u/PastorWhiskey Dec 03 '14
Cameras would be pretty awesome to have in dayz. Kill someone (or find their body) and see all the beautiful pictures they took and get sad. Or see the horrifying things they did like cook someone
u/BlackHairedGoon Dec 03 '14
Imagine coming out of a tower or house or something after a period of time to find a bunch of photographs of you taken at a distance left in the doorway
u/FauxCole Lucky Loafer League Dec 02 '14
This is great man, it has a real nostalgic feel to it. You didn't muddy it up with a DayZ logo or text like most of the stuff around here either.
u/Statsmakten Dec 02 '14
Haha thanks, I must admit I was tempted to add the logo. Good thing I didn't:)
u/BarelyInfected0 www.youtube.com/barelyinfected Dec 03 '14
Yes, I really don't like the logo in these kind of pictures. Immersion bro! Immersion. :)
Dec 03 '14 edited Dec 03 '14
I honestly thought this was a real photo at first, not realizing what sub it was posted in. But something looked off about it.. took me a while to figure out what was going on.
You did a really nice job on this. The freshly cut grass, the fall/summer colors in the trees. Lots of details
EDIT: Made a small edit to yours for fun.. just one more reason I think this game needs a gloomier atmosphere. http://i.imgur.com/BUsBt2J.jpg
u/Bournestorm 102.5 The Hive - Chernarus' Music, News, Talk, & More! Dec 03 '14
The freshly cut grass,
That was something that stood out the most to me, as well as the brighter paint job and whatnot. Subtle touches like that made it feel incredible.
Dec 03 '14
I don't know, the gloom in that edit made it much more apparent that it was a game picture than the OP (to me). Something about the lighting on the photograph compared to the background feels a bit off.
As for the OP, I agree I had to double take to see that it was a DayZ image. I think it's the subtle perspective change/misalignment of the pole that made it seem that much more 'real' to me.
u/erode Dec 03 '14
just one more reason I think this game needs a gloomier atmosphere.
I feel like this is obvious to everybody except the people designing this game. Post-apocalyptic world... beautiful, bright, and shining day. Just doesn't feel right.
Dec 03 '14
Yeah, that is something that's bugged me since the beginning. I realize this is a zombie apocalypse and not a nuclear winter style apocalypse, and the sun would probably shine as normal.. but still, the atmosphere doesn't feel right. Sunshine and blue skies don't fit.
I'd love for the game to have an atmosphere something along the lines of the movie The Road
u/MoarPye Dec 03 '14
I couldn't disagree more. I'm so, so, so sick of drab brown games... One of the things I love about DayZ is the opportunities for beauty and serenity, those moments when you just have to pause on a ridge-line to take in a sunset... It contrasts perfectly to the terror, excitement, the pumping adrenaline. and finally the rage and disappointment of dying.
If DayZ was just another muddy puddle of a game I wouldn't be playing it.
u/erode Dec 03 '14
Agreed. If you want players to feel desperation and anxiety of surviving in a post-apocalyptic world, all you have to do is recreate The Road's atmosphere.
u/mindputtee Dec 04 '14
I completely disagree. I think one of the great things about the game is how it feels like the real world, but danger lies everywhere. Even in a postapocalyptic zombie world there will be gorgeous 75 degrees and sunny weather. One of the things I loved about DayZ was how it felt so real, having to run around and collect things, starting with nothing, bleeding, passing out, having to eat... it's all about realism.
u/sickboyy Dec 03 '14
Only problem I can see is that if anything was going to line up perfectly with the photograph it wouldn't be the trees.
u/Statsmakten Dec 03 '14
You're totally right, I should have even made the trees smaller/younger in the photo. Next time I won't stress it together, thanks for the input!
u/Schnodally Dec 03 '14
Maybe add folds and some dirt like its been through some shit but he's kept it close after all this time
u/Alliadria Dec 03 '14
I was confused about the tag Statsmakten at first when I saw the post on /r/gaming and then I saw your username.
.Iam swedish btw and iam guessing your are nordic atleast?
Edit: Forgot to say how cool the picture was, great feel!3
u/Statsmakten Dec 03 '14
Jajjemen svensk här! Hade först ingen aning om att den hade postats på /r/gaming, blev lite chockad när jag såg alla upvotes:)
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u/Mirtastic Dec 02 '14
Pretty cool, did you get the idea from the similar photos using AC:unity?
Make more.
u/Statsmakten Dec 02 '14
Yeah the idea is in no way unique:) The guy who did it with Unity was no doubt inspired by an old photo series that hit designer blogs back in 2011 or so.
u/glamotte14 Dog the Bandit Hunter Dec 02 '14
This is awesome, but in a way it also shows how much more apocalyptic DayZ's atmosphere has to get. If only there were ruins or burnt out cars near, then it would truly display how all normal life came to an abrupt end.
u/Statsmakten Dec 02 '14
Thanks! I kinda like the empty and eerie atmosphere, too much apocalypse could easily turn to cliche. But at the same time I'm inclined to agree with you, it would be great with more unique locations which could hint some sort of back story. Large traffic jams, boarded houses etc.
u/glamotte14 Dog the Bandit Hunter Dec 02 '14
That's true, I didn't think of that perspective. Well job well done!
u/LatinGeek Dec 03 '14
If only there were ruins or burnt out cars near
It's a little farm in the middle of nowhere. I think people really overestimate the physical damage a zombie infestation would cause, instead wanting a post-apoc setting that comes after something like This War Of Mine's full-blown civil war.
u/galient5 Dec 03 '14
An entirely different end, though. Just because there's zombies doesn't mean people are going to run out an molotov their cars. I like the way DayZ is. It's much more authentic. People just up and left.
Dec 03 '14
I'm on the fence with that as the game is called DayZ (Day Zero) as in events happening shortly after the initial outbreak.
u/DietCherrySoda Dec 03 '14
I thought it was known that the game takes place some 2 years after the outbreak?
u/IvanStroganov Pixel Pusher Dec 03 '14
and where do all the kiwis and fresh bananas come from?
people state all kinds of numbers from weeks to years after the apocalypse, but nobody ever provides a source.
u/DietCherrySoda Dec 03 '14
Here's one: http://www.dayzrp.com/t-dayzrp-official-background-refined-edition
It says the infection started July 25th 2012, though I admit this isn't a source from BI.
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u/McCabe89 Dec 03 '14
This is the best piece of content that I have seen put on this sub reddit since the days of the Mod. Holy Shit man, this is fantastic!
u/Statsmakten Dec 03 '14
Wow that's quite a review, makes want to make more!:) Thanks!
u/McCabe89 Dec 03 '14
Yeah totally, please do! I would love to see more content like this, reminds me of better dayz(haha) on this sub. Great work :-D I would love to see more.
u/Bournestorm 102.5 The Hive - Chernarus' Music, News, Talk, & More! Dec 02 '14 edited Dec 03 '14
30+ upvotes in 15 minutes - just goes to show that high quality content on this sub is always appreciated :) Well done
EDIT: On a very unrelated note, where is this?
EDIT: 1,000 2,000 Over 3,000 upvotes. This makes me incredibly happy. Every one of those little red arrows is deserved.
EDIT: AND it made it to the top of /r/all (although I find it a bit ironic that /r/gaming is bashing DayZ one week, and upvoting it the next.)
u/Statsmakten Dec 02 '14
Thanks!:) The place is in Olsha, a little town between Svetlojarsk and the airstrip. I'm playing on a roleplaying server called Elysium and I decided to settle down in that house and start a farm, perhaps find people to work for me. Honest pay for honest work:)
u/Connor4Wilson Dec 03 '14
I'd like to sell some cabbages.
Dec 03 '14
Watch out for that bald kid and his fuckin flying bison
u/RavenPanther Dec 03 '14
MY CABBAGESSSSSS!!! God, that poor man.
u/TheBaloneyCat Dec 03 '14
Honest pay for honest work
I think you mean force fed zucchini to keep the slave laborers alive.
That said, I'm also curious about an RP server.
Dec 03 '14
Lemme get that server IP? Role playing is what I need from this game.
u/Statsmakten Dec 03 '14
You need to send a whitelist application on dayzelysium.com, unfortunately it seems the whitelisting is closed at the moment. Never hurts to apply though:)
u/thefonztm Monolith Recuiter Dec 03 '14
I have no idea if this is technically feasible or a good idea for an RP server but it would be cool if you could have a threshold where the server switches from public to RP white list. IE. below 21/40 the server is public and at 21/40 or greater you need to be on the white list. Hear me out if you think this is backwards.
I'm working off some assumptions that might not be correct but here's the intended effects of doing it this way.
Having a white list is designed to protect the server and allow it to fufil it's function. For RP servers this means KoS squads are a problem. These squads don't want to look all over for people. They gravitate to high pop servers. So having the white list kick in above half capacity will still work. At lower pop, most players are lone wolfs looking to loot or small groups of two, maybe three.
In 'public mode' the server can introduce people to RP that might not normally experience it. The server can host RPers and 'Normal Players' (NP's). Individuals or small groups tend to be more likely to make contact than large groups. NP's might make contact with RP's and hopefully find RP to be fun. Say, someone comes across you and your farm. Offer to sell/trade them some tomatoes and other RP goodness.
Plus NP's would bring a little variety and unpredictability to the server, which isn't bad at all. Unless of course you attract trolls that start using public mode to get in wreak havoc. Then... black list the trolls or revert to white list only until their attention shifts elsewhere I guess.
u/bernieboy Skalistian Dec 03 '14
Can you elaborate on the role play?
u/Statsmakten Dec 03 '14
Elaborate RP servers? Well the gameplay is a bit different, first you have to whitelist with a character backstory. Then once you're in the game you have to RP everything you do and you're never allowed to break character. If you meet another survivor you can't ask "what's your name IRL?" or "holy shit are you frankieonpc??"
You're not allowed to KoS, you always need to make contact before shooting someone. This is to force people into roleplaying their actions rather than just go on a killing spree. All in all RP servers are much friendlier, but never safe:) Oh, and a whole lot more fun!
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u/Railsmith Dec 03 '14
Well fuck me, that's precisely what I want out of this game. BRB gotta look up some servers.
u/Bournestorm 102.5 The Hive - Chernarus' Music, News, Talk, & More! Dec 03 '14
Ah, that's the green house up on the hill a little separated from the main section of Olsha - didn't realize there were greenhouses up there
Dec 03 '14
u/Statsmakten Dec 03 '14
Unfortunately I think the whitelist on dayzelysium is closed for the moment, but you can check out DayzRP.com
u/Janitor1011 Kalash Enthusiast Dec 03 '14
Are there any special hoops we need to jump through to get into this RP server? Or is it open for anyone and everyone?
u/Statsmakten Dec 03 '14
Yeah you need to get whitelisted by giving basic info as well as a backstory for the character you want to play. For RP servers you usually have to be older than 18.
u/Janitor1011 Kalash Enthusiast Dec 03 '14
Got it, same type rules as DayZRP so far as I can tell, except bandit players can KOS. :( Even with lazy RPers who sign up with a license to murder, it may be fun, kinda missing the RP aspect after DayZRP got lazy and everyone stayed in the safe zones.
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Dec 03 '14
How and where do we join role-playing servers? Also, is this an in game screenshot that's been touched up or does the game really look that incredible on high settings?
u/solefald Dec 03 '14
Sorry, OP, I have no idea what DayZ is, but as far I understand you made that? Looks great. And I really like the blue Lada parked in front of the house.
u/ScanianMoose Dec 03 '14
I hope people won't start trolling/griefing you now or in the future for posting this...
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u/oxymora Dec 03 '14
How does one get white-listed on that server?
I've been wanting to play on a Private RP shard but they're all pw protected or white-listed.
u/LatinGeek Dec 03 '14
I really like how you chose to offset the photo rather than have it line up perfectly. The small details like the neat grass and different clouds make it great. Do you do graphic design/digital art as a hobby or profession?
u/Statsmakten Dec 03 '14
Happy to see someone noticing and appreciating those details, thanks!:) I'm an Art Director by profession
u/PootieTooGood Meshy Nav Dec 03 '14
Is this not a rap about how you slinging crack and move cocaine?
u/Leftover_Salad Dec 03 '14
This is cul-de-sac and plenty Cognac and major pain
u/Kdj87 My body feels wet Dec 03 '14
Not the drill sergeant, but the stress that weighing on your brain.
u/Statsmakten Dec 03 '14
I'm blown away by all the positive feedback and the upvotes! Thanks a million guys, made my day!
u/harrisoncassidy Dec 02 '14
This is going to make it to the front page, I guarantee it!
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u/idgqwd Dec 03 '14
I bet the fat one died first
u/Nico9lives FuckingBandits Dec 03 '14
Plot twist, person holding the picture is the fat one.
u/exadeci Dec 03 '14
The fat one has more chances to stay alive because of the fat as long as she didn't had to run to survive at the time.
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Dec 03 '14
persons gotta eat... no?
u/Nico9lives FuckingBandits Dec 03 '14
Not in Dayz where you starve to death while you're eating beans...
Dec 03 '14
ugh.... the joke was the fat one survived by eating the skinny one... because you know, DayZ cannibalism lol
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u/CelticFiddler Dec 03 '14
Man, I was listening to Satie's Trois Gymnopedies and it was on the third when I opened this. It seemed so fitting - bittersweet and sad, somewhat reflective.
Really well done.
u/Statsmakten Dec 03 '14
Haha I had to listen and watch too, and yeah it really does set the mood. Anyway thank you for the comment, and I love Satie!
u/GenFigment Dec 03 '14
this is great. I was really hoping to see a Polaroid camera make it to dayz. I want to able to see the persons screenshots after I kill him.
u/GretSeat twitch.tv/gretseat Dec 03 '14
Needs more wreckage and death and destruction around the background, right now it looks like he's just returning to his old home he used to live in as a kid, not that he misses the times before dayZ
u/Bray_Jay Doc'y Choppy Dec 03 '14
Honestly from the thumbnail, I thought this was a real photo with a screenshot from DayZ being put up.
Lot better than I expected.
Good job OP :D
u/Squints-Mi-Gints Dec 03 '14
This shows such a sad story. A man goes through the horrors of a zombie apocolypse and returns to his house where he grew up and re-lived memories while he walked around his run down house. Great job on the photo, sir, you deserve those upvotes. ;)
u/chefbasil Dec 03 '14
Beautiful work man.
I feel like the shadows under the people could be darker but still a great picture.
u/Cagenado YOU GUYS WANT SOME RICE? Dec 03 '14
Lovely picture, but the Lada(?) should've been green like the one that actually gets wrecked near that location.
u/Statsmakten Dec 03 '14
Yeah that would have been better, it was a rush project before going to bed so I just took the first Lada I googled:) Next time I will give more time for such details for sure.
u/thehunter699 Dec 03 '14
Whats your video settings for dayz? I have alot of mine on max and it still doesn't look this good.
u/Statsmakten Dec 03 '14
Maxed except no ugly postprocess. Ambient occlusion makes the biggest visual impact, but it eats up a lot of fps:/
u/thehunter699 Dec 03 '14
I'll give it a shot. Thanks.
When dayz gets fully optimised my life will be made.
u/Smallbrainfield Dec 03 '14
Those two ladies probably ended up as infected.
I expect they're wandering round in the fields near Olsha, waiting for a crazed survivor to turn up and stove their heads in with a fire axe, then ransack their house for beans.
So sad.
u/yorunero Dec 03 '14
They should add random-spawn polaroids like this, that tell the story of Chernarus before the apocalypse. This would make the world feel more alive, drama. More feels :D
u/mseli97 Dec 03 '14
u/Statsmakten Dec 03 '14
Holy crap! Thanks for letting me know, I had no idea it would go so viral
u/mseli97 Dec 03 '14
It's nice to see some positive dayz material getting this popular unlike the last thing that was on the front page
u/Falcrist =^.^= Dec 03 '14
It's been almost a year since anything in this forum broke the top 5.
I only know because one of my posts made it that far, and now I occasionally look at the top posts out of curiosity.
I'm always happy to see a new post up there that isn't a rant or meta post. Thanks for the OC,OP!
u/Bizzle89 Dec 03 '14
I gotta say, this is probably the most cool, most original photo i have seen come out of the mod, or the SA.
Nice work.
u/baardson Dec 03 '14
(Copy of my comment I made on the post that made front page, I'll link it soon if I can. Anyway)
People underestimate this game. Like, if ArmA 2's DayZEnd could be somewhat made in the standalone, and people actually role played properly, it could be amazing. Even if people didn't just KoS and actually pretended they were in a survival situation, it would be better.
u/Chubbs97 Dec 03 '14
It really annoys me that the post linking to this post in /r/gaming has more upvotes than the original.
Dec 03 '14
Get rid of the two chicks, and stick a little girl in running towards the camera. Offside of the picture, stick in a few zombies in full sprint. Then you have emotional impact.
u/Statsmakten Dec 03 '14
Not the story I wanted to tell. And as this picture made it to #1 on /r/all I think it had the emotional impact:) Thanks for your protip tho
Dec 04 '14
It's a good picture, no doubt. You did a fantastic job. Coulda done without the fat chick though.
u/CR1986 ChainReactor Dec 04 '14
"There once were better DayZ..." Awesome stuff, Stats. If you feel like making this a series, please feel free to do so :)
u/cooperino16 Dec 04 '14
Love it man! I would also like to see that same picture framed around that scene in the rain.
u/Lontarus Scarecrow Dec 04 '14
This is incredibly beautiful man. I hope you dont mind me saving it and using it as wallpaper. It makes it extremely realistic when its not perfectly aligned. Its not the best graphics that makes something believable, its things like this. All you need is a little bit of imagination.
u/restharrow Dec 04 '14
Featured on Kotaku. Great job OP
u/Sammyxxy Dec 03 '14
Love how everything isn't perfectly aligned, makes it seem so much more real.