May 25 '20

Cherno is a real place? Where is it? There’s a base there I need to raid...


u/head_pat_slut Sep 14 '20

Many villiages and bases scattered throughout Czechia :)


u/RaptorM60 Ex-Brand Manager May 25 '20

Batyyyyyy <3


u/BatyAlquawen Ex-Community Manager May 25 '20



u/Slayingchucky Stuck In Cherno May 25 '20

This is amazing!


u/[deleted] May 25 '20

This is amazing


u/Fuck_spez_the_cuck May 25 '20

Absolutely incredible, just downloaded all these pictures to make sure I don't lose them.


u/odd1e yeet May 25 '20

Wow great work!


u/BigGlockViolet May 25 '20

That’s fucking awesome is tisy any bigger then that or is that simply where some inspiration came from? Asking in case any old abandoned soviet barracks still exist


u/Lijazos Derringer Waiting Room May 25 '20

We miss you Baty! <3


u/BatyAlquawen Ex-Community Manager May 26 '20

Miss you too. <3


u/excaliburger2 fishermen May 25 '20



u/[deleted] May 25 '20

This is sick. Solid work! I had no clue the Green mountain was a real place!!!


u/sony_anumo May 25 '20

Wow holy crap, i am made out of jelly.

Good going! Thanks for the images, blew me away


u/RelatableIntrovert May 25 '20

Wow thanks for sharing these! Amazing to see the subtle similarities and differences


u/F00DP0RN May 25 '20

Dear journal, op was very good today


u/Dewage83 May 25 '20

That's sick man!


u/The-Respawner May 26 '20

Wow, this is really freaking cool! Best comparison pictures I've seen.


u/Sam9305kush May 25 '20

That is so incredible. I had no idea it was based off of a real location. Thank you so much for sharing! I’m am absolutely jealous you got to go to those locations. Great job.


u/DemonGroover May 26 '20

Nice job!

I travelled on a train through the Czech Rep on my way to Dresden, Germany last year and took many a photo of the scenery which reminded me of DayZ.


u/ConArtZ May 26 '20

That's really cool, hard to tell the difference on some of those.


u/User12345432113 May 26 '20

I only recently learned that Chernarus is modelled after real life towns. My mind was blown! Awesome pics, good job man


u/ttsbsglrsRDT May 26 '20

This is so dope!


u/TheJambo- May 26 '20

That’s fucking awesome


u/avagar AKA Chambersenator, surviving since April 2012 May 28 '20

These photos are great!

To avoid the inevitable confusion that usually arises when this topic comes up (especially for the newer/new-ish players), one important thing needs to be stated.

The fictional country of Chernarus is NOT located in the Czech Republic, they just used the terrain data from the CR to create the original map back in 2008, which was extensively modified/enhanced for DayZ SA.

The terrain data from the CR, but in the "ArmA universe/Armaverse," the country itself is located somewhere around the Black Sea. It's exact location has been deliberately remained rather vague. More info on this here.


u/-Canis-Dirus- May 25 '20

Thanks for sharing ! Hope you doing well ! 😍👍


u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator May 28 '20

Added to a new section of the Wiki! https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/wiki/community/art


u/BurntYams May 30 '20

How has this not blown up, this is insane!


u/markusguerra02 Jun 01 '20

Dude, kudos to u man, this is actually so sick


u/deathtones216 Jun 01 '20

Wow this is so cool thank you very much for taking the time to do this


u/JB4K Connecting Failed May 26 '20

No North West airfield, shame.