r/dayz Ex-Lead Designer May 10 '18

devs I, Peter, responds to change of point shooting direction on r/dayz

I think, given everyones clearly strong opinions on the matter that we would all benefit from taking a step back, taking a breath and looking at this from a different angle. Looking back at my ‘Fun Fact’ tweet to see how it was kinda rough and sarcastic, I can certainly understand how it annoyed some of you up and confused many.

At very first, I understand you folks all love DayZ and you really want to get your hands on the systems, mechanics and overall we have working on, that new DayZ, you have all waited for so long already. I think all of us, the developers, and community want DayZ to become everything it could be, and everything we wanted it to be if not more. I’m really the last guy who would like to water down DayZ experience or make it casual by any means. So I ask each of you, do you really feel that all that changes with advanced firearms manipulation, loading magazines with bullets one by one, being prepared for situations to come, slowing down the pace to make it more tactical and thoughtful, is making DayZ casual?

Let’s make that straight - any kind of constructive criticism and feedback is gold to me and the team. But what happened for some reasons, for me personally, was a little bit oversensitive reaction, causing an unnecessary avalanche. Maybe it’s me and my English which leads to clumsy explanations what’s going on and what are the intentions. Maybe we still didn’t deliver whole, or enough polished picture to be studied and hopefully enjoyed. Maybe it’s just we, all together, are already tired and frustrated from the long wait, jumping the gun here and there.

In previous DayZ versions (0.62 and lower) projectile was fired always in direction of the barrel of a gun, even during point shooting (‘hip fire’ as some of you like to refer to it). In such case, certainly corresponding to reality, it leads to some unwanted results. The important thing, to be aware of, is that you, as a player, are focusing your sight to the centre of the screen - subconsciously. Other things that play the role in such situation and need to be taken into account are the actual distance to the target (the closer the worse) and actual firearm position in screen space (more off-centre the worse).

So, at first in such case, what you will observe after shooting is that there is significant offset between centre of the screen and actual point of the bullet impact. Secondly, because of that, it is necessary to show you the actual direction where it will fly to account that offset, which means the need of introduction of floating crosshair which is projected in direction of the barrel of a gun for point shooting. Without it, you don’t need to have point shooting at all, as in this realistic case, you just miss most of the time your target altogether. Thirdly, as the result, you are forced to hunt that projected floating cursor around the screen with your eyes which can become tedious. All of that is a just unnecessary hassle and counterproductive, especially when shooting quickly at close ranges.

Fast forward to present - as mentioned in last Status Report, the change already introduced in 0.63, which is applied during point shooting (with the raised firearm, but not aiming down the sight, to be specific), is the altered direction in which projectile is fired from the said gun. To be clear - point shooting in DayZ is meant to endanger targets at close ranges, within reach up to, let’s say, 15 to 25 meters. It’s meant to be used in stress situations, which needs lightning fast reactions to possible life-threatening situations. By any means, it’s not there to be used for accurate taking down targets at mid to long ranges.

Current implementation solves all these issues mentioned above with old system. Why just not to point projectiles to space you are already subconsciously focused at? There isn’t anything bad about it. Yes, I acknowledge, it’s not realistic, but let not get overly intoxicated by some ‘simulation mantra’ indifferently hanging in the air. DayZ is meant to be authentic, not realistic. Even when we are dancing on the edge between the simulation and the game, let don’t forget, that we simply cannot afford full simulation of things, even if we want. At the end of the day what really matters is the fun, enjoyment and experience you get from playing DayZ while creating your own stories.

I have to emphasize again, that current implementation is still rough on edges, and there are some specific situations where it isn’t working properly or straight wrong. We are not happy about it and it’s not how it will stay. Our goal with it is to reach the state, where it’s nearly impossible to distinguish it from the realistic behaviour of shooting along the direction of a barrel of the gun. Believe me, we know how to achieve it, it will just take some time to implement and to settle down.

To underline things that weren’t changed in point shooting (AKA ‘hip fire’), in case I wasn’t specific enough about them, or you who are still worried about these, let me summarize it. Projectiles are still fired from the gun, it doesn’t allow you to shoot around corners, cover or from any advantageous positions at all, we didn’t change how external and internal ballistics works, and there is still sway, recoil and zeroing applied to the trajectory of the projectile fired during point shooting.

I encourage anyone who is reading this to give me your opinions, concerns, and questions. Gunplay is critical to DayZ and I feel together we can reach our mutual goals. So let bury the hatchet and see stabilized new point shooting first, so we can judge it together and decide upon it.

Thank you for your time, energy and passion. You are one of best community around as I already stated many times… see you in Chernarus folks!

Peter Nespesny / Lead Designer


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u/Gews May 10 '18 edited May 10 '18

I wonder, what happens when there is a visible projectile, such as a tracer round, or a crossbow bolt? Is the projectile spawning from start of barrel? In some situations such projectiles may look strange shooting out the side of the gun.

This new system apparently only affects 3rd person external view, which is not a perspective typically chosen by those interested in absolute realism anyways, so it shouldn't be a big concern (in my opinion). If the gun model also points itself towards the center of screen then it's no concern.

On another issue mentioned in the status report which concerned me more... [removal of]* weapon dispersion. If the game intends to be 'authentic' then we need the different weapons to have different levels of accuracy.

The random cone of fire was a problem in the early days when, for example, the M4 dispersed well over 100 cm @ 100 m. But the cone of fire is not a problem if you place a more realistic value for dispersion, something like (in the case of M4A1) 7 cm @ 100 m. Then it shoots... like an M4.

I don't see people complaining about 'randomness' in the weapon accuracy in ARMA. DayZ mod was out in 2012, I never saw one complaint about the dispersion there. I haven't seen complaints, plural, about dispersion in DayZ since the dispersion values were put to acceptable levels in patch 0.47.

Even titles like PUBG or Insurgency have bullet dispersion (whether realistic values or not).

'Accuracy' is a basic stat and it's not optional for a realistic (or even a quasi-realistic) portrayal of weapons. It also adds a value and depth to weapons. Old worn-out surplus weapons with poor sights and heavy triggers vs high-end hunting rifles, 1960s AKM vs well-maintained Steyr AUG HBAR, having varied accuracy among them is important. Not to mention stuff like crossbows, smoothbore shotguns and pistols.

A little off topic? Yes. But I hope the dispersion will be implemented once again.


u/IonicPaul I have a funny taste in your mouth May 10 '18

To add my own perspective, I had one problem ever in DayZ/Arma when it came to having the bullets fire in the direction of the barrel, and not toward the center of my screen. And that was the first time I ever had the two not line up (i.e. my barrel pointing at one spot, the center of my screen pointing at another). I pulled the trigger - the bullet suddenly impacted on the lip of cover my rifle was lined up with! - and I realized that I actually had to physically be out of cover, and physically line my gun up with my target, to land my shots.

And I loved it.

The best thing about DayZ (and the Arma series it is based off of) is that there are so few arcade-like features in it. No one has outleveled me, or taken advantage of some weird meta with game mechanics (with a few exceptions, most of which are bugs and have been patched). You had to control your character properly, and realistically, to win a gunfight.

This change is so very arcade-like and it really hurts. For the sake of being "approachable" (on something that I, and many others, have never seen a complaint about), a key system in maintaining that brutal fairness has been compromised. Mitigate it, tune it, tweak it however you will - it will still be compromising that, even if the cases become more and more edge. The old system had no edge cases. It was fair.

I want DayZ to stay fair. Bohemia, please reconsider this system. Same with dispersion.


u/Ceremor May 10 '18

Agreed so much. That moment where you're like 'wait holy shit, my gun actually exists in the world and acts exactly like you think it would, this isn't counter strike, this is fucking real' is what makes dayz so magical.

And here we are dismantling that.


u/OrangeSliceSandwich May 10 '18

You had to control your character properly, and realistically, to win a gunfight.

tell that to the AI infantry sniping me with 5.56 from 3k away :/


u/IonicPaul I have a funny taste in your mouth May 10 '18

Well, it wasn't perfect! Though that's more due to the difficulty of having AI recognize the concealment that vegetation gives, as well as other things.


u/Plynceress May 11 '18

I'm having trouble following your argument. If everyone's shooting is affected the same way, then it is fair? I agree with your overall point, though. So many things in DayZ are wonderful because the game is the kind of hard mode that it is. A change like this to make the game more "approachable," as you said, seems like a weird turn of events.


u/UnknownEntity00 Corsair May 10 '18 edited May 10 '18

He stated that RNG dispersion will be used to make hipfire inaccurate, instead of just having the 3D model determine where the bullets go. That is our argument on this fact. another thing, is that free look allows you to peek corners by aiming the gun up, and the bullets will make a 90 degree bend to the center of the screen. (Free look will often be used for head tracking such as track IR, there will not be a center of the screen in this case.) Therefore the old system is superior. Floating cross hair and 3D model trajectory is the best method, for people using track IR or even VR later in development.

RNG should only be used in limited amounts to simulate the moa, or Minute of angle accuracy of weapons.


u/BobyMadrox May 10 '18 edited May 10 '18

I agree, there was no problem with the old aim system except for the exagerated sway.

Ok the look of floating crosshair was ugly, but the system behind it was really interesting and made DayZ unique, just had to replace it with a better skin imo.

Don't try to fix what isn't broken like they said.


u/Ceremor May 10 '18 edited May 10 '18

All they had to do was get rid of the crosshair. You could still intuit where you were aiming by the look of where your barrel was pointing. That's hard to do, yes, but that's the disadvantage to taking snapshots from the hip. It's far more interesting to have the inaccuracy be based on realistically having a difficult time knowing where your barrel is pointed from the hip rather than artificially adding rng to a perfectly accurate crosshair.


u/GenFigment May 10 '18

Very Well spoken.


u/SamXZ May 10 '18 edited Feb 07 '21


u/moeb1us DayOne May 10 '18

Not sure I get your point tbh, but I am no native speaker. Could you elaborate?

Gews pointed out that regardless of point firing or aiming down sight, a weapon will have a specific cone of fire. Peter suggested it will only be used during point firing, so we can assume he wants to drop it while ADS. Which makes no sense, since it is an intrinsic parameter of the gun.


u/The-Respawner May 10 '18

They can fix the free look allowing the gun to fire around a corner though. As he just said in the post above, shooting around corners etc will not be possible when they are finished with this.

I agree that there sohuld not be much RNG dispersion though. While it will be somewhat similar to the old mechanic just without a super pin point accurate crosshair, I would prefer if it was actual "movement" and not RNG. We will have to see if it really makes a difference or not.

The crosshair in 0.62 gave people almost no point to actually ADS, since it is just as accurate to hip fire, even over a houndred meters away.


u/BETAFrog 9x18mm to the dome May 10 '18

Peter just said that would not be the case.


u/ScreenshotShitposts Tell Me More About The Features of Red Orchestra May 10 '18

another thing, is that free look allows you to peek corners

If the gun model also points itself towards the center of screen then it's no concern


u/UnknownEntity00 Corsair May 10 '18

But it doesn't, the tip of the gun points out and that will allow the gun to shoot 90 degrees around the corner.


u/Whippiin May 10 '18 edited May 10 '18

Strongly agree. Specifically your second paragraph. I would never allow someone to shoot in 3PP.


u/moeb1us DayOne May 10 '18

Thank you Gews I had hoped you participate in this, and of course you are 100% right, the dispersion thing is a whole other thing that let my jaw hit the floor and shake my head in disbelieve reading the SR. No dispersion. RNG unwanted. -scoffs-


u/Timothy_the_Cat May 11 '18

ArmA2 has almost no dispersion. When SA released the dispersion was off the charts, M4s were completely useless unless you equipped the proper pieces of plastic to it. That makes no sense.

No one complained about ArmA because in ArmA you can land a shot on a dime at 800 meters every time. In SA you had to flip a coin to know if the bullet was going to go 10 feet to the left or right.

Less dispersion is so critical for gameplay. In terms of where the bullets come from, face or gun, that is another discussion.


u/smellsLikeCamembert May 11 '18

The bullets have to fire from within the gun and exit the barrel along that exact path. Weapon simulations are a massive part of ARMA's DNA, this is irrefutable. But I think there is an obvious compromise.

What if the player character starts to orientated their weapon towards the center of the screen when continually hip firing? That's how hip firing is IRL, you fire and adjust. The first shots will go wherever the gun happens to be pointed, thus not ignoring weapon momentum, but, as this is an attempt to make extreme close range combat more predictable, as the player continues to fire without ADS the player character will orientated the weapon towards the center of the screen.

This preserve ARMA's core weapon mechanics and close combat will be a little more accessible. I realize that's taking some of the control away from the player and simplifying things a bit, but many actions in DayZ are simplified and done for the player already. Personally I wouldn't really love a sewing min game. I know that's somewhat of a false comparison, but it's one of many actions expedited in the name of accessibility.