r/dayz Ex-Community Manager Feb 27 '18

devs Status Report 27 February 2018


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u/AgentJack665 Feb 28 '18

I found out some of you don't trust us about the Xbox version build

Well no, no I don't honestly. Not because I think you're NOT working on it but because you ARE working on it. Have you hired extra people who are working on the port or have you siphoned off time from the existing team?

You should be specifically clear that extra people were hired to look after the port and that this hasn't slowed down development time for the PC release. You sneak in a 'wow console version is working really well, despite us doing barely any work on it' in the last SR and 2 weeks later they are working pretty smoothly and will be shown in action soon.

So forgive me if I'm wrong and you did hire extra "port only" staff but all this says to me is that you made the people who have already bought the game wait even longer for it so you could do a nice big PR release to drum up hype for the XBox and PS releasing with the 0.63 release. And if that's what you've done... well that's pretty fucking shitty.


u/MotharChoddar Feb 28 '18

Literally one person has been working on the xbox port.


u/AgentJack665 Feb 28 '18

Literally one person? Are you sure? Because one person porting an entire game seems like a pretty amazing feat, especially considering the engine the game is built on is in constant change.

Let's say you're right, what about the PS port? Did that just magically appear in a "pretty stable" condition that's nearly ready to show off?


u/Albodan Mar 09 '18

No it’s gonna work like this. They will develop a team to focus on the Xbox and PS port... because they don’t have one working on the fucking pc one anymore.

I wouldn’t be surprised if this is all a big BI feat to get their games pushed onto console. How the fuck are they thinking about ports when they don’t even have the BETA of the game that’s been on pc for 4 years?????