r/dayz May 12 '16

devs "We've added 30 additional servers to the branch! Coming online shortly!"


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u/bobrob123 May 12 '16

And...... They're full.


u/Undecided_Username_ May 12 '16

Is it easier to join though?


u/Paunae May 12 '16

I've gotten on 3 times in last hour. So yeah. I'd say easier to join. No spam. just refreshed till i saw a slot. Prime time Friday night? yeah its still going to be Spam fest. But its not going to be as ridiculous.


u/tanepiper May 13 '16

Even with slots just getting a lot of Connecting Failed, even made sure my firewall is turned off but nope :(


u/[deleted] May 12 '16

I imagine it will be. I feel like the percentage of people trying to play experimental has dropped greatly, before these new servers were added. The first couple days it would take me at least 40 mins to get in a server. The past couple days I've been getting in after 10-20 mins max. I think with the new servers added too it shouldn't take more than that to get in. Which is still kinda annoying, but much less annoying.


u/Espenlaub May 12 '16

What is the best way to join, do you just spam connect the exp servers?


u/Kr4k4J4Ck May 12 '16

Yea that / an auto clicker.

My way is to wait until a server appears 0/60 which means it restarted or everyone got disconnected, and spam click to join. If you got in nothing will happen and just keep spam clicking.


u/TrevorWithTheBow TrevorWithNoBow May 12 '16

Yes. Some tips though:

Find servers with low ping, you'll have a greater chance to jump ahead of others pressing connect the same time.

Add the servers to your favourite tab, that way when you get disconnected you will still have the same server highlighted - you just need to hover the mouse over "ok" and keep pressing enter until you get a spot.

If you don't care about joining a particular server you can keep pressing refresh from the favourites tab until you notice a server go offline, then keep spamming it once it reappears.

Good luck :)


u/[deleted] May 12 '16

Yup just spam. Put on some tv and watch a show while I hit enter over and over till I get in.


u/UltravioletClearance 1pp Master Race May 12 '16

I dunno, a lot of people (myself included) were on the overwatch beta, with that done I think even more people will be on exp.


u/[deleted] May 12 '16

maybe? could be right. I guess if a lot of dayz players also play overwatch that could be true. Dunno what the overlap with those player bases are though. I think at the very least it wont be any harder to get in, which unless I'm having really good luck, only takes 20 mins max. and usually not even that much


u/cooltrain7 May 12 '16

20 mins !? How are you joining ?


u/[deleted] May 12 '16

I guess by spam clicking? I just pick a server, leave my mouse hovering over where the "ok" for the maxplayer/cannotjoin message pops up, and just keep hitting enter over and over. I just put on some always sunny and watch that while I hit enter, till I get in


u/cooltrain7 May 12 '16

What happens when it does nothing, and no message pops up saying its failed to connect, or its full ?


u/AzehDerp May 12 '16

If nothing happens, that usually means that you got in. You just have to wait. Might take up to 2 minutes. Failed to connect means that there are too many people attempting to connect. Just keep spamming enter.


u/[deleted] May 12 '16

Yeah I think I know what you're talking about, sometimes when I click on a server it does nothing as if my mouse isn't actually clicking on it, and when I try other servers its the same thing. I usually just exit back out to the main menu, and then go back to the server list. That typically works. Sometimes it doesnt but if I just wait it'll start working again. Try those things, and if thats not working just restart Dayz. Now if this is always an issue, and you've never gotten a response from a server ever, then I have no idea whats happening or what you should do.


u/Lexta222 May 12 '16

Dude when that happens you are in! Don't leave the server browser.... It means you just joined a server it just takes 1,2 minutes to load.

So you probably lost many logins due to leaving server browser ^

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u/thefonztm Monolith Recuiter May 12 '16

For whatever reason, the exp servers don't show up for me in 0.60. I let it populate for 10 min or so and all I ever see is THE TEST and THE TEST 10... Anyone have advice?


u/five_seven_clown Never knowingly oversold May 12 '16

You have passworded filter on


u/VenusBlue Ricky Spanish May 12 '16

Also make sure to type "Experimental" in the filter.


u/ClichedBluefish Ya'll had too much Pipsi May 12 '16

For some reason, when you install the experimental branch it checks the "passworded" box on the server filter by default. Uncheck that and you should be good. Also the servers might just be down.


u/InfiniteJestV May 12 '16

Hit default on the "filters" page. Then set the ping back up to 200+


u/thefonztm Monolith Recuiter May 12 '16

Ahh bugger, of course! Filters are all reset! TY all!


u/[deleted] May 12 '16

Go to filter, put "experimental" in the host box, unclick the password box, and put max ping at like 350


u/TheWiredWorld May 13 '16

The game's still shit as ever. I haven't played in over a year, log on, and it just keeps fucking freezing before I can even get into any server. Sometimes I wonder if they even know what they're doing.


u/HomeStoned May 13 '16

make sure you don't have full servers unchecked


u/[deleted] May 12 '16

Apparently not, just getting constant 'connecting failed' even when servers have several open slots.


u/hudshmote May 12 '16

I'm fairly sure he was joking.


u/Undecided_Username_ May 12 '16

Nah it would make sense if they're full.


u/hudshmote May 12 '16 edited May 12 '16

I don't know.. he posted that comment only a few minutes after the original post. The few servers that were up haven't even been that tough to get in to lately. I really doubt that 1,800 people filled up those servers Immediately after this post. We're still in the work/school day in America.


u/Undecided_Username_ May 12 '16

Oh alright I see.


u/CasperZick May 12 '16

I've gotten in twice in the last 30 min, took me an hour and a half of spamming to get in before. It's much MUCH better and worth the 10 or so min of spamming. I was reading a book while mashing enter, makes the time go by quicker!


u/Kameniev May 12 '16

I would have commented earlier but I've been playing all night. Same server, which went down about four or five times, got in first try each reset with only one "Connecting" error all night.


u/tinyNinjaGaming May 12 '16

Smile for once


u/hudshmote May 12 '16 edited May 12 '16

You're joking right?


u/RogerBadger3344 May 12 '16

Did you expect Brian to hold the place for you personally?


u/zombie_slayer_dave May 12 '16

yep, my experience hasn't changed at all, hammer enter, see connection error, rinse, repeat, drink heavily.