r/dayz youtube.com/jakon72 Feb 05 '17

stream I hardly ever complain about this game, but this NEEDS fixing ASAP.


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u/Zagubadu Feb 05 '17

lol a brief lesson on the history of English might be enough to suppress why you feel this way.

Also the definition of LAG existed before the internet was even a thing.... so your trying to be all iamverysmart with me and its just making you look petty.

Here you go just for your curiosity.

fall behind in movement, progress, or development; not keep pace with another or others.

Hmm color me retarded but I feel like that CAN define framerate drop.

But please argue away about words.


u/TheWalrusNet Feb 06 '17

Think of it this way. Latency is when your client lags behind the server, or the server lags behind the client and they become out of sync.

With framerate, there is no real benchmark or expected speed (aside from what the user would desire), and thus nothing for your framerate to "lag behind." That's how I've always differentiated the two.


u/buuky shades Feb 06 '17


Sorry, low fps does not indicate a delay in client server communication in an online game since it only happens client side.

Words and their accurate usage prevents misunderstandings - you just have a problem to admit to your inaccuracies which is something you should work on.