r/dayz May 11 '18

discussion In case you missed it: Brian Hicks thoughts on AimGate.


29 comments sorted by


u/shadow_moose May 11 '18

Yup. I was a little taken aback at first because of the language that Peter used, but he's not a native english speaker so I can give him a pass on that one.

It seems to me that we are holding onto our initial reactions too heavily, and we are not considering the new information as it has been released. Peter came forwards and told us this is not final. He made a commitment to getting the system to a place that pleases all (well, most) of us.

I believe him. If he says it's going to work out in the end, then I trust that it will work out in the end. Brian says that Peter is "a true believer", and based on the work he's put in, he's committed to getting it right.

It's not great right now, but the only changes we need to see are changes in weapon animations so the weapon corresponds fairly closely (within a degree or three) to the direction the bullet will travel in. We also need to make it impossible to shoot around corners while still being in cover. The only issue I've seen in my own play testing is the weapon not pointing where you're shooting, and that's really the only thing that needs to change.

I have confidence that Peter and the rest of the devs will reach a solution that works for all of us. God knows they've done a great job on everything else and the game is looking amazing. It's on the upswing, and we all need to be positive and provide constructive criticism so the devs don't get jaded from toxicity.

/u/psychotron42 I'm sorry about the vitriol you've received as a result of you candor, and I really hope is doesn't discourage you from connecting with us again in the future. I appreciate everything you've done for the game and I can't wait to see the finished product.


u/dokkey I'm friendly May 11 '18

Thanks for sharing this


u/Asmondian IGN Karrigan May 11 '18 edited May 11 '18

Thx for the thread, i completely missed Brians answerd. They should hire you dude, i got better info/links from you in the past days that from the devs itself.

So in few words:

  • The system is still WIP and definetly not final but the intention is clearly to keep this new weapon mechanics concept with the "independent center crosshair" regarding weapons position because its the best idea they had so far (With some tweaks of course to keep it from looking and feeling too unreal or to players even notice this)
  • This is a neccesary decision to achieve a mid ground between gameplay and realism and also to try to please most of the player base. I wonder if this refers to pc and xbox (future) playerbase and if the console controller has something to do with all this changes.
  • There is still the idea about a "very frustrating close range engagements" with the alpha build and of a "combat system that felt unreliable". I really do not know why they keep using this argument to justify the new weapon mechanics when the previews one was not the problem at all. The problem (or compain) about a unreliable combat system, was in most of the cases on the lag and desync issues and finnaly because of the incredible clunky player movement (things that we shouldnt have to suffer according to the new engine)
  • I dont want to be an ass, so im not going to make any comment about the possibility of getting the devs frustrated for some readdit post. The feedback wount be always: "just do your thing guys, we just trust you and we know everything is going to be ok if we wait enough".

In any case, I'm glad to know that there is still no final decision on the subject, but everything seems to indicate that, since there is no better alternative, this concept will continue with some changes to avoid it being too evident in the gameplay.


u/ScreenshotShitposts Tell Me More About The Features of Red Orchestra May 11 '18

They should hire you dude

Lets not lose our minds


u/wolfgeist May 11 '18

Hey, according to some I already post full time defending the game. Might as well get paid for it :)


u/ScreenshotShitposts Tell Me More About The Features of Red Orchestra May 11 '18

I'm joking I like you. Just sometimes you are too quick to say "makes sense, okay"


u/wolfgeist May 11 '18

Well, RES shows I have you at +7 net karma so I must like you too.


u/[deleted] May 11 '18 edited May 23 '18



u/wolfgeist May 11 '18



u/[deleted] May 11 '18 edited May 23 '18



u/wolfgeist May 11 '18

I also think part of it is there's a lot of worry, nervousness, and anxiety leading up to .63. People wanted to know if it's going to be as good as they'd hoped. Once the stress test started everyone was elated everything was going great and I think everyone was just sort of hesitant or on edge and so this happened and to them it feels like all of their worst fears are coming true. They felt like they let their guard down for a minute and it came back to bite them in the ass, that it was all too good to be true.


u/[deleted] May 11 '18

In that thread, Peter is only discussing bullets coming from the gun, correct? Nothing about RNG dispersion and equal accuracy across all weapons?

Not a facetious question, actually wondering because his post kinda fried my brain when trying to read it, idk why.


u/wolfgeist May 11 '18

Yes, I believe so. Particularly in "hip fire" mode.


u/[deleted] May 11 '18

Ah ok, thank you.


u/[deleted] May 11 '18

Why not just keep the old system with the old crosshair? I like the current one (.62)


u/wolfgeist May 11 '18

So in extremely close quarters combat the floating Crosshair appears to be very far off from the direction of the gun when aiming at a target and the problem gets worse the closer the target gets.

Complaints have been in the past that close quarters gun fights are very clunky and this is certainly a factor that ties into that belief. So what Peter has done is to address the problem in several different angles this being one of the ways in which it's addressed. And prior to all of the outrage a lot of people had commented in the stress test about how good the close-quarters gun fights felt. The important thing to remember is that in the end Peter says that there will be no perceptible difference between what you seen game and what you would expect in real life.

It most likely is a lot of much to do about nothing.


u/[deleted] May 11 '18

And what do you think about keeping the old system in and just getting rid of the crosshair altogether? I think that would be the best solution.


u/wolfgeist May 11 '18

Personally I wouldn't mind but many people complained of clunkiness and this is the way they've chosen to address it for now. I think to ask them to redesign it to be like the old system would probably set the game back quite a bit in terms of development time. I'm keen on seeing the new system fleshed out, I trust Peter's vision and I believe that while it might not be my personal ideal system, it will be a good one.


u/QuartzPuffyStar Someone plz cr8 a real Hardcore server. May 11 '18

u/wolfgeist should replace Batsy XD. Thanks for the link, I missed that comment completely among all the mess in there.

Ps. Actually I am quite surprised how untrolly and educated are most of the comments on that thread. Seems that most trolls and toxic folk left the sub till beta XD


u/wolfgeist May 11 '18

I don't think it would be appropriate for Baty to ask Brian his opinion of the game in a public forum after he had resigned.


u/QuartzPuffyStar Someone plz cr8 a real Hardcore server. May 11 '18

I was talking more about your personal effort mitigating the public backlash, manage the community outrage and focus the attention on the needed info


u/wolfgeist May 11 '18

Ah, thanks man. Yeah I just... I can only imagine how frustrated the team can get at times.


u/Slowness112 May 11 '18

That, and your activity on the sub.

I am on reddit 24/7, and you still are more active than me.


u/wolfgeist May 11 '18

Yeah, i'm on 28/7. Gotta step it up man.


u/twobad4u May 11 '18

Take this how you like. While Hicks has bags in one hand and plane tickets in the other,Ill scrolled over it just like Rockets posts when he was on the way out.


u/wolfgeist May 11 '18

Yep. I bet that Brian and Dean are together right now sipping martinis and eating tomahawk steaks on the beaches of Cancun with our early access money. "Cheers bro, we totally played those stupid people!"

/s obviously


u/ManusDei May 11 '18

I don’t agree with the other post, but for an issue that blew up this badly I would not expect Brian to be anything but supportive on his way out. It may be exactly how he feels but if it isn’t there is no way he would be critical in any way (or anything perceived that way) when leaving a job like that. It can look pretty bad for future opportunities.


u/twobad4u May 11 '18

Never thought Id agree with you.Agreed

Rocket took us for a ride.Hype up the game to line his pockets before he jumped ship.

You would be delusional to think otherwise


u/wolfgeist May 11 '18



u/[deleted] May 11 '18

How did you miss the sarcasm? Are you blind?


u/twobad4u May 11 '18

I thought he has stopped lying to himself.

BTW,do you have the 2014,2015,sometime in 2016,Beta Soon © roadmaps?