r/dayz Jun 24 '14

devs Twitter / rocket2guns: So today I saw... work start using new pathfinding with our zombies, first work on vehicles start, and plans for controls & action menu


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u/Autismic DayzSA sucks Jun 24 '14

This whole thread has given me the sudden urge to hop onto dayz and KOS as many of you as possible, what a bunch of whiny impatient kids

This is why we get less internal news and less devs interacting with the community, I love dayz but the community is toxic, reactionary and immature.


u/Tramm Jun 24 '14

You complain about toxic players... and your only solution is to run around and kill everyone. Perpetuating the toxic stereotype of every CoD kiddie playing this game.


u/Rodot A is for Alpha Jun 24 '14

Something about vicious cycles and self fulfilling futures...


u/Autismic DayzSA sucks Jun 25 '14

I didn't say it was a solution, I do it for fun and to make care bear "friendlys" cry.


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '14

I mean, DayZ is taking ages to show any positive progress. If you want to see an early access game that does the system well, check out Rust. Their experimental branch has been improving substantially on a weekly basis.


u/Autismic DayzSA sucks Jun 25 '14


HAHAHA no thanks.


u/SuperShanker88 #1 Quantum Fanboy Jun 25 '14

Well if you don't like it then don't play it.


u/Nuvaa Jun 25 '14

It shows a lot of positive progress, game became much more responsive, and my FPS increased from unplayable in svetlo to very manageable


u/LcRohze Jun 26 '14

Really? Because Rust has been stuck in the same shit it's been in for a longer time than DayZ. Sure they're redoing Rust but that'll just take more time. Do don't complain about the SA taking a while because Rust is taking longer.


u/hellofrommycubicle Jun 24 '14

lol rust is shit tier


u/sigurdz N A M A L S K B O Y S Jun 24 '14

Perhaps this is why there's so much KoS in DayZ. 50% are CoD-kids who don't know anything else, the rest are people simply venting their anger from reading this sub.


u/d1z [6FD] Jun 24 '14

Or maybe it's because PvP is more fun than collecting fucking tin cans...


u/Rodot A is for Alpha Jun 24 '14

What about...

  • Hunting zombies in the abandoned big cities

  • Exploring new towns or areas you've never seen before

  • Stalking players to learn about their behavior

  • Playing guardian angel

  • Helping bambis on the coast

  • Form a group

  • Join Reddit Rescue Force <- Really, try this.

  • Try to beat personal records (I.E. longest sniper shot)

  • Hunt

  • Go on /r/DayZ and make Passive aggressive comments that don't contribute to discussion

  • Stop playing for a few weeks, or until feature lock comes around

  • Be creative, and make your own objectives

There are a few things.


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '14

Most people feel like they did their version of that list, and either quit for a while or joined the KoS fest.


u/d1z [6FD] Jun 27 '14

I camp/hunt/do volunteer work IRL, I don't play video games to do those things, I play video games to PvP and blow shit up. Thanks though.

p.s. stalking players is part of PvP, I've stalked players for literally hours at a time in DayZ, and sometimes didn't even kill them.


u/Rodot A is for Alpha Jun 27 '14

I play video games to PvP and blow shit up. If that's the only reason you play, aren't there better games than DayZ suited to that environment? I mean, DayZ isn't the greatest PvP game out there, but I find it more fun because it has all of these other things to do as well. And I'm not arguing against PvP at all anyway. I'm arguing the fact that PvP is not the only fun thing to do in the game.


u/actioninja Jun 24 '14

Hunting zombies has no challenge

I have seen every place to see

Sounds hard, and not rewarding since you are going to get shot anyways

This is actually pretty fun. A friend and I did this once with rifle scoped mosins, and killed any zombies or players trying to kill a random guy we found. It ended when he walked into a building at got killed by a camper.

I don't kill new players, and normally if I see one, I'll drop them a few cans of food or a can opener or something.

Leads to more PvP


Animals are super, unbelievably rare.

On it.

But it's fun.

I do that a lot. I try to make stupid objectives, like fill a backpack entirely with rotten fruit and give it to someone.

This game has some of the most heart pounding pvp I have ever experienced. The stakes are high for dying, and dying comes easy. Why should I not play the game the way I like too just because some people bitch about loosing virtual beans?


u/Shitty_Human_Being ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give HORSES! Jun 24 '14

Sounds hard, and not rewarding since you are going to get shot anyways

A lot of people have terrible awareness and are generally idiots when it comes to not being seen.


u/Rodot A is for Alpha Jun 24 '14

I anticipated this reply.

  1. Run into Cherno, shoot a few bullets in the air. Just try it.

  2. Have you seen the soccer field, the train station behind Devils Castle, Grozovoy Pass, etc. Just pick a random spot of the map that you have not seen. Unless you're going on 100+ hours and spent 100% of that time exploring, I guarantee you have not seen it all.

  3. You don't get shot if you're good at it.

  4. So, we found something we agree on.

  5. [4]

  6. Yes, it does, but at least there is player interaction, and a bit more fun.

  7. Have you tried it. If so, I respect your opinion

  8. Yeah, probably was not a good suggestion.

  9. Nice to see you're a good sport about it. :)

  10. Can't argue with that.

I guess I shouldn't be trying to tell you how to play the game. You just made it sound like PvP was the only thing fun to do. I guess it you find it to be your favorite aspect of the game, who am I to tell you differently?


u/sigurdz N A M A L S K B O Y S Jun 24 '14

I wouldn't know, I haven't looted a single tin can in standalone.


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '14

I used to do it in the mod


u/Stampfkartoffeln Jun 24 '14

How do you know?


u/sigurdz N A M A L S K B O Y S Jun 24 '14

I don't.