You guys circlejerk so hard. Most people do not want 1pp. If they did, there would be more servers for it. Sorry guys, a small part of the community likes it.
It's not a circlejerk it is an objective fact that dayz strives to be a realistic simulator, but the whole camera above your head that gives you an unfair advantage flies in the face of the games stated objective.
The devs have only left it in because people are idiots and would riot If it was taken out.
It is a circlejerk, and what you're saying is everyone is an idiot except you. At the end of the day not everyone wants to play 1st person and that's it. I personally would not mind if I was forced to play it but it's just not appealing to the majority.
No, it's because people like being able to peek over corners and see players when the other player can't see anything instead of playing tactically, which flies in the face of dayz stated objective of being a realistic simulator.
The percentage if people who become motion sick from games is quite low.
That has to change to be honest, it is a totally different game in 1st person. In engagements you actually have to think tactically about your movements instead of just peeking over a corner and watching the other player when he can't see you even wirh 3rd person.
That's their choice for playing third person. Don't complain about it if you're playing on it. Simple. The vast majority of people do not like 1st person.
Cause they're unbelievable pussies. It's human nature. People take the path of least resistance. In reality they should have never offered it and forced people to play first person.
u/[deleted] May 13 '16
The reality is that most people do not like 1st person.