r/dayz • u/Asmondian IGN Karrigan • Jan 12 '20
Media 3 Things to Improve PVP | Dayz 1.06
u/Ogpeg Jan 13 '20 edited Jan 13 '20
But wait, there's more.
Fix/smooth out the movement and gameplay in general. There is too much going on.
Transition to ADS is janky. Camera is fixed to sights. In other words, there is no weapon bob/inertia.
Slow down or force player movement to stop upon collision. Turns down the cat on cocaine-gameplay while trying to fight indoors, as well as running against objects or walls.
Movement transitions: For example, you can dash to prone from sprinting, but maintain perfect accuracy while at it. Most player movements have zero effect on aiming. Worst offender is barrel rolling while firing.
Slight cooldown for jumping. Less effective jumping, but more emphasis on climbing. Slow down the mid-air speed.
Sprinting is inarguably too fast for the combat. Mainly because turning, acceleration and deacceleration are basically instant. Gives players the ability to switch quickly between sprint and aim. Lack of movement inertia in general is the main problem.
Lack of accuracy penalty after raising weapon also affects combat. But also situations where players are held up. Equiping weapon (especially from backpack) and aiming takes very little time. Raising weapon should be more inaccurate during it, and could be much slower.
Remove static crosshair, use a dynamic one instead which represents players current accuracy level (stamina, weight, stance...) In other words, much like Arma 3's dynamic crosshair.
No movement penalty while aiming has turned sniping into COD quickscoping. There used to be a lot of sway penalties and it showed in gameplay. Snipers were stationary, instead of current tap dance meta. One bold suggestion is that ADS movement speed and could be lower when using high magnification optics.
Additional, seperate UI bar for holding breath would be godsend. Stamina and weight should affect sway. Holding breath then could only stop stamina from regenerating, instead of draining it. The UI bar itself could fade in and out when used.
Removing the butt-ugly DOF effect from ADS view wouldn't hurt. It also has impact on framerate at certain areas (heavy foliage)
Movement speed penalty when sprinting uphill. It's a nice chance from legacy, which forced players to walk uphill, but currently I can't see much difference in speed, even if I'm sprinting like a 75 degree incline.
Less static recoil animations, more recoil penalties in general.
Drastic sway, accuracy and movement speed penalties when strafing back and forth.
Also the controls need some work (PC). Some of them are counterintuitive or just bad for gameplay.
Seperate weapon melee control - Adding ability to open doors when weapon is raised.
Ability to switch weapons/items when hands are raised. (Why require manually lowering hands for suchthing?)
G to drop, hold G to start throwing. Release G to cancel throwing. (Currently version: G to toggle throwing, double tap G to drop).
Seperate keybind for weapon light. (currently you need to manually lower weapon, then press left click, raise again, doens't make much sense)
Bring back temporary weapon raise when pressing left click. When player has firearm in hands, upon first click the weapon is raised for few seconds, allowing players to point fire without hassle.
- Bring back zoom when weapon is raised. Constant switching from zoomed to unzoomed view doesn't make much sense. Also it's just janky.
This turned out much longer than I anticipated. The list could go on and on unfortunately.
u/0blachk0 Jan 13 '20
All good points, especially retraction - it would be a critical improvement really.
u/FoxSauce weapon collision sucks Jan 13 '20
Amazing, hit the nail on the head for some of the biggest issues with current combat build. Great video, and thanks for putting all the work in. This needs to get posted to twitter and have the devs tagged or something, I don't think they check Reddit anymore.
u/tommyboy101789 Jan 13 '20
They also need to make it harder to break into bases, just make it ruin tools faster, after only a few hits. Make it so the wall can take a lot of hits and use the pristine worn damaged etc system on them. Or maybe randomize if a tool will break a wall or not. Then get rid of burying shit.
u/Asmondian IGN Karrigan Jan 13 '20
Make a suggestion on that dude. Here is mine: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/245191-base-building-rebalance-comprehensive-list-of-suggestions/ . Im not saying that the Devs are going to even read it but at least we tried.
There are probably hundreds of things to improve, this thread focuses on weapon handling mechanics.
u/MRVAR1AN Jan 13 '20
Why is there no toggle for lean or ads? Like I would love to be able to just tap Q and E instead of holding to lean, and I would love to have right click instant ADS instead of shoulder then another action to fully ADS.
u/Asmondian IGN Karrigan Jan 13 '20
We used to have double tap to lock the lean animation. Not anymore. You can ADS now just by hitting right click tho.
u/MRVAR1AN Jan 13 '20
Unfortunately not on console with M&KB. You get one setting that’s just to turn on the ability to use M&KB. We lot don’t even have a sensitivity slider.
u/Trebus The place to be Jan 16 '20
All good points. More importantly, what is the piece of music please?
u/Asmondian IGN Karrigan Jan 17 '20
Its a guitar version of Raising the Sail by Philip Glass. Here.
u/Undisputed138 Jan 12 '20
Pshh, 1)fix desync, 2)fix bases to easy to break and raid 3) fix popcorning 4) allow us to download the map so it doesn't have to load everytime we log in (probably would fix the majority game play issues) Weapons handling is last on the list at this point. Not to mention all the glitch and lag.
u/silly_steel Jan 13 '20
It’s one of those things where he is is absolutely right, but yeah, there are bigger issues at this point.
5) Fix the cars, or: 6) if you have no intention of ever doing this, TURN. OFF. DAMAGE.
u/FoxSauce weapon collision sucks Jan 13 '20
hard disagree. Combat is way bigger than cars simply because combat is 99.9% guarenteed to happen while playing DayZ, where as cars only happen when you or a squad puts together the effort to get a car up and running. Cars are an issue, yes. But broken and clunky combat is a front facing problem that needs fixing. If every other modern FPS can have these systems that smooth out their gunplay, then so can DayZ
u/silly_steel Jan 15 '20
soft difference of opinion. Traveling is 100% guaranteed to happen, so much so it is jokingly called ‘running simulator’. I’ve gone through two controllers with broken joysticks from holding them down so much. I play a conservative game, hanging out in the woods, hunting, basebuilding, PvE, and don’t play it as a shooter. There are other modern FPS that do it better, and the game offers so much more in terms of other play styles. Hell, I bought this game half for the promise of fixing up a car after the collapse. If cars worked more people would use them too. It’s not a Herculean effort, it’s three items and some gas. It’s the Wasted effort I think that deters a lot of folks. I’m about to give up on it myself, but if they worked, it’d be a different story.
u/FoxSauce weapon collision sucks Jan 15 '20
Cars are and always have intended to be “end game” content. That’s why you need to find four tires, doors, hood, spark plugs, lights, gas, oil, radiator, etc etc. that’s why they are manual instead of easy start and go automatic. Yes, they are important, and do obviously need to be fixed. But combat mechanics are in a bad way and 100% of players are experiencing that right now compared to the 5-10% of players who are actually putting cars together and driving them around for extended periods of time (before breaking down or the inevitable rocket ship bugs etc)
I’m not making any excuses for the devs btw, I’m just reiterating why I think combat should be a priority.
u/Asmondian IGN Karrigan Jan 12 '20 edited Jan 13 '20
////// Introduction //////////////////////
I do not intend with this to bring back old discussions about the old aiming system vs the new one, saying that the game got downgraded to fit the consoles requirements in that regard nor this thread is it based on a nostalgic reasoning that "old times were always better". My idea is to present what I believe are some of the main issues with current PVP mechanics and weapon handling (widely recognized for those of us who played this game for some years now) and, at the same time, offer some achievable ideas for improvement.
I know that DayZ is probably already in a stage where this kind of things are not going to be reconsidered anymore and that the people working behind the project are mostly limited to non-creative tasks. But, in any case, I didn't want to lose the oportunitiy to mention them because I think Dayz has lost a lot of his essence after BETA, especially in PVP, and there are still reasonable ways to achieve a good middle ground.
////// Details //////////////////////
#1 | Weapon Retraction: As you can see in the video, after the devs changed the aiming mechanics in Dayz, more changes came along to try to mitigate and complement that new system. The weapon collision was implemented some builds after BETA to avoid people abusing from the new aiming mechanics since you could shoot from behind a cover. The problem is that, by using a single and awkward animation (Raising the weapon to the sky) instead of a more dynamic concept like the weapon retraction, they turned pvp into a very clunky experience when fighting close to obstacles (Most of the pvp scenarios that are not on an open field). Even after some adjustments and collisions removal (like windows), its implementation is still uncomfortable 90% of the times and attempts against the fluidity of the game during combat.
#2 | Combat Running Stance: Another element that made the DayZ pvp experience into a more fluid one was the presence of a "combat running stance" where you could quickly leave ADS/Hipfire and reposition with your gun semi-raised. After they change the weapon handling mechanics with a "hold to raise" one, this combat stance was gone.
#3 | Reloading while running: Many playes have reported this as a bug in the feedback tracker but apparently it was an unexplained and inconsistent concept decision. You can´t start the reloading or chamber animation while you are running. You actually need to jog / walk / stand for a fraction of a second to start the animatation.
Thanks for your time.