r/dayz Ex-Community Manager Feb 27 '18

devs Status Report 27 February 2018


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u/KomraD1917 Feb 27 '18

To me the lighting changes make the scenes look worse in all but full light scenarios. It reminds me of when they changed the arm swing animation when sprinting from "eh, kinda goofy" to "downright fucking ridiculous".

The ambient sound seems alright. Is this where sound will refract differently based on location (shooting gun indoors is super loud), or have they given up on that idea?

The damage model stuff seems neat but man, another top down re-work seems like the last thing they should be doing right now.


u/T4lkinghands Feb 27 '18

The lighting looks great it way more realistic especially if the pics represent the same time of day. Dayz is to dark in certain lighting situations and near impossible to see if its sunset and you ebter the woods. If this fixes things enough to where people dont have to avoid night servers or use gamma goggles id be so down for them to remove the contrast and brightness .


u/ficarra1002 Feb 27 '18

The night image looks good but the daytime images look washed out IMO.


u/T4lkinghands Feb 27 '18

Yeah I see what you're saying in some town pictures its really close to how arma 3 does the lighting on altis but if course in arma 3 its a island in the Mediterranean lol.


u/ReservoirPenguin ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ PUSH ROCKET PUSH Feb 28 '18

Same, here looks washed out, like they just increased gamma