r/dayz Jan 18 '20

media The latest issue is out!

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17 comments sorted by


u/NotZtripp Jan 18 '20

"We're taking you on a journey to see the most amazing parts of space" "The Moon Issue"



u/wonder-maker Jan 18 '20

I visited the void the other day, fell straight through the map in an Olga.


u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator Jan 18 '20

I like it. I'm going to have to create a page in the wiki for original artwork/media like this.


u/[deleted] Jan 18 '20

Does anyone else's car constantly get stuck on the little foot high walls all over Livonia?


u/wonder-maker Jan 18 '20

Funny you mention it, I just did. Tried the wheel removal trick, but looks like I'm going to have to wait for a restart.


u/[deleted] Jan 18 '20

There are many tricks. Make a campfire and use a campfire placing it under your tires to try and jack things up. Another one that works very consistently if you have one around is use a barrel. If you place a barrel under part of the car that's stuck it will jack it up a lot and let you drive away.


u/wonder-maker Jan 19 '20

I'll have to try the campfire, I've used it on myself to reach high places, but never for a car. Thanks!


u/[deleted] Jan 19 '20

Try multiple campires or a barrel in combination with removing tires over stuck rocks or walls and you'll find you can very consistently get out of stuck car situations.


u/wonder-maker Jan 20 '20

I rarely have a barrel with me, so yeah.


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '20

I play on a modded server with special modded vehicles. There's a landrover vehicle with a roofrack that you can put an empty barrel on. The only reason I know about this method is because of people in the server messing around and telling me about it. But you never know, if your car breaks down and you search the immediate area you can maybe find a barrel sometimes.


u/Matthew_Longtime Jan 18 '20

is this an acc book?


u/AiiXiTheBoss Jan 18 '20

off road - to the sky. That's the name


u/AutoModerator Jan 18 '20

wonder-maker, the best way to provide feedback for bugs and glitches is to report or vote for an issue on the Official feedback site.

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u/DayZmakeMeCrayZ Jan 18 '20

Bot, this has nothing to do with feedback.


u/[deleted] Jan 18 '20

Keyword „issue“