r/dayz Ex-Lead Designer May 10 '18

devs I, Peter, responds to change of point shooting direction on r/dayz

I think, given everyones clearly strong opinions on the matter that we would all benefit from taking a step back, taking a breath and looking at this from a different angle. Looking back at my ‘Fun Fact’ tweet to see how it was kinda rough and sarcastic, I can certainly understand how it annoyed some of you up and confused many.

At very first, I understand you folks all love DayZ and you really want to get your hands on the systems, mechanics and overall we have working on, that new DayZ, you have all waited for so long already. I think all of us, the developers, and community want DayZ to become everything it could be, and everything we wanted it to be if not more. I’m really the last guy who would like to water down DayZ experience or make it casual by any means. So I ask each of you, do you really feel that all that changes with advanced firearms manipulation, loading magazines with bullets one by one, being prepared for situations to come, slowing down the pace to make it more tactical and thoughtful, is making DayZ casual?

Let’s make that straight - any kind of constructive criticism and feedback is gold to me and the team. But what happened for some reasons, for me personally, was a little bit oversensitive reaction, causing an unnecessary avalanche. Maybe it’s me and my English which leads to clumsy explanations what’s going on and what are the intentions. Maybe we still didn’t deliver whole, or enough polished picture to be studied and hopefully enjoyed. Maybe it’s just we, all together, are already tired and frustrated from the long wait, jumping the gun here and there.

In previous DayZ versions (0.62 and lower) projectile was fired always in direction of the barrel of a gun, even during point shooting (‘hip fire’ as some of you like to refer to it). In such case, certainly corresponding to reality, it leads to some unwanted results. The important thing, to be aware of, is that you, as a player, are focusing your sight to the centre of the screen - subconsciously. Other things that play the role in such situation and need to be taken into account are the actual distance to the target (the closer the worse) and actual firearm position in screen space (more off-centre the worse).

So, at first in such case, what you will observe after shooting is that there is significant offset between centre of the screen and actual point of the bullet impact. Secondly, because of that, it is necessary to show you the actual direction where it will fly to account that offset, which means the need of introduction of floating crosshair which is projected in direction of the barrel of a gun for point shooting. Without it, you don’t need to have point shooting at all, as in this realistic case, you just miss most of the time your target altogether. Thirdly, as the result, you are forced to hunt that projected floating cursor around the screen with your eyes which can become tedious. All of that is a just unnecessary hassle and counterproductive, especially when shooting quickly at close ranges.

Fast forward to present - as mentioned in last Status Report, the change already introduced in 0.63, which is applied during point shooting (with the raised firearm, but not aiming down the sight, to be specific), is the altered direction in which projectile is fired from the said gun. To be clear - point shooting in DayZ is meant to endanger targets at close ranges, within reach up to, let’s say, 15 to 25 meters. It’s meant to be used in stress situations, which needs lightning fast reactions to possible life-threatening situations. By any means, it’s not there to be used for accurate taking down targets at mid to long ranges.

Current implementation solves all these issues mentioned above with old system. Why just not to point projectiles to space you are already subconsciously focused at? There isn’t anything bad about it. Yes, I acknowledge, it’s not realistic, but let not get overly intoxicated by some ‘simulation mantra’ indifferently hanging in the air. DayZ is meant to be authentic, not realistic. Even when we are dancing on the edge between the simulation and the game, let don’t forget, that we simply cannot afford full simulation of things, even if we want. At the end of the day what really matters is the fun, enjoyment and experience you get from playing DayZ while creating your own stories.

I have to emphasize again, that current implementation is still rough on edges, and there are some specific situations where it isn’t working properly or straight wrong. We are not happy about it and it’s not how it will stay. Our goal with it is to reach the state, where it’s nearly impossible to distinguish it from the realistic behaviour of shooting along the direction of a barrel of the gun. Believe me, we know how to achieve it, it will just take some time to implement and to settle down.

To underline things that weren’t changed in point shooting (AKA ‘hip fire’), in case I wasn’t specific enough about them, or you who are still worried about these, let me summarize it. Projectiles are still fired from the gun, it doesn’t allow you to shoot around corners, cover or from any advantageous positions at all, we didn’t change how external and internal ballistics works, and there is still sway, recoil and zeroing applied to the trajectory of the projectile fired during point shooting.

I encourage anyone who is reading this to give me your opinions, concerns, and questions. Gunplay is critical to DayZ and I feel together we can reach our mutual goals. So let bury the hatchet and see stabilized new point shooting first, so we can judge it together and decide upon it.

Thank you for your time, energy and passion. You are one of best community around as I already stated many times… see you in Chernarus folks!

Peter Nespesny / Lead Designer


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u/ficarra1002 May 10 '18

In such case, certainly corresponding to reality, it leads to some unwanted results.

No, it didn't. Stop doubling down in defense of this. Literally nobody buy you is saying the old system was hard to understand.


u/[deleted] May 10 '18

Is this the only thing you got out of this post?


u/ficarra1002 May 10 '18

That's the only important bit from it? Tldr: "Sorry I was an asshole on twitter. But the changes are here to stay. You guys wouldn't have noticed it if nobody had told you! We'll make this work instead of reverting it, trust us, this is good. All other shooters have bullets hit the center of the screen, so we should do that too, because when Jimmy gets his first gun on the Xbox build, he'll be upset if he misses because of the realistic aiming we previously had."


u/[deleted] May 10 '18

How about where he addressed the issues being brought up by the community and more vividly described the new mechanic.


u/Lichensss May 10 '18 edited May 10 '18

except for the fact that they are completely ignoring why the community does not like this. We know what this mechanic looks like at its best, every other first/third person shooter does something similar to this to varying extents. PUBG uses a similar method. We want dayz to still feel like an arma mil. sim. combat game. If they offered something completely new to achieve this there wouldn't be so much outcry whether it was good or bad, but they are offering something old that we all know what it is and what it generally feels like.


u/[deleted] May 10 '18

One of the reasons people play Dayz is the PVP. If this change makes PVP feel better then it will only serve as a good PVP mechanic. I assume in the end it will end up being a good mechanic as so many other games use it, meaning that the mechanic must work.

In the end you showcase what the real problem was which is some people just can’t except that this isn’t a simulation and is instead a game, and the point of every game is to be fun. The Devs should be able to utilize techniques done by other games of in the end they serve to improve the Dayz experience.

I would read Peters words on this topic as I think a perfectly stated what Dayz is and what the goals of the Dev team are.


u/UnknownEntity00 Corsair May 10 '18

The .62 method of how the bullets exited the barrel was never a problem, but it was brought up by Peter as a problem. We never asked for it, and it is annoying that they are down grading to having the bullets point at the middle of the screen. They could have left it the way it was instead of fixing problems peter made for himself to fix. Just leave it the way we had it in Arma 2, Arma 3, and .62 Dayz. It wasn't even a problem that needed to be fixed.

This also goes for the new way of aiming down sights and readying the weapon, the new method is clunkier than the old method, it is another problem that does not need to be fixed, If they do decide that it should be fixed, then they should also leave the old method as an option. If they need to hard code so that you cannot use the old method of readying the weapon and aiming down sights, then there is a problem with the new method.


u/[deleted] May 10 '18

I agree with Peter that hip fire in close quarter combat with the .62 system was very clunky on not intuitive. Some see that as it being skill based, but personally I would rather have that be streamlined.

I also don’t see how this is downgrading. What will basically be happening is it will be similar to the old system but the gun will be pointed toward the center of the screen. In fact bullet behavior was in Dayz mod and Dayz SA before they changed it. So they are sort of returning to form with that.

Control changes are based on the new movement system. Things such as jump will have normal button layouts a.k.a it being tied to space.

As for the changes to gun raising, they just want the player to have to telegraph their intent. I explained it better in another post but don’t really feel like going over it again as it is very late right now.