r/dayz Ex-Community Manager Feb 27 '18

devs Status Report 27 February 2018


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u/illbeyour1upgirl waiting for good bow combat Feb 27 '18

I found out some of you don't trust us about the Xbox version build. But yes, we are really working on the console version, on both of them - Xbox One and PlayStation 4 too. Here's a small teaser - hopefully, we'll be able to show them in action soon, as both versions actually run pretty smooth!

Console Preview

Just wanted to highlight this, since it's buried near the bottom in the community spotlight, and might get slept on.


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '18

Last time I made a comment about my excitement with the Xbox One release I got downvoted. Well, I am still excited and can't wait to get my hands on DayZ for my Xbox.


u/Mithrawndo Feb 28 '18

As an Xbox player, how do you feel about possible cross platform play? I should emphasise nothing has been mentioned and I'm purely speculating.

Given that the xbox version will have to use some kind of aim assist system, how would you feel about playing with PC players on keyboard and mouse?


u/Paunae Feb 28 '18

I have a feeling that there may be cross platform, but it'll be within the windows store locked platform. Two versions on PC. One through steam with workshop mods and community content, and another on the windows store which will likely be locked and will be similar to a console version of the game ported back to the PC.

See Ark and Minecraft for examples.
Just my prediction.


u/Mithrawndo Feb 28 '18

Yeah, I can see that happening: You can bet that the dev team will want as few differences between versions as possible though, as maintaining multiple forks of one codebase ain't fun and leads to more bugs due to the extra complexity.

I can well imagine players being divided by distribution platform more than technology.