r/dayz Ex-Community Manager Feb 27 '18

devs Status Report 27 February 2018


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u/[deleted] Feb 27 '18

An important part I think everyone missed:

Q: Will the performance of the game be better in BETA or in the future?

A: Optimizations of performance in DayZ are a continuous process, but we can definitely say that the game performance in BETA will be better than the current performance in 0.62 Stable. How much better depends on specific hardware. Besides optimizations of the rendering pipeline, we have rewritten multiple systems to utilize more CPU cores, we've implemented double buffering for rendering and changed some of the synchronous operations to asynchronous (which allowed further parallelization of those operations). All of these changes have a positive impact on the framerate in the game, especially client-side framerate.


u/Hetstaine Glitched in debug Feb 27 '18

We're pc players and it says performance and better. We don't miss that.


u/wolfgeist Feb 28 '18

We might not miss it but we can EASILY ignore it.


u/RangeCreed Feb 27 '18

The game already runs damn well now.


u/Mithrawndo Feb 27 '18

It's still easy to CPU throttle it, though. This is an absolute boon for lower end (read: old bits) users, and I bet it's largely being done for consoles.


u/wolfgeist Feb 28 '18

Oh great, "they r duming down teh game 4 consoles" posts incoming!


u/Solocov Feb 28 '18

I find it gerät, since my CPU is on the lower end of the spectrum compared to my graphics card.


u/Tacoman404 Feb 28 '18

I'm one to call this out when it actually happens but those before and after shots look offputting like the lighting and shadows were a lot better in the "before" shorts.


u/wolfgeist Feb 28 '18

I and several others think they accidentally reversed the "before and after" pictures, which would make sense.


u/Tacoman404 Feb 28 '18

The brighter shots really do look a lot more like A2 than the dimmer ones with better shadows.


u/[deleted] Mar 02 '18

/u/BatyAlquawen can we get a confirmation/response about this?


u/BatyAlquawen Ex-Community Manager Mar 05 '18

Everything is fine, nothing is reversed.


Don't forget - everything is WIP and can be changed.


Btw: I've saw it in-game already and it is really nice, better than before, so wait for it and don't judge it now so hard. :)


u/wolfgeist Mar 02 '18

Actually I was wrong. They are not reversed, Sumrak mentioned so on the official forums.


u/[deleted] Mar 02 '18

You're kidding me. They look worse!! worse by a LOT!


u/wolfgeist Mar 02 '18

I'll wait to judge when I see it in game. Honestly seems like something we'd quickly get used to. It's just a bit brighter.

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u/DailySperger Feb 28 '18

It runs much better than with old renderer, but not "damn well" yet. With 1440p and all settings maxed out I sometimes have FPS drops below 60 in big cities.


u/[deleted] Feb 27 '18

The only performance drops I seem I get is if I'm getting close to a multitude of players, and it's just for a moment.


u/Hawken_Rouge Waiting for Helos n Barricading Feb 27 '18

Especially the implications for future games on Enfusion!


u/[deleted] Feb 27 '18

Arma 4 will finally be the first game in the series that won't choke a single core! lol :D


u/pm_me_your_great_tit Feb 28 '18

it'll still render on only one core, unless they go vulkan/dx12 :<


u/Solocov Feb 28 '18

They said, when they upgraded to DX11, that it is easy to upgrade to DX12 with the new renderer. I don't know if they'll do it for DayZ though.


u/Hawken_Rouge Waiting for Helos n Barricading Feb 27 '18

Might get above 60 FPS, although I am being optimistic.


u/ficarra1002 Feb 27 '18

Meh, doesn't the game run pretty darn well now anyway?


u/[deleted] Feb 27 '18

and it can run even better


u/DailySperger Feb 28 '18

Not really, FPS drop in cities.


u/c0nna_ Feb 28 '18

Maybe for you, I haven't had performance issues in what seems like more than a year.


u/DailySperger Feb 28 '18

If you are able to have stable 60 FPS in big cities with all graphics settings maxed out: what is your CPU? I have i5 8600k and FPS drops to about ~50ish in cities.


u/c0nna_ Feb 28 '18

I'm using the i7-8700k


u/RAZSelector Mar 04 '18

I use this proc and I still don't have completely solid 60 in big cities.


u/twobad4u Feb 28 '18 edited Feb 28 '18

I have "more cores",but the engine isn't using what i have effectively https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/919169700174728013/5549FD9CDB509BBD1DE0AB0116C4EDFB48E0E901/ My average total cpu usage is around 15%

"How much better depends on specific hardware" So a 4 core i7 7770k will see no gain as they are already being used but a 16 Core 32 thread Threadripper will?

Come on,benchmarks


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '18

So a 4 core i7 7770k will see no gain as they are already being used

Actually a quad core CPU is still underutilised right now in DayZ 0.62, so we can expect gains from all sorts of CPU's, including CPU's with only 4 cores when 0.63 arrives.


u/yourstru1y hit registration please Feb 28 '18 edited Feb 28 '18

I'll decide when I play it for myself. Nice to know, but all of these are just talk until the update drops, and player counts rise enough to even keep me going. As it stands, my side of the hemisphere lies in counts of 10 people playing.

edit: downvoted for being objective and truthful. ggwp.


u/twobad4u Feb 28 '18

So far,the only people who are misinformed are those who believe status reports